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高階工程投影機ODM經營策略之研究-以A電子公司為例 / A study of ODM Business Strategy for high-end projectors許年輝, Hsu,Nien-Hui Unknown Date (has links)
4C的框架來分析買者與廠商間的成本,在工程機的生意模式中以A廠商為例,希望能以買者觀點來看如何進行策略行銷,台灣的ODM廠商能夠倚靠產品技術力的優勢外,若利用框架的方式進行分析以決定資本與資源的投入方向,當能產生更大的綜效。 / Taiwan's electronics industry has been always focused on our product development and research as our core competence. Nevertheless, due to insufficient exporting field experience and limited resource, we found some of the product with advantage but can not be entirely converted to the value added by buyers, so this situation is misleading to the results that the goods unit price is the only factor due to our enterprise often thought .
The research case "A study of ODM Business Strategy for high-end projectors " focused on higher growing of market size also wider application at the projection products to analyze and understand the market situation and its trading behavior , we found that the rule of transaction change not only to consider the trading behavior of commodity price only, but also contains other psychological important factor, try to apply “4C marketing strategy framework” methodology as the research base for the case - " A study of ODM Business Strategy for high-end projectors " to find the key factor that will impact the transaction costs by “the Cost of Utility”, “Buyer cost of Information Searching” , “Buyer cost of Moral Hazard”, and “ Buyer cost of holdup”,
Adopting the 4C framework, we can analyze the cost between buyers and vendors, which take A vendor’s business model of large venue market for example, hoping to see how to execute the market strategy from consumer’s point of view. Basically, Taiwan's ODM manufacturers can not only take the advantage of product technology , but also can use a more logical manner to make the analysis to determine the direction for capital’s and resource’s inputs in order to generate a greater overall profits
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應用SOA於企業資訊整合之研究-以S公司為例 / Research into application of SOA in Enterprise Information Integration - On Example of a mobile phone company S詹豫峰, Chan, Yu Feng Unknown Date (has links)
多年來企業IT隨著營運需要, 百家齊放, 多方應用應運而生, ERP, BPM, SCM, CRM…..多的無法數計的各樣大型中型小型企業營運及管解析決方案。企業要如何面對競爭激烈的市場?又能保持內部流程的彈性去因應變化?如何在最短的時間內取得營運資訊? 又如何將資料彙整成資訊進而轉變成為具體可行的決策?
基於以上述企業迫切的需求,如何運用資訊科技來達到企業的目標以及就更加重要了! 但是, 隨著資訊的發展, 企業往往因應當時需要導入許多的解決方案, 時日一久, 疊床架屋, 各類應用及系統間, 產生越來越複雜的關係, 整合的需求也隨之而來
而EAI 應用整合平台乃至利用Web Service 加上SOA的新架構,及時提供了企業對應用系統的整合,維持流程的彈性應用,更進一步協助企業降低各種應用整合的風險、節省資訊軟體的開發與維護成本、強化對外客戶及供應商的合作關係,從而產生對企業的效益。
本研究使用個案探討的方式,選定幾個個案主體內部因應企業發展所遭遇的問題及於資訊平台上的挑戰做分析及可行性方案做建議,針對手機流通業在內部系統上整合的議題作探討,並說明企業資訊整合及SOA導入所可能帶來的效益, 同時也探討SOA的迷思與陷阱。
對於手機流通產業而言,企業資源規劃ERP, 流程控制平台、客戶關係管理系統、結帳系統、獎金系統、後勤應用平台系統…等是企業營運的核心也就是整合的開端與標的,亦是整合重點之所在。經由類似於EAI平台導入或建立SOA架構,提供營運應用系統之間資訊的同步與高度整合,更提供決策人員快速反應的營運資訊。
本研究探討手機流通業者在系統建置過程中,如何運用企業整合平台之特性及新興的SOA架構, 利用有效的Framework以整合各異質性平台應用系統以達到資訊與資料的整合及有效率的資料交換,並藉由資訊的及時傳遞提供各不同應用系統使用者一致及同步的資訊,並因而提高資訊的可用度及對客戶的快速服務,並增加企業的競爭力。 / With numerous emerging information technologies and solutions (e.g. ERP, BPM, SCM, CRM…etc), decision makers strive to choose the ones which fit their organizations the most. In order to keep competitive in the market, enterprises need these technologies to stay responsive to operating information and flexible to changes. However, this is not an easy question to answer. Most of the IT officiers today are facing complex IT landscapes with many disconnected and legacy systems. Many Enterprise Application Integration (EAI) platforms suggest solutions to this problem but fail to fulfill their promises because of costly TCO and inadequate compatibility.
