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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

我國企業導入國際財務報導準則之個案研究 / The implement of IFRSs in Taiwan-case research

施錦川 Unknown Date (has links)
中華民國行政院金融監督管理委員會於民國98年宣布,其所管轄之興櫃以上公司及金融業,將於西元2013年全面採用國際財務報導準則(IFRSs);其餘公開發行公司也將於西元2015年跟進,而上述適用IFRSs之公開發行以上中小企業礙於人力及經費等限制,如何有效率與IFRSs接軌將為一大挑戰,本研究係藉由各項資訊蒐集、彙整、分析及整理後,並實際運用於國內一家上市企業的內部導入專案及工作方法中,其結果發現中小企業由於人力及經費等限制,以委由外部專家,尤其是公司本身之財務簽證會計師作為IFRSs諮詢顧問,將是較有效率及效果的導入方式。另外,企業需及早規劃及進行IFRSs之導入工作,透過即早辨識對企業影響巨大的議題,並將資源用在最需要的地方,將是IFRSs導入計劃要成功必須具備的條件。 / In 2009, The Financial Supervisory Commission of Executive Yuan of R.O.C. (“FSC”) announced that the companies with shares listed on the TSE or traded on the Taiwan GreTai Securities Market or Emerging Stock Market and financing industry under FSC’s jurisdiction should prepare their financial statements in accordance with International Financial Reporting Standards (“IFRSs”) from 2013. Other public companies should follow up from 2015. The medium - sized applicable companies are limited by their manpower and cost consideration, so it will be a major challenge to implement IFRSs efficiency. This study focused on making an implementation methodology of adoption of the IFRSs through researching, analysing and summarizing related information, then used the implementation methodology on a real case – a medium-sized listed company. The results showed that it will be more efficiency and effectiveness for a medium-sized company to engage outside experts to assist the company, and the auditors of the company’s financial statements will be more appropriate than other experts for the IFRSs implementation task; addition, the company needs to do early planning and progress in IFRSs implementation task and puts the major resources on the key issues through the identification of huge impact on the business in the early stage. Aforementioned results will be the necessary matters for a company to be successful in adopting IFRSs.

我國採用國際財務報導準則對台灣會計環境的影響 / Potential impacts of adopting international financial reporting standard (ifrs) on Taiwanese accounting environment

羅緒媛, Luoh, Shiuh Yuan Unknown Date (has links)
我國採用國際財務報導準則對台灣會計環境的影響 / Potential impacts of adopting International Financial Reporting Standard (IFRS) on Taiwanese Accounting Environment By Shiuh-Yuan Luoh IFRS is the latest trend in accounting world. Currently, in world top 10 capital markets, only Japan and USA are not adopting IFRS (International Financial reporting Standards) as their accounting standards. However, they have already paved the way to adopt IFRS in near future. Taiwan has been adopted US GAAP for a long time. In order to converge to international markets, Taiwan has set timeline for implementing IFRS that can attract more foreign investments. Therefore, FSC (Financial Supervisory Committee) has already set up 2013 as the first year for Taiwanese companies to comply with. Since US GAAP and IFRS have substantial difference, to adopt and implement IFRS must result in some impacts. This thesis try to understand what will be the possible impact for Taiwanese companies to adopt IFRS. By doing this, I design the questionnaire, distribute and analyze the results. The findings of this study can be summarized as follows: 1. Due to the fact of incremental benefits, people in CPA firms are quite optimistic and welcome to adopt IFRS imminently. 2. Due to incremental work load and knowledge, surveyed results from listed companies show less confident in adopting IFRS. 3. The surveyed accounting students indicate neutral results. Students are generally concerned with CPA examination and qualification encounter. However, adoption of IFRS may create competitive edge for students in job market. 4. “Timing” is still the key issue for the sample taker. In addition, company’s policies, strategies and management style should be contingently adjusted based on individual needs of implementation. 5. During the transition period, any one who takes CPA examination or practitioners has to deal with 3 sets of accounting standards simultaneously, including Taiwan GAAP, US GAAP and IFRS. 6. Current related laws and regulations in Taiwan may require adapting characteristics of IFRS, for example, Commercial Accounting Law.

