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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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王心怡, Wang, Hsin-Yi Unknown Date (has links)
法官代表國家獨立行使職權,地位崇高、責任重大,與國家間之關係為法官特別任用關係。憲法第80條及第81條明文揭示法官獨立審判及身分保障,並透過法官之身分保障以維護審判獨立。但長久以來與法官人事相關法令散見各法,尚無專為法官而制定之法律,致使法官與一般公務人員之區別模糊不清,為此,2011年7月6日制定公布法官法,期健全法官制度,維護審判獨立,確保人民接受公正審判之權利。法官法分11章,本文係探討第5章法官評鑑,為貫徹憲法有關法官為終身職,非依法律不得停職、轉任或減俸之規定,並為維護良好司法風氣、提高司法公信力、淘汰不適任法官,司法院設「特殊性機關」之法官評鑑委員會,獨立運作掌理評鑑事務,對違反職務義務、怠於執行職務或品行未達法官倫理規範要求的法官,依評鑑結果為適當之處理。 法官評鑑制度自2012年初始施行,依法官法第33條規定,評鑑委員由法官3人、檢察官1人、律師3人、學者及社會公正人士4人,多元身分共11人組成。而評鑑請求權人係法官個案評鑑移送之前端,請求權人需善盡查證協力及資訊揭露誠實義務,且立法委員、請求機關及法官評鑑委員會應建立良性互信溝通平台,方能發揮評鑑制度最大功能。又法官執行職務適用法律之見解,如發生歧異,乃獨立審判不可避免之結果,是以,法官法第30條第3項更明文:「適用法律之見解,不得據為法官個案評鑑事由」。再者,法官法第30條第2項所定應付個案評鑑事由,則應斟酌受評鑑法官違失行為之動機、目的、手段,以及對公務秩序或侵害之法益所生之損害或影響,於合乎比例原則下,儆誡之目的與手段須相當,而為適當之處分擇定,未來更應於個案中逐漸累積具體化法官個案評鑑之認定基準。 有關法官評鑑與監察院之關係,本文除尊重憲法位階之監察院監察調查權,為減少公共資源因重複調查之耗損,且避免受評鑑人於調查程序之雙重煎熬,建議法評會與監察院間建立個案通報聯繫窗口,以便發現同一案件同時或前後受理時,得早期啟動處理競合的機制。且主張應賦予法官評鑑委員會職權行使獨立性、獨立平行調查權及訴訟實施主體權,蓋法官評鑑委員會代表人民監督法官公正行使職權,善盡法官職權義務之國民主權原理含義,並於法官懲戒事件程序中,扮演促使監察院發動彈劾權之先行程序功能,應賦予更積極法律地位,惟其分享監察院調查權與司法懲戒事件審判程序訴訟主體權,於五權憲法體制下,不無成為第六權之虞,如獨立行使職權,則需依權責相符憲政法理,應有獨立負行政責任與政治責任之機制,是以,長遠建議法官評鑑委員會以改隸監察院為當。 2016年7月立法院第9屆第1會期司法及法制委員會會議,針對法官法中法官評鑑專章修法,所提重點:1.強化法官評鑑委員會獨立性及外部監督、2.賦予法官評鑑委員會主動立案權、3.解決評鑑時效過短及4.請求評鑑人之程序參與權,本文亦已將草案內容臚列各章並加以探討,且有鑑於目前對新制法官法所定之法官評鑑相關文章多僅提出疑慮,而對法官評鑑機制具體運作情形及實證研究均付之闕如,希冀在不違反保密原則前提下,僅將任職法官評鑑委員會期間寶貴之學習與研究經驗撰擬、彙整並提出淺見,以期對法官個案評鑑制度之未來發展略盡棉薄心力。

臺中市國民小學校長辦學績效評鑑之後設評鑑研究 / A meta-evaluation study on the evaluation of elementary school principals’ managing performance in Taichung city

