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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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新聞記者尋人行為研究:以小人物消息來源採訪為例 / People-seeking research: How journalists seek their sources

徐志偉, Hsu, Chih Wei Unknown Date (has links)
有別於傳統新聞學研究探討記者與消息來源的互動關係,因礙於研究對象的預設限制,因而相關研究大多僅探討記者如何與消息來源培養、鞏固、強化及修補關係,對於記者如何尋覓至消息來源卻少有著墨。有鑑於此,本研究試圖跳脫以往僅以政治人物或公關人員作為研究對象,乃以低社會能見度之小人物作為消息來源,試以探究記者在尋找小人物消息來源的過程中,如何運用環境周遭的物質工具及人際關係網絡等中介資源以達成任務。 透過深度訪談及參與觀察方式,本研究發現記者尋找小人物消息來源乃是一種富涵新聞機構性的行為,在尋人初始階段,記者乃會對於尋找何種類型的小人物存有特定假設;然而,假設的形成並非全然由表徵系統進行控制,而是一循環建構的過程;另一方面,在新聞常規的作用之下,本研究發現小人物新聞乃需與其他新聞類型進行版面競爭,此時,在突發新聞不可獨漏的情況下,又需兼顧因時事議題所發展的小人物專題,記者乃會利用傳播或資訊科技工具來縮短一般新聞的處理時間,進而延長小人物新聞資訊素材的蒐集時間;再者,新聞常規亦會造成小人物新聞遺漏的現象產生,而記者亦會適時選擇特定傳播或資訊科技工具以彌補小人物新聞遺漏的缺口。 除此之外,人際關係網絡更是記者尋人不可或缺的資源之一。本研究發現記者在選擇資訊中間人時,乃會依據雙方之間的關係特質,以形成各式不同策略來與資訊中間人應對,藉以獲取尋人線索或相關資訊素材,尤其記者乃會利用與自身擁有弱連結關係的資訊中間人,作為新資訊擷取與流通的橋樑,而利用強連結關係作為與這些弱連結關係資源交換的籌碼。 綜言之,記者尋人行為乃是一種「配置型智能」的展現,將原先大腦所需承擔的認知負荷交由環境中各式中介資源分散處理;另一方面,記者尋人行為更加蘊含「行動中思考」之過程,任何中介資源的使用,乃是端視記者當下所處情境,是否賦予記者視見中介資源之功能性用途。由此可知,記者尋人的知識即是展現在記者審時度勢的功夫上,以適時運用環境周遭的中介資源,協助解決任務、尋覓至小人物消息來源。 / As previous studies have emphasized on journalist-source relationship for a long time, they provide a jumping-off point for this study to divert from them. In terms of traditional research subjects (politicians and public relations), most of those studies mainly focus on how journalists develop, cement, augment and repair mutual relationship with their sources. However, the question of how journalists seek for their sources has been rarely discussed. Therefore, this study attempts to turn to low-status sources (i.e. ordinary people) and examine how journalists manipulate artifacts and social networks to seek for them. This study conducted by in-depth interview and participant observation shows that the institutionalization of newspapers makes big impacts on journalists’ people-seeking behavior. At the first phase, journalists will be cultivated to form specific hypotheses for the type of sources they are seeking for. Second, it may cause ordinary people news necessary to compete with other news genres for news pages. Finally, it may also cause some of ordinary people news stories to be omitted. However, even though journalists’ people-seeking behavior is constricted to the social structure, they are still able to exercise their agency in the use of information and communication technology to extend the time of newsgathering and to ensure all potential ordinary people news will be found. Moreover, those hypotheses for the people they are seeking for are not totally controlled by journalists’ representational systems either but constituted recursively. In addition, social networks are also one of indispensable resources for journalists’ people-seeking behavior. According to research results, the factor that impacts journalists on deciding which intermediary they will ask help for is based on mutual relational characteristics. Journalists will use weak ties to access new information and strong ties as a bargain chip to negotiate with weak ties for resource exchange. In sum, during the process of people-seeking, journalists’ cognitive functions will be distributed and offloaded to the mediated resources in the situation in a cooperative way to ease the cognitive burden imposed on their brains. In addition, the usage of mediated resources also depends on the situation journalists stay in, which enables them to perceive the function of each mediated resource. All in all, journalists’ knowledge of people-seeking behavior rests on how they consider the situation and manipulate mediated resources properly to solve their tasks.

