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國民小學特殊教育評鑑指標之研究-以臺北地區為例 / The study of the indicator of special education evaluation for the primary school of Taipei王健諭 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在瞭解國民小學特教團隊組織與特教團隊運作之指標、內涵與現況,並且探討與預測其關係,進而建構及驗證其互動模式,並依研究結果提出建議。首先,進行初步文獻探討,作為本研究之研究架構的理論基礎;其次,進行專家審查與正式問卷調查,正式問卷對象為校長、輔導主任、特教組長與特教老師,共384位,總共回收195 份調查問卷,有效問卷195 份,以分析現況、驗證模式;最後,依據研究結果進行討論與結論建議。研究主要發現如下:
(一) 國民小學特教團隊組織包括「特教行政機制」、「團隊人力資源」與「特教家長參與」三個指標,得分均為高程度,其中以「特教行政機制」得分最高。
(二) 國民小學特教團隊運作包括「鑑定安置輔導」、「適性教育計畫」、「推動融合教育」三個指標,得分皆為高程度,其中以「鑑定安置輔導」得分最高。
(一) 不同背景變項在國民小學特教團隊組織的得分方面:研究發現在性別、所屬縣市、服務年資、擔任職務上有顯著差異。
(二) 不同背景變項在國民小學特教團隊運作的得分方面:研究發現在年齡、服務年資、擔任職務有顯著差異,此外,所屬縣市在推動融合教育有顯著差異。
關鍵字:特殊教育評鑑、特殊教育評鑑指標 / The main purpose of this study is to investigate the relationship, content and status about the elementary school organization of special education team and operation of special education team. This study included literature analysis and questionnaire survey to be the survey methods. The purpose of literature analysis was aimed to explore the elementary school organization of special education team and operation of special education team.
Based on arranging related theory, document, and opinion, researcher made the questionnaires of this study. The subjects of the questionnaire included the principals, tutorship director, special education leaders and special education teachers of elementary school in Taipei city and county of Taiwan.
The data of this study was analyzed 195 sampling subjects by description statistics, t-test, correlation and ANOVA, Multiple Regression and LISREL model. According to the statistics analysis of the questionnaire, we can get the following results.
A. In the aspect of the elementary school organization of special education team
a. The organization of special education team includes three indicators, which are (1)the organization of special education administration , (2)the human resources of team, (3)the parents participation of special education. Except for the three ndicators are high degree. For all, the best dimension is “the organization of special education administration”.
b. School personnel’ sexual, region, total years of servicing, and school occupation have significant influences on organization of special education team.
B. In the aspect of the elementary school operation of special education team
a. The operation of special education team includes three ndicators, which are (1)identification, placement and counsel, (2) Individualized Educational Program, (3) promote inclusive education. Except for the three idicators are high degree. For all, the best dimension is “identification, placement and counsel”.
b. School personnel’age, total years of servicing, and school occupation have significant influences on operation of special education team. But School personnel’region have significant influence on “promote inclusive education”.
C. In the aspect of the relationship between the elementary school organization of special education team and operation of special education team
a. There was positive correlation and regression existed among the elementary school organization of special education team and operation of special education team.
b. The elementary school organization of special education team did promote operation of special education team.
In the last part, according to the findings and results, the researcher proposed some suggestion for the educational officers, the administrative staff of elementary school and special education teachers, hoping to benefit the improvement and development of education of elementary school in the future.
Key word : special education evaluation ; the indicators of special education evaluation
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公立高中教師教學評鑑指標建構之研究卓子瑛 Unknown Date (has links)
為達到上述目的,本研究透過文獻探討,參考Danielson(2007)教學專業實踐架構(Professional practice-a framework for teaching)、德州(1986)教學視導系統(Texas teacher appraisal system,TTAS)、麻薩諸塞州(2005)中小學教師有效教學原則(Principles of effective teaching),形成評鑑指標初稿,再以半開放式德懷術專家問卷調查法,進行指標審查、修正與刪減。問卷回收後應用SPSS統計軟體中之敘述統計進行分析,以平均數、中位數、眾數判斷評鑑指標之重要性,以四分差判斷專家群看法之一致性。經由前後三次德懷術問卷調查統計分析之結果,獲得以下結論:
二、就「教學規劃準備」指標重要性而言,其排序為「1」者有6項,分別為「1-1-2,1-2-1,1-2-2,1-2-4,1-3-1,1-4-4」;排序為「2」者有9項,分別為「1-1-3,1-1-4,1-2-3,1-3-2, 1-3-4,1-4-2, 1-4-3,1-5-1, 1-5-2」。
三、就「班級經營管理」指標重要性而言,其排序為「1」者有7項,分別為「2-1-3,2-2-2,2-3-1,2-3-3, 2-4-2,2-4-4, 2-5-2」;排序為「2」者有7項,分別為「2-1-1,2-1-2,2-1-4, 2-2-4, 2-3-4,2-4-1,2-5-1」。
四、就「呈現有效教學」指標重要性而言,其排序為「1」者有7項,分別為「3-1-1,3-1-2,3-3-3,3-4-1,3-4-4, 3-5-1, 3-5-2」;排序為「2」者有10項,分別為「3-1-3,3-1-4,3-2-1, 3-2-2,3-2-4,3-3-1,3-3-2,3-3-4,3-4-3, 3-5-3」。
五、就「實現專業責任」指標重要性而言,其重要性等級排序為「1」者有4項,分別為「4-1-3,4-1-4,4-3-1,4-4-1」;排序為「2」者有7項,分別為「4-1-1,4-1-2,4-2-1,4-3-3,4-5-1, 4-5-3,4-5-4」。
關鍵字:教育評鑑、教學評鑑、評鑑指標 / The thesis attempts to build teaching evaluation indicators for senior high school teachers. The indicators will be the reference both for teachers who want to self- assess, and for senior-high school administration which want to evaluate performance of teachers.
