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台北縣國民中學校務評鑑現況之研究陳憲傳 Unknown Date (has links)
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公立高中教師教學評鑑指標建構之研究卓子瑛 Unknown Date (has links)
為達到上述目的,本研究透過文獻探討,參考Danielson(2007)教學專業實踐架構(Professional practice-a framework for teaching)、德州(1986)教學視導系統(Texas teacher appraisal system,TTAS)、麻薩諸塞州(2005)中小學教師有效教學原則(Principles of effective teaching),形成評鑑指標初稿,再以半開放式德懷術專家問卷調查法,進行指標審查、修正與刪減。問卷回收後應用SPSS統計軟體中之敘述統計進行分析,以平均數、中位數、眾數判斷評鑑指標之重要性,以四分差判斷專家群看法之一致性。經由前後三次德懷術問卷調查統計分析之結果,獲得以下結論:
二、就「教學規劃準備」指標重要性而言,其排序為「1」者有6項,分別為「1-1-2,1-2-1,1-2-2,1-2-4,1-3-1,1-4-4」;排序為「2」者有9項,分別為「1-1-3,1-1-4,1-2-3,1-3-2, 1-3-4,1-4-2, 1-4-3,1-5-1, 1-5-2」。
三、就「班級經營管理」指標重要性而言,其排序為「1」者有7項,分別為「2-1-3,2-2-2,2-3-1,2-3-3, 2-4-2,2-4-4, 2-5-2」;排序為「2」者有7項,分別為「2-1-1,2-1-2,2-1-4, 2-2-4, 2-3-4,2-4-1,2-5-1」。
四、就「呈現有效教學」指標重要性而言,其排序為「1」者有7項,分別為「3-1-1,3-1-2,3-3-3,3-4-1,3-4-4, 3-5-1, 3-5-2」;排序為「2」者有10項,分別為「3-1-3,3-1-4,3-2-1, 3-2-2,3-2-4,3-3-1,3-3-2,3-3-4,3-4-3, 3-5-3」。
五、就「實現專業責任」指標重要性而言,其重要性等級排序為「1」者有4項,分別為「4-1-3,4-1-4,4-3-1,4-4-1」;排序為「2」者有7項,分別為「4-1-1,4-1-2,4-2-1,4-3-3,4-5-1, 4-5-3,4-5-4」。
關鍵字:教育評鑑、教學評鑑、評鑑指標 / The thesis attempts to build teaching evaluation indicators for senior high school teachers. The indicators will be the reference both for teachers who want to self- assess, and for senior-high school administration which want to evaluate performance of teachers.
The teacher evaluative indicators are derived from famous teaching evaluative indicators: “Professional practice-a framework for teaching”(Danielson, 2007), “Texas teacher appraisal system, TTAS” (1986), and “Principles of effective teaching from Massachusetts Department of Education”(2005). Later, the raw indicators are reviewed, revised, and decreased by “semi-open Delphi”.
After analysed by SPSS, here comes 7 conclusions below, according to analyse the outcomes of questionnaire survey:
1) On importance of teaching evaluation area, the sequence is: planning and preparation, the classroom environment, effective instruction, professional and responsibility.
2) On importance of planning and preparation, the most important indicators are consistent of “1-1-2,1-2-1,1-2-2,1-2-4,1-3-1,1-4-4”, the second important indicators are consistent of “1-1-3,1-1-4,1-2-3,1-3-2, 1-3-4,1-4-2, 1-4-3,1-5-1, 1-5-2”.
3) On importance of the classroom environment, the most important indicators are consistent of “2-1-3,2-2-2,2-3-1,2-3-3, 2-4-2,2-4-4, 2-5-2”, the second important indicators are consistent of “2-1-1,2-1-2,2-1-4, 2-2-4, 2-3-4,2-4-1, 2-5-1”.
4) On importance of effective instruction, the most important indicators are consistent of “3-1-1,3-1-2,3-3-3,3-4-1,3-4-4, 3-5-1, 3-5-2”, the second important indicators are consistent of “3-1-3,3-1-4,3-2-1, 3-2-2,3-2-4,3-3-1, 3-3-2,3-3-4,3-4-3, 3-5-3”.