林例怡 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在瞭解臺中市國民小學校長辦學績效評鑑之實施現況,並探討國民小學教育人員對校長辦學績效評鑑的看法,進而檢核該評鑑符合後設評鑑標準「適當性」、「效用性」、「可行性」與「精確性」之程度,最後最後依結論提出具體建議。 本研究採問卷調查法,以「臺中市國民小學校長辦學績效評鑑之後設評鑑調查問卷」為研究工具,針對參與臺中市九十七學年度至九十九學年度第一學期「臺中市高級中等以下學校校長辦學績效評鑑實施計畫」之學校教育人員為問卷調查對象,共寄發180份問卷,回收有效問卷共159份,以t考驗與單因子變異數分析進行統計分析。此外,亦採取專家訪談法,以「臺中市國民小學校長辦學績效評鑑之後設評鑑訪談大綱」為研究工具,針對參與臺中市九十七學年度至九十九學年度第一學期「臺中市高級中等以下學校校長辦學績效評鑑實施計畫」之校長為研究對象進行訪談工作,共計3位校長,以期深入瞭解臺中市實施校長辦學績效評鑑之現況。 綜合文獻探討與研究結果之發現,歸納可得研究結論如下: 一、 臺中市校長辦學績效評鑑在各層面均獲得認同,以適當性層面表現最佳,其次依序為可行性、精確性與效用性層面。 二、 性別、年齡與職務在適當性層面具有顯著差異,男性、資深教育人員與非校長職之教育人員認同度較高。 三、 性別、年齡與職務在效用性層面具有顯著差異,男性、資深教育人員與非校長職之教育人員認同度較高。 四、 年齡與職務在可行性層面具有顯著差異,資深教育人員與主任認同度較高。 五、 性別、年齡與職務在精確性層面具有顯著差異,男性、資深教育人員與主任認同度較高。 六、 校長辦學績效評鑑之作法可行,惟在評鑑之人員可信度、報告功能性、結果運用、客觀性、資訊辯護性、追蹤輔導等方面可加以改進。 七、 校長辦學績效評鑑能真實反應校長辦學情形,最有幫助之處在於藉由檢視歷年辦學成果有助提升辦學績效。 最後,本研究針對教育行政主管機關、學校與後續研究提出具體建議。 / entary school faculties’ opinions on this evaluation. By examining the degree of the propriety, utility, feasibility, and accuracy dimension this evaluation gets, suggestions in accordance with the result of the research are made for improvements. Elementary school faculties whose schools participated in the evaluation of elementary school principals’ managing performance in Taichung City in the academic years of 2008 to 2010 were surveyed. A total of 180 questionnaires were distributed; 159 valid returned ones were analyzed. Statistical techniques used include t-tests and one-way ANOVA. An interview research was also adopted in this study. 3 principals participating in the evaluation of elementary school principals’ managing performance in Taichung City in the academic years of 2008 to 2010 were selected in order to get more information about the evaluation. According to the findings of the research, conclusions were summarized as followings: 1. The evaluation of elementary school principals’ managing performance is approved in the propriety, utility, feasibility, and accuracy dimension. The propriety dimension gets the highest scores, followed by feasibility, accuracy and utility dimension. 2. In the propriety dimension, there are significant differences in the gender, age and current position. Male, senior, and non-principal school faculties have higher agreement. 3. In the utility dimension, there are significant differences in the gender, age and current position. Male, senior, and non-principal school faculties have higher agreement. 4. In the feasibility dimension, there are significant differences in the age and current position. Senior school faculties and school directors have higher agreement. 5. In the accuracy dimension, there are significant differences in the gender, age and current position. Male, senior school faculties and school directors have higher agreement. 6. It’s feasible to implement the evaluation of elementary school principals’ managing performance, but it should be strengthened in the evaluators’ reliability, functional reporting, finding uses, objectivity, defensible information, and track and assistance. 7. The evaluation of elementary school principals’ managing performance can truly reflect principals’ managing performance. The most helpful thing is to enhance the managing performance by reviewing the school achievement every year. Finally, the study provides suggestions to the administrative department and future researchers as reference resources.


