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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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魯迅小說在華語文文化教學上之應用研究-以〈祝福〉為主要討論範圍 / Teaching Chinese Culture Through Literature: "New Year's Sacrifice" ("Zhu Fu") and Other Short Stories by Lu Xun

楊雅雯, Yang, Ya Wun Unknown Date (has links)
在全球化的趨勢下,外語教學所強調的交際能力不再侷限於語言形式的相關技能,而是透過對文化的分析解釋,幫助學習者獲得更全面的溝通能力。文學作品透過各層面的文學想像,幫助學習者意識到實際交際的複雜性、模糊性。而文學作為現實生活的反映,往往會引起不同背景的學習者對不同文化與文明之間的共鳴,藉此了解跨文化交際間雙方對所處的社會現實不同的理解。 魯迅的小說作品刻畫出中國人的民族性格,是中國文化的可貴資產。他筆下的人物、歷史意蘊、文化色彩等,正好為學習者提供相應的語境,幫助學習者自作品中的社會交往符號和常規了解另一個社會的文化群體。然而目前華語文教學界在理論研究上對中國現代文學課程缺乏足夠的重視,故本研究旨在探討魯迅小說於文化課程上之應用。 本文採質的研究法,探討文學與文化於華語文教學上之運用,並以〈孔乙己〉、〈祝福〉、〈阿Q正傳〉三篇小說為討論範圍。文化課程實踐將以〈祝福〉為主,進行試驗教學,並根據其教學結果評估,適當修正〈孔乙己〉、〈阿Q正傳〉之教案。針對上述提及的魯迅文化觀之分析,本論文將從兩方面觀照:一、以魯迅的三篇小說為範圍,論述魯迅所批評的中國文化觀,並闡釋魯迅小說所傳達的思想內容。二、探討一九一九至一九七六年後文藝批評者對魯迅的評價及研究。 根據研究結果,研究結論有二:一、魯迅小說著作是提升華語文學習者之文化意識的重要素材;二、學習者能主動參與以魯迅小說為主題而設計的文化討論。最後,研究者根據研究結果提出相關建議:一、語言學習者的交際能力可能受限於目標語的文化知識。故為了幫助在台學習華語的外籍生獲得更全面的交際能力,結合台灣文學以及其背後的民俗意義於文化教學中,勢必能提高學生對文化的學習動機;二、語言作為一種符號系統,在編碼和解碼的過程中能反映某種文化意義,故結合文學的語言形式和文化內容設計閱讀課程是必要的。 / With the trend of globalization, communicative competence in foreign language education requires not only the goal of communicative efficiency but the development of culture awareness. In other words, it is not sufficient for learners to know how to communicate meanings but to understand the practice of meaning making itself. Literary texts are products that reflect different aspects of society. For it is through literature, serving as cultural documents, that learners can sense the complexity and ambiguity in norms of interaction in cross-cultural situations, and thus to be sympathetic to a different country and culture. Lu Xun’s novels, analyzing specific “Chinese national characteristics”, had a great impact on how modern China looks in the past. Through the historical background, emotional resonances and moral imaginings embodied in Lu Xun’s novels, learners are able to gain a deeper understanding of Chinese culture. However, literature has not been given much emphasis in the TCSL classroom. As a result, the purpose of the thesis is to explore Lu Xun’s perspective on Chinese culture and to apply its results to the practical use of teaching Chinese. A qualitative research method was employed to analyze Lu Xun’s novels and to exploit the novel called “New Year’s Sacrifice” in the classroom. In detail, the present thesis focuses on two discussions: (1) Analyzing Lu Xun’s novels: The underlying value orientations presented in “Kong Yiji”, ”The True Story of Ah Q “ and “New Year’s Sacrifice “will be discussed. (2) Analyzing critical appraisals of Lu Xun’s work in order to figure out how Lu Xun became one of the most prominent authors of modern China: Critics’ views in 1919 to the years after 1976 will be examined. Results of the study indicate that the multiple layers of cultural meaning in Lu Xun’s novels can raise learners’ culture awareness as well as motivate learners to discover the underlying concept of culture. Lastly, the suggestions developed from the discussions are provided as follows: (1) Negotiation of meaning often flounders because of a lack of understanding and trust of how to participate in different discourse environments. Thus, Taiwanese literature can be included in culture teaching for students who are learning Chinese in Taiwan. Through the cultural context provided in Taiwanese literature, students are able to acquire a much more sophisticated competence in the manipulation of symbolic systems and also to enhance positive attitudes toward Taiwanese culture group. (2) The interaction between language and culture should be considered as a substantial part of culturally oriented language courses.