5) On importance of professional and responsibility, the most important indicators are consistent of “4-1-3,4-1-4,4-3-1,4-4-1”, the second important indicators are consistent of “4-1-1,4-1-2,4-2-1,4-3-3,4-5-1, 4-5-3,4-5-4”.
6) On coherence of professionals, lies between.000 and.500, shows highly coherence among professionals.
7) On content of teaching evaluation indicators, the evaluative indicators for senior high school teachers include 4 areas: 1. Planning and preparation, 2. the classroom environment, 3. Effective instruction, 4. Professional and responsibility. These 4 areas are consistent of 20 standards and 57 indicators.
Keywords: education evaluation, teaching evaluation, evaluation indicators
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台北市六十九學年度國民中學評鑑工作之分析研究林錦雲, Lin, Jin-Yun Unknown Date (has links)
第一章 緒論
第一節 研究動機
第二節 研究目的
第三節 研究範圍
第四節 研究方法
第二章 理論文獻之探討
第一節 評鑑概念之釐清
第二節 評鑑的意義和目的
第三節 評鑑的模式及其比較
第四節 評鑑的設計與執行
第五節 學校評鑑及其實施
第六節 再評鑑
第七節 評鑑結果之運用
第三章 實際評鑑概況
第一節 我國歷年學校評鑑概況
第二節 美國中等學校評鑑概況
第四章 我國六十九學年度國中評鑑工作之分析
第一節 國中評鑑的設計與實施
第二節 摘要與分析
第五章 我國國中評鑑與理論模式及美國中等學校評鑑之比較
第一節 國中評鑑與理論模式之比較
第二節 國中評鑑與美國中等學校評鑑之比較
第六章 結論與建議
第一節 結論
第二節 建議
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從績效管理觀點探討警察機關偵查犯罪績效評鑑制度——以台北市政府警察局為例薛文容 Unknown Date (has links)
一、 新舊制偵查犯罪績效評鑑制度各有其優點
二、 員警對新舊偵查犯罪績效評鑑制度瞭解度不足
三、 新偵查犯罪績效評鑑制度下,員警對於各項刑案的偵辦意願降低
四、 影響治安愈嚴重的刑案,員警偵辦意願愈高。
五、 員警對偵查犯罪績效評鑑制度的瞭解度愈高,對刑案之偵辦意願亦愈高
六、 新偵查犯罪績效評鑑制度對於弊端的改善,無太大成效
七、 對新偵查犯罪績效評鑑制度,員警多持觀望心態
八、 新偵查犯罪績效評鑑制度主觀分數比例偏高,公正性受質疑
九、 新偵查犯罪績效評鑑制度以偵破總件數作為評鑑基準,仍無法完全破除「選擇性辦案」弊病
十、 新偵查犯罪績效評鑑制度之「重點專案工作」配分太低,影響偵辦意願
十一、 新偵查犯罪績效評鑑制度未納入犯罪預防工作,有欠周詳
十二、 新偵查犯罪績效評鑑制度要求全方位績效,員警不能專才專用
十三、 「跨轄偵辦」不受制度變更影響
一. 加強對偵查犯罪績效評鑑制度之宣導工作
二. 融合新舊制偵查犯罪績效評鑑制度優點,修訂評鑑方式
三. 評鑑制度修訂時,能納入專家、學者與基層員警意見
四. 重新考量新偵查犯罪績效評鑑制度評鑑項目配分
五. 預防績效能列入評鑑制度項目
六. 訂定適當之個人績效評鑑方式,供各單位參考選用
七. 不同單位評比方式要能多元化
八. 因應社會治安,彈性機動調整刑案配分
九. 評鑑制度應公正、公平、正確
十. 績效評鑑結果應與獎懲制度相結合,以激勵員警士氣
關鍵字:績效評鑑、偵查犯罪績效評鑑制度 / Strike by global vicious competition wave, performance management has become the most important task in entrepreneurial domain. Performance review is the core of performance management. Needless to say, in order to get a validate and efficient review, the parameter of performance review index has to be carefully implemented. As for police officer, performance review was measured solely upon the accumulation of criminal cases have been solved. Under this particular decipherment, neither has fulfilled people’s expectation, nor directed officers on the optimal execution. National Police Agency, Ministry of The Interior, has launched a new performance review index since June, 2004. It’s main purposes are to prevent the pitfalls from the old index, diminish crime case selectivity, increase both case resolution rate and investigation quality, and solidify borough responsibility. It starts off from eleven police stations in Taipei and set the pioneer project for six months from the beginning of 2005. Should the project go well, it will eventually implement nationwide.
