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iBeaGuide導覽服務系統之設計與研發 / The Design and Implementation of iBeaGuide for Guide Service System鄭嘉鼎, Cheng, Chia Ting Unknown Date (has links)
本研究之目的為加強導覽內容管理效率並透過iBeacon提昇觀眾之展覽導覽服務使用體驗。結合iBeacon實作一包含網頁後台管理系統與前台統一入口app之導覽服務系統,以iBeacon基地台主動推之特性減少導覽使用者需自行操作的頻率,並同時將導覽服務由展覽品內容介紹推廣至觀眾進入展覽前、參觀展覽中、離開展覽後不同階段的服務應用,並讓觀眾能跟展覽場域有更多互動。另一方面,將導覽製作的過程簡化,展覽單位只需要操作網頁即可透過管理系統將內容上架至前端app,且可同時管理多個不同展覽。藉由前後台的配合完成一套完整的導覽服務系統,並根據使用者測試結果歸納出可改進或後續開發設計之功能建議。 / Guide service is common in exhibitions and some museums. The improvement in digital technology has brought us to a new era of guide experience. Visitors used to read guidebook or listen to an audio guide via recorder, but smart devices now play an important role in guide service. However, most of guide devices require user to press buttons or touch screen when they want to access particular exhibits and the application in those devices are designed for one specific exhibition.
This research designed and developed a guide service system with iBeacon, in order to make guide content management more efficient and enhance the visitor experience. The system iBeaGuide contains a Web-based content manage system and a portal guide service mobile app for exhibition visitors. With the feature of iBeacon, users no longer need to select the guide of exhibits they are watching. When iBeaGuide app detect iBeacon signal, it will turn to the correspond page automatically, not only when watching masterpieces but also when enter the exhibition venue or close to some facilities like information desk or toilet. iBeacon content manage system is for exhibition administrator. Via this Web system, administrators can easily upload guide content and update immediately.
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設立提供東京旅遊資訊及導遊服務的網站 / Exploring Tokyo Providing Comprehensive Information of Tokyo and Catering Individual Tourist佐藤峻, Sato, Leo Unknown Date (has links)
無 / What if you had a local friend in Tokyo who is willing to take you to some local places? Your journey should become more unique than the others’. Toku envisions to satisfy botch travelers who want to experience ‘local’ way in Tokyo and local Tokyo people who wish to guide travelers to local places. Toku is a website in which users are able to see and obtain information of Tokyo local dining spots, shops and nightclubs. Toku also provides half-day and one-tour guide to further enrich traveler’s experience in Tokyo. The following are the missions Toku promises to its customers:
1. Providing ‘local’ information of Tokyo to foreigners
2. Connecting people who need a local guide with people who wish to guide foreigners in Tokyo
3. Making local friends through the network of local guides
4. Providing individual tourists with local knowledge and secrets
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台北縣立鶯歌陶瓷博物館導覽員專業訓練研究 / A Study on The Guides Training of Taipei County Yingge Ceramics Museum施佩瑩, SHIH, PEI-YIN Unknown Date (has links)
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社群隨境遊戲運用於觀光景點-以淡水為例 / Multi-player Pervasive Social Game(MPSG) in Tamsui陳正和, Chen ,Cheng Ho Unknown Date (has links)
本論文運用隨境遊戲(Pervasive Game)其具備空間,時間,社交延展的特性,透過遊戲機制以及故事設計,將兩個遊戲空間的玩家-街頭手機玩家以及線上3D社群遊戲串聯在一起,並且為了讓遊戲內容與真實世界產生關連以及應用,本研究以一具備古蹟導覽以及觀光消費的景點-淡水為例,以便於更清楚的呈現設計概念,並在過程中探討加入其他應用,如廣告行銷應用的可能性。
在設計方法上,分為概念發想設計以及雛型實作及探討兩部分。首先透過文獻探討,找出1.隨境遊戲定義、實作架構、評估方法及案例分析 2.現今社群平台提供的互動機制、社群應用行動化趨勢、及遊戲與廣告行銷社群化的原則與案例 3.電腦遊戲中如何處理冒險類型遊戲的設計,及當中的重要元素為何?。從文獻探討中歸納出設計原則後,接著進行故事與遊戲機制設計,並透過影片模擬應用情境,呈現設計概念。最後進行架構規劃與可操作之系統雛形實作。創作過後,也針對初期玩家體驗的心得進行討論。
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藝術經紀與導覽的商業模式研究 / Research on Business Model of Art Agent and Art Tour林雨青, Lin, Yu Ching Unknown Date (has links)
藝術經紀與導覽的商業模式研究 / Research on business model of art agency and art tour originates from my passion for art. This passion intrigues me to construct a gateway to understanding the ongoing development of art in Taiwan. The origin of the idea is to design a business model for art services combining art agency and art tour after keen observation of the paradigm shift from manufacturing sectors to service- oriented sector and by diligent practice on innovative art services. Catering to the niche art market, this type of creative art service may not only create a new trend but also inspire more possibilities for art industries.