《詩經》衣飾文化及華語文教學之應用 / The Wearing Culture in The Book of Songs and the Application on Teaching Chinese as a Second Language

張婉瑤 Unknown Date (has links)
語言與文化息息相關,文化議題是語言教學不可忽略的一部分,華語文教學若缺少文化傳承,則失去教學的精髓。華人文化就是中國人的「生活組織」,中華文化每個時代的蛛絲馬跡,都可以在包羅廣闊的漢語詞彙中尋得。   本論文以《詩經》衣飾作為探討中國古代文化的憑藉,輔以各朝代注家著作,以及與衣飾相關的傳世文獻及出土文獻,本論文主要研究內容如下:一、周代階級文化:周代人們的社會階級,充分體現在具體的衣飾形制、材質、色彩、紋飾等部分;二、周代性別文化:從《詩經》對衣飾的描寫,能夠看出中國自古「兩性不平權」的文化特點,本文試圖從男女衣飾制度,探究衣飾彰顯出的性別文化意涵,以及這些禮制背後的性別思想;三、周代色彩文化:中國古代對於色彩有「正」、「間」的區別,將顏色分為尊卑,也存在於衣飾;四、華人衣飾文化在華語文教學的應用:分為「教學技巧」以及「教案設計」兩部分,「教學技巧」包含「文本導讀」、「情境式文化教學」以及「文化對比」,引導學生認識古代中國衣飾所彰顯的華人文化,並設計教案,將衣飾文化融入華語文教學的文化課程。

跨文化華語教學中的現代文學課程設計與實踐 / Modern Chinese literature course design and practice in intercultural Chinese teaching

許鐘尹, Hsu, Chung Yin Unknown Date (has links)
文學可否作為跨文化的橋樑?本研究以跨文化溝通理論為基礎,從文化教學的角度切入,探討華語教學中的現代文學課,並以文化教學之概念進行現代文學教學設計和實踐。研究問題主要有三:(一)跨文化華語教學中的現代文學課有什麼特殊性?(二)適合華語學習者的現代文學文本為何?(三)現代文學如何融入跨文化華語教學?本研究的主要內容分為兩部分,採取內容分析法進行教材分析,使用行動研究進行教學實踐,研究設計參考ADDIE教學設計模式,進行分析、設計、發展、實施和評鑑。 教材分析部分,觀察台灣使用和出版的華語教材中的現代文學內容,分析其中的優點和不足。研究者發現台灣華語教材中的現代文學教材數量較少,且少有更新,教材內容對於華語學習者的針對性較不足,也未很好地提煉文本中的文化內容。研究者進一步提出篩選現代文學文本的三項考量:經典性、普遍性和文化主題,並從母語者的國文教科書中初步選出六篇合適的現代文學文本,分別為:〈差不多先生傳〉、〈孔乙己〉、〈背影〉、〈愛〉、〈鄉愁〉和〈聲音鐘〉,進一步結合Moran(2001)提出的五維文化分類分析其中的文化內容,編寫教材。 教學設計部分,本研究認為華語教學中的現代文學課應向文化教學靠攏,針對文本中的文化主題設計教學內容,引導學習者理解文化知識並進行跨文化分享。本研究參考Moran(2001)提出之融入文化教學的體驗式學習循環,將閱讀現代文學文本當作文化體驗,分階段進行描述、闡釋和跨文化分享。研究者使用自編教材進行兩次教學實踐,課程性質為華語中心的選修文化課,挑選六篇文本進入課程,並選擇〈愛〉作為教學範例,深入討論教案設計及課堂反應。本研究教學實踐的研究結論有四:一是文化討論應注重核心主題,二是重視知名作品與文化之連結,三是注意現代文學知識之建立,四是考量學習者之多元背景。 本研究作為文化教學結合現代文學教學之嘗試,認為面向華語學習者的現代文學教材和教學設計有其針對性和特殊性,應注重文本中的文化主題,進行跨文化的主題討論。本研究為華語教學中的現代文學教學提供讀寫教學之外的選擇,即是以文化主題為核心,進行跨文化華語教學。

