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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

農地釋出決策程序之研究 / A study on the procedure of decision-making for farmland release

李吉弘, Lee, Jie Horng Unknown Date (has links)
我政府為配合「振興經濟方案」的推動,刻正積極規劃釋出大量農地,以供工業、商業、住宅、公共設施等非農業部門使用。然農地乃一珍貴之自然資源,注重整體生產環境之維護,任何之變更轉用皆應謹慎衡量。本研究即以此為中心理念,分析目前我國農地釋出之決策程序是否合理及所面臨之問題,並以德國之經驗及相關機關訪談結果,綜合研擬改進方向與配合措施。茲扼要說明其內容如下:   第壹章、緒論。首先揭櫫本研究之動機與目的所在;其次陳述研究內容與方法;再界定本研究之範圍與限制,解釋農地釋出與決策程序所指為何,並繪製研究流程圖,以明瞭研究之理念與程序。   第貳章、理論基礎與文獻回顧。本研究以公共政策研究領域常見之理性決策理念與模型為理論基礎。並檢討回顧有關文獻,以指引本研究之研究方向。   第參章、我國農地釋出相關問題之探討。本研究之重點在於理性決策模型所設定之決策程序中,關於決策所需資料之建立及相關對策之擬定等是否理性客觀。藉由農地變更之概況及相關法規、政策等之檢討,發現農地變更或釋出時,乃以經濟及建設為主導,往往忽略農地非經濟層面之功能。   第肆章、中德農地釋出決策程序之比較分析。以上述為基礎,選取包括農地之功能定位、農地釋出之規劃機關與效果、農地釋出之法源依據、農地釋出參與過程等課題,作為中德比較之課題。發現德國視農地為一珍貴自然資源之定位、賦予地方規劃自主權、國土綜合開發法之明確規範、農業結構規劃資料之提供、決策過程兼顧各方意見(制衡原則)..等優點,實值得參酌。   第伍章、我國農地釋出決策程序改進方向之研擬。在建立決策所需資料方面,需調整農地之功能定位、建立整體農業現況調查及農業相關規劃之完整資訊..等;在擬定相關對策方面,應在國土綜合開發計畫法(草案)上訂定各種土地使用之基本原則..等。   第陸章、結論與建議。綜合各章節之探討,提出精簡之研究結論與建議事項。 / In order to evolve the economic growth the Government in Taiwan perform " Program of Economic Restoration" by releasing a remarkable amount of argricultural land to non-argricultural use to solve problems of high land price and land acquisition for private sector. But argricultural land means a very valu-able natural resource. It needs to be evaluated carefully when making a decision to convert argricultural land to non-argricultural use. This study intend to analyze the rationality and problems within the procedure of decision-making for "farml and release" in Taiwan and Germany, and propose policy recommenda-tion. This include the following contents:   Chapter1 lntroduction: To explain what are "farmland release" and "procedure of decision-making", and the restriction of this study.   Chapter2 Theoretical Basis and Literature Review : This study apply "Rational Decision Model" to the analysis of procedure of decision-making.   Chapter3 Problems on Farmland Release in Taiwan : Economic growth and development are emphasized in land-use. This cause the ignorance of the functions of argriculture land,especially the contribution on non-economic level.   Chapter4 A Comparative Analysis on The Procedure of Decision-Making for Farmland Releas in Taiwan and Germany : All persons or groups concerned play an active role in the procedure (top-down bottom-up procedure) in Germany..and so on.   Chapter5 The Recommendation on The Procedure of Decision-Making for Farmland Releas in Taiwan : The non-economic func-tions of farmland need to be emphasized in " Territorial Deve-lopment Planning Law" (draft)..and so on.   Chapter6 Conclusion: Making a comprehensive comment accord-ing to the contents above.


許張傳, HSU, CHANG-CHUAN Unknown Date (has links)
政務官面對急速變遷的環境,必須洞察時代的脈動,妥為因應,才能永續發展組織的業務。因此,不論工作計畫的擬定、問題的解決、或危機處理,必須掌握先機,蒐集資訊,並運用決策模型,縝密分析後採取行動,才能達到預期的目標,而正確的決策,對於機關業務的推動,更具關鍵性的影響。   本研究主要採取文獻探討、比較分析、深度訪談等研究方法。為能更深入了解我國政務官決策之方法、過程及面臨之困境,本研究參考決策相關理論,諸如,認知性決策過程、理性選擇、結構式溝通、利益團體、影響決策過程因素、政治系統過程等問題設計訪談題綱,並抽樣分別向行政院所屬相關部會,如法務部、經濟部、教育部、大陸委員會、勞工委員會、青年輔導委員會、蒙藏委員會等機關首長深度訪談,從其決策經驗及實案分析,以了解其決策之模型,並避免本研究流於理論之空談。   本研究發現:一、政務官在決策前,對於政策都能充分理解。二、政務官的決策方式,都有採用有限理性模型。三、政務官的決策方法,都有採用群體決策。四、政務官對於利益團體的活動,都認為有其必要性。五、政務官認為影響其決策的因素,可歸納為時間的壓力、輿論的反應、預算的通過、高層意見、立法院、法律限制等。六、政務官對於國內的政治生態環境皆能適應。   根據文獻探討及深度訪談發現,本研究提出以下建議,作為政務官決策之參考:一、理解政策問題。二、確定政策目標。三、建構備選方案。四、設定篩選準則。五、爭取政策支持。六、監督政策執行。 / Government officials especially for those who are responsible for ministerial portfolio have to make decisions in response to the constantly changing environment. Hence, it requires takes excellent foresight, good data mining skills, superior strategic models and deliberate analysis to draft plans, solve problems, and deal with the crisis. Making the right decision serves as the key factor in the process of successful governance.   In this research, the author applies the methods of literature review, comparative analysis, and in-depth interview in order to understand the decision-making process, decision methods, as well as decision dilemma confronting ministerial officials with portfolio. Further more, this research uses relevant decision -making theories, such as cognitive decision process, rational choice, structured communication, and factors affecting decision-making process, such as interest groups & political system process. Based on the parameters of literature review, the author designs the outlines of interviews and selects ministerial officials with portfolio from the ministry of justice, ministry of economic affairs, ministry of education, mainland affairs council, national youth commission, and Mongolian and Tibetan affairs commission and conducts in-depth interviews.   There are several important findings derived from our 〝empirical〞case studies. First, before a government official makes his decision, he has a full grasp with the policy issue. Second, the decision models of government officials are mostly based on limited-rational model. Third, government officials often make decisions based on group consensus. Fourth, government officials think it is necessary to take opinions of interest groups into account. Fifth, government officials spend a lot of time in response to public pressure, budget & legal constraints demands of Legislative Yuan and in fathoming the attitudes of higher authorities before they make their decisions. Sixth