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台灣東訊公司物聯網技術的智能家居產品在中國市場的可獲利經營方式及策略彭繼曾 Unknown Date (has links)
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國小學童人際智能、內省智能、創造力與逆境經驗之關係 / Interpersonal intelligence, intrapersonal intelligence, creativity and adversity experience of elementary school students莊雅婷, Chuang, Ya Ting Unknown Date (has links)
關鍵字:人際智能、內省智能、創造力、逆境經驗 / The main purpose of this study was to explore the relationships among interpersonal intelligence, intrapersonal intelligence, creativity and adversity experience of elementary school students. A total of 642 children in the forth to sixth grade of elementary school students (314 male, 324 female) in Taiwan was sampled in this study. This study involved a survey that comprised of four sets of questionnaires: the Inventory of Interpersonal Intelligence, the Inventory of Intrapersonal Intelligence, the Inventory of Creative Behavior, and the Inventory of Creative Self-efficacy.
The quantitative of data was analyzed by descriptive statistics, Pearson’s correlation, t-test, ANOVA, and regression analysis.
The main findings of this study were as follows. (a)Elementary school students are rated above middle on their self-efficacy of interpersonal intelligence and intrapersonal intelligence, and also interested in relevance activities. In face of adversity, they tend to have negative emotions, but at the same time they know how to actively cope, adjust and reframe. They can also construct meaning from the adversity; (b) Elementary school students who has the higher interpersonal intelligence, intrapersonal intelligence, creative self-efficacy, and behaved more creative, would be more active to face adversity, but also can construct more positive life meaning from the adversity; (c) interpersonal intelligence, intrapersonal intelligence, creative self-efficacy and creative behavior significantly predicted negative emotions, coping methods, and meaning construction of adversity, and vice versa.
According to the results of the study, some suggestions were made for educators and further studies.
Key words: interpersonal intelligence, intrapersonal intelligence, creativity, adversity experience.
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幼兒的依附關係、語文智能及人際智能與心智理論能力之關係劉佳閔 Unknown Date (has links)
最後,本研究依據上述的研究結果進行討論,並提出相關建議,以供親職教育、教育輔導、教學及後續研究之參考。 / Abstract
The main purpose of this study was to explore the relationships between preschoolers’ attachment styles, verbal intelligence, interpersonal intelligence, demographic variables, and their theory of mind. The participants included 124 4- to 6-year-old children from kindergartens in Taipei city. The employed instruments in this study were The Tasks of Preschoolers’ Theory of Mind, The Inventory of Preschoolers’ Attachment Styles, and two subscales from The Inventory of Multiple Intelligences--verbal intelligence and interpersonal intelligence. The applied analysis methods included descriptives, one-way MANOVA, canonical correlation, and discriminant analysis.
The main findings of this study were as follows:
1. While the girls outperformed the boys in both the verbal and the interpersonal intelligences, no significant gender differences on attachment styles were found.
2. There were no significant gender differences or SES differences on the preschoolers’ theory of mind. However, there were significant age differences on the preschoolers’ theory of mind; more specifically, the 6-year-old children outperformed the 5-year-old and the 4-year-old children on the tasks of theory of mind.
3. The preschoolers’ performances on the tasks of theory of mind did not vary as their attachment styles were different.
4. Verbal intelligence and Interpersonal intelligence had significant effects on the preschoolers’ theory of mind. In other words, the better verbal intelligence and Interpersonal intelligence the children had, the higher level their theory of mind were.
5. The preschoolers’ secure attachment style, verbal intelligence, and interpersonal intelligence were positively related to their theory of mind, and their verbal intelligence had the strongest relation to their theory of mind.
6. The preschoolers’ secure attachment style, verbal intelligence, and interpersonal intelligence could jointly predict their theory of mind.
Finally, after discussion, the researcher proposed some suggestions for educational instruction and future studies.