The teacher evaluative indicators are derived from famous teaching evaluative indicators: “Professional practice-a framework for teaching”(Danielson, 2007), “Texas teacher appraisal system, TTAS” (1986), and “Principles of effective teaching from Massachusetts Department of Education”(2005). Later, the raw indicators are reviewed, revised, and decreased by “semi-open Delphi”.
After analysed by SPSS, here comes 7 conclusions below, according to analyse the outcomes of questionnaire survey:
1) On importance of teaching evaluation area, the sequence is: planning and preparation, the classroom environment, effective instruction, professional and responsibility.
2) On importance of planning and preparation, the most important indicators are consistent of “1-1-2,1-2-1,1-2-2,1-2-4,1-3-1,1-4-4”, the second important indicators are consistent of “1-1-3,1-1-4,1-2-3,1-3-2, 1-3-4,1-4-2, 1-4-3,1-5-1, 1-5-2”.
3) On importance of the classroom environment, the most important indicators are consistent of “2-1-3,2-2-2,2-3-1,2-3-3, 2-4-2,2-4-4, 2-5-2”, the second important indicators are consistent of “2-1-1,2-1-2,2-1-4, 2-2-4, 2-3-4,2-4-1, 2-5-1”.
4) On importance of effective instruction, the most important indicators are consistent of “3-1-1,3-1-2,3-3-3,3-4-1,3-4-4, 3-5-1, 3-5-2”, the second important indicators are consistent of “3-1-3,3-1-4,3-2-1, 3-2-2,3-2-4,3-3-1, 3-3-2,3-3-4,3-4-3, 3-5-3”.
5) On importance of professional and responsibility, the most important indicators are consistent of “4-1-3,4-1-4,4-3-1,4-4-1”, the second important indicators are consistent of “4-1-1,4-1-2,4-2-1,4-3-3,4-5-1, 4-5-3,4-5-4”.
6) On coherence of professionals, lies between.000 and.500, shows highly coherence among professionals.
7) On content of teaching evaluation indicators, the evaluative indicators for senior high school teachers include 4 areas: 1. Planning and preparation, 2. the classroom environment, 3. Effective instruction, 4. Professional and responsibility. These 4 areas are consistent of 20 standards and 57 indicators.
Keywords: education evaluation, teaching evaluation, evaluation indicators
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臺灣圖書資訊學教育指南建構之研究 / Developing Guidelines for Library and Information Science Educational Programs in Taiwan蔡佳縈, Tsai, Chia-Ying Unknown Date (has links)
本研究最後所形成之圖書資訊學教育指南草案共分為圖書資訊學定義與範圍、教育任務與目標、課程、教師團隊、學生、行政管理、教學資源與設施等7大項,27小項,40個分項指標;教育指南草案適用範圍涵蓋大學部、研究所(碩士班、博士班)、專業學程與繼續教育。研究建議包括中華圖書資訊學教育學會舉辦論壇討論草案再行公佈、舉辦圖書資訊學學門意涵與教育工作坊、專案研究圖書資訊學教育評鑑制度、推動圖書資訊學教育評鑑與指南之實施。 / In 2006, the Ministry of Education commended the higher education evaluation to Higher Education Evaluation and Accreditation Council of Taiwan. Higher education evaluation divided all universities into 47 colleges, to respond to schools’ variegation and to choose the evaluation members. Higher education evaluation center only sets related guidelines according to different colleges, but doesn’t provide related standards or guidelines to professional disciplines. In addition, library and information science schools are attached to different colleges in current evaluation, and that may cause unfair assessments and impact evaluation results.
Faced with the crises above, this thesis on guidelines for library and information science educational programs in Taiwan is to make the educational evaluation of library and information science develop better, fit the professional needs, and enhance the quality of education.