Thus, this research provides reference for further modification if needed. The research is cross examined by both quantitative (questionnaire) and qualitative (in-depth interview ) measurements. The participants are police officers who current work in Taipei city. On questionnaires part, 541 copies has been collected out of 560 , and 426 valid ones, make validation rate up to 76.07%. As for in-depth interview, there are eleven interviewees, including sheriffs and new project related officers, who acquire better knowledge about the new index project.. All the data has been processed by descriptive statistics, T-test, Pearson’s r, canonical correlation, and systematic analysis accordingly.
1. It contains strengths and weakness at both new and old performance review systems, in terms of crime case resolution rating.
2. Police officers have little comprehension on both review systems.
3. Under the new review index, police officer has lower interests handling criminal cases.
4. As imposing more severe threat on security, the police officer is relatively more devoted to investigation.
5. The more understanding on review system, the more efficient officer hand on the case.
6. There is little efficacy of improving the existing problems.
7. Most police officers are more like spectators, not participating much.
8. New review index includes more subjective scorings and invites severe challenge on justification.
9. New review index is based on sum of crime cases resolved, that doesn’t stop case selectivity.
10. The score on “Special Project” is too low in new review index which effects the degree of devotion.
11. New review index failed to include the crime prevention intervention.
12.New review system neglects the individual specialty, instead, emphasizes on overall common practice, that depresses officers expertise and makes a biased performance review.
13.“ Cross jurisdiction investigation” stays intact.
1. Propagate the performance review system.
2. Re-mix the advantages extract from both systems, and modify on the review method.
3. Combine the voice of experts, academic professionals and basic police officers for rectification.
4. Reconsider the scoring system to match the perspective items.
5. Includes prevention invention on the item list.
6. Customize the appropiate individual rating chart for varying departments.
7. Multi-function evaluation to suit various departments demand.
8. Remain scoring flexibility according to security status.
9. The essence of review system should be justice, fair and correct.
10. Intermingle the result of performance review with award/punishment system to further inspire the officers.
Key words:
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國民中小學校長評鑑系統之研究 / A study of the evaluation system for elementary and junior high school principals鄭新輝 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究之目的主要在探討國民中小學校長評鑑系統的建構及有關研究。所採用的研究方法包括:文獻分析、問卷調查與訪談法。在文獻分析方面:分別就校長評鑑系統建構的基本理念、可能的探究取向與模式、英美兩國與國內國中小校長評鑑系統的發展情形、校長評鑑系統的後設評鑑標準與可能存在的問題等加以探討。在實證研究方面:以自編調查工具,對各縣市教育行政人員、國中小校長、主任、教師、家長與教育學者,就規劃實施國中小校長評鑑系統的三階段歷程要素、後設評鑑標準與可能存在的問題等,進行問卷調查與訪談。綜合本研究的結論發現:國中小校長評鑑系統的建構有其重要性,落實校長評鑑可協助校長提升辦學效能。而校長評鑑系統建構的理論與實務已日趨完善,在規劃過程中可參考不同的探究取向與英美兩國的實務經驗,讓校長評鑑系統的規劃能更為完備。此外,「教育評鑑標準聯合委員會」所發展的「教育人員評鑑標準」,不僅可用來協助規劃設計國中小校長評鑑系統,亦可以之進行現有校長評鑑系統的後設評鑑,妥當的應用可確保校長評鑑系統符合正當性(prophey)、效益性(utility)、可行性 (feasibility)與正確性(accuracy)標準。完整的國中小校長評鑑系統可分成三個階段,各階段均有應遵循的原則。做好規劃設計階段的工作是成功的第一步;資料蒐集階段應能正確而完整的蒐集資訊並遵循評鑑倫理;評鑑結果與處理階段,亦應配合評鑑目的,務實的做好各項後續工作,並作必要的決定。而評鑑歷程中務必遵守正當程序與保密原則,妥善保管資料並規範查閱程序,以保障受評校長的權益。最後本研究依上述研究結論,分別針對教育行政機關、國中小校長及其他利害關係人,綜合提出規劃實施國中小校長評鑑系統的建議。