認知能力與一般化強化學習–凱因斯選美賽局實驗之實證分析 / Effects of cognitive on the Generalized Reinforcement Learning(EWA Learning):an empirical study of Keynes's beauty contest experiment

蔡明翰 Unknown Date (has links)
本文研究的主要目的為研究學習行為與智能的相關性,採經驗加權吸引模型(Experience-Weighted Attraction)來描述受測者在選美競賽賽局(Beauty Contest Game)實驗下的決策及行為,不單只選擇強化學習或信念學習模型,其理由為經驗加權吸引模型綜合了以上兩個學習的特點;在智能的部分,本文以實驗所得的工作記憶能力(Working Memory Capacity)分數的高低,來代表智能高低。   從研究結果發現,智能高與低兩類受測者的初始吸引分配,皆與其在第一期的選擇類似,而低智能的受測者在初始吸引部分,所估計的分配結果會與第一期之後期間的分配較不相似,這可能代表著低智能的受測者對於類似賽局實驗以及此實驗的分析或想像較差;在ψ的參數估計上,由於低智能的初始吸引與最後一期猜測的分配較不相似,以理論來說會遞減較快,也就是說會小於高智能所估計的結果,而真實的估計結果也顯示如此,此外,ψ的估計結果,也表示低智能受測者,對於之前吸引遞減較快,遺忘地較快。本文在δ的部分,高智能的受測者明顯地大於低智能的受測者,這表示高智能的受測者,對於失去的報酬比較敏感,會較關心沒有選擇到的數字所能得到的報酬,本文認為此結果可能隱含高智能受測者的認知階層較高。在受測者對於吸引敏感度λ的參數部分,本研究發現,此兩類受測者並無太大差異,也就是此兩類受測者對於吸引的變動,敏感度差距不大,也就代表影響人們對於吸引敏感度的原因,可能不是來自於智商高低。由本文的實證結果,可以發現學習行為與智能的相關性,因此本文建議在往後與學習行為有關的研究上,也許可以納入智能為主要研究探討的核心。 / The purpose of this paper is to explore possible relationships between individual differences in working memory capacity (WMC) and behavioral heterogeneity revealed in a repeated beauty contest experiment. We use ‘experience-weighted attraction’ (EWA) learning, to describe the decision-making and learning behavior of subjects in the beauty contest game (BCG) experiment. In the intelligence section, the level of the experiment from the working memory capacity score, to represent the intelligence high or low. We found high and low intelligent of the subject's initial attract allocated all its similar to the first period choice. In parameter estimation of ψ, due to the initial attraction of low intelligence subject is less similar to the choice of the following periods. According to theory,ψ of the low intelligence subjects will decrease faster, and the estimate of the results also show that. In addition, part of δ, high intelligence subjects was larger than the low intelligent subjects, which means that subjects of high intelligence, more sensitive to lost revenue. We think that may be implied the higher intelligent subjects are higher cognitive hierarchy. The sensitivity of players to attractions λ, we found that these two types of intelligent is not much difference. This means that the impact of the sensitivity of players to attractions, may not be from the intelligent level. By the empirical results, we can find the relationship between behavioral heterogeneity and intelligence, so we suggests that it may be incorporated into the intelligent as the main research.