幼稚園教師多元文化人格、經驗與多元文化教學能力之研究 / A study of the relationship between the Kindergarten Teachers’ Multicultural Personality, experience and Multicultural Teaching Competence

李宛霏, Lee, Wan Fei Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在探討不同背景變項(個人背景、園所環境、多元文化人格、多元文化經驗)對幼稚園教師多元文化教學能力之影響。首先了解幼稚園教師不同背景變項與多元文化教學能力之現況;其次分析不同背景變項對多元文化教學能力之差異情形;第三,分析幼稚園教師多元文化人格與多元文化教學能力之間的相關;最後以多元迴歸分析不同背景變項對幼稚園教師多元文化教學能力之預測力。 本研究透過文獻探討以及問卷調查法來探討上述目的,利用改編之「多元文化教學能力量表」、「多元文化人格量表」為研究工具,以新北市344公、私立幼稚園教師為研究母群體,並利用兩階段(預試、正式)抽樣方式,分別抽取136位、309位教師為主要研究對象,共發出445份問卷,整體回收有效問卷為77.75%。問卷回收後,使用SPSS18.0統計軟體進行描述性統計、項目分析、信度分析、因素分析、獨立樣本t考驗、單因子變異數分析、LSD多重比較、皮爾森積差相關以及多元迴歸來分析資料。本研究結論如下: 一、新北市公、私立幼稚園教師之多元文化人格類型以「文化同理心」居多。 二、新北市公、私立幼稚園教師具有高多元文化教學能力。 三、不同背景幼稚園教師在多元文化教學能力上有顯著差異。 四、教師多元文化人格與多元文化教學能力呈現中度正相關。 五、「園所規模」、「多元文化人格」與「有身障好友」能有效預測多元文化教學能力。 最後,研究者根據上述結論針對幼稚園教師、幼稚園以及未來之研究提出建議,以期對未來學前教育階段之多元文化教育有所助益。 / The current study focused on the effect of different backgrounds on multicultural teaching competence. The main purposes of this study were to: (a) understand the current situation of the kindergarten teachers’ different backgrounds and multicultural teaching competence; (b) explore the differences between kindergarten teachers’ different backgrounds and multicultural teaching competence; (c) analyze the relationship between kindergarten teachers’ multicultural personality and multicultural teaching competence; (d) explore the predictive power of the teachers’ different backgrounds on the multicultural teaching competence. To accomplish these purposes, the methods adopted were a comprehensive literature review and a questionnaire. Two scales were used to measure the following constructs: “multicultural teaching competence” and “multicultural personality”. The teachers also provided information about their teaching experience, multicultural experience, demographics and so on. The teachers of 344 kindergartens (both public and private schools) within New Taipei City were surveyed for this study. A total of 346 teachers participated in this survey, and with an effective response rate of 77.75%. The data were analyzed by descriptive statistics, Cronbach’s α coefficient analysis, factor analysis, T-test, one way ANOVA, LSD posteriority comparison, Pearson’s correlation analysis, and multiple regression analysis. The main results were summarized as follows: 1.The most kindergarten teachers’ multicultural personality type is “Cultural empathy”. 2.With different background variables, kindergarten teachers’ multicultural teaching competence is in parts significantly different. 3.There is a positive correlation between kindergarten teachers’ multicultural personality and multicultural teaching competence. 4.“ Kindergarden’s size”, “multicultural personality”, and “ has disabled friends” can predictive kindergarten teachers’ multicultural teaching competence effectively.