關鍵字:校長評鑑、評鑑系統、評鑑模式、後設評鑑、評鑑標準 / The aim of this study is mainly to investigate the construction of the principal evaluation system of elementary and junior high schools and its related issues. The research methods included document analysis, questionnaires and interviews. The analysis of documents covered the basic concepts of the construction of principal evaluation systems, possible research approaches and models, the development of school principal evaluation in Taiwan as well as in the United States and Britain, meta-evaluation standards, and potential problems. A field study was conducted to explore the factors of the three phases of the design and implementation of a principal evaluation system, the meta-evaluation standards, and potential problems. It has employed questionnaire surveys and interviews to gather information from local government education administrators, school principals, deans, teachers, parents, and education academics.
It has been found that the construction of school principal evaluation systems is more important than ever, and it could help raising school effectiveness. The construction of principal evaluation systems has been maturing in both theory and practice. Consulting different theoretical approaches and the practice of the United States and Britain makes the planning of principal evaluation systems comprehensive. Furthermore, the Personnel Evaluation Standards, developed by the Joint Committee on Standards for Education Evaluation in the United States, not only can serve as criteria for designing systems for school principal evaluation, they can be used to meta-evaluate ongoing principal evaluation systems as well. Applied appropriately, they should ensure that the standards of propriety, utility, feasibility, and accuracy are maintained in the principal evaluation system.
A comprehensive system for school principal evaluation consists of three phases and each has its own rules to follow. The first phase is to plan and design it deliberately. Information should be gathered accurately and completely in the phase while the evaluation ethics is abided by. The consequent works should be taken care of in line with the purpose of the evaluation in the third phase of the processing of evaluation results. Necessary decisions should be made accordingly. Due process and confidentiality should be observed when implementing the evaluation. There should be an appropriate set of rules governing procedures of access to evaluation reports and data to protect the rights of the principals evaluated. According to the conclusions above, this research has offered some propositions regarding the planning and implementation of school principal evaluation systems. These propositions are aimed at education administrations, school principals, and other stakeholders.
Keywords: principal evaluation, principal appraisal, evaluation system, evaluation model, meta-evaluation, evaluation standard,
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新北市國民中小學校長評鑑之後設評鑑研究 / Meta-evaluation of Elementary School and Junior High School Principal Evaluation in New Taipei City吳佳珊, Wu, Chia Shan Unknown Date (has links)
關鍵字:校長評鑑、後設評鑑、後設評鑑標準 / The purpose of this research is to realize the implement status of elementary school and junior high school principal evaluation in New Taipei City, and to explore the elementary school and junior high school principals’ opinions on this evaluation. By examining the degree of the propriety, utility, feasibility, and accuracy dimension this evaluation gets, suggestions in accordance with the result of the research are made for improvements.
The study adopted questionnaire survey, and the tool was “Questionnaire of meta-evaluation of elementary school and junior high school principal evaluation in New Taipei City”. The research subjects were elementary school and junior high school principals who participated the first stage to the third stage elementary school and junior high school principal evaluation in New Taipei City were surveyed. A total of 36 questionnaires were distributed; 31 valid returned ones were analyzed. Statistical techniques used include t-tests and one-way ANOVA. An interview research was also adopted in this study. 2 principals and 1 faculty who participated the first stage to the third stage elementary school and junior high school principal evaluation in New Taipei City were selected in order to get more information about the evaluation.
