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卓秀冬, Zuo, Xiu-Dong Unknown Date (has links)
本研究的主要目的在探討台灣省高級職業學校教務行政續效與教學效能之關係,及學校行政人員、學校資源對教務行政續效之影響,並且嘗試建立教務行政續效及教學效能評鑑之指標。本研究以台灣省教育廳統計所編有關高級職業學校的統計資料為主。 並且自編高級業學校教務行政暨教學效能調查表。調查全省八十個公立高級職業學校的教務行政既教學效能有關資料,共得有效樣本七十五個。在研究方法上,以多元迴歸預測高級職業學校行行人員人口變項、學校資源、教務續效指標對教學效能之影響。以單因子多變量分析(One-Way MANOVA)探討高級職業學校不同的教務續效、學校行政人員人口變項、學校資源對教務續效的影響。以因素分析(Factor Analysis) 抽取各變項之共同因素,並且以共變數結構分析(LISREL)探討其因果關係。以 群分析(Cl u ster Analysis)探討各學校教務行政續效、教學效能是否有差異? 玆將主要研究結果臚列於下: (一)學校行政人員的學歷、召開教學研究會的次數、辦理教師進修的次數、教學圖書冊數、依教師專長排課面分比對教師教學知能競賽獲獎有顯著的影響。 (二)學校行政人員的學歷、教務經費、教師總人數、召開教學研究會資料、辦理教師在職進修資料、教務行政電腦化百分比、教學圖畫冊數、依教師專長排課面分比對百位教師研提報告篇數具有顯著影響。 (三)學校行政人員的學歷、教務經費、教師總人數、召開教學研究會資料、辦理教師在職進修次數、教務行政電腦化百分比、教學圖劃冊數、依教專長排課面分比、教師教學知能競賽獲獎數、面位教師研提報告篇數百分率對學生升學率具有顯著的影響。 (四)學校行政人員的學歷、教務經費、召教學研究會次數、辦理教師在職進修資數、教學圖書冊數依教師專長排課百分比、教師教學知能競賽獲獎數、百位數師研提報告編數對學生操行成續達八十分的通過率具有顯著的影響。 (五)教務行政電腦化百分比、依數師專長排課面分比、百位教師研提報告篇數、學校行政人員的學歷對學生技能檢定的通過率具有顯著的影響。 (六)校長學校行政知能、學校行政人員行政知能、學校資源、教務行政續效、教學效能間之因果關係在本研究中并未獲得完全證實,但教務行政續效及學校產能之各評鑑指標都達極顯著水準。 (七)有關高級職業學校教學效能之研究,全部七十五個學校將學生表現投入群集分析共可分成優秀學校(十二個)、良好學校(二十一個)普通學校(二十個),欠佳學校 (二十二個)。將教師教學知能投入群彙分析共可分成優秀學校 (四個)、良好學校 (十二個)、普通學校 (五十八個)。 最後根據研究結果,本研究提出強化教務行政續效、教學效能之具體建議,並對未來之研究方向提出建議。


鄭惠秋, Zheng, Hui-Qiu Unknown Date (has links)
本文研究之目的乃在嘗試以美國會計師公會棌行之同業評鑑計劃為藍圖, 配合我國會 計師專業發展之現況, 提出公平、合理會計師稅務簽證評鑑制度建制之方向, 冀能喚 起財稅機關對我國現行評鑑辦法改進之注意及參考, 以利稅務簽證制度之推行。 本論文共分六章, 茲簡述於后: 第一章 緒論 第二章 說明我國會計師稅務簽證評鑑之產生背景 第三章 介紹我國會計師稅務簽證評鑑之辦法, 同時指出現行辦法下, 各項亟待商榷 之問題 第四章 介紹美國會計師公會採行之同業評鑑辦法, 同時討論影響會計師簽證品質之 因素, 以為釐訂公平合理評鑑標準之參考 第五章 公平合理會計師稅務簽證評鑑制度之建立 第六章 結論與建議