李詩慶, Lee, Shih Ching Unknown Date (has links)
合理科學的高級中學學校評鑑指標體系不僅是教育主管機關檢測學校辦學績效的需要,更是促進學校經營品質提高的指南。目前政府正在推動十二年國民基本教育政策,現有的高級中學學校評鑑指標體系尚存在不同教育主管機關之間的差異問題,因此,需要建構符合十二年國民基本教育實施後新的高級中學學校評鑑指標體系。 本研究的評鑑指標體系是在理性分析的基礎上,首先對指標體系構建的理論基礎、依據、原則進行分析,依據十二年國民基本教育子方案「高中校務評鑑實施方案」,並參考國際相關評鑑指標架構的經驗,確定本研究高級中學學校評鑑指標體系架構。據此擬訂高級中學學校評鑑指標適切性問卷初稿,蒐集焦點團體座談和專家問卷調查的改進建議,增刪、修正部分指標及其內涵說明。其次,依模糊德菲術問卷調查結果,以模糊權重值的高低評選高級中學評鑑指標,經歸一化處理確定權重從而建構本研究之評鑑指標體系,作為高級中學學校評鑑實施之參考。 本研究構建的評鑑指標體系分為「層面、指標及指標內涵說明」,第一級評鑑層面包括校長領導、行政管理、課程教學、學務輔導、環境設備、社群互動、績效表現七個層面。各層面所占權重分別為「課程教學」權重為20.04%、「學務輔導」權重為18.05%、「績效表現」權重為15.76%、「行政管理」權重為13.85%、「環境設備」權重為12.09%、「校長領導」權重為10.55%、「社群互動」權重為9.67%;第二級評鑑指標計50個,每個評鑑指標所占權重介於1.8%至2.2%之間。 / Reasonable and scientific senior high school evaluation indicator system not merely fulfills the need of education authorities to evaluate the performance of a school; it also guides a school in terms of enhancing the quality of school management. Currently the government has been implementing 12-year basic education, and there are disparities within the existing senior high school evaluation indicator systems employed by different education authorities. A new senior high school evaluation indicator system that will meet the need of 12-year basic education, therefore, needs to be set up. The evaluation indicator system of this study is based on rational analysis. In accordance with the “The Implementation Scheme of Senior High School Evaluation” of “12-Year Basic Education” and with reference to international evaluation indicators, this study, for one thing, analyzes the theoretical framework, bases, and principles of indicator system. A first draft of a questionnaire concerning the appropriateness of senior high school evaluation indicators is then drawn up. With the suggestions for revision deriving from the conferences of focus groups and experts’ survey, some indicators and their connotations have been added and revised. For the other thing, with the results of the survey using Fuzzy Delphi Method, the value of the fuzzy weight is normalized and used to select senior high school evaluation indicators. The evaluation indicator system of this study is thus established, which is intended to serve as a reference for the implementation of senior high school evaluation. The evaluation indicator system of this study comprises dimensions, indicators, and their connotations. The first-order evaluation dimension consists of seven dimensions, including principal’s leadership, administrative management, curriculum and teaching, guidance of student affairs, facilities, community interactions, and performance. The weight of each dimension is 0.11, 0.14, 0.20, 0.18, 0.10, 0.10, and 0.16 respectively. The second-order evaluation includes 50 indicators, and the weight of each indicator is between 1.8% and 2.2%.

我國青年就業促進政策成效之分析- 以「補助大專校院辦理就業學程計畫」為例 / An Analysis of The Effects of Youth Promoting Employment Policy in Taiwan -The Case Study of Assistance Management of Subsidy Plans for Universities and Colleges Promoting Employment Courses.

周佳玟, Chou, Chia Wen Unknown Date (has links)
青年為國家的棟樑,因此青年勞動力的運用成為國家發展的重要指標,亦為各國政府施政的焦點之一。但在全球化、新興國家崛起、非典型就業興起及高等教育普及的影響下,青年必須與來自國內、外的人才競爭,面對越來越嚴峻的勞動市場。各國青年的就業趨勢主要為:青年失業率高於總體失業率、勞動參與率下降。而許多青年雖然有工作,卻面臨學用落差、工作貧窮和低度就業的困境,長期求職失利的青年則可能成為怯志工作者,此皆不利一國的未來發展。為解決青年就業問題,各國政府透過薪資補貼、職業訓練及就業服務等積極性措施,解決青年就業問題。 本研究係針對當前青年失業問題,政府推出的青年就業促進政策為研究對象,旨在探討青年就業促進政策是否能確實幫助青年就業。由於我國多數青年就業促進計畫為短期性、未長期推動,僅少數計畫能長期施行,本研究以勞動部(原行政院勞工委員會)自92年起推動迄今的「補助大專校院辦理就業學程計畫」為例,並利用財團法人中華民國職業訓練研究發展中心執行98學年度「補助大專校院辦理就業學程計畫」,11,712位參訓學員所填寫之學習成果調查問卷原始檔重新歸納並進行抽樣分析,以計畫受益者角度了解計畫執行過程的優劣進一步分析執行成效,本研究得到的結論如下: 一、參與學員普遍認同職場體驗與課程內容具有關聯性,但是計畫執行前應再加強說明課程和職場體驗的內容。 二、各組別間學員的學習成果雖無顯著差異,但「第三組:服務產業類」學員對各項目評價最高,而「第二組:管理產業類」學員對各項目最低,然總體學習成果卻是「第一組:技術產業類」學員平均數最高。 三、以年齡為變數分析,不同年齡層學員的學習成果有差異,15-19歲學員的學習成果比20-24歲學員的學習成果佳。 根據上述結論,本研究針對計畫執行提出三點建議: 一、計畫執行者應於計畫執行前,讓參與者清楚瞭解計畫內容及完整訊息。 二、針對管理產業領域的課程規劃進行改善,以提升相關領域學員滿意度。 三、因15-19歲學員的學習成果比20-24歲學員的學習成果佳,因此建議從高中階段即推行類似的青年就業促進政策。

大學系所自我評鑑之後設評鑑指標建構研究-以JCSEE方案評鑑標準為基礎 / A study on the Construction of Meta-evaluation Indicators of University Departmental Self-evaluation - Based on the JCSEE Program Evaluation Standards

