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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

呂夷簡與慶曆前期的政治衝突 / Lu I-chien and Early Ch'ing-Li Polictical Conflict

蔡宗穎, Tsai, Tzung-Ying Unknown Date (has links)
本研究主要以宋代宰相呂夷簡(979-1044,1000進士)作為課題,主要是欲考察以呂夷簡在宋代的政治衝突,並以呂夷簡為中心分析呂夷簡當政時期的政治事件。慶曆3年(1043)呂夷簡是仁宗倚重的宰相,因病下台後,不久上台的是范仲淹。呂氏家族是北宋新興的大族,家族源流至早可追溯至唐末。宋初呂氏曾三代皆任宰執。呂夷簡年少任官有為、直言敢諫、勇於任事,不畏大臣,並對制度改革多有著墨。但是自從呂夷簡當上宰相之後,評價與前期反差極大。所以這篇研究主要是重新討論呂夷簡在北宋的政治過程,研究中我主要從宋真宗末年的政治動盪開始敘述,主要是想撰寫出呂夷簡當政前的政治情況。 其次,我也極力撰寫真宗晚期的鬥爭,這場鬥爭一直延續到仁宗即位之初。從中我主要想強調這個時期宋代除了太祖、太宗出身軍伍之外,真宗、仁宗都是透過制度的繼體守文的君主,真宗、仁宗在繼位上隱含著些許的不穩定。特別是在仁宗時期繼位之際,宋代除了面對第一次女主劉太后的垂簾聽政,當時的朝中大臣丁謂也透過先帝對他的喜愛,在真宗末年壟斷朝廷權力。在這汲汲可危之際,能夠行將救禦、防患於未然的大臣除了王曾外,那就是呂夷簡。 劉后掌權時王曾對劉后多所裁抑,很快就被貶出權力的中樞。呂夷簡曾協助王曾扳倒丁謂,在王曾離開朝廷之後,真宗末年留下來的老臣除了垂垂老矣的張士遜便是呂夷簡。因此,在本篇論文中我會特別討論呂夷簡的政治過程,也會將呂、范之間的爭論再度放在我的論文篇章中一併討論。


雷飛龍, Lei, Fei-Long Unknown Date (has links)
臣下敢在君主深惡痛絕之下結黨爭權,君主的領導方法或能力,一定有所欠缺,縱使英明強幹的君主,如其在重大問題上遲疑不決,或已決定而又起動搖,臣下即可能結黨相爭,如果君主採用「分而治之」的手段,利用臣下的對立,以維護君權,也可能引起黨爭;如果君主不能明斷,則君主已失其定分止爭的作用。臣下為求取勝利,自不免結黨以爭,如果君權已經旁落,則君主為求收回權力、或臣僚中之不滿於竊取權力者,亦將結黨以爭,漢、唐、宋、明各代的黨爭無不如此。 故就東漢、中唐、北宋、晚明等黨爭的形成原因來說,均難謂為出於某一單純原因而係由於各種因素的湊合,例如東漢黨爭的形成,君權旁落與取士制度關係取大,仕途壅塞則其助力,中唐牛李黨爭的形成,政策的不同,取士制度,均為主要原因,而君主所採「分而治之」的手段,君不明斷,仕途壅塞,均有助力,北宋的范仲淹、王安石及其反對者的鬥爭,主因即在學術政策的不同,地域的不同,君主的領導方式,亦有重要關係,晚明黨爭的發生,君主的領導無方最為重要原因,品性、地域的不同, 仕途的壅塞,取士制度等,均有關係。 最後我們認為朋黨的形成,一般都是出於「弱者」意識,所謂弱者,亦即自認其利益未被照顧或未被妥善照顧的人,這種人往往構成一個「不滿的利益集團」,不論何時何地,只要有「不滿的利益集團」存在,即可能出現朋黨。

韓國公共電視工會運動發展-以2012年MBC罷工為例 / The Development of Korea Public TV Union Movement: The Case Study of MBC Strike in 2012

田育志, Tian, Yu Jhih Unknown Date (has links)
韓國公共電視之一的MBC,因新聞報導立場不公、社長金在哲利用人事權力不當解雇批判執政黨的製作人與記者,造成MBC喪失公正放送的意義,員工為捍衛公共電視的價值,在工會的帶領下,於2012年1月底展開長達170天的罷工。為了解這場罷工的前因後果,以及對台韓媒體工會運動帶來的意義,本研究透過深度訪談與次級資料分析,檢視2012年MBC罷工的事前、事中與事後經過。   研究發現,導致MBC工會發起罷工的事前原因,來自於MBC政治朋黨化下親執政黨立場的管理階層,與李明博政府欲將MBC私有化而影響MBC節目內容走向的舉動,破壞了MBC身為公共電視應保有的「公正放送」價值。而罷工當時,MBC工會成員的高度參與,社會大眾與其他媒體工會的聲援,促使這場罷工得以延續長達170天。可惜的是,罷工結束後,MBC不僅無力保障公正放送,阻止MBC的政治朋黨化與私有化,更造成勞資間原有的團體協約中斷;MBC工會認為,短期之內可藉由社長選任制度的改革著手,而長期則要仰賴執政者對公共電視獨立地位的認可,才有希望達到公正放送的目標。   另外,這場為捍衛「公正放送」而展開的罷工行動,也可發現除了薪資與福利之外,媒體工作者的「專業價值」也是工會在意的勞動條件;這就是本研究在分析2012年MBC罷工後,所觀察到工會在「民主性功能」的展現。同時,民主性功能也是未來台灣學術研究上,可以用以分析媒體工會的另一觀點。 / As one of the public TV networks in Korea, MBC has lost the impartiality of broadcasting for its biased news reports and the unfair dismissal by the MBC’s president, Kim Jae-Chul, of producers and journalists who criticized the government. For protecting the value as a public TV, MBC employees ,led by the MBC union, started a 170-day strike in January, 2012. In order to realize the causes and effects of this strike, and the implications for the media union movement both in Taiwan and Korea, this study will examine the causes, the processes and the effects of the strike by using in-depth interview and secondary data analysis. According to the research data, the causes of the strike were due to political factions of MBC’s executive management and the ruling party, and the privatization of the MBC by Lee Myeong-Bak Administration; those two causes destroyed the impartiality of broadcasting, which was the central value that the public TV was supposed to protect. The strike had continued for 170 days with a high degree of participation from the MBC union and the supports from other media unions and the citizens. Unfortunately, after the strike, MBC was still neither able to protect the impartiality of broadcasting nor to maintain the organizational contract between the union and the management. Talking about the protecting of the impartiality of broadcasting, the MBC union considered that it could be a short-term target to reform the election system of president in MBC, but in the long-term, it needs the ruler to take the public TV as an independent media. Besides, through the strike which was started by protecting “the impartiality of broadcasting”, we can find out that not only the wage and welfare, but the professional values of media workers is the working condition that a union will be concerned about. And it’s so-called “the function of democracy” of the union which is a research finding by analyzing the MBC strike in 2012. Furthermore, the academic circle in Taiwan can also take the function of democracy as another viewpoint to analyze the media union.

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