Keywords: Art agency, Art agency, Art tour, Culture industry, Evaluation of artwork, Featured tour
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3D擴增實境應用於行動導覽之研究 / A study of 3D augmented reality on mobile navigation張樹安, Chang, Shu An Unknown Date (has links)
近年來GPS導航軟體正蓬勃發展,但市面上的導航軟體大多只能帶領使用者到達旅遊景點,無法更進一步提供旅遊資訊與行程建議。因此,本研究結合行動裝置與「3D擴增實境」(3D Augmented Reality),試圖規劃一套新型的導覽模式。我們以淡水為例,結合當地古蹟景點與歷史典故,使導覽系統能提供豐富的數位內容。在設計的過程中,本研究建構出「新科技敘事模式」,在「故事」、「影音效果」、與「互動機制」之間取得平衡,讓使用者體驗到故事、感官刺激、和旅遊合而為一的導覽經驗。此外,在「3D擴增實境」上,本研究建構了不同精細度的3D模型,並且在行動裝置上測試其效能。結果發現,「局部精化」的新形態建模概念,能夠兼顧美觀與運算效能。最後,本研究針對行動裝置硬體效能的負荷進行了權重測試,並獲得GPU(Render)>CPU(PR)的結論。 / In the past few years we have witnessed the rapid growth in the sales of GPS related products on the market. Nonetheless, most navigation software solely provides route planning rather than travel information or tour guidance. This research aims to combine mobile devices and 3D augmented reality (AR) to create a novel form of navigational experience. Taking the famous tourist spot Tamsui as an illustration, materials adapted local monuments and historical allusions are re-arranged creatively to provide substantial digital contents with helpful navigation information.
During the design process, this research creates different modes of narration, enabling users to undergo a brand new navigation experience through the blending of various media sources, including story, video and interaction. Additionally, this research constructs 3D models of different levels of detail and examines their efficiency on mobile devices. The experimental results indicate that 3D model built with partial fineness provides a balance between artistic fidelity and computational efficiency. Also, the results from the experiment suggest that the loading of the GPU (responsible for rendering the model) is greater than that of the CPU (responsible for pattern recognition).