Services Oriented Architecture (SOA) offers a practical and affordable solution to the above question. This essay proposes an SOA implementation plan to a mobile phone distribution company with some case studies. Through this implementation plan, we try to analyze the possible ROI and foreseeable risk. In our case, the legacy and disconnected systems include ERP system, OA system, CRM system, account closing system, bonus calculation system and logistic support system. We also discuss how SOA framework can facilitate the implementation process.
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高階主管資訊系統發展架構及實施策略洪敏育 Unknown Date (has links)
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臺灣高等教育資歷架構指標建構之研究 / A study on the construction of indicators for the Taiwan framework for higher education qualifications黃志豪, Huang, Chih Hao Unknown Date (has links)
(二)「知識」構面下指標重要性以「具備該領域知識批判及理解能 力」為最高,而以「理解研究方法之最適選擇」為最低
(五) 學士學位指標串聯權重重要性以「在專業團體中展現合作力」為最高,而以「在有限資訊下能做出合理決定」為最低
(三)增加研究變項 / The purpose of the study was to construct the indicators for the Taiwan Framework for Higher Education Qualifications. Research methods include literature analysis, fuzzy Delphi technique and fuzzy AHP. In the literature analysis, this study discussed the theory of Framework for Higher Education Qualifications, studied Framework for Higher Education Qualifications. of each country and explored the initial construction of indicators for the Taiwan Framework for Higher Education Qualifications. In the empirical research, fuzzy Delphi questionnaire and fuzzy AHP questionnaires were used to investigate educational administration representatives, scholars and experts.
The conclusions of this study are:
1.Doctor degree:
(1)The highest overall weight distribution of the level in the doctor degree is “competency ”. The lowest overall weight distribution of the level in the doctor degree is “skill ”.
(2)The highest overall weight distribution in the knowledge level in the doctor degree is “have the Critical and comprehensive ability in the professional domain”. The lowest overall weight distribution in the knowledge level in the doctor degree is “understand the most appropriate choice of the research methods ”.
(3)The highest overall weight distribution in the skill level in the doctor degree is “comment deeply on the literature and methods ”. The lowest overall weight distribution in the skill level in the doctor degree is “estimate critically and utilize the number, figure and data ”.
(4)The highest overall weight distribution in the competency level in the doctor degree is “have autonomy and reflective ability in the professional domain ”. The lowest overall weight distribution in the competency level in the doctor degree is “publish the essay with decent level by research to innovate and interpret knowledge ”.
(5)The most importance indicators in the doctor degree is “have autonomy and reflective ability in the professional domain”. The least importance indicators in the doctor degree is “estimate critically and utilize the number, figure and data”.
2.Master degree:
(1)The highest overall weight distribution of the level in the master degree is “competency ”. The lowest overall weight distribution of the level in the master degree is “knowledge ”.
(2)The highest overall weight distribution in the knowledge level in the master degree is “have the high level knowledge in the professional domain”. The lowest overall weight distribution in the knowledge level in the master degree is “understand the most appropriate choice of the research methods ”.
(3)The highest overall weight distribution in the skill level in the master degree is “integrate the research conclusions and apply the research conclusions”. The lowest overall weight distribution in the skill level in the master degree is “have the problem solve skill in the professional domain”.