This paper refers library and information science education standards and guidelines of Britain and the United States, as well as related researches in Taiwan. We used the content analysis to develop draft of guidelines for library and information science educational programs in Taiwan, and then held four focus group interviews which were aimed at different targets of the Department of Library and Information Science: teachers, directors, students and librarians, to discuss the draft of guidelines and cohere the content and elements of guidelines.
The final form of guidelines for library and information science educational programs in Taiwan is divided into 7 parts, including the definition, goals and objectives, curriculum, faulty, students, administration, and physical resources and facilities. There are 27 indicators, and 40 sub-indicators. The guidelines offered here are primarily applied to the undergraduate, graduate(Master classes and PhD), professional programs and continuing education level. Finally, we suggested that the Association of Library and Information Science Education of Republic of China should hold discussion of the guidelines, and other related associations should hold workshops on education of library and information science as well as research in evaluation system of library and information science, and promote the educational evaluation and implementation of library and information science.
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中央對地方政府特殊教育行政績效評鑑制度之研究 / A Study of the Central Government’s Evaluation of Local Governments’ Administrative Performance in Special Education張金淑, Chang,Chin-Shu Unknown Date (has links)
五、以2008年特殊教育行政績效評鑑為基礎,依據訪問、調查及團體深度訪談結果來發展以督導、輔導、檢討、改善、資源調配與管理、相互觀摩與交流為目的之定期實地評鑑機制,並以三年為一週期,分年完成25縣市之實地評鑑,且具體轉化為實施子計畫。 / This study provides an overview and analysis regarding the central government’s evaluation of local governments’ administrative performance in special education in the U.S, England and Taiwan. By applying the Special Education Transmit Net(SETNET) to set the examining indicators, and by working out special education administrative performance questionnaires, the purpose of this study is to develop a mechanism, including a routine review and a periodical evaluation, and eventually to submit some practical suggestions to the Ministry of Education regarding special education in Taiwan.
This study was undertaken for two and half years starting from October, 2006. It was conducted through literature review, interviews, focused forum, questionnaire survey and group depth interview methods. The results and conclusions are as follows:
(1)The U.S actively promotes a sound system to evaluate local government administrative performance in special education in the areas of legislation, monitoring mechanisms, supporting The National Center for Special Education Accountability Monitoring (NCSEAM), and Measuring the Implementation of a State’s Accountability System etc. The Office for Standards in Education in England has linked inspection judgments about special education to the grade criteria of the inspection of special educational needs and investigates improvements the LEA has made since the last inspection. All the above mentioned are good paradigms for Taiwan.
(2)An overview of evaluations which Taiwan has carried out in 2002, 2004, 2006 and 2008 reveal gradual improvements. However, the aims should emphasize guidance and assistance, resources allocation and management, emulation and communication. Local special education administrators should be subsumed into evaluation committees.The evaluation items should include assignation domain, option domain, reevaluation domain and exempt domain. The evaluation procedure should also include on-site visiting.
(3)Based on the study results, Taiwan needs to establish a local performance evaluation system which looks after both routine and periodicity. The system should contain a routine review mechanism, a periodical on-site evaluation, self evaluations of local governments and special task inspection.
(4)The SETNET should be expended further to select some objective key indicators and nuclear indicators for the initial examination, then the survey results of “Local government’s administrative performance in special education questionnaire” for reviewing can be adopted to accomplish the routine review.
(5)On the basis of the evaluation in 2008 and the study results, Taiwan could develop a periodical on-site evaluation every three years as a cycle to complete the evaluation of 25 counties.
