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中小企業新巴賽爾協定之信用評等模型研究-以建築投資業為例蔡旻秀 Unknown Date (has links)
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新巴塞爾資本協定下電子業信用評等羅吉斯模型建置林郁翔 Unknown Date (has links)
近年來銀行經營管理方式已因經濟環境改變及金融市場變遷而產生了巨大變革,商業銀行的資產規模是不是可以無限制地擴張?銀行經營績效的評估方式仍可用傳統盈餘及成本觀念加以框架嗎?在此背景下,巴塞爾資本協定應運而生。1987 年,美聯儲和英格蘭銀行聯合向巴塞爾清算委員會提出要在世界上建立共同的資本體系,目的就是要限制在資本不足的情況下銀行規模的過度擴張;現代金融機構經營績效的評估亦不再僅是單純存放款利差的擴大,而更由考量「每單位資本」所得利潤,轉變為衡量「每單位風險」下所能創造的獲利。藉由這種思維轉變所產生的評估指標,較能忠實呈現風險下的真正績效,並有效掌握銀行內部風險程度及獲利狀況,對資金與稀少性資源做適當分配。
如何達到最佳化的資本配置?最主要在於精確量化銀行業者每天所面臨的各項風險,尤其是信用風險的量化。而信用評等(credit rating)制度的建立係現代商業銀行量化信用風險管理的最重要且最基本的一環,信用評等的建置成敗在於資料倉儲的品質與IT 支援能力,這也是銀行內部評等建置的基楚工程,而一般大型國際銀行在建置內部評等系統時,會一併將後續呆帳準備(provisions)計提、預期損失與未預期損失、資本配置管理與風險調整後績效評估連結。
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應用資料採礦技術建置中小企業傳統產業之信用評等系統 / Applications of data mining techniques in establishing credit scoring system for the traditional industry of the SMEs羅浩禎, Luo, Hao-Chen Unknown Date (has links)
本研究分別利用羅吉斯迴歸、類神經網路、和C&R Tree三種方法建立模型並加以評估比較其預測能力。研究結果發現,經評估確立以1:1精細抽樣比例下,使用羅吉斯迴歸技術建模的效果最佳,共選出六個變數作為企業違約機率模型之建模變數。經驗證後,此模型即使應用到不同期間或其他實際資料,仍具有一定的穩定性與預測效力,且符合新巴塞資本協定與金管會的各項規範,表示本研究之信用評等模型,確實能夠在銀行授信流程實務中加以應用。 / To track the development of Taiwan’s economy history, one very important factor that should never be ignored is the role of small enterprise businesses (the SMEs) which has always been played as a main driving force in the growth of Taiwan’s export trade economic system. With the formal implementation of Basel II in the end of 2006, there arises the need in the banking institutions to establish a credit scoring process for the SMEs into their credit evaluation systems in order to conform to the new accords and to quantify the credit risk assessment process.
Consequently, in this research we apply data mining techniques to construct the default risk model for the SMEs in accordance to the new accords and the guidelines published by the FSC (the Financial Supervisory Commission). In addition we not only take the financial variables as the core variables but also increase the non- financial variables such as the enterprise basic characteristics and overall economic factors extensively into the default risk model in order to formulate the probability of credit default risk as well as to establish the credit rating system for the enterprise-based at risk for default in the IRB in the second pillars of the Basel II. The data which used in this research is taken from the traditional SMEs industry ranging from the year of 2003 to 2005.
We use each of the following three methods, the Logistic Regression, the Neural Network and the C&R Tree, to build the model. Evaluation of the models is carried out using several statistics test results to compare the prediction accuracy of each model. Based on the result of this research under the 1:1 oversampling proportion, we are inclined to adopt the Logistic Regression techniques modeling as our chosen choice of model. There are six variables being selected from the dataset as the final significant variables in the default risk model. After multiple testing of the model, we believe that this model can withstand the testing for its capability of prediction even when applying in a different time frame or on other data set. More importantly this model is in conformity with the Basel II requirements published by the FSC which makes it even more practical in terms of evaluating credit risk default and credit rating system in the banking industry.
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