華語綜合性教材文化能力內容之現況與分析— 以《新版實用視聽華語》及《遠東生活華語》為例 / Cultural competence in Chinese language teaching — a critical examination of current Taiwanese teaching materials (practical audio-visual Chinese and far east everyday Chinese)

林吟屏, Lin, Yin Ping Unknown Date (has links)
本文的研究問題有三,一是了解外語教學教材中應有的文化教學內容,二是了解現今華語綜合性教材之文化教學內容現況,三是提出對於華語綜合性教材中與培養學習者文化能力的內容相關的編寫建議。 本文首先從研究外語教學的學者們對於文化教學的意見以及《AP中文課程大綱》、《歐洲共同語文參考架構》、《國際漢語教學通用課程大綱》等重要的外語教學大綱,了解現今外語教學中文化教學的目標已從教授學習者文化知識逐漸轉變為培養學習者的文化能力。並依前人對於能力的定義,將外語教學中的文化能力分為文化知識、文化技能、態度以及文化意識四部分。再依此四大部分,探討文化能力之概念如何落實於課堂教學之教材中。接著,本文依據討論結果,分析在臺灣使用率最高的兩套華語綜合性教材――《新版實用視聽華語》及《遠東生活華語》,以瞭解目前教材關於文化能力內容的呈現現況。本文分析結果發現,兩套教材皆僅呈現文化知識,至於培養文化技能、態度、文化意識等練習活動則相當缺乏。 最後,本文參考分析結果,從文化知識、文化技能、態度、文化意識等四部分,提出對於華語綜合性教材中文化能力內容編寫之建議,冀能對於未來教材文化能力內容之規劃及開發有所助益。 / This study aims to integrate some results of recent research in theory and practice of teaching culture competence in foreign language teaching into methods and materials of teaching Chinese as a Second Language (CSL). Researcher focus on three topics: (1) Which are the aims of teaching culture in foreign language teaching? And what are the subjects of teaching cultural competence? (2) To what extend do content and method in CSL comprehensive teaching materials conform to these aims and subjects? (3) What suggestions should be given to the editors of CSL comprehensive teaching materials in order to improve the acquisition of culture competence of Chinese language learners? This study starts with an overview of theories of developing culture competence in foreign language teaching. The aims and methods of teaching culture in standard curricula for language teaching as the “AP Chinese language and culture course description”, “The Common European Framework of Reference for Languages” and the “International Curriculum for Chinese Language Education” will be analyzed. According to this, it can be seen that the goals of cultural teaching shifted from merely providing cultural knowledge to developing cultural competence. There are different concepts about what culture competence is, how we can evaluate it, and how we can develop it. This study makes use of the description of cultural competence by means of four aspects: cultural knowledge, cultural skills, attitude and cultural awareness. These four aspects can be seen as a basic concept for teaching cultural competence, too. Modern didactics and materials should be aware to develop each aspect of culture competence. How are these aims for developing culture competence presented in present CSL materials? A detailed analysis of two common teaching materials (“Practical Audio-Visual Chinese” and “Far East Everyday Chinese”) shows that teaching culture is mainly restricted on teaching cultural knowledge. There is a noticeable lack of exercises and practices to develop cultural skills, to promote a positive attitude to cultural diversity, and to develop cultural awareness. Finally, the suggestions for developing cultural competence in CSL teaching materials will be given in conclusion, and wish this study will help development of Chinese teaching materials edition in future.