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台灣與香港幼稚園評鑑制度之比較研究 / A comparative study on kindergarten evaluation system between Taiwan and Hong Kong林秀芬, Lin, Hsiu -Fen Unknown Date (has links)
本研究係採用貝瑞德(G. Z. F. Bereday) 所提出之比較教育研究法,針對台灣與香港幼稚園評鑑制度進行比較分析,並以訪談法訪問承辦幼稚園評鑑業務之政府官員、專家學者人員,蒐集現況資料,以期達成研究目的。
本研究係採用貝瑞德(G. Z. F. Bereday) 所提出之比較教育研究法,針對台灣與香港幼稚園評鑑制度進行比較分析,並以訪談法訪問承辦幼稚園評鑑業務之政府官員、專家學者人員,蒐集現況資料,以期達成研究目的。
本研究係採用貝瑞德(G. Z. F. Bereday) 所提出之比較教育研究法,針對台灣與香港幼稚園評鑑制度進行比較分析,並以訪談法訪問承辦幼稚園評鑑業務之政府官員、專家學者人員,蒐集現況資料,以期達成研究目的。
本研究係採用貝瑞德(G. Z. F. Bereday) 所提出之比較教育研究法,針對台灣與香港幼稚園評鑑制度進行比較分析,並以訪談法訪問承辦幼稚園評鑑業務之政府官員、專家學者人員,蒐集現況資料,以期達成研究目的。
本研究係採用貝瑞德(G. Z. F. Bereday) 所提出之比較教育研究法,針對台灣與香港幼稚園評鑑制度進行比較分析,並以訪談法訪問承辦幼稚園評鑑業務之政府官員、專家學者人員,蒐集現況資料,以期達成研究目的。
(四)評鑑人員專職及其專業背景的多元化:台灣各縣市的評鑑人員都是屬於兼任的型態,當年度有評鑑工作將進行時才由承辦單位召集後成軍,香港則由督學固定來進行評 / A Comparative Study on Kindergarten Evaluation System between Taiwan and Hong Kong
This study uses the comparative education theory proposed by G. Z. F. Bereday with the aim of analyzing the kindergarten accreditation system of Taiwan and Hong Kong. Interviews were accomplished with school administrators, scholars (experts) who are responsible for the kindergarten accreditation in Taiwan and Hong Kong. Research objectives were as follows:
1. To understand the underlying factors and current situation of the Kindergarten accreditation system in Taiwan,
2. To understand the underlying factors and current situation of the Kindergarten accreditation system in Hong Kong, and
3. To undertake a comparative analysis of the two accreditation systems and note its differences and similarities.
Based on the findings, the following conclusions and recommendations are presented as such,
1. Publication of evaluation standards and procedures online – Before the evaluations are conducted, criteria and standards are announced on the Education Bureau’s website,
2. Conducting of evaluation meetings before the evaluation – Forums regarding the kindergarten evaluation are held before the evaluation period starts,
3. Self-evaluation are accomplished before the actual evaluation – both in Taiwan and Hong Kong, schools are required to conduct self-evaluations before the actual formal evaluations,
4. Evaluation reports are qualitative by nature – both in Taiwan and Hong Kong, the schools’ positive and negative feedbacks resulting from the evaluation are generally given in the qualitative form (or express in words and statements).
1. On-going evaluation works – in cities and counties in Taiwan, the kindergarten and pre-school counseling are considered to be temporarily evaluation, and some counties haven’t started to evaluate public kindergartens, and while some counties even uses a parallel system of evaluation and early childhood education counseling program. However, in Hong Kong, evaluation has been ongoing already for the past several years,
2. Perception of evaluation – In Taiwan, evaluation is mostly regarded negatively, while in Hong Kong evaluation is regarded as a positive undertaking,
3. Concept of evaluation – Taiwan has multiple standards, while Hong Kong has only one.
4. Background of evaluators and the diversified nature of their profession – Taiwan have different evaluators each evaluation, while Hong Kong assigns the same evaluators,
5. Importance of pre-evaluation counseling – this varies from regions to regions in Taiwan, while in Hong Kong this are done two weeks before the actual evaluation,
6. Duration, content and tasks related to pre-evaluation – inconsistencies in duration, content and tasks related to pre-evaluation in Taiwan, while in Hong Kong pre-evaluation tasks are standardize and the same all throughout,
7. Duration of external evaluations – sometimes half-day or at most a day in Taiwan, while in Hong Kong the formal evaluation lasts for three days,
8. Applications of evaluation results – In Taiwan, evaluation results are just filed and excellent schools are noted, while schools who failed are given counseling. In Hong Kong, excellent are given rewards and subsidy, while failing schools are given counseling.
1. Policy
a. Setting up of a special evaluation agency – to establish a formal organization with members coming from both the government and private sector, to undertake and govern kindergarten evaluation,
b. Selection and training of evaluators – trainings shall be done to further uplift the credentials and professionalism of the evaluators,
c. To develop a source of reference – gather information regarding kindergarten evaluation from other countries, hence, provide additional resources for both researchers and practitioners.
2. Practical aspects of evaluation
a. Ample evaluation time is needed during in order to fully understand the current situation of a school undergoing evaluation – minimum of one day to a maximum of three days are needed to ensure attainment of evaluation goals,
b. Flexible evaluation criteria – standards should be flexible and revise accordingly,
c. Attainment of evaluation objectives – evaluation results should reflect evaluation goals and objectives,
d. Strengthen the self-evaluation procedures – emphasis on the importance of self-evaluation should be given to help improve the formal evaluation,
e. Make public evaluation results – results should be made public in the government websites, thus provide a means of reference for the general public,
f. Follow through on institutional counseling – evaluation should be an ongoing process at the same time counseling for failing schools should be done continuously to help them improve.
3. Future research trends
a. Additional cross-country comparisons and provide future researchers and administrators additional information,
b. Application of different research methodologies – further methodologies could be apply to provide other views in the kindergarten evaluation system.
key word:Hong Kong,Taiwan,kindergarten,evaluation,education
,evaluation;comparative method in education
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