徐正輝 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究之目的在於探討:(1)「360度回饋」與「傳統上司評鑑」對於自評效標與學習成效解釋預測力的比較;(2)「360度回饋」與「管理才能心理測驗」對於自評效標與學習成效解釋預測力的比較;(3)針對「連級輔導長」,以「管理才能心理測驗」與「360度回饋」,進行多元迴歸與多重切點的「甄選策略」,以及其「入選」學員在自評效標與學習成效上的差異比較。 本研究樣本為義務役預官,共358人,包括實習幹部41人。研究結果顯示:(1)管理才能心理測驗各向度之內部一致性係數介於.52-.81,中位數為.68,且測驗結果能有效地預測自評效標上的表現(多元相關係數介於.39~.67),但對學習成效則預測較低(多元相關係數介於 .11~.20);(2)360度回饋不同評分來源彼此之間,上司與部屬、上司與同儕之間的得分達顯著相關,且360度回饋的總分與多數效標皆達顯著相關(相關係數介於.33~.51);(3)360度回饋僅在預測實習幹部「受訓表現」上的表現,比傳統上司評鑑可以解釋更多的效標變異量;(4)360度回饋總分在預測實習幹部「學習成效」上的表現,較管理才能心理測驗為佳;而管理才能心理測驗總分則在預測實習幹部「自評效標」上的表現,較360度回饋為佳;(5)運用管理才能心理測驗的評量結果,進行多元迴歸與多重切點的甄選策略之分析,結果均能區辨受訓學員在「自評效標」上的表現,但兩種不同甄選策略所選取出來的受測者,其在效標上的表現並未達顯著差異;然而,運用360度回饋的評量結果,進行多重切點甄選策略之分析,其結果只能區辨實習幹部在部份「學習成效」效標上的表現。最後,研究者並進一步提出本研究之限制、後續研究之方向,以及具體之實務建議。


王天才 Unknown Date (has links)
校長是學校的掌舵者,也是形塑學校組織文化的導引者。研究想透過四大研究問題(一)榮獲六項特優之校長如何擬定校務發展計畫及學校願景。(二)榮獲六項特優之校長主要的領導理念、如何帶領學校同仁達成預期發展目標。(三)榮獲六項特優之校長如何促使學校行政、教師會及家長會良性互動,共創三贏。(四)榮獲六項特優之校長的用人哲學。瞭解校務評鑑榮獲六項特優學校校長領導之特性。 本研究採深度訪談法,以榮獲臺北市國中校務評鑑六項皆特優之校長為訪談對象,輔以研究者自行設計之開放式問卷,請六所學校各一位主任、組長、教師與家長,分別就其所觀察校長領導之作為,協助填答,研究結論如下: 一、校長高瞻遠矚,都把學校願景與校務發展目標弄清楚,所有問題看短程、中程及長程三個方向。 二、學校組織的控制與管理,有了願景與校務發展目標、有人員、有組織,要如何控管?問題來了要怎麼解決?都能列出問題的先後緩急,並提出解決之道,達成預期目標。 三、 要了解學校組織結構文化,並與社區家長建立良好關係。學校組織注重的就是團隊合作,整合協調團體的力量,才能共創三贏。 四、 要知人善任,激勵同仁,充分了解學校同仁努力及所獲得的成果,多鼓勵、多獎賞,提供資源,支持同仁改革創新。 本研究建議如下: ㄧ、以校長評鑑制度及提供師傅校長的支持系統,促進校長專業成長與獲得應有的協助。 二、建立正確領導理念,要有好的領導績效,可從願景、品格、人性、學習、影響力等方向努力。 三、努力修練成為第五級領導人,除堅持教育專業理念外,應以人性關懷的謙和態度,耐心傾聽與接納同仁、家長意見。 四、堅守用人唯才原則,盡心盡力,無愧良知。 / A principal is the head of a school and a director who shapes the school culture. This study attempts to understand the characteristics of the leadership of principals of six Taipei municipal junior high schools evaluated as excellent in school affairs. This study explores four research questions: 1. How do these principals devise their plans of school affairs development and their school vision? 2. What are the main leading concepts of these principals and how do these principals achieve their goals with their staff? 3. How do these principals encourage good interaction among the school administration, the Teachers Association, and the Parents Association? 4. What are the employment concepts of these principals? The in-depth interviews are used as the research method in this study. Six principals are interviewed. Their junior high schools are evaluated as excellent in school affairs. In addition, an open questionnaire devised by me is answered by one office director, one section chief, one teacher, and one parent of each school. Through their observation of their principal’s leadership, they filled out the questionnaires. The conclusions are as in the following: 1. These principals see far and think big. Their school visions and school development goals are very clear. They see everything in three directions: the short-term, mid-term and long-term. 2. With the visions and school development goals, with employees and organizations, these principals know exactly how to control and manage the school organization, and they know how to solve problems. They can always solve problems according to their priority and achieve their goals. 3. These principals understand the school culture. They establish good relationship with parents and the community. Team work is the focus of their school organizations. Good integration and coordination is the key to win-win situation. 4. These principals know how to choose the right person for the right position. They understand how hard the staff works and how great are their efforts. With appreciation and encouragement, they know how to inspire the staff, how to provide resources to the staff, and how to support the staff to try something new. The suggestions of this study are as in the following: 1. The principal evaluation system and the support system of “the master principal” should be established to help principals’ professional development. 2. Good leadership effects come from correct leadership concepts. Principals can try to improve their visions, characters, personality, learning, and influences. 3. Principals should try hard to be the fifth-grade leaders. In addition to their professional concepts, they should listen to and accept opinions from staff and parents with modest attitude. 4. Principals should employ the right person for the right position. They should always try their best and follow their conscience.