採用國際財務報導準則對於金融業者資金成本之影響 / The effect of IFRS adoption on cost of capital:evidence from financial industry

陳佳琍 Unknown Date (has links)
歐盟於2006 年開始要求境內上市公司依照國際財務報導準則編製財務報 表。對於財報編制方式的改變對於公司經營層面的影響,學者看法分歧。本研究選擇英國、法國、德國、瑞士四個國家的壽險、產險與銀行業者做為研究對象,探討採用國際財務報導準則編製財務報表之後,公司資金成本有無顯著的上升或下降情形。研究結果顯示,在控制其他變數之後,公司的資金成本與採用國際財務報導準則與否,無顯著的相關性。公司本身的特性與總體經濟環境因素對於公司資金成本的影響,比是否採用國際財務報導準則更為重要。 / Beginning in 2006, compliance with the International Financial Reporting Standards(IFRS) has been required in the European Union. People have different opinion about the effects of adoption of IFRS. In this thesis, the author investigates the effect on cost of capital for financial industry after adopting IFRS. The implication of study result is: there is no evidence to proof that the cost of capital will be decreased or increased after adopting IFRS. Otherwise, the company specifics and macroeconomic environment are determinant factors in cost of capital.


林高賦 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究以台灣上市、上櫃及興櫃公司為研究對象,利用問卷發放的方式,探討我國企業公司治理特質與內部稽核對財務報導可靠性貢獻之關係,並調查我國內部稽核之現況,以及內部稽核人員與外部查核人員之互動情形。本研究之實證結果顯示:(1)「公開發行公司建立內部控制制度處理準則」於2005年修訂,規定內部稽核單位應直接隸屬於董事會之後,內部稽核人員普遍認為其地位與獨立性有明顯提升。但我國企業內部稽核規模仍偏低,以1~2人為主;(2)監察人(或審計委員會)複核內部稽核工作之範疇、內部稽核之規模、內部稽核人員與外部查核人員之互動情形等,與內部稽核對財務報導可靠性之貢獻度呈顯著正相關 ;以及(3)針對內部稽核人員與外部查核人員之互動情形(包含工作協調、溝通、外部查核使用內部稽核結果之程度),內部稽核人員的認知普遍優於外部查核人員的認知。 / This paper examines the relationship between corporate governance characteristics and internal auditors’ assessments of their contributions to financial reporting reliability. This study also investigates the current status of internal auditing in Taiwan and the interaction between internal auditors and external auditors. Our results show that (1) since the applicable laws require that the internal audit department must report directly to the board of directors, internal auditors’ independence and position in their companies have improved significantly. However, the number of internal auditors in most companies is still low; (2) the extent to which the supervisors (or audit committee members) review internal audit results, the total numbers of staff in an internal audit department, and the relationship between internal and external auditors are positively related to internal auditors’ contribution to a firm’s financial reporting reliability; and (3) in general, internal auditors’ perceptions of their interactions with external auditors is better than those of external auditors.

國際財務報導準則新擬議現金流量表增額資訊內涵之研究 / A study about the incremental information content of the statement of cash flows under IFRS draft

鄭巧明 Unknown Date (has links)
我國於2013年即全面採用IFRS編製財務報表,而在IFRS新擬議下,將出售與購固定資產現金流量改分類為營業活動現金流量項目。本研究旨在探討在IFRS新擬議下之現金流量表,其分類之是否具增額資訊內涵、變革後之財務報表是否更具攸關性?此變革後之會計、經濟上的解釋為何?   本文共分五章,架構概述如下:第壹章說明本研究之時代背景、研究動機與研究目的;第貳章介紹現金流量表之演進,以至於現今IFRS下之變革以及文獻整理;第參章建立本研究之假說與模型;第肆章利用統計方法分析第參章之研究樣本,並分析證明實證結果是否符合第參章之研究假說。第伍章則提出結論,並對後續研究者提出建議。   本研究之實證結果顯示本期稅後淨利與其現金流量項目組成項目皆具資訊內涵,而在IFRS新擬議下之現金流量組成要素亦具增額資訊內涵,代表IFRS草案中變革極具攸關性之資訊納入。 / In 2013, all of the companies in Taiwan will be forced to adopt IFRS when preparing financial statements. In IFRS draft, cash flows from selling and purchasing of property, plant, and equipment should be reclassified as cash flows from operating activities. The primary purpose of this thesis is to discuss whether the cash flows from operating activities in IFRS draft contain incremental information content and is more relevant to investors. Furthermore, this thesis tries to explain the meaning of the cash flows in IFRS draft.   This thesis is composed of five parts: The first chapter is a preface which illustrates the motive, the approaches, and the structure of the thesis. Beginning with the evolution of statement of cash flows, chapter two discusses some literatures relating to the thesis. Chapter three sketches three hypotheses and establishes models. Following chapter three, chapter four then analyses the sample using statistics methods. Finally, chapter five makes conclusions and some suggestions to future studies.   This thesis supports the hypotheses that the net income and cash flows from operating activities possess incremental information contents, as well as the cash flows from operating activities in IFRS draft, which means that IFRS draft reforms the accounting information that is more relevant to investors.