According to the findings of the research, conclusions were summarized as followings:
1.The principal evaluation of elementary school and junior high school is approved in the propriety, utility, feasibility, and accuracy dimension. The propriety dimension gets the highest scores, followed by accuracy, feasibility, and utility dimension.
2.In the propriety dimension, there is 1 significant difference in the educational background. Master of education principals have higher agreement.
3.In the utility dimension, there is 1 significant difference in the educational background. Master of education principals have higher agreement.
4.In the feasibility dimension, there is 1 significant difference in the educational background. Master of education principals have higher agreement.
5.In the accuracy dimension, there are 2 significant differences in the educational background and the number of school classes. Master of education principals have higher agreement.
6.It’s feasible to implement the principal evaluation of elementary school and junior high school in New Taipei City, but it should be strengthened in the evaluation plan reflects community expectation, evaluation finding uses, the proposal of evaluation reporting is consistent with the different schools’ characteristics. Evaluation process taking into account the qualitative and quantitative data collection.
7.The principal evaluation of elementary school and junior high school in New Taipei City can truly reflects principals’ managing performance. The most helpful thing is to assist principals who examine their merits and shortcomings.
Finally, the study provides suggestions to the administrative department and future researchers as reference resources.
Key words:principal evaluation;meta-evaluation;meta-evaluation standards
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私立大專院校評鑑結果之影響因素王亭文 Unknown Date (has links)
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英國中小學教師評鑑制度研究及其對我國之啟示 / The Study of Middle and Primary school Teacher Appraisal system and its implication for the system of teacher appraisal in Taiwan傅木龍 Unknown Date (has links)
九 、教師評鑑不是獨立的工作而是學校整體經營的一環。
十三、 建立我國教師評鑑制度時機已趨成熟。
三、對未來研究之建議:持續對先進國家教師評鑑制度進行深入探究;鼓勵學校進行教師評鑑的實驗研究;從事教師評鑑與教師專業發展、學校發展及教育品質關係的實證研究;進行教師評鑑與獎金及薪資關係的實證研究;加強現行教師成績考核制度之研究。 / By means of documents analysis, literature analysis, comparison, induction, and field work of interview, this research is aimed at investigating both the theoretic basis, the nature, and the meaning of teacher appraisal, and the development, the structure and the characteristics of British system of teacher appraisal. Furthermore, some practical suggestions are put forward for our teacher appraisal here.
1. Teacher appraisal plays an important role in the trend of the professional ization of educational enterprise.
2. Teacher appraisal possesses multifarious purposes.
3. The mode of teacher appraisal should be flexibly modified according to the purpose, the target of educational appraisal, and the educational development.
4. The system of British teacher appraisal had developed stet by step and has its particular background.
5. The process of legalization is the key factor in the institutionalization of Teacher appraisal.
6. Both the dissemination of ideas and the regional experiments and studies are the significant prerequisites of teacher appraisal.
7. Complete and detailed procedures and multifarious goals are the key elements in the success of teacher appraisal.
8. Sufficient time and resources are important for promotion of teacher appraisal.
9. Teacher appraisal is part of, rather than independent of, the whole system of school education.
10. Teacher appraisal and educational policy should be connected with each other for the most benefits.
11. It is necessary to examine and modify our system of both middle and primary school teacher appraisal.
12. British system of middle and primary school teacher appraisal can be referred to for the improvement of ours.
1. The suggestions about how to advance our current system of middle and primary school teacher appraisal.
(1) Redefine the purpose of teacher's achievement assessment.
(2) Rebuild the range of teach appraisal.
(3) Establish multifarious ways of teacher achievement assessment.
(4) Reproduce the suitable procedure of teacher's achievement assessment.
(5) Reorganize the assessment committee.
(6) Extpand the application of the consequences of teacher achievement assessment.