公共圖書館中文版兒童網站評鑑之研究 / The Study of Evaluation Indicators for Chinese Children’s Websites of Public Library

蔡承穎 Unknown Date (has links)
公共圖書館面對網際網路以及兒童上網趨勢所帶來的影響,早已嘗試結合網路與電腦來建置兒童專屬的網站以提供新的兒童服務。然而,為求了解網站使用成效與提升網站之品質,公共圖書館有必要針對兒童網站進行評鑑作業。國外研究者針對兒童網站與網路資源早已建置了許多網站評鑑指標提供圖書員、中小學教師與兒童做為選擇、評鑑網站優劣時之參考,反觀國內相關研究內容則十分缺乏。因此,為求提升國內公共圖書館中文版兒童網站之品質,有必要針對兒童網站進行評鑑研究。 基於上述研究動機本研究首先透過文獻分析法探討兒童網站建置與規劃、兒童資訊需求與資訊尋求行為,以及網站評鑑指標與兒童網站評鑑要項等相關文獻做為本次研究之理論基礎。其次,彙整各領域專家學者所提出之網站評鑑指標並透過問卷調查法蒐集家長對指標重要性之看法以及對網站功能與服務之建議。最後,針對國內公共圖書館中文版兒童網站進行調查研究,了解現行網站之數量並針對12項網站可茲提供之服務內容進行分析比較。 依據研究資料分析,本研究提出相關結論如下: 一、網站評鑑指標:總計共有介面設計與資訊架構、網站內容、網站互動性、多媒體特性以及網站連結品質等五大構面,50項評鑑指標可做為公共圖書館評鑑之依據,研究結論包含:(一)網站內容為家長認為最重要之評鑑構面;(二)教育性、知識性、正確性、適切性、趣味性和新穎性是家長關注的網站內容性質;(三)資訊架構與介面設計構面中家長首重介面設計之易操作性、閱讀性與美觀性;(四)網站互動性功能應以有效協助兒童使用網站為首要目的;(五)網路頻寬為影響多媒體技術和網站連結品質之重要因素。 二、網站內容分析部份:目前國內共有十所公共圖書館提供中文版兒童網站介面,建置單位層級以縣(市)圖書館為主,研究結論包含(一)各館網站服務數量提供不均,數量差距頗大;(二)圖書館基本資料和相關規定、最新消息、館藏查詢、網路資源區、諮詢服務與討論區為網站最常提供的服務項目;(三)各館網站服務內容各有特色,服務名稱採用適合兒童程度之詞彙;(四)部份網站內容有連結錯誤或服務項目無內容之情形;(五)各館缺乏兒童專屬之館藏查詢介面。 最後,本研究提出數點建議如下:一、國內公共圖書館應加速規劃建置中文版兒童網站;二、已建置網站者應加強內容更新與維護;三、從使用者觀點建構優質兒童網站;四、依據年齡層級提供網站分層服務,實施網站分級制度;五、網站可加強規劃討論區、留言板;多媒體資源區;遊戲區和課業資源區服務;六、加強兒童版網站之利用推廣;七、針對現行公共圖書館中文版兒童網站進行評鑑。 / Under the influence of the Internet and children’s use of the Internet, public libraries have already attempted to establish websites exclusively for children in combination of the Internet and computers to offer children new services. However, it is necessary for public libraries to assess websites for children to ensure that they can be effectively used by children. Foreign researchers have already established many assessment indicators on websites and the Internet resources for children for elementary and high school teachers to choose good websites for children. Similar researches are rare in Taiwan. It is, there is necessary to conduct assessment study on websites for children in order to increase the quality for public libraries’ websites in for children. Based on the aforesaid motive, literature reviewed is used to explore documents regarding establishment/planning of children’s websites, children’s information need and information seeking behavior, website assessment indicators and assessment elements, etc as the theory basis of this study. Second, gathering website assessment indicators of specialists and scholars in different fields ,and ideas of parents on website assessment indicators and parents’ suggestions on website functions and services are collected with questionnaires . Finally, twelve items of service from websites are gathered to analyze contents of public libraries’ websites in Chinese for children. In accordance with the research information, the conclusions of this study are: I.Website assessment indicators: There are five major aspects of interface design/information structure, website contents, website interaction, multimedia and link quality. The 50 indicators shall serve as basis of assessment on public libraries. Conclusions include: 1) website contents is the most important assessment aspect to parents; 2) parents care about the education, knowledge, accuracy, appropriateness, fun and novelty in website contents; 3) parents emphasize user-friendliness, readability and esthetic in information structure and interface design; 4) the interaction of websites shall effectively help children to use the sites;and 5)bandwidth is an important factor that influence multimedia technology and link quality. II.Website contents: currently, there are ten public libraries with websites in Chinese for children. The websites are established by county (city) libraries. Conclusions include: 1) quantity of service from each website varies significantly; 2) the most common service items of these websites are: basic information and regulations, latest news, collection inquiry, resources, consultation and discussion areas; 3) each website has its unique characteristics and the names are designed for children’s understanding; 4) some websites have incorrect links or lack of content in certain service items and 5) neither website has collection inquiry exclusively for children. Based on the aforesaid results, the suggestions include: 1) domestic libraries shall expedite planning websites in Chinese for children; 2) those already having websites shall enrich the contents and enhance maintenance; 3) to establish good websites for children in the views of users; 4) implementing leveled services based on age groups; 5) discussion area, message boards, multimedia resources area, games area and class resources area are recommended; 6) enhancing the utilization of websites for children; and 7) conducting assessment on domestic public libraries’ websites in Chinese for children.