陳怡寧, Chen, Yi Ning Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在建構大學系所自我評鑑之後設評鑑指標-以JCSEE方案評鑑標準為基礎,並提出結論與建議,以供大學實施系所自我評鑑之參考。 研究方法上,先以文獻分析初擬出大學系所自我評鑑之後設評鑑指標,接著以專家問卷進行指標的刪修和確定,再利用模糊德菲術問卷整合專家學者對指標重要性之看法,最後以歸一化方式求得各指標的權重,完成我國大學系所自我評鑑之後設評鑑指標。根據研究之結果與分析,歸納主要結論如下: 一、本研究建構之大學系所自我評鑑之後設評鑑指標,計有五大類,三十個標準,六十項指標。 二、參考「JCSEE方案評鑑標準」建構大學系所自我評鑑之後設評鑑指標,其方法可行。 三、本研究建構之大學系所自我評鑑之後設評鑑五大類標準中,以「適切性標準」較為重要。 四、大學系所自我評鑑之後設評鑑各類別標準中,分別以「有意義的過程和結果」、「脈絡的可行性」、「回應與包容導向」、「可靠的資訊」、「評鑑檔案化」較重要。 最後,本研究根據研究結果,提出相關建議,俾供教育主管機關、大學系所以及後續研究之參考。 / The purpose of the study is to construct of meta-evaluation indicators of university departmental self-evaluation - based on the JCSEE program evaluation standards, in order to provide conclusions and suggestions for the university to implement the departmental self-evaluation. According to the research methods, first, through the analysis of literature review, it preliminarily develops the meta-evaluation indicators of university departmental self-evaluation. Second, the expert’s questionnaires modified the preliminary indicators. Third, by using the Fuzzy Delphi questionnaire about important indicators evaluated by experts are integrated. Final, normalization of fuzzy number’s total score determined the weight of each indicator, establishing the meta-evaluation indicators of university departmental self-evaluation. The main conclusions follow: 1. The meta-evaluation indicators of university departmental self-evaluation consist with five major categories, 30 standards, 60 indicators in total. 2. The method is feasible that constructing the meta-evaluation indicators of university departmental self-evaluation based on the JCSEE program evaluation standards. 3. The meta-evaluation indicators of university departmental self-evaluation consist of five major categories, the ‘propriety standards’ is the most important. 4. The meta-evaluation indicators of university departmental self-evaluation consists with 30 standards, ‘meaningful processes and products’ in utility standards, ‘contextual viability’ in feasibility standards, ‘responsive and inclusive orientation’ in propriety standards, ‘valid information’ in accuracy standards, and ‘evaluation documentation’ in evaluation accountability standards are the most important. In conclusion, the findings and results in the hope of providing suggestions for educational administrative institutions, university departments, and future studies.

中央對地方政府特殊教育行政績效評鑑制度之研究 / A Study of the Central Government’s Evaluation of Local Governments’ Administrative Performance in Special Education