智能障礙者雙老家庭照顧負荷、家庭復原力與家庭生活品質之相關性探討 / Relationships between care burden, family resilience and family quality of life of the double-ageing families with intellectual disabilities

潘季瑤, Pan, Chi Yao Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在探討智能障礙者雙老家庭之照顧負荷、家庭復原力與家庭生活品質的關係,並檢驗家庭復原力對照顧負荷與家庭生活品質之調節情形。 本研究採取問卷調查法,採便利取樣方式進行資料蒐集工作,研究對象為79戶雙老家庭。資料分析以t考驗、單因子變異數分析、皮爾森積差相關分析與階層迴歸分析進行。研究主要結果如下: 一、雙老家庭的照顧負荷程度高,然家庭復原力及家庭生活品質的現況表現也普遍較高; 二、照顧負荷與家庭復原力具有顯著負相關; 三、照顧負荷與家庭生活品質具有顯著的負相關; 四、家庭復原力與家庭生活品質具有顯著的正相關; 五、家庭復原力可調節照顧負荷對家庭生活品質之負向效果。 本研究根據問卷調查結果,提出實務與後續研究之建議。 / The purpose of this study was to probe into the relations between care burden, family resilience and family quality of life of the double-ageing families that contain old parents and their children with intellectual disability, and to examine the moderating effects of the family resilience of care burden and the family quality of life. A questionnaire survey was used in the study which recruited 79 double-ageing families. The data of questionnaire survey were analyzed by t-test, one-way ANOVA, Pearson product-moment analysis, and hierarchical regression analysis. The results of the study were described as the followings: 1.Care burden of caregiver is in high-level;Family resilience and family quality of life levels of double-ageing families are positive, between mid-level and high-level. 2.There was significant negative correlation between care burden and family resilience. 3.There was significant negative correlation between care burden and family quality of life. 4.There was significant positive correlation between family resilience and family quality of life. 5.The family resilience moderated the negative effects of the family quality of life caused from care burden. Based on the results from the questionnaire survey, some suggestions for practice and future studies were proposed.

分散式環境中基於聲譽的信任度評估機制及其在智能合約之應用 / Reputation-based Trust Evaluation Mechanism for Decentralized Environments and It’s Application Based on Smart Contracts

詹琨泰, Chan, Kun-Tai Unknown Date (has links)
近年來區塊鏈技術及其相關應用成為熱門焦點,區塊鏈最大的特色包含去中心化以及匿名性等特性,然而在這樣的分散式網路中我們很難判斷對方是否值得信賴,在數位憑證中我們透過可信賴第三方擔任憑證中心為用戶簽發金鑰憑證以此建立用戶之間的信賴關係,但在區塊鏈此種分散式網路中找到一個可信賴第三方實屬不易,並且可能會與區塊鏈去中心化之特性背道而馳,因此本研究參考PGP信任網與小世界理論的概念,建立一套可適用於分散式環境中基於聲譽的信任度評估機制,並將此機制結合智能合約實現一個信任度評估機制購物平台,目的希望用戶與陌生人交易前,可透過此機制計算出信任度,提供用戶做為參考,幫助用戶更容易判斷陌生人是否可信,以降低受騙風險。 / In recent years, the blockchain technology and its relevant applications become hot spots. The greatest feature of the blockchain is the decentralization. Nonetheless, it is difficult for us to judge whether the other person get involved in the decentralized network is credible. Furthermore, it is difficult to find a reliable third party in such a point-to-point network. Consequently, this paper refers to the PGP web of trust and the small world problem to establish a set of reputation-based trust evaluation mechanism for decentralized environments, we combine this mechanism with a smart contract to achieve a trust evaluation mechanism shopping platform, It is expected that achievements of the paper can facilitate people’s judgment regarding the reliability of strangers and reduce the risks of being deceived.

以智能合約實現分散式電子投票與投標系統 / Distributed E-Voting and E-Bidding Systems Based on Smart Contract