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博物館行動導覽系統設計影響因素之探討與評估 / Review and evaluation of design factors for museum mobile navigation system林佑純 Unknown Date (has links)
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博物館智能障礙導覽研究--以台北市立美術館為例王婉如 Unknown Date (has links)
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自動導覽系統中智慧型觀察者的運動計畫 / Motion Planning for an Intelligent Observer in Automatic Tour-Guiding Systems游宗翰, Yu, Tzong-Hann Unknown Date (has links)
在本論文中,我們設計了一個以運動計畫演算法為基礎的自動導覽系統,讓使用者能透過計畫程式的輔助輕鬆地瀏覽虛擬場景。這系統包括一個我們稱之為智慧型觀察者的照相機模組,而這個模組便是本論文的研究焦點。其包含了三個主要功能:第一、追蹤導覽員(目標物),在任何時刻都要看到移動中的導覽員;第二、當使用者對照相機(觀察者)的路徑不滿意時,可以線上進行即時修改,而系統能保證其不與障礙物碰撞;第三、允許設定慣用動作(Idiom),以豐富導覽活動。我們實作了這個自動導覽系統,並且根據二維以及三維空間的特性,提出有效率的搜尋演算法,以解決智慧型觀察者追蹤目標物的問題,並讓搜尋的時間能符合線上計算的需求。另外針對線上即時修改路徑和設定慣用動作的部分,我們也提出了線上累進的搜尋方法以及內插權重參數的方式,並以實驗證明了這些設計的有效性。我們相信此類智慧型觀察者的研究,能有效地應用在自動導覽系統或其他應用中,提供使用者以方便的介面瀏覽虛擬環境。 / In this thesis, we have designed an automatic tour-guiding system based on motion planning algorithms to assist users in navigating a virtual environment. This system includes a camera module that was called intelligent observer, which is the focus of this thesis. This module includes three main functions as follows. First, the camera must be able to track the moving tour guide (target) at any time. Second, when a user is not satisfied with the camera’s (observer’s) path, he/she can choose to modify the path on-the-fly without letting the camera collide with the environmental obstacles. Third, it incorporates Cinematographic idioms to enrich tour activities. We have proposed and implemented efficient search algorithms in this system to solve the motion-tracking problem according to the characteristics of the 2D and 3D workspaces. Our experiments show that the performance of this planning system is satisfactory for our on-line application. Moreover, for the parts of modifying paths on-line and
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建構一以RFID定位之擴增實境系統 / Developing an augmented reality system based on rfid positioning劉彥辰, Liu, Yen Chen Unknown Date (has links)
本研究開發之系統目的在對真實環境中的實際位置或物件做資訊的擴充及指引,並提供即時性的互動,實驗結果中,此定位方式可達成較全球衛星定位(GPS)、無線網路定位(802.11)等更準確的定位結果,滿足在室內環境使用的行動型擴增實境系統追蹤定位之需求,未來可利用此顯示及追蹤方式,發展擴增實境更廣泛的應用。 / The purpose of Augmented Reality(AR) is to make further information adding to the real world. In its development, the main challenges are display, and tracking etc. Over three-decade developed, due to many technical constraints, AR still limited to apply widely in daily life. In recent years, as a result of the popularity of smart phones and its advancements of software and hardware, many AR services became important applications of smart phones. But in tracking techniques of mobile AR system, GPS cannot provide accurate positioning in indoor environment, image recognized method cannot provide mobile use. Therefore there are so few AR systems used in the indoor environment and possessed mobility. This study will be aimed at tracking methods of augmented reality and increasing the scope of AR application.
This study use the feature of RFID positioning in indoor environment, and use LANDMARC method in position calculated. Make RFID tags as fiducial points in positioning environment, and calculate the object's as well as user's positions as the basis of display of AR system. In operating systems of smart phones, we use Android as our developing platform. By its supports of cameras, three-axis gravity sensor device, communication interfaces and others in mobile phone hardware, the system can show the overlayed virtual images of augmented reality. The actual location of the real object will be marked as a virtual object, which can be adjusted according to the distance and the angle between user and the position of real object. Also user will be located in real-time and the position of the virtual object will be adjusted when moves in the environment.
The system can make further information augmented and interact instantly with locations or items in real environment. Experiment results verified that this tracking method can provide more accurate results compared to the global satellite positioning (GPS), wireless network locating (802.11) and other wireless uses. It can fulfill the demand of tracking in augmented reality system in indoor using. By the display and the tracking method, augmented reality applications can be more widely used in the future.
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