徐鳳嬌, Hsu, Feng Chiao Unknown Date (has links)
有鑑於全球經濟整合時代之來臨,資本市場全球化已是一股不可逆轉的趨勢,而資訊的及時、公正及充分公開係證券市場健全之基石。政府為協助及促進企業國際化,以利吸引外資投資國內企業,同時降低國內企業赴海外籌資之成本,進而提升企業全球競爭力,故致力於建構與國際接軌的資訊公開制度,並宣告自2013年起我國分階段採用國際會計準則(簡稱IFRS),金融業已自2013年開始採用IFRS編製財務報表。 因IFRS的主要精神架構係原則性基礎、公允價值、資產負債表法及組成要素等觀念,與國內現行適用之會計準則與實務有所差異。是以,二個準則轉換,企業原所認列資產、負債與權益若與IFRS規定認列不同者,須追溯調整,亦引發課稅議題,因此本研究為探究銀行業首次採用IFRS,依規定於轉換日追溯調整未分配盈餘,基於租稅公平原則及中立原則下之未分配盈餘課稅問題,並分別從國庫稅收及對企業稅負影響提出研究發現及建議。 本研究以銀行業於民國101年6月30日財務報告所預先揭露之民國101年初IFRS開帳日主要影響項目及數字分析,本研究結果發現: 一、銀行業首次採用IFRS於開帳日追溯調整,對未分配盈餘及淨值之影響多為調整減少,屬負面衝擊。 二、銀行業首次採用IFRS於開帳日追溯調整未分配盈餘,該等調整雖非屬依規定處理之當期損益,惟就以可分配盈餘觀點,及基於未分配盈餘課稅之立法意旨、租稅公平與租稅中立原則考量,該等調整於依法扣除主管機關及法令規定不得分配後之淨調整數,應併同計入作為未分配盈餘加計或扣除項目計算未分配盈餘課稅。 三、前述依法規定限制分配部分,於限制原因消滅轉回保留盈餘而企業不作分配時,應明確規範須併同計入未分配盈餘課稅,方屬合理。若無明確修法規範已提特別公積部分於實現轉回保留盈餘,應併計入未分配盈餘課稅之計算時,現行所得稅法第66-9條規定未將其納入加項範圍,可能導致企業開了可以永遠保留該部盈餘不分配亦不被課稅的大門。此結果將與未採用IFRS企業有不一致課稅標準,除不符合租稅公平原則,且有違租稅中性原則,也造成國家稅收的不合理損失。 關鍵詞:銀行業國際財務報導準則、首次採用國際會計準則、未分配盈餘課稅

我國實施國際財務報導準則對未分配盈餘課稅及股東可扣抵稅額比率影響之探討 / The Effect of International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) Implementation on the Surtax on Undistributed Retained Earnings and Shareholders' Imputation Credit Ratio in Taiwan

林東翹 Unknown Date (has links)
在世界各國普遍採用國際財務報導準則之潮流下,我國也順應趨勢推動導入該準則,上市、上櫃及興櫃公司暨金融監督管理委員會主管之金融業自2013年開始全面適用,非上市、上櫃及興櫃之公開發行公司、信用合作社及信用卡公司亦須自2015年全面採用。 國際財務報導準則與我國財務會計準則之會計處理及相關規範存在許多差異,企業在轉換時調整之會計原則差異依國際財務報導準則規定係認列為保留盈餘加減項目,而我國兩稅合一制度下之未分配盈餘課稅及股東可扣抵稅額比率係以財務會計處理之本期淨利及帳載累積未分配盈餘為計算基礎,故轉換時調整保留盈餘加減項是否列入未分配盈餘課稅及其對股東可扣抵稅額比率之影響,即為一重要課題。 本研究以簡單模型說明轉換為國際財務報導準則調整保留盈餘之各種狀況,探討其對未分配盈餘課稅及股東可扣抵稅額比率之影響,同時輔以上市公司之實際數字分析我國企業面臨之重大問題,最後針對所得稅法修正草案評析,並提供建議。

強制採用IFRS是否影響應計項目錯誤訂價?以在美國掛牌上市之外國企業為例 / Does mandatory IFRS adoption affect accruals mispricing? Evidence from foreign firms cross-listed in the U.S.