管紹博 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究欲探討分析師推薦對管理當局所釋出資訊量之關聯性,當分析師越強力推薦公司時,公司的管理當局將願意提供較多的資訊給分析師做為預測的依據,則分析師對公司盈餘的預測也越準確。研究結果發現給予公司較佳推薦的分析師,預測準確性確實比給予公司較差推薦的分析師高。 之後再利用台灣證券暨期貨市場發展基金會設立的資訊揭露評鑑系統,探討資訊較為透明的公司,因為管理當局自願提供較多的資訊,即便分析師強力推薦,可能也無法得到額外的資訊,所以分析師推薦的效果應比資訊揭露較不透明的受評公司差。實證結果發現資訊揭露較透明的受評公司,分析師的推薦效果確實比資訊訊揭露較不透明的受評公司差。 / This thesis examines directly whether that managers provide more (less) information to analysts with more (less) favorable stock recommendations, based on the Barron et al. model (1998). Prior study documents the relative forecast accuracy of analysts before and after a recommendation issuance under the assumption that increases (decreases) in management-provided information will increase (decrease) analysts’ relative forecast accuracy. In contrast, this paper directly measure amount of information based on Barron et al. model (1998), and examine whether amount of information varies between pre- and post- a recommendation. Contrary to our prediction, the results show no significant difference in amount of information after and before recommendation issuance. However, we do find that analysts issuing more favorable recommendations experience a greater increase in their relative forecast accuracy compared with analysts with less favorable recommendations. In addition, we also find that the association is smaller for firms with higher information transparency than those with lower information transparency. The information transparency is measure by whether firms are listed in Taiwan Securities & Futures Information Center’s Information Disclosure and Transparence Ranking System (therefore TSFIC).