謝妃涵 Unknown Date (has links)
台灣新興的跨國婚姻熱潮使得由台灣男性與東南亞籍女性組成的新住民家庭漸多,新住民子女現今多就讀幼稚園與國小低年級,新住民子女教育的研究多為小學階段其學業成就等能力,研究取樣差異使結果大相逕庭,對新住民子女幼教老師本身的研究缺乏,故研究者將研究重點放在新住民子女幼教老師。本研究採質性研究法,探討兩位背景相當的幼教老師教學。目的在瞭解多元文化教學觀點有哪些、持不同教學觀點老師之教學困境、解決策略有何不同,並深入探討其觀點與困境、策略之間的關係。資料蒐集採深度訪談法,用三階段編碼分析資料,研究對象是從9位教師的訪談中分析出最符合同化觀點的小慧老師與涵化觀點的小芳老師。 研究結果如下:(1)透過文獻探討歸納出多元文化教育場域中有兩類教學觀點,一為同化觀點,一為涵化觀點,兩者分別對低社經地位與少數族群學生學習成就低落原因的解釋、文化有無優劣、文化融合有不同的主張。(2)兩位老師皆面臨的教學困境有語言、家庭、課程方面,小芳老師尚有幼兒方面的困境。新住民幼兒說話腔調使教師聽不懂,小慧老師致力矯正其口音與腔調、小芳老師則是課後請教家長;此乃因小慧老師持有同化教育中官方語言教育的觀點。(3)新住民子女的學習與行為較依賴老師,小慧老師認為新住民子女的學習較差乃因其本身文化不利、新住民沒有教育下一代的能力,所以請父親輔導其課後學習,而母親監督就好,不需參與輔導;小芳老師則肯定新住民的教育能力、並認為新住民子女行為問題是家庭文化與學校文化之間落差使然,故充分與家長溝通,調整母親工作時間使其有時間教育孩子。(4)小慧老師認為新住民文化是低落的,且不需要傳承、新住民沒有能力傳承其文化,故在課程中沒有東南亞文化教材,而在教授台灣文化教材時發生幼兒經驗不足無法團討的困難;小芳老師認為新住民有教育能力、並認為雙重文化是優勢,於是請新住民子女分享其回東南亞的經驗、設計相關文化主題活動。(5)小芳老師班級中的新住民子女感到自卑時,她會鼓勵其尊重母親原生文化以增加幼兒自信。最後建議教師應培養反思能力、建立多元文化教育觀點量表。 / The new immigrant families have increased with the surge of cross-cultural marriages between Taiwanese and Southeast Asian spouses, most of whose children study in kindergartens and elementary lower grades. Sampling may result in significantly distinct analyses on learning capabilities of those elementary children, and researches on their preschool teachers are relatively absent; therefore, the study focuses on preschool teachers and applies the qualitative research to 2 teachers of similar backgrounds in order to explore which perspectives in multicultural education field, explore the variations on teaching difficulties and resolving strategies of teachers with dissimilar education perspectives and to discover the relationship between both. The study includes in-depth interview for data collection and three-stage coding for data analysis, and selects Teacher Hue and Teacher Feng respectively matching assimilation and acculturation perspectives out of 9 interviewees as research targets. The study reveals the following findings: (1) assimilation and acculturation perspectives in multicultural education fields through documentation induction, stand different on reason explanations for lower social and economic positions and learning achievements of the minority students, cultural superior or inferior quality, and cultural integration, (2) two teachers have teaching difficulties in terms of language, family, and course, as well as kid issues only for Feng, and when getting confused of kid’s expressions, Hue with official language prospective in assimilation education is devoted to correcting assent and pronunciation while Feng consulting parents after school, (3) those students used to rely on teachers on learning and behavior, and Hue contributes inferior learning capability to disadvantaged culture background and education ability of new immigrants and suggests home learning assistance of father and supervision of mother instead of after school programs while Feng considers cultural gap between family and school resulting in their behavior issues and emphasizes communications with parents to enhance mother’s education, (4) education difficulties on their involving in discussion in grass-root course happen to Hue who believes no necessity for heritage of inferior Southeast Asian culture and absence of heritage potential of new immigrants, and thus ignores Southeast Asian culture in teaching materials while those children are welcome to share their alien experiences and design relevant cultural activities by Feng who accepts education capability of new immigrants and ensures advantages of dual culture, and (5) Feng encourages those children feeling inferior to respect mothers’ culture, enhancing their confidence. The study eventually suggests that teachers shall cultivate retrospective potentials and establish multicultural education perspective inventories.

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