(4)The highest overall weight distribution in the competency level in the master degree is “have the leadership in the complicate task”. The lowest overall weight distribution in the competency level in the master degree is “research can be recognized ”.
(5)The most importance indicators in the master degree is “have the leadership in the complicate task”. The least importance indicators in the master degree is “have the problem solve skill in the professional domain”.
3.Bachelor degree:
(1)The highest overall weight distribution of the level in the bachelor degree is “competency ”. The lowest overall weight distribution of the level in the bachelor degree is “knowledge ”.
(2)The highest overall weight distribution in the knowledge level in the bachelor degree is “have the basic knowledge of the major subject”. The lowest overall weight distribution in the knowledge level in the bachelor degree is “understand the temporality and limitation of knowledge”.
(3)The highest overall weight distribution in the skill level in the bachelor degree is “have the life learning ability”. The lowest overall weight distribution in the skill level in the bachelor degree is “make reasonable decision in the limited information”.
(4)The highest overall weight distribution in the competency level in the bachelor degree is “cooperate in the profession team”. The lowest overall weight distribution in the competency level in the bachelor degree is “work by the guidance and have the reflective ability”.
(5)The most importance indicators in the bachelor degree is “cooperate in the profession team”. The least importance indicators in the bachelor degree is “make reasonable decision in the limited information”.
3.Doctor degree focus on “knowledge ” level than master degree and bachelor degree.
4.Graduate focus on autonomy and leadership. Undergraduate focus on cooperation.
In addition, this research intends to offer suggestion respectively on the aspect of
practical application and future study.
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基於雲端運算架構之期貨投資策略服務-以高頻交易系統為例 / A Future Investment Strategy Service based on Cloud Computing Architecture - Taking a High-frequency Trading System as an Example林承翰, Lin, Cheng Han Unknown Date (has links)
1. 系統後端採用雲端SOA架構,將整個龐大的交易系統切割佈署到雲端叢集之上,並提供單一的Façade介面供外部使用者呼叫;系統前端畫面的設計遵循Yahoo UI嚴格的MVC架構規範,並保證前端的View與Model與後端的資料達成同步。
2. 不斷接收來自外部的即時報價訊息,並產生海量的即時市場狀態資訊,包含多種技術分析指標、買賣規則…等,以供高頻交易的策略作為買賣的依據。
3. 利用Java Message Service將大量的即時市場狀態資訊快速、非同步的派送給分佈在雲端叢集各節點的系統模組,並採取Publisher-Subscriber的模式來維持分散後各系統模組之間的鬆散關係。
4. 多樣化的統計演算法模型可供使用者作為產生優良的個人化投資策略之依據。產生的新策略可馬上投入即時的模擬交易環境下監控與評估其策略績效。
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PCB乾燥設備之策略行銷分析 / Strategic Marketing Analysis of pcb dry machine葉步章, Yeh, Stanley Unknown Date (has links)
印刷電路板PCB(Printed circuit board)為電子產品之載體,截至目前為止尚無可以在市場取代印刷電路板地位之應用出現, 消費性電子產品未來朝向輕薄化發展,例如穿戴式裝置、智慧家庭、物聯網應用等等,汽車也朝向高度電子化發展,各種安全感知以及自動化駕駛需求,車用電子也是未來應用領域,這些新技術發展皆須要使用印刷電路板。
本研究以策略行銷4C架構來探討印刷電路板乾燥製程設備商個案A公司的現有策略,並以降低外顯單位效益成本、買者資訊搜尋成本、買者道德危機成本、買者專屬陷入成本等交換成本為目標,擬定個案公司A未來的策略。 / Printed circuit board (PCB) as the carrier of electronic products, there is no substitute in the market to replace its position of what the printed circuit board applications can deliver so far. The trend of consumer electronic products tend to be light and thin such as wearable devices, smart home, internet of thing applications and etc. Printed circuit board is also getting widely used in cars as demand driven from development of electronic automation, various security awareness and self-driving needs. The future of automotive electronics applications and the development of these new technologies drive the needs of essential use of printed circuit board.