王玉玲 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在藉由中高級文官能力需求的探討,進而分析評鑑與考選的理論與方法,同時以我國現行國家考試方式為基礎,參酌英美日德法等國文官考試制度的設計,在實務上以我國公務人員高等考試一級考試為個案分析進行深入探討。 針對研究發現,歸納本論文之結論,敘述如下: 一、我國中高級文官所需具備的能力,應包括 (一)概念技能(conceptual skills):問題分析、主動性、計畫與組織、書面溝通能力、敏感性、判斷力、控制力;(二)人際技能(human or interpersonal skills):領導統御能力、口語表達能力、組織與分析能力、親和力與感受性、決斷力、影響力、分析能力、團體適應力、壓力忍受性、積極性;(三)專業技能(technical skills):專業知識、專業能力、政策規劃能力、問題解決、創造力、洞察力、獨立性。 二、不同的評鑑與考選方式均有其優缺點,須依據目標的不同而有多元的選擇,此外尚必須考量信度、效度、公平性、應用性及成本等因素。透過問題處理或籃中測驗、團體討論或集體口試、專業科目或方案規劃可以有效衡鑑應考人在概念技能、人際技能及專業技能的能力。 三、我國評鑑與考選制度設計,實際採行仍以筆試為主,有必要吸取不同國家考試用人的經驗,從理論與實務上加以研究改進,始能真正選拔出優秀適合及具發展潛能的高素質人才。 四、英美日德法文官考試制度的設計,可以發現其考選過程相當慎重與嚴謹、考試方式多樣化、考試內容涵蓋理論與實務、考試內涵與工作所需能力相結合、豐富的口試內容並且重視發展潛能。 五、公務人員高等考試一級考試,經個案研究及實際模擬演練發現改革方式較傳統方法較具多樣化,考試內容涵蓋理論與實務,並能與工作所需的能力相結合,予以高度的肯定。 根據以上結論提出具體建議,本研究並將理論與實務結合,以作為我國中高級文官評鑑與考選方式之借鏡,並提供訓練機構或教育單住之參考。 [關鍵詞]:中高級文官、核心能力、評鑑、考選、公務人員高等考試一級考試

臺灣圖書資訊學教育指南建構之研究 / Developing Guidelines for Library and Information Science Educational Programs in Taiwan

蔡佳縈, Tsai, Chia-Ying Unknown Date (has links)
教育部於2006年委託高等教育評鑑中心統一對全國公私立大學院校進行評鑑,評鑑工作主要以學門為分類單位,目前共分為47個學門,以因應各大學院校系所性質之多樣性,並做為遴聘評鑑委員之依據。高等教育評鑑中心僅依據學門訂定相關參考效標,並未對各專業學科發展相關標準與指南;此外,目前之評鑑作業中,各圖書資訊學系所隸屬於不同學門進行評鑑,不僅難以確保訪視委員之專業背景、各圖書資訊學系所評鑑結果之客觀性,亦使得圖書資訊學教育品質缺乏ㄧ致標準。 面對上述危機,本論文擬研究臺灣圖書資訊學教育指南,使臺灣圖書資訊學之教育評鑑活動具備更健全、更符合系所專業教育發展的衡量基礎架構,提升臺灣圖書資訊學教育品質,亦成為臺灣圖書資訊學教育品質保證依據。 本論文主要參考英美之圖書資訊學教育標準與指南,以及我國相關研究,利用內容分析法訂定臺灣圖書訊學教育指南芻議;再採焦點團體法進行研究,共舉行4場焦點團體討論會,對象分別為圖書資訊學系所教師、圖書資訊學系所主任、圖書資訊學系所研究生與圖書館館員;各場次參與者對圖書資訊學教育指南芻議進行討論,凝聚臺灣圖書資訊學教育指南所應具備之要件與內涵共識。 本研究最後所形成之圖書資訊學教育指南草案共分為圖書資訊學定義與範圍、教育任務與目標、課程、教師團隊、學生、行政管理、教學資源與設施等7大項,27小項,40個分項指標;教育指南草案適用範圍涵蓋大學部、研究所(碩士班、博士班)、專業學程與繼續教育。研究建議包括中華圖書資訊學教育學會舉辦論壇討論草案再行公佈、舉辦圖書資訊學學門意涵與教育工作坊、專案研究圖書資訊學教育評鑑制度、推動圖書資訊學教育評鑑與指南之實施。 / In 2006, the Ministry of Education commended the higher education evaluation to Higher Education Evaluation and Accreditation Council of Taiwan. Higher education evaluation divided all universities into 47 colleges, to respond to schools’ variegation and to choose the evaluation members. Higher education evaluation center only sets related guidelines according to different colleges, but doesn’t provide related standards or guidelines to professional disciplines. In addition, library and information science schools are attached to different colleges in current evaluation, and that may cause unfair assessments and impact evaluation results. Faced with the crises above, this thesis on guidelines for library and information science educational programs in Taiwan is to make the educational evaluation of library and information science develop better, fit the professional needs, and enhance the quality of education. This paper refers library and information science education standards and guidelines of Britain and the United States, as well as related researches in Taiwan. We used the content analysis to develop draft of guidelines for library and information science educational programs in Taiwan, and then held four focus group interviews which were aimed at different targets of the Department of Library and Information Science: teachers, directors, students and librarians, to discuss the draft of guidelines and cohere the content and elements of guidelines. The final form of guidelines for library and information science educational programs in Taiwan is divided into 7 parts, including the definition, goals and objectives, curriculum, faulty, students, administration, and physical resources and facilities. There are 27 indicators, and 40 sub-indicators. The guidelines offered here are primarily applied to the undergraduate, graduate(Master classes and PhD), professional programs and continuing education level. Finally, we suggested that the Association of Library and Information Science Education of Republic of China should hold discussion of the guidelines, and other related associations should hold workshops on education of library and information science as well as research in evaluation system of library and information science, and promote the educational evaluation and implementation of library and information science.