張金淑, Chang,Chin-Shu Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在探討美國、英國及我國中央對地方政府特殊教育行政績效評鑑的狀況,運用特殊教育通報網篩選檢核指標,編製地方政府特殊教育行政績效調查問卷,發展平時檢測與定期實地評鑑機制,以建置平時與定期兼顧的特殊教育行政績效評鑑制度,供教育行政機關實施之參考。 採用文獻分析、訪問、焦點座談、問卷調查及團體深度訪談等五種方法。採取「特殊教育通報網運用調查問卷」、「地方政府特殊教育行政績效調查問卷」、「地方政府特殊教育行政績效實地評鑑調查問卷」及三問卷之訪問大綱為研究工具,以特殊教育行政人員、學者專家及特教教師與家長為研究對象。本研究自2006年10月至2009年5月為期兩年餘,研究發現有五: 一、美國積極推動中央對地方政府特殊教育行政績效評鑑,採取法制化、發展督導系統、委託全國特殊教育績效監督中心評鑑、評鑑委員多元化、檢測各州績效體制成效表、以及實施指標強調與一般學生比較等作法。英國教育標準署明訂特殊教育之分項視察項目、明列三層面九向度的特殊教育需求檢核標準、明列每項鑑定標準的等級標準、以及鑑定標準納入地方教育局改善的能力等作為,兩國上述作法均可供參酌。 二、評析我國2002年、2004年、2006年及2008年對地方政府特殊教育行政績效評鑑,發現評鑑制度已日漸完善。但目的宜強化輔導、資源調配與管理、相互觀摩與交流;評鑑委員宜再納入縣市特殊教育行政人員代表;評鑑項目依其性質宜分為指定領域、自選領域、複評領域及免評領域四類;辦理方式除書面評鑑外,應納入實地評鑑。 三、基於文獻分析、訪問、調查及團體深度訪談結果,我國中央對地方政府特殊教育行政績效評鑑有必要「建置平時與定期(或專案)兼顧的特殊教育行政績效評鑑制度」。此制度含括平時檢測機制、定期實地評鑑機制、地方政府自我評鑑及專案訪視機制四部分,並具體轉化為實施計畫,然本研究僅探討前兩部分。 四、以適切擴充特殊教育通報網篩選出量化客觀的關鍵與核心指標予以初檢,再以地方政府特殊教育行政績效調查結果的主觀感受進行複檢,以建構平時檢測機制,並具體轉化為實施子計畫。 五、以2008年特殊教育行政績效評鑑為基礎,依據訪問、調查及團體深度訪談結果來發展以督導、輔導、檢討、改善、資源調配與管理、相互觀摩與交流為目的之定期實地評鑑機制,並以三年為一週期,分年完成25縣市之實地評鑑,且具體轉化為實施子計畫。 / This study provides an overview and analysis regarding the central government’s evaluation of local governments’ administrative performance in special education in the U.S, England and Taiwan. By applying the Special Education Transmit Net(SETNET) to set the examining indicators, and by working out special education administrative performance questionnaires, the purpose of this study is to develop a mechanism, including a routine review and a periodical evaluation, and eventually to submit some practical suggestions to the Ministry of Education regarding special education in Taiwan. This study was undertaken for two and half years starting from October, 2006. It was conducted through literature review, interviews, focused forum, questionnaire survey and group depth interview methods. The results and conclusions are as follows: (1)The U.S actively promotes a sound system to evaluate local government administrative performance in special education in the areas of legislation, monitoring mechanisms, supporting The National Center for Special Education Accountability Monitoring (NCSEAM), and Measuring the Implementation of a State’s Accountability System etc. The Office for Standards in Education in England has linked inspection judgments about special education to the grade criteria of the inspection of special educational needs and investigates improvements the LEA has made since the last inspection. All the above mentioned are good paradigms for Taiwan. (2)An overview of evaluations which Taiwan has carried out in 2002, 2004, 2006 and 2008 reveal gradual improvements. However, the aims should emphasize guidance and assistance, resources allocation and management, emulation and communication. Local special education administrators should be subsumed into evaluation committees.The evaluation items should include assignation domain, option domain, reevaluation domain and exempt domain. The evaluation procedure should also include on-site visiting. (3)Based on the study results, Taiwan needs to establish a local performance evaluation system which looks after both routine and periodicity. The system should contain a routine review mechanism, a periodical on-site evaluation, self evaluations of local governments and special task inspection. (4)The SETNET should be expended further to select some objective key indicators and nuclear indicators for the initial examination, then the survey results of “Local government’s administrative performance in special education questionnaire” for reviewing can be adopted to accomplish the routine review. (5)On the basis of the evaluation in 2008 and the study results, Taiwan could develop a periodical on-site evaluation every three years as a cycle to complete the evaluation of 25 counties.

高級中學輔導工作評鑑指標之研究 / A study on the evaluation indicators of school guidance for senior high school

林劭仁, Lin, Shaw Ren Unknown Date (has links)
基於教育指標在評鑑工作上科學化及客觀化的特性,本研究的目的旨在透過因素分析法建立我國高級中學輔導工作評鑑指標及其權重,並以此解決語意化指標納入指標系統的困難。據此,本研究以自編之「高級中學輔導工作評鑑指標研究問卷」為工具,並以台灣省及台北市公私立高級中學之校長及輔導教師為研究對象。首先進行高級中學輔導評鑑指標之重要性及一致性分析,再以因素分析建立輔導評鑑指標及其權重,其結果如下:   (一)高級中學校長及輔導教師普遍認為「輔導教師的人格特質」是評鑑輔導工作時的最重要指標。其次為「校長對輔導工作的支持程度」、「輔導教師受專業輔導知能訓練合格程度」,可知輔導工作相關人員的素養及投入在評鑑輔導工作時所佔的重要程度。   (二)校長和輔導教師普遍認為輔導工作委員會的存在及運作不適合當作輔導評鑑的指標。顯示出現行高中輔導工作委員會的運作成效及存在受到較多的質疑和討論,面臨較多的改革呼聲。   (三)重要性較高的評鑑指標,其一致性也較高(標準差較小)。代表此些重要的評鑑指標普遍受到校長及輔導教師兩類團體的重視。而觀察較不重要的指標也發現,其不一致性,即爭議性也通常較高。   (四)在校長和輔導教師中,「輔導教師授課時數之多寡」是否適合做為輔導評鑑的指標普遍造成較大的爭議。贊成輔導教師應授課者多認為輔導教師必須多接近學生,才能瞭解學生;而反對者則認為以現有的輔導教師人力上尚嫌不足,授課會減少推行輔導工作的時間,加重輔導教師的工作壓力。   (五)經過因素分析的結果,本研究共抽取出11個輔導評鑑指標。經整理刪除貢獻量低的題項後,將11類指標評鑑指標再度進行二階因素分析,以此計算出輔導評鑑綜合指標及其權重值。   本研究即根據上述研究結果,分別對未來研究和輔導工作推展及評鑑上提出建議,以供後續研究之參考。 / The purpose of this study is to explore evaluation indicators of guidance for senior high school in Taiwan, and also to compared the principals' and the school consultants' opinions in the importance of evaluation indicators. Furthermore, the weights of evaluation indicators of guidance are computed.