蕭人和, Hsiao, Jen-Ho Unknown Date (has links)
區塊鏈有著不可否認性、可追溯性以及共識性等特點,所有的交易內容都會完整的被記錄在區塊鏈上,基於上述幾項特性,我們利用區塊鏈來記錄公開資訊,將私密資料經由分散式秘密共享後再加密存放於智能合約中。其中,智能合約是一個能將交易狀態和交易狀態內嵌於區塊鏈上的應用,透過智能合約作為媒介,我們能夠將加密後的私密資料完整的存放於區塊鏈上,最後經由區塊鏈網路上的節點驗證後,達到資料正確性驗證的目的。 本研究分析現有的電子投票以及電子投標等應用的系統架構後,發現兩者皆存在著可信賴的第三方進行開票及開標的角色,且驗證流程繁瑣,無法提供一個便利性的投票與投標流程。此外,上述兩種應用皆須滿足機密性、不可否認性、匿名性以及可驗證性等安全性質,若能結合區塊鏈與智能合約於上述應用中,將可提升資料的可驗證性以及降低成本的負擔,對參與應用的人而言也能達到公開透明的需求。 因此,本文提出一個分散式架構下的電子投票與投標機制,結合區塊鏈以及智能合約的優點與技術,讓所有參與投票的選民、投標的廠商共同參與驗證與計算,並加強參與者的匿名性、資料傳輸的隱私性、開票與開標階段資料的可信賴性以及可驗證性。 / With the rise of blockchain technology, the core concept of decentralization has gradually drawn attention. In this context, the main objective of this study is to realize more convenient and secure electronic applications with the use of blockchain technology. This research is aimed to design a distributed e-voting and e-bidding system. The core idea is to combine the blockchain technology with secret sharing scheme and homomorphic encryption in order to realize the distributed e-voting and e-bidding application without a trusted third party. The system allows voters to participate in opening phase. It provides a public and transparent process while protecting the anonymity of voter’s and vendor’s identity, the privacy of data transmission and verifiability of data during the opening phase.

高功能自閉症類群障礙兒童的執行功能之探究: 與症狀嚴重度、適應行為及行為問題表現之關聯性 / Exploration of the Executive Function in Children with High-functioning Autism Spectrum Disorder: Relationship with Symptom Severity, Adaptive Function and Problem Behaviors

林怡安, Lin, Yi An Unknown Date (has links)
研究目的:本研究之目的,是探索高功能自閉症類群障礙(High-functioning Autism Spectrum Disorder, HFASD)兒童的執行功能表現,並以Pellicano(2011)提出的獨特性、解釋力、普遍性等觀點作為架構進行討論。獨特性方面,試圖以冷執行功能(包括認知彈性、工作記憶、反應抑制)與熱執行功能之架構剖繪HFASD兒童的執行功能表現形態;解釋力方面,是探索執行功能表現對自閉症狀嚴重度、適應行為及行為問題的預測力;普遍性方面,呼應自閉症類群障礙的高度異質性,嘗試以執行功能表現解釋研究樣本中具注意力不足/過動症特質和智能優異特質的兒童特性。 方法:以生理年齡界於7至10歲的54名HFASD兒童和27名一般發展組作為研究對象,兩組於生理年齡和智力進行配對控制,分別以七項認知作業和執行功能行為評定量表評估受試者在實驗室和日常生活中的執行功能表現,也評估智力、症狀嚴重度、適應行為、內外化行為問題表現。 結果:與一般發展兒童相較,HFASD組的執行功能呈現反應抑制的缺損最為明顯、認知彈性次之,而工作記憶則表現相對正常的獨特表現形態;且在誘發情緒和動機後,部分HFASD兒童有「避免懲罰」或「避免冒險」之作答傾向,此傾向與較嚴重的侷限重複行為有關。認知作業測得的結果和家長評估兒童的執行功能表現關聯性不大。執行功能中的抑制、轉換能力能預測侷限重複性行為的自閉症狀和內外化行為問題,然HFASD兒童的抑制能力越佳,也反映更多的內化行為困擾。此外,本研究HFASD受試樣本中具高度異質性,智能優異特質者幾乎沒有明顯的認知作業執行功能缺損,以BRIEF評估時,與非智能優異者相較具備較佳的計劃能力;而轉換、抑制及自我監控能力差可預測HFASD兒童中較高的注意力不足/過動症特質。 總結:HFASD兒童具獨特的執行功能表現形態,且HFASD的症狀表現和高度異質性可部分由執行功能所解釋,顯示執行功能缺損作為核心的認知能力假說具參考價值。進一步討論結果對於未來臨床實務中的介入價值。 / Purposes: The purpose of the study was to explore the executive function (EF) of the High-functioning Autism Spectrum Disorder (HFASD), and EF was discussed on the basis of uniqueness, explanatory power, universality proposed by Pellicano (2011). For the uniqueness, the study captures the cool EF (including cognitive flexibility, working memory, and response inhibition) and hot EF profile in children with HFASD. For the explanatory power, to examine whether EF can predict ASD symptom severity, adaptive function, and behavior problems. For the universality, concerning the significant heterogeneity within ASD, the study attempts to use EF to identify ADHD trait and intellectually gifted children within HFASD. Methods: Fifty-four children aged 7–10 years with HFASD and 27 control participants (Non-ASDs) with matched Age, Verbal, Performance, and Full Scale IQ were recruited. EF measurements include performance-based executive function task, as well as the BRIEF (Behavior Rating Inventory of Executive Functions) questionnaire completed by parents for daily life executive performance of their children. IQ, symptom severity, adaptive function, internalized and externalized behavior problems were also measured either by questionnaire or semi-structured assessments. Results: Results indicated that compared with Non-ASDs, HFASD shows the most imairment in responses inhibition, then in cognitive shifting. However, the working memory is relativily intact. When the motivation and emotion were induced during the task, an “avoidance punishment” or “avoidance risk” tendancy was observed in some children with HFASD, which is related to more restricted and repetitive symptoms. Performance-based tasks are not highly related with questionnaire-based measurement of EF. Problems with inhibition and shift ability can predict more restricted and repetitive symptoms as well as internalized and externalized behavior problems. However, when children with HFASD show better inhibition ability, they might have more internalized behavior disturbance. Furthermore, we found high heterogeneity within the study sample of HFASD.There is no significant deficits in performance-based EF tasks within intellectually gifted HFASD, and they also have higher performance on the plan scale of BRIEF. Problems with shift, inhibition, and self-monitoring can predict higher ADHD traits in children with HFASD. Conclusions: Findngs support the uniqness of EF profile in children with HFASD, and the heterogeneity within ASD can be partially explained by EF components. This indicated the importance of EF dysfunction hypothesis in ASD.The theoretical and clinical implications were discussed.