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初探記者採訪報導創傷受害者的社會智能 / A preliminary study of reporter's social intelligence in covering traumatic victims吳佳蓉 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究試圖以社會智能之觀點切入,初探記者採訪、報導創傷受害者所運用的社會認知、知識及行為技巧,聚焦於記者如何運用社會智能去平衡人際、工作任務及情境等面向,以順利和創傷受害者互動、同時完成工作任務。本研究採質性研究之視角,透過深入訪談的方式訪談 15 位國內記者,對象同時包含電子/平面、文字/攝影、都會/駐地記者等。研究結果發現,在工作過程中,記者確實運用社會智能去解決採訪、報導創傷受害者所遭遇到的問題;且其社會認知及技巧的展現是相當豐富且細緻的,這是傳統的新聞學說(如:客觀的專業意理)難以詮釋及涵蓋的。此外,由於創傷情境之特殊性,因此記者於工作過程中會產生許多複雜的情緒感受,如無力感、挫折感等,且為了順利完成工作任務,記者還必須加以管理、運用自己的情緒感受,如:隔離自我的情緒感受,但仍運用同理心去理解創傷受害者。最終,在記者社會智能的職涯變化方面,訪談資料顯示,記者的社會智能實為一不斷修正、演化的能力,會隨著記者個人的生命經驗或工作經驗的刺激而不斷學習、演進。
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藝術心理課程對幼兒多元智能之成效探究 / The Effectiveness of Art Psychology Curriculum on Children's Multiple Intellegence張靜軒 Unknown Date (has links)
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大中華區零售業智能化之研究 / Intelligent Retail Business in Greater China-Status Quo and Future Prospects巫婉曦, Wu, Wan Hsi Unknown Date (has links)
自IBM 於2008 年提出「智慧的地球」(Smarter Planet)的概念後,逐步勾勒出諸多未來產業發展的願景,智慧城市、智慧生活的想法隨之孕育而生,以高科技打造未來生活,已成為趨勢。然而,在眾多智慧產業中,又以零售產業之業態最多元、變化快速且競爭者眾多。再者,全球零售業連鎖化經營的趨勢明顯,特別是大中華地區因連鎖密度高、幅員遼闊、各地發展情形不一等特性,將面臨諸多管理上的挑戰。
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探索隨意群眾智慧之自主化信任模式研究 / U-ATM: An Autonomous Trust Model for Exploring Ubiquitous Collective Wisdom黃元巨, Hwang,Yuan-Chu Unknown Date (has links)
Ubiquitous e-service is one of the most recent links in the chain of evolution that
has characterized the different eras of the internetworking environment. In this
dissertation, the notion of ambient e-services is defined to identify a new scope of
mobile e-services in an ubiquitous environment, addressing dynamic collective efforts
between mobile users, dynamic interactions with ambient environments, the moment of
value, and low cost provision. We present an ambient e-services framework
characterizing three supporting stacks followed by several ambient e-service
applications. We propose an ambient e-service environment that explores the promise of
exploitation of the collective wisdom of proximal mobile users.
In order to leap the trust barrier for the user to embracing these ubiquitous
e-services, we propose an Autonomous Trust Model for exploring collective wisdom in
the ubiquitous environment (hereafter termed “U-ATM”) as an instance of ASEM.
ASEM (Ambient e-Service Embracing Model) addresses the core elements (of
relevance to the integrated concern of trust, reputation and privacy) required for
assuring such desired features as convenience, safety, fairness and collaboration for
mobile users when they engage with ambient e-services. The U-ATM highlights the
distributed peer-to-peer interactions under an ad-hoc network composition. It especially
accommodates the dynamic short-lived identity characteristics and lightweight
computational capacity of mobile devices. The U-ATM we have developed is based on
the ZigBee architecture as a collaborative application in the upper layer of the
ubiquitous environment. U-ATM design concepts are elaborated and evaluated. A
simulation is conducted. Simulation outcomes for trust decision quality enhancement
show significant improvement over traditional designs. U-ATM makes it possible for
users to collaborate with the nearby user groups for establishing a reliable and
trustworthy interaction environment. It also facilitates and empowers the potential
benefits of various ubiquitous e-service applications.
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博物館智能障礙導覽研究--以台北市立美術館為例王婉如 Unknown Date (has links)
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以智能合約實現快速醫療保險理賠 / Streamlining Medical Insurance Claims Processing With Smart Contracts林展民, Lin, Chan Min Unknown Date (has links)
本論文提出了一套基於智能合約來實現快速醫療保險理賠的方案,我們在以太坊上實作智能合約,我們的方案除了能改善現有的問題,也建構出一套公開透明,且兼顧病人隱私的理賠系統,並考量實際狀況,讓保險公司的業務邏輯可以重用,在理想與現實之間取得一個適當之平衡點。 / Current medical insurance claims application process is complex. It requires the insured to apply for medical diagnosis, and to fill out an application form to the insurance company. The insurance company then reviews the case. If they are unable to approve the claims, they must first obtain the consent form from the insured in order to access to his or her medical records to facilitate subsequent claims review. Throughout the process, the insurance company needs to pay a lot of labor costs; while the insured will have many concerns of information transparency.