國民中小學校校長評鑑指標系統建構之研究 / A Study on Construction of the Principal Evaluation Indicators system for Elementary and Junior High Schools

朱佳如 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在建構國民中小學校長評鑑指標系統,了解指標系統之權重,並提出結論與建議,以供主管教育行政機關實施校長評鑑之參考,並提供後續研究之參考。 在研究方法部分,首先,以文獻分析探討校長評鑑之理論分析,了解校長評鑑之意義、相關概念、目的與程序;探討國內校長評鑑之現況;探討國內校長評鑑之相關研究;探討校長評鑑指標系統之建構,並初擬本研究國民中小學校長評鑑指標系統。第二,以專家審查問卷調查10位專家學者對本研究初擬之指標系統之意見。第三,採模糊德菲法問卷,以18位專精於校長評鑑之專家學者以及富實務經驗之校長為研究對象,以進行本研究指標系統之篩選。第四,採層級分析法問卷,以前揭篩選之指標系統為基礎建構問卷,同樣對18位研究對象進行調查,以建構本研究指標系統之權重。 根據研究之結果與分析,歸納本研究結論如下: 一、本研究建構之國民中小學校長評鑑指標系統共三階層,計有六大領域,十二個向度,三十八項指標。 二、本研究建構之國民中小學校長評鑑指標系統之第一階層各領域相對權重,排序如下:「課程與教學領導」領域佔23.3%、「學生與教師成長」領域佔21.7%、「行政領導與管理」領域佔19.9%、「政策與校務推展」領域佔13.9%、「專業成長與素養」領域佔12.1%、「資源與公關管理」領域佔9.1%。 三、本研究建構之國民中小學校長評鑑指標系統之第二階層各向度相對權重,在「課程與教學領導」領域下,以「教學領導」向度較重要,佔65.1%;在「學生與教師成長」領域下,以「學生學習」向度較重要,佔65.3%;在「行政領導與管理」領域下,以「行政領導」向度較重要,佔66%;在「政策與校務推展」領域下,以「校務推展」向度較重要,佔70.1%;在「專業成長與素養」領域下,以「理念操守」向度較重要,佔70.6%;在「資源與公關管理」領域下,以「資源管理」向度較重要,佔54.6%。 四、本研究建構之國民中小學校長評鑑指標系統之第三階層各指標相對權重,在「教學領導」向度下,以「協助教師實施多元與適性的教學與評量」最重要,佔38.5%;在「課程管理」向度下,以「主持課程發展會議,帶領教師規劃與實施學校課程」最重要,佔41.9%;在「學生學習」向度下,以「培養品德良好、身心健康的學生」最重要,佔29.2%;「教師成長」向度下,以「鼓勵教師參與課程教學研究,促進課程教學效能與創新」最重要,佔40.9%;「行政領導」向度下,以「激勵教職員工生動機,塑造學習文化與共同領導」最重要,佔31.3%;「人力管理」向度下,以「展現知人善任能力,使教職員工適才適所」最重要,佔46.6%;「校務推展」向度下,以「依照學校背景、特性與需求,型塑共享的學校願景」最重要,佔39.5%;「政策執行」向度下,以「將重要教育政策與法令融入校務發展計畫,並落實與檢討」最重要,佔44.9%;「理念操守」向度下,以「具有良好品格操守,遵守專業倫理規範」最重要,佔36.7%;「專業成長」向度下,以「具有專業責任感與服務熱忱,以專業領導同仁」最重要,佔47.7%;「資源管理」向度下,以「妥善運用各項資源,營造優質教學環境」最重要,佔36.7%;「公共關係」向度下,以「與家長、社區維持良好關係,促進交流與資源共享」最重要,佔51.9%。 最後,本研究根據研究結果,提出相關建議,俾供教育主管機關、國民中小學校長以及後續研究之參考。 / The purpose of the study is to construct the principal evaluation indicators system for elementary and junior high schools, understand the weights of the indicators system, and provide conclusions and suggestions for education administrative institutions to implement principal evaluation and future study. As for research methods, firstly, by literature review, discussing the theory basis of the principal evaluation to understand the signification, related concepts, purposes, and procedure; discussing the domestic current status of the principal evaluation; discussing the domestic related studies of principal evaluation; discussing the construction of the principal evaluation indicators system, and preliminarily develop the principal evaluation indicators system for elementary and junior high schools. Secondly, investigating the suggestions of 10 experts by questionnaire. Thirdly, selecting the indicators system by fuzzy Delphi method questionnaire for 18 experts and principals. In the final stage, constructing the weights of the indicators system by Analytic Hierarchy Process questionnaire for the same 18 experts and principals. The main conclusions are as follow: 1. The principal evaluation indicators system for elementary and junior high schools consists with 6 areas, 12 dimensions and 38 indicators in total. 