Printed circuit board manufacturing of Taiwan was first built in 1969, American companies- Ampex came to Taiwan to set up production manufactures and has over 40 years of history as of now. Since the manufacturing of printed circuit board requires complex processes and procedures, therefore there is a need of specific equipment where they can only be imported from overseas. Later on as Taiwan's industrial technology has advanced and supply chain of precision machineries have improved, the previously imported process equipment used for manufacturing the printed circuit board are gradually replaced by Taiwanese manufactured ones. Since year of 2000, printed circuit board manufacturing industry has been moved to Mainland China, Taiwan manufacturers are able to extend the production across the region but in a meanwhile they are gradually facing a stronger competition from the Chinese manufacturers in the last 10 years.
In this study, we are using 4C architecture of strategic marketing to explore the case of printed circuit board drying process equipment manufacturer – A company existing strategy. In order to develop a strategy for the future of the company, my study is striving to achieve the exchange cost effectiveness, reducing cost of utility, cost of information search, cost of moral hazard and cost of asset specify.
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在多處理機系統中,處理器間的通訊常關係著整個系統的效能,因此,如何有效地配置資源,以符合時間、成本與應用上的需求,而達到經濟、迅速、準確的使用目的,已成為一重要課題。本文乃針對多處理機系統上的三個通訊子題,提出新的研究成果。第一,本文首先研究在任何網路架構上,任意兩點間的資料傳送,提出如何針對長短不一互不相交的多條路徑,分配適當的工作量,以及切包的數量,使達到最快速的通訊。第二,對於常見的Monoid Operations (只具結合律的運算),本文考慮Unshuffle-exchange網路架構,提出配置處理器的有效方法,使得運算能被正確地執行,並將結果由固定點輸出且達到處理器的最高利用率(Utlization)。第三,針對Multistage Omega網路架構的容錯問題,研究設計出一階段(One-pass)的軟體補助傳送,使得當網路上Switching Box或Connecting Link故障時,仍能將資料傳送到目的地。
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重整Web-based Java架構至MVC為基礎的Struts架構之研究郭世偉 Unknown Date (has links)
近年來,電子商務蓬勃發展,Web應用系統是企業提供電子商務應用必要的選擇之一。然而隨著軟體使用率的增加與需求變動的頻繁,現有系統架構因不易擴充與維護,造成企業系統開發成本的支出逐漸提高。以Java為基礎的JSP(Java Server Pages)為目前Web應用系統開發的主要程式語言之一。不過企業往往基於建置時間的考量,雖然JSP可以提供程式設計上的彈性,但沒有考慮到系統架構的良好規劃,造成Web應用系統在擴充與維護上的不易。MVC(Model、View、Controller)架構是一個具有層次區分功能的系統架構,而Struts - Framework是一個以MVC為基礎架構的框架,且提供了多項服務功能,因此以Struts - Framework來開發Web應用系統讓我們在開發上更有效率,而在維護上也將更為容易。
本論文希望透過軟體重整工程並配合以MVC為基礎架構的Struts - Framework,提出一套重整流程及對應方法,協助我們將現有系統架構(JSP Model 1架構)轉換成具擴充性且易於維護的新系統架構(Struts架構),以提升系統的擴充彈性,並降低維護成本。
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雲端運算環境下學習社群服務導向架構平台之研究 / A study of service oriented architecture based learning communities platform in cloud computing environment劉俊宏 Unknown Date (has links)
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指數股票型基金投資策略下應用架構之探討陳儒君 Unknown Date (has links)
指數股票型基金(Exchange-Traded Fund,簡稱ETF)成為投資者重要的投資工
具之一,本研究設計一個ETF 投資策略之應用架構,供開發者建置ETF 投資策
略系統,且可快速地將新的ETF 投資策略增加到系統中。投資者操作系統選擇
適用之ETF 投資策略,可得到系統提供的投資組合作為決策參考。本研究先依
投資決策過程分析ETF 投資策略,接著針對各ETF 投資策略及其投資規則,提
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