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中國城市房屋拆遷問題研究-釘子戶的個案分析 / The Research of urban houses' demolistion in China: case study on Nail-houses李奇峰, Li, Qi Feng Unknown Date (has links)
隨著經濟的快速發展,中國開始進入大規模的城市擴張和舊城改造。城市發展與建設被當作是地方官員治理績效的指標。為了推動城市改造,房屋拆遷成了不可避免的問題。地方政府以提升居民居住水準與城市化的發展等理由作為拆遷的合法性,以行政權力介入拆遷,卻沒有合理的拆遷補償機制,導致土地開發的利益歸於開發商及地方政府所有,而原居住者得不到合理足夠的補償,引發被拆遷戶的反彈。因拆遷而引發的各類信訪、上訪、起訴及重大惡性案件也呈上升趨勢。 屢屢發生於各地的房屋拆遷衝突事件,造成嚴重的社會問題。
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公共利益的看守者:從1410大禹治水聯盟檢視非營利組織政策監督 / The Watchers of Public Welfare: An Examination of Public Policy Supervision by Non-Profit Organization from the 1410 Ta-Yu Water Management Alliance李翰林, Li,Han Lin Unknown Date (has links)
在2006年1月,立法院通過了總金額合計高達1410億水患治理特別條例、石門及其集水區整治特別條例。本文以許多民間非營利組織為監督治水預算成立的1410大禹治水聯盟為研究個案,希望能瞭解立法過程裡,民間聯盟如何監督公共政策?又如何打破國會與官僚的結盟結構,實際影響政策?本文採用深度訪談、報章資料與參與觀察等方式,藉由McAdam的政治機會結構理論為分析架構,以說明治水預算裡行動者擴編預算的動機與過程。並分析在立法院審查各階段治水聯盟的因應策略、實際行動和內部運作,以及監督成效。研究發現在地方水患陰影下,又面對官僚、國會與地方政府三者鐵三角般的互利合作,主張審慎監督的治水聯盟其實無力回天。一方面因議題範圍實在太大,無法動員特定地區相關者;另一方面也是鐵三角間同盟關係非常穩固,國會遊說發揮不了作用。故只能藉少數友好立委,在朝野協商爭取加入更多資訊公開、績效評估與公民參與機制。透過這些機制,在後續八年政策執行過程中找出更多公共參與和監督的著力點。藉此也讓原先僅有地區性互動的環保運動與社區大學運動在本案上交會。此新合作方向是否會對未來環保運動帶來新的在地網絡與群眾支持,值得後續觀察與研究。 / In January 2006, the Legislative Yuan passed the Special Enactment on Flood Management in Areas Susceptible to Floods and the Special Enactment on Restoration of Shi-Men and its Catchments Area amounting to NT$141 billion. This paper makes a study of the 1410 Ta-Yu Water Management Alliance formed by a number of civil non-profit organizations for the purpose of supervising and auditing the water management budget.
The study seeks to understand how the civil alliance supervises public policies during the legislative process and how they break the alliance structure between the Legislative Yuan and bureaucracy to actually influence policies. By using McAdam’s political opportunity structure theory as its analysis structure, this paper gives an account of the motives and processes of activists in the creation of the water management budget through in-depth interviews, newspaper reports and participate observation. It also analyzes the countering strategies, activities, internal functioning and the results of the supervisory actions of the Water Management Alliance.
This research discovered that in the face of the alliance’s proposition of prudent supervision could not be upheld in the face of mutual cooperation within the iron triangle of bureaucracy, the Legislative Yuan and local government. On one hand is the alliance’s inability to mobilize related parties in specific areas due to the issues covering too wide a range and on the other hand is the solid relationship within the iron triangle alliance and negates lobbying efforts in the Legislative Yuan.
It is only by a few friendly legislators that mechanisms for the increased disclosure of information, performance evaluation and civil participation were added during negotiations between the ruling and opposition parties. Through these mechanisms it is hoped that more foothold for public involvement and supervision can be found in the following eight years of policy implementation. Also, such mechanisms would allow conservation movements and community college movements which used to be limited to territorial interactions to meet.
Whether this new direction in cooperation brings new grassroot support for future environmental movements remains worthy of follow up observation and research.
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我國廢除死刑運動之研究張耀軒 Unknown Date (has links)
研究結果發現,我國廢除死刑運動的興起,與過去曾發生過的許多冤錯案有關。民間團體經由對冤錯案的救援,得以深入瞭解我國司法以及死刑制度的的缺失,因此認為必須廢除死刑。而廢死運動雖然難以獲得一般社運最需要的金錢與人力等資源,但民間團體所具備的專業能力、政治人脈和國際間對此議題的重視,都是我國廢死運動能夠興起並持續的原因。而廢死聯盟成立之後,在他們的努力之下,目前我國絕對死刑的規定已經全部消失, 且停止執行死刑已達三年,並在可預見的未來,使我國的死刑政策繼續朝逐步廢除的方向來邁進。
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