採購流程分析-以某機殼組裝公司為例 / The procurement process analysis - A case study

姜琦 Unknown Date (has links)
採購部門之功能角色從企業中被動及支援者,逐步轉變成為今日具有影響企業策略之決策者。面對激烈的市場競爭,企業轉型時需以策略採購思維著手,將企業與採購策略相互配合方能創造客戶價值,增加企業競爭力。 本研究採取個案研究方法,經由蒐集個案公司及產業相關資料,並與管理階層訪談,瞭解個案公司面臨之管理議題。個案公司為大陸東莞之台資企業,產品為專業五金製品製造。為配合環境變遷面臨轉型,將生產重心由業電腦機殼轉移至大型遊戲機台組裝。遊戲機組裝市場特性為少量多樣與客製化,與原產品工業電腦型態相異,造成過往供應商物料短缺與新供應商開發困難。爾後與個案公司採購部門及相關部門多次深度訪談及焦點訪談,採用PWIO(Process Wide Information Organism)分析方法,詳實描繪企業採購及付款循環流程,將流程拆解成為請購、供應商管理、採購、驗收及應付款項處理作業向下延展至十一項作業功能並展開實作表,再將各作業流程細分為內、外向聯絡管道及接觸點並具體詳實描述。 透過PWIO描述及分析採購作業流程,找出造成個案公司管理議題之採購流程缺失,包含隨機篩選新供應商、新承認供應商直接成為合格供應商、供應商管理策略與企業策略未結合、供應商評鑑缺乏客觀衡量標準、及供應商評鑑作業未與執行面配合。經由產業專家訪談、產業相關資訊之蒐集,及層級分析法(AHP)之應用,針對五項流程缺失給予改善建議方案,包含建立供應商初步媒合流程、配合企業策略設計新供應商評量表、建立新舊供應商分流管理制度、以企業策略著眼設計供應商評鑑表、及加強變革成效,促進新制度落實與執行五面向。以上建議方案可加強企業及採購策略之配合度,透過新舊供應商評鑑與管理篩選適當合作之供應商,將採購流程制度化,進而改善目前採購流程之問題。 / Strategic procurement is crucial to strengthen a company’s core competence in the competition among enterprises. Procurement function has evolved from being supporters to decision makers that can impact the company’s strategies. The main purpose of this research is to improve the procurement process which is related to the case company’s management issues. The case company is a metal case assembly manufacturer located in Dong-guan which has been specialized in Industrial computer products. To increase its share and profit, the company developed new business chances by entering the gaming market that requires high degree of customization and specialization. The switch had caused supplier cooperating and material shortage issues. By focus-group and in-depth interviews with its procurement team members, using PWIO (Process Wide Information Organism) as a description tool to record every single step of the procurement operation process, and finally analyzing all the steps, five crucial gaps are found. The five gaps include the lack of an organized process of new supplier selection, unfair new supplier management process, disconnection between supplier management and company’s strategy, non-objective methods for supplier evaluation, and not executing the evaluation results in practice. By interviews with experts in the industry, questionnaires for procurement members in the case company, and AHP, the research provides five solutions for to improve its procurement operation process. The five solutions include establishing new supplier searching scanning process, designing a new supplier evaluation sheet based on company strategy, practicing a dual management method for original and new suppliers, designing objective evaluation criteria for supplier management, and to strengthening the execution of the evaluation results. The five solutions can improve the procurement operation process, maximize procurement efficiency, and build up core competence while the case company enters the new gaming market.

