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2008年電視總統選舉新聞的政治偏差 / Political Bias in the Television News Coverage of 2008 Presidential Election黃怡嘉, Huang, Yi Chia Unknown Date (has links)
整體的研究結果顯示,六家電視台中,以中視及民視兩家電視台的政治偏差情形最為明顯。中視的報導較偏向國民黨的總統∕副總統候選人;而民視的報導則明顯偏向民進黨的總統∕副總統候選人。相較之下,華視及TVBS兩家電視台的報導,不論在報導數量、引用的消息來源及新聞給人的整體印象上均較為公正。此外,本研究也發現,和過去的總統選舉新聞相較,台視、中視、華視三家傳統無線台的政治偏差情形已有明顯的改善。這顯示,政府針對無線三台所有權所進行的一連串改革措施,對於三台新聞報導公正性的提昇有相當的成效。 / This research examines how television reported the campaign and candidates during the 2008 Presidential Election in Taiwan. This research is based on a content analysis and a case study. Election news stories chosen for analysis were from the evening news of six television stations. Two important news issues were chosen for the case study
Results of this research showed that the election coverage of CTV and FTV were most biased. The coverage of CTV favored KMT candidates, and the coverage of FTV favored DPP candidates. CTS and TVBS-N were far more balanced in their coverage of the election than other television stations. Besides, this research also showed that compared to the campaign coverage of 2000 and 2004 presidential election, the three terrestrial television stations, TTV, CTV and CTS, were more balanced in their coverage of 2008 presidential election. This implies that the change of ownership has contributed to the achievement of more balanced election coverage in the three terrestrial television stations.
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二00四年報紙報導總統選舉新聞的政治偏差王慧馨 Unknown Date (has links)
由各報報導公投事件則可以發現,各報除了較常使用匿名消息來源外,部分報紙也傾向做出符合自己立場的新聞標題,與事實有落差。像是2月8日報導薛瑞福的言論中,自由時報的頭條標題為「美:台灣有想改變現狀的趨勢」,但中央日報的標題卻是「美國務院:兩岸維持現狀 台灣主流民意」。截然不同的兩種標題,所反映的是兩家報紙極端對立的立場,也顯示聳動、主觀的下標方式,已成為現今新聞處理的一個趨勢。
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臺灣電視公司歷屆總統選舉新聞偏差之研究:1996-2008 / Political Bias in Taiwan Television Enterprise's Coverage of the four Presidential Elections in Taiwan: 1996-2008林裕展, Lin , Yu Chan Unknown Date (has links)
本研究主要目的是以內容分析法分析台視在報導1996 年至2008年的四屆總統大選時,選舉新聞的政黨偏差現象,並進一步剖析台視民營化前後,所有權轉變對選舉新聞政治偏差的影響。研究結果顯示,台視在民營化前的三屆(1996年、2000年、2004年)總統大選中,皆出現明顯政治偏差,且偏差方向均對執政黨較為有利。但台視民營化後,選舉新聞的政治偏差情形變得較不明顯,在2008年的總統大選中,台視的選舉新聞已遠比以往公正。為了解所有權轉變對台視選舉新聞公正性的影響,本研究以深度訪談法專訪十名台視記者,分析四屆總統選舉時的採訪歷程。受訪者皆認為,台視在民營化前,政府及執政黨明顯影響選舉新聞報導;但民營化後,政府及執政黨的影響力降低,台視選舉新聞已較為公正。 / This study examines how Taiwan Television Enterprise reported the campaign and candidates during the 1996, 2000, 2004, and 2008 Presidential Elections in Taiwan. A content analysis of evening news coverage of election news coverage of the television station indicated that there were significant quantity bias, source bias, and presentation bias in its coverage of the first three presidential election campaigns. However, the television station was more balance in its coverage of the 2008 presidential campaign. A depth interview of 10 reporters of the television station indicated that ownership structure has direct or indirect influence on election coverage of the station. The change of ownership of the station in 2007 has contributed to the achievement of more balanced election coverage in the 2008 presidential election.
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富士康墜樓事件中台灣報紙勞工新聞的框架研究 / Framing labor in news of the Foxconn jumps郭欣華, Mindy, Xin-hua Kuo Unknown Date (has links)
政治立場偏藍的報紙,如«聯合報»和«中國時報»,皆以廣大篇幅報導之;反之,政治立場偏綠的報紙,如«自由時報»,則企圖淡化該新聞;而市場導向的«蘋果日報»位於兩者中間。所有報紙的報導皆以雇主發言為大宗,勞工仍處於弱勢,至於新聞框架的使用,則無明顯政黨偏差。 / This thesis examines the frames used in the news coverage of the Foxconn suicide jumps in general and labor issue in particular, along with political affiliation as a factor in Taiwan’s dailies.
Framing analysis of 222 articles in the four major newspapers in Taiwan showed that “attribution of responsibility” and “economic consequence” were identified to be the two most used frames in coverage. These frames shifted to one another on June 1, the day when the company announced the wage increase policy. After the time divide, stories published before that mainly talked about attribution of responsibility and soon shifted to economic consequence afterwards. As for tone, coverage of workers generally stayed neutral with a subtle change from positive to negative, while stories of employers showed a shift from negative in the beginning to positive in the later stage. In terms of political affiliation, findings showed that difference could be obviously observed in the quantity of coverage, where the pro-Green Liberty Times contributed much less than the pro-Blue United Daily and China Times. While showing no obvious difference in the use of frame and by tone in the four newspapers when describing workers and employers, the pro-independence Liberty Times demonstrated apparent negative attitude toward the Chinese government and other China-related affairs in its editorials.
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