2. The weights of 6 areas are: ‘curriculum and instructional leadership’ area (23.3%), ‘student and teacher growth’ area (21.7%), ‘administrative leadership and management’ area (19.9%), ‘policy and school affair promotion’ area (13.9%), ‘professional growth and integrity’ area (12.1%), ‘resource and public relations management’ area (9.1%). 3. The weights of 12 dimensions are as follow: in ‘curriculum and instructional leadership’ area, ‘instructional leadership’ dimensionis more important( 65.1%); in ‘student and teacher growth’ area, ‘student learning’ dimension is more important( 65.3%); in ‘administrative leadership and management’ area, ‘administrative leadership’ dimension is more important( 66%); in ‘policy and school affair promotion’ area, ‘school affair promotion’ dimension is more important( 70.1%); in ‘professional growth and integrity’ area, ‘idea and moral integrity’ dimension is more important( 70.6%); in ‘resource and public relations management’ area, ‘resource management’ dimension is more important( 54.6%). 4. The weights of 38 indicators are as follow: in ‘instructional leadership’ dimension, ‘assisting teachers to implement diverse and adaptive instruction and assessment’ is most important(38.5%) ; in ‘curriculum leadership’ dimension, ‘directing curriculum development conferences, and leading teachers to plan and implement curriculum’ is most important(41.9%); in ‘student learning’ dimension, ‘training moral and healthy student’ is most important(29.2%); in ‘teacher growth’ dimension, ‘encouraging teacher to participate curriculum and instructional research, and promoting curriculum and instructional innovation and efficacy’ is most important(40.9%); in ‘administrative leadership’ dimension, ‘encouraging faculty and student motivation, and shaping learning culture and participating leadership’ is most important(31.3%); in ‘human resource management’ dimension, ‘picking the right man for the right job’ is most important(46.6%); in ‘school affair promotion’ dimension, ‘according to school background, feature and needs, establishing shared school vision’ is most important(39.5%); in ‘policy implementation’ dimension, ‘integrating important education policies into school development plans, implementing and reviewing the school development plans’ is most important(44.9%); in ‘idea and moral integrity’ dimension, ‘possessing moral integrity, and compling with profession ethics’ is most important(36.7%);in ‘professional growth’ dimension, ‘possessing professional responsibility and service enthusiasm, and leading members by profession’ is most important(47.7%); in ‘resource management’ dimension, ‘properly using resources, and shaping high quality instructional environment’ is most important(36.7%); in ‘public relations’ dimension, ‘maintaining good relation with patents and community, promoting exchange ,and sharing resources’ is most important(51.9%). In conclusion, the findings and results in hope of providing suggestions for educational administrative institutions, elementary and junior high school principals, and future study.