我國大學教師評鑑指標建構之研究 / A study of the construction of taiwan university faculty evaluation indicators

洪雅琪, Hung, Ya-Chi Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在建構我國大學教師評鑑指標,以供大學做為教師續聘和升等之參考。研究方法部分,先以文獻分析歸納出我國大學教師之三大角色構面和47項教師評鑑指標,並以專家問卷和模糊德菲術問卷進行指標的刪修和確定。接著以多元度量法和集群分析的方式整合大學教師對指標的分類,以建構評鑑構面,並利用模糊德菲術整合大學教師對指標重要性之看法,最後以歸一化之方式求得各構面以及各項指標權重,完成我國大學教師評鑑指標系統。根據研究之結果與分析,歸納主要結論如下: 一、本研究確立我國大學教師評鑑指標,為三大構面共34項指標。指標三大構面依權重高低依序為:研究構面(41%)、教學構面(35%)、服務構面(24%)。 二、大學教師評鑑之服務構面底下分為三個次構面,分別為專業性服務、一般性服務、學生指導。 三、研究構面之下權重最重的指標依次為:1-1.在原創性研究上獲得之榮譽或獎勵(佔7.78%);1-2.在有外審制度之期刊發表論文(佔4.64%);1-3.學術影響力(佔4.53%)。 四、教學構面下,2-1.教學內容的品質與適切性(佔3.54%);2-2.優良教師獲獎(佔3.41%);2-3.教學方法(佔3.14%)。 五、服務構面權重最重的指標為學生指導此一次構面下的指標3-10.指導碩士學位和博士學位學生論文(佔2.25%)權重最重,其次為專業性服務此一次構面下的指標3-1擔任專業期刊的主編或審查委員(佔2.14%)。   本研究依研究結果提出以下建議:   一、對高等教育主管機關之建議。   二、對大學教師之建議。 三、對未來研究之建議。 / The purpose of this study is to construct the Taiwan university faculty evaluation indicators which aim for faculty tenure and promotion. As for research methods, by means of literature review, 47 indicators within 3 main dimensions had been organized as a raw model of Taiwan university faculty evaluation indicators based on which the Fuzzy Delphi questionnaire was developed and the survey was conducted with the sample of higher education experts. Symmetric triangular fuzzy number then was used to analyze experts’ opinion on the importance of each indicator and to help indicator selection. At the next stage, we conduct a concept mapping questionnaire to collect faculty’s opinion about how many dimensions those indicators belong, and use cluster analysis to construct the dimensions of faculty evaluation. Then, we normalize symmetric triangular fuzzy number’s total score to determine the weight of each dimensions and indicators; accordingly, the Taiwan university faculty evaluation indicator system was constructed. The main conclusions are as follows: 1.Taiwan university faculty evaluation indicator system consists of 3 dimensions and 34 indicators in total. The 3 dimensions are: research (accounts for 41%), teaching (35%), and service (24%). 2.The dimension of service consists of 3 sub-dimensions, which are professional service, general service, and student counsel. 3.In the dimension of research, the indicator of honor on original research accounts for the most part (7.78%), and then the indicator of writing papers in reviewed journals accounts for 4.64%. 4.In the dimension of teaching, the indicator of the quality of teaching content accounts the most (3.54%), and the indicator of teaching awards accounts for 3.41%. 5.In the dimension of service, the indicator of advising masters’ and doctors’ theses accounts the most (2.25), and the indicator of serving as an editor or reviewer of professional journals accounts for 2.14%. According to the conclusions, some suggestions had been proposed:   1. suggestions for higher education administrators   2. suggestions for faculty members   3. suggestions for further study.

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