吳佩珊, Wu, Pei Shan Unknown Date (has links)
本研究係探討強制採用國際財務報導準則(IFRS)對在美國掛牌上市之外國企業,其應計項目異常現象之影響。實證結果顯示,在美掛牌上市且採用IFRS之外國企業,在2005年後裁決性應計項目之異常報酬顯著降低。此外,裁決性應計項目之負向報酬預測力亦顯著降低。由此可知,無論美國未來是否採用IFRS,根據本結論,其餘各國強制採用IFRS後,透過提供更高品質之財務報導及降低資訊落差,仍能為美國投資者帶來效益。 / I examine whether the mispricing of accruals among foreign firms cross-listed in the U.S. are affected by the mandatory adoption of International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS). Consistent with the impact of information environment on the accrual anomaly documented in the literature, I find significant reductions in the annual abnormal returns and in the negative return predictability of discretionary accruals among cross-listers from IFRS adopted countries after IFRS adoption. The evidence implies that irrespective of whether the U.S. adopts IFRS, the mandatory IFRS adoption elsewhere can still benefit U.S. investors by providing financial reporting with high quality and reducing their information disadvantages.

通貨膨脹下財務報導之探討暨稅務調整 / A Study of Financial Reporting and Tax Adjustments in Inflationary Economies

陳奕維 Unknown Date (has links)
會計作為企業的語言,必須忠實表達企業在期間內的經營成果、財務狀況與現金流量,而物價波動可能導致的資訊扭曲,對外會計報表的允當性面臨挑戰,對內可能導致錯誤的決策,最終將侵害股東的權益,嚴重影響企業的發展與存續。 通貨膨脹會侵蝕以本國貨幣表示的金額、納稅義務的價值及衡量稅基的影響,若沒有經過適當的調整可能會破壞整體稅務體系,不是導致虛盈實稅的現象就是為納稅義務人提供無止盡的避稅管道,嚴重影響國家財政。 近期,美國、歐洲及日本等世界經濟強權為了扭轉國內經濟頹勢,採取貨幣寬鬆政策以期增加民間消費,而高度仰賴國際貿易的台灣,也可能受到貨幣寬鬆政策的影響。本研究蒐集國內外文獻,探討通貨膨脹對財、稅的影響,主張國內應重視通貨膨脹會計的建置及課稅所得的調整。 / Accounting information must reveal companies’ result of operation, financial conditions and cash flow. Price fluctuations, however, could distort the information, challenging the faithfulness of financial statements and leading to improper decisions. Eventually, it will erode stockholders’ right and impair the development of enterprises. Inflation could erode the amounts expressed in national currency, the value of tax obligations and the measurement of tax bases. Without proper adjustment of inflation, it may destroy the tax system, such as providing countless measures for tax avoidance which result in significant impact on national finance. Recently, economic superpower, like the U.S, the EU or Japan adopt monetary quantitative easing policy to stimulate private consumption in order to reverse the depression of the domestic economy. Taiwan, an international-trade-oriented country may be involved in the spillover effects. In this study, we collect literatures and study the impact of inflation on both financial reporting and tax. Our conclusion is that we should pay more attention to construct inflation accounting and the adjustment system on taxable income.

臺灣上市公司財務報導品質之高低能否有效降低股利與投資支出間內部資金之競用現象 / The role of financial reporting quality in mitigating the constraining effect of dividend policy on investment decisions of listed companies in Taiwan

薛幃予 Unknown Date (has links)
本文研究臺灣上市公司是否存在股利與投資支出兩者間競用資金之現象,預期股利對投資金額之係數應顯著地為負,而後本研究援引Ramalingegowda, Wang, and Yu (2013)的研究方式,欲觀察模型中加入財務報導品質代理變數以後是否能夠有效地消除股利與投資支出兩者競用資金之現象,結果顯示:股利對資本支出存在競用資金之現象,加入財務報導品質代理變數能夠有效地消除前述現象;但股利對總投資支出及研究發展支出則無關聯性。 此外,以往文獻多以二階段最小平方迴歸 (2SLS)來矯正最小平方迴歸 (OLS)產生之衡量誤差問題或因內生性造成的估計偏誤,但使用2SLS進行估計時係以人為判斷方式選取工具變數 (instrumental variable),可能仍然存在衡量誤差或偏誤的問題,也可能找不到合適的工具變數可供運用。Lewbel (2012)提出一計量經濟模型以協助研究人員解決前述問題,並由Fernihough (2014)將此計量模型撰寫成R統計軟體,本文採用Fernihough (2014)撰寫之R套件進行結果之分析,並得到較適當的估計結果。

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