Blockchain operates in an open and transparent manner and maintains its data in a tamper-free way. Smart contracts are programs executed on a blockchain platform to enforce an agreement such that the program will not be tampered with, and all records of execution will be kept from modification. These characteristics of a smart contract make it very good as a tool for streamlining the medical insurance claims process, as it will greatly reduce the human efforts involved on the insurance company side while increase the information transparency from the perspective of the insured.
This thesis presents a smart contract based solution for streamlining the medical insurance claims process. We design and implement the con-tract on the Ethereum platform. In addition to improving the existing problems, our solution builds an open and transparent claims system that takes into account the patient privacy and the practical requirement of re-using the existing claims processing system of the insurance company, thus achieving a proper balance between the ideal and reality.
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台灣與荷蘭輕度智能障礙中學生的個別化教育研究 / Individualized education for mildly mentally impaired secondary education students in Taiwan and the Netherlands高晞次, Loff, Sietse Unknown Date (has links)
本論文的目的將研究與比較以下兩方面: (1) 台灣與荷蘭在中學階段之個別輕度智能障礙學生有何全國教育政策;期許和需求與關於達成 (2) 兩國的學校與老師如何落實個別輕度智能障礙學生的教學。為達成此目的,研究者擬蒐集兩國相關教育政策資料,以及與學校主要成員進行深入的半結構訪談。在資料分析過程中,會著重在兩國的政策和個案學校特殊狀況。而後將相互比較兩國對輕度智能障礙學生之個別化教育政策與學校執行情況,能對兩國的輕度智能障礙學生的個別化教育有所了解。以增進兩國在此方面的相互學習與借鏡。
此外,在台灣、荷蘭組成個別化教育的項目在個別的中學低年級和高年級相當不同,而兩國的中學個別化教育項目同時呈現相同與相異之處。該研究基於研究發現提出部分建議,並針對未來可能的研究提出建議。 / Research into education for, specifically, the mildly mentally impaired has in recent years decreased. Often this population of students is combined with other high incidence disabilities while significant differences in characteristics have been recognized. This research project, therefore, specifically focuses on the population of mildly mentally impaired students in secondary education and particularly individualized education, since there is a consensus among academics that this population of students has a need for a system that allows for individualized education. Policies regarding education for mildly mentally impaired in secondary education in both Taiwan and the Netherlands also stipulate a program tailored to a student’s individual needs, interests and abilities and, thus, a level of comparability between these two countries is assured.
The purpose of this dissertation is to investigate and compare (1) the national policies for meeting the individual educational wishes and needs of mildly mentally impaired secondary education students in Taiwan and the Netherlands and (2) how these policies are implemented in high-quality school cases in both countries. To achieve this purpose, the researcher collected relevant policy documents and performed in-depth, semi-structured interviews with key staff members at the school cases. During the process of data analysis, due attention was given to the fact that both the countries’ policies, as well as the school cases, are embedded in their own unique contexts. Upon analyzing the gathered data, a comparison of both countries’ individualized education systems for mildly mentally impaired secondary education students was performed, highlighting similarities and differences.
The findings of this research project indicate that the process of individualizing education has been shaped by national cultures as well as different worldwide trends in both Taiwan and the Netherlands. Most notably, there has been a drive for standards-based reform in Taiwan while in the Netherlands the concept of the student-led IEP has found an advocate in the school case researched. Furthermore, relevant educational policies and regulations are created and enforced in a top-down manner in Taiwan while the Netherlands shows elements of a bottom-up approach. Among the major findings from the school cases is that the Dutch case shows a student who is endowed with a greater degree of formal responsibility in the process of individualizing education than the Taiwanese counterparts at both the lower and upper level school cases. Furthermore, in both countries, individualized education at the lower and upper secondary education stages consists of different elements. The degree to which these elements are present in Taiwan and the Netherlands shows similarities and differences. This report concludes with recommendations based on the findings, and suggestions for possible future research are offered.
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