(7) Ameliorate the appealing system of teacher's achievement assessment.
(8) Specify clearly the de jure roles of educational organizations at every levels.
2. The suggestions about how to establish our system of teacher appraisal. Five steps are raised as follows:
(1) The stage of planning;
(2) The stage of dissemination and communiction;
(3) The stage of the formation of consensus;
(4) The stage of legalization;
(5) The stage of implementation.
3. The suggestions for the future
(1) Keep on investigating in depth the teacher appraisal systems in developed countries.
(2) Encourage the school authority to take action on the experiment and studies of teacher appraisal.
(3) Take up the empirical studies of the relationships among teacher appraisal, teachers' professional development, and educational quality.
(4) Carry out the empirical studies of the relationship among teacher appraisal, scholarship, and pay system.
(5) Strengthen the studies of the current assessment system of teachers' performance.
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桃園縣國民中學英語資優教育實施之研究陳麗玉 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究以自編之「桃園縣國民中學英語資優教育實施問卷」為調查研究工具,以桃園縣市6所設有英語資優班國民中學之教育人員為問卷調查對象,計回收有效問卷265份,所得資料以SPSS for Windows 12.0統計套裝軟體進行統計分析,之後根據問卷調查之結果,訪談桃園縣市英語資優班學校之校長、主任、組長、導師等7名,主要結論如下:
九、加強執行資優班學生之輔導工作。 / The study aimed to realize the implementation and related issues of English gifted education of junior high schools in Taoyuan area and to explore the relation between the implementation and the outcome of the gifted education evaluation in the 2006th academic year. Based on the findings from this study, some suggestions were given lastly as reference for both the school gifted education administrators and educators.
The research adopted the self-made “The questionnaire of the English gifted education implementation of the junior high schools in Taoyuan County” as the investigation measure. The educators in six junior high schools having English gifted classes are the investigation subjects of the questionnaire. 265 effective samples were received and analyzed with the SPSS statistic software (for Windows 12.0). Afterwards, the interview outline was drawn up according to the statistic analysis. Seven educators related to the English gifted class in Taoyuan City were interviewed. Finally, the statistic and interview results were analyzed and anatomized, and the conclusions were given below:
1. The implementation of the junior high school English gifted education in Taoyuan area is good.
2. The effect of the evaluation of the gifted education in Taoyuan area is good.
According to the result of the research, the suggestions for the administrators and the school were summarized as follows:
1. To pay attention to and provide assistance to the special education promotion committee (SEPC) in each school
2. To assist teachers to take in-service learning courses regarding English gifted education
3. To make good plans for relative measures of English gifted education
4. To put into practice and take effect the criterion for gifted students to enter or exit the English gifted classes
5. To enhance the counseling for English gifted students
Key Words: gifted evaluation English gifted
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高級中學學校自我評鑑指標建構之研究劉鈞銓 Unknown Date (has links)
(二)研究方法係利用概念構圖原理(concept mapping),研擬學校校務自我評鑑指標。
關鍵字:學校自我評鑑 概念構圖法 學校評鑑指標 / The school self-evaluation refers to the omni-directional evaluation and inspection coming from the school spontaneity in view of school administration, teaching, equipment and teachers. By means of the appraisal, we may comprehensively realize the school effect in order to improve flaw, overcome difficulties, display the superiority of the school management and guide the school development. The primary intention of the research is redacting the index of school self-evaluation. The research technique uses the Concept Mapping to draw up the self-evaluation index of the school and transfer the index as the questionnaire survey tool about school self- evaluation meter. It could be the important reference for school self-evaluating and school improvement in senior high school. Through the way, the participates in self-evaluation, according to the diagnostic result from the school organization situation and the demand, do themselves justice in potential under spontaneous and independent intrinsic motives, determine its superiority and solve problems and flaws to promote improvement. Besides, bring as much potency as school can into play and develop school characteristic as a kind of school evaluation under the possible opportunity in the external environment.
Keywords:School self-evaluation Concept Mapping
Indicator of School self-evaluation
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