從眼動證據探索高功能自閉症類群障礙兒童的生物性運動知覺歷程 / An Eye-Tracking Study on Biological Motion Perception in Children with High-Functioning Autism Spectrum Disorder

林宛柔, Lin, Wan-Jou Unknown Date (has links)
研究目的:本研究旨在探究高功能自閉症類群障礙(High-Functioning Autism Spectrum Disorder, HFASD)兒童基本的運動知覺、動物生物性運動知覺、與人類生物性運動知覺之偏好注視表現與注意力時間歷程,逐步澄清HFASD兒童的生物性運動知覺表現與社會缺損的關聯性。此外,針對自閉症類群障礙的異質性,進一步探討HFASD兒童具智能優異特質者之生物性運動知覺表現。 研究方法:本研究共招募50名7至10歲之HFASD兒童與25名配對生理年齡與智力之TD兒童。本研究採偏好注視作業,以光點呈現三種運動刺激對比的視覺配對情境:(1)基本運動知覺:物體運動配對散亂運動;(2)動物生物性運動知覺:動物運動配對物體運動;(3)人類生物性運動知覺:人類運動配對動物運動。透過眼動追蹤技術測量受試兒童觀看各運動刺激之凝視時間比例與時間歷程之凝視可能性。研究亦涵蓋智力、症狀嚴重度、及適應行為評估。 研究結果:基本運動知覺方面,TD兒童與HFASD 兒童皆對散亂運動具偏好反應。生物性運動知覺方面,整體來說,TD與HFASD兒童皆較偏好動物與人類運動。時間歷程分析顯示,HFASD與TD兒童在相同的時間窗格對動物與人類運動產生偏好興趣。此外,在動物生物性運動知覺中,於時間歷程早期階段,HFASD兒童偏好動物運動之程度低於TD兒童,且偏好動物運動的程度與社會溝通缺損具相關性,於晚期階段,兩組偏好動物運動的程度無顯著差異。在人類生物性運動知覺中,於時間歷程早期階段,HFASD兒童偏好人類運動的程度與TD兒童相當,隨時間遞增,TD兒童維持對人類運動的偏好興趣,然而,HFASD兒童對人類運動的偏好興趣則逐步遞減,至晚期階段,HFASD兒童偏好人類運動的程度顯著低於TD兒童,且與自閉症狀具相關性。考量本研究HFASD兒童樣本之異質性,結果指出智能優異的HFASD兒童對動物生物性運動的偏好程度與TD兒童相當,但在人類生物性運動知覺中,智能優異組與非智能優異組皆隨時間遞增對人類運動的偏好興趣則逐步遞減。 總結:研究結果指出,HFASD兒童對生物性運動的偏好興趣及產生偏好的速度與TD兒童無明顯差異。但HFASD兒童對人類生物性運動偏好興趣的持續度較TD兒童低落,且不因認知優勢具補償作用。整體而言,顯示HFASD兒童的生物性運動知覺表現型態在反映其社會缺損上具有參考價值。本研究也進一步探討臨床應用、研究限制與未來的研究方向。 / Purposes: This study investigated the preferential attention and attentional processing on the basic motion perception, animal biological motion perception, and human biological motion perception in children with High-Functioning Autism Spectrum Disorder (HFASD). It aimed to explore the processing of biological motion perception in children with HFASD and the association to social deficit. Moreover, concerning the heterogeneity within ASD, the study examined the biological motion perception in intellectually gifted children within HFASD. Method: Fifty children aged 7 to 10 years with HFASD and twenty-five children with typically development(TD)matched on age and IQ were recruited. The current study utilized preferential looking paradigm and motion point-light displays, demonstrating three visual comparison: (1) basic motion perception: object motion paired with scrambled motion; (2) animal biological motion perception: animal motion paired with object motion; (3) human biological motion: human motion paired with animal motion. Eye-tracking techniques were applied to measure proportion of dwell time and time course of fixation probability on each motion stimuli. Cognitive function, symptom severity, and adaptive function were also measured. Result: In basic motion perception, children with TD and HFASD preferentially attend toward scrambled motion. In biological motion perception, generally, children with TD and HFASD preferentially attend toward animal motion and human motion. Time-course analysis revealed that children with TD and HFASD attended toward animal motion and human motion at the same time window. Moreover, in animal biological motion perception, children with HFASD showed lower preferential interest in animal motion than children with TD at the early stage of time course, and there were no significnant difference between groups at the late stage of time course. The results also found that the level of preference for animal motion was associated with the severity of social communication. In human biological motion perception, children with TD and HFASD showed similar level of preferential interest in human motion at the early stage of time course; afterthat, children with TD matained preferential interest in human motion across time, but children with HFASD reduced preferential interest in human motion across time. At the late stage of time course, children with HFASD showed significantly lower level preferential interest in human motion than children with TD, and it was associated to symptom severity. Concerning the heterogeneity within the study sample of HFASD, results indicated that there was no difference on the level of preferential interest in animal motion between intellectually gifted HFASD (IG-HFASD) and TD group; however, in human biological motion perception, IG-HFASD and nonIG-HFASD group reduced preferential interest in human motion across time course compared to TD group. Conclusion: Findings suggested that children with HFASD exhibit the equivalent preferential interest and speed of attending to biological motion as did TD children. However, children with HFASD reduced referential interest in human biological motion across time course compared to TD children, and not influenced by the intellectually gifted advantage with compensation. The results implicated that biological motion perception may play an important role to understanding the social deficit in children with ASD. Theoretical and clinical implications of the study were discussed.

透過 紅樓夢 啟發澳門初中學生的多元智能 / Through reading Dream of the Red Chamber inspires Macao junior students' multiple intelligences;"透過紅樓夢啟發澳門初中學生的多元智能";"Through reading Dream of the Red Chamber inspires Macao junior students' multiple intelligences"

呂倩影 January 2010 (has links)
University of Macau / Faculty of Education

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