國民小學特殊教育評鑑指標之研究-以臺北地區為例 / The study of the indicator of special education evaluation for the primary school of Taipei

王健諭 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在瞭解國民小學特教團隊組織與特教團隊運作之指標、內涵與現況,並且探討與預測其關係,進而建構及驗證其互動模式,並依研究結果提出建議。首先,進行初步文獻探討,作為本研究之研究架構的理論基礎;其次,進行專家審查與正式問卷調查,正式問卷對象為校長、輔導主任、特教組長與特教老師,共384位,總共回收195 份調查問卷,有效問卷195 份,以分析現況、驗證模式;最後,依據研究結果進行討論與結論建議。研究主要發現如下: 一、國民小學特教團隊組織與特教團隊運作的指標、內涵及其現況 (一) 國民小學特教團隊組織包括「特教行政機制」、「團隊人力資源」與「特教家長參與」三個指標,得分均為高程度,其中以「特教行政機制」得分最高。 (二) 國民小學特教團隊運作包括「鑑定安置輔導」、「適性教育計畫」、「推動融合教育」三個指標,得分皆為高程度,其中以「鑑定安置輔導」得分最高。 二、不同背景變項在國民小學特教團隊組織與特教團隊運作之差異情形 (一) 不同背景變項在國民小學特教團隊組織的得分方面:研究發現在性別、所屬縣市、服務年資、擔任職務上有顯著差異。 (二) 不同背景變項在國民小學特教團隊運作的得分方面:研究發現在年齡、服務年資、擔任職務有顯著差異,此外,所屬縣市在推動融合教育有顯著差異。 三、國民小學特教團隊組織與特教團隊運作之相關情形 整體國民小學特教團隊組織與特教團隊運作間呈顯著高度正相關,國民小學特教團隊運作各指標中,以推動融合教育與國民小學特教團隊組織總量表之相關程度最高。 四、國民小學特教團隊組織各指標對國民小學特教團隊運作的預測情形 即國民小學特教團隊組織之特教行政機制、團隊人力資源、特教家長參與各指標對整體國民小學特教團隊運作有顯著的預測力。 五、國民小學特教團隊組織對國民小學特教團隊運作的適配情形 各項適配度指標良好,上游潛在變項「國民小學特教團隊組織」對下游潛在變項「國民小學特教團隊運作」具有顯著的影響力。 最後,本研究根據研究發現,提出相關建議,俾提供教育行政機關、國民小學行政人員與特教老師們及後續研究參考。 關鍵字:特殊教育評鑑、特殊教育評鑑指標 / The main purpose of this study is to investigate the relationship, content and status about the elementary school organization of special education team and operation of special education team. This study included literature analysis and questionnaire survey to be the survey methods. The purpose of literature analysis was aimed to explore the elementary school organization of special education team and operation of special education team. Based on arranging related theory, document, and opinion, researcher made the questionnaires of this study. The subjects of the questionnaire included the principals, tutorship director, special education leaders and special education teachers of elementary school in Taipei city and county of Taiwan. The data of this study was analyzed 195 sampling subjects by description statistics, t-test, correlation and ANOVA, Multiple Regression and LISREL model. According to the statistics analysis of the questionnaire, we can get the following results. A. In the aspect of the elementary school organization of special education team a. The organization of special education team includes three indicators, which are (1)the organization of special education administration , (2)the human resources of team, (3)the parents participation of special education. Except for the three ndicators are high degree. For all, the best dimension is “the organization of special education administration”. b. School personnel’ sexual, region, total years of servicing, and school occupation have significant influences on organization of special education team. B. In the aspect of the elementary school operation of special education team a. The operation of special education team includes three ndicators, which are (1)identification, placement and counsel, (2) Individualized Educational Program, (3) promote inclusive education. Except for the three idicators are high degree. For all, the best dimension is “identification, placement and counsel”. b. School personnel’age, total years of servicing, and school occupation have significant influences on operation of special education team. But School personnel’region have significant influence on “promote inclusive education”. C. In the aspect of the relationship between the elementary school organization of special education team and operation of special education team a. There was positive correlation and regression existed among the elementary school organization of special education team and operation of special education team. b. The elementary school organization of special education team did promote operation of special education team. In the last part, according to the findings and results, the researcher proposed some suggestion for the educational officers, the administrative staff of elementary school and special education teachers, hoping to benefit the improvement and development of education of elementary school in the future. Key word : special education evaluation ; the indicators of special education evaluation

評鑑機制與陞遷發展之研究:以「專員級人事人員進階職能培訓專班」為例 / The study of assessment and promotion:Practices and Results in the Advanced Capacity Training Workshop for Personnel Staffs as Senior Officers

趙宗悅, Chao, Tsung Yueh Unknown Date (has links)
近年來,政府積極推動退休年金制度改革、組織改造、員額精簡及考績法修正案,隨之而來便是一波波退休潮;中階主管的大量退離,接踵而來的便是人才接軌的問題。行政院人事行政總處意識到人才落差及人員異動頻繁對機關產生的負面影響,並希望專員級人事人員於陞任主管前即具備擔任主管人員所需之核心職能,爰自2012年起針對人事人員開辦專員級人事人員進階職能培訓專班,基於人事體系具有「人事一條鞭」任免權較易統籌辦理的特性,因此,有較大的機會得落實將評鑑機制與陞遷發展作適度結合。 專員級人事人員進階職能培訓專班之評鑑結果如同考績及獎懲等人事資料記錄著當事人之工作表現及能力,同時對於後續之陞遷發展,亦將產生一定程度之影響,就人事人員來說,參與評鑑無疑是一項充滿壓力之挑戰。該專班自2012年開辦迄今,已邁入第5年,行政院人事行政總處於辦理期間對於專員人事班參訓人員之薦送遴選方式及評鑑內容均逐年進行滾動式修正,惟似乎仍有調整之空間。本研究主要是希望回歸到源頭,期透過訪談方式,瞭解學員對制度之看法,再就訪談資料進行分析研究,進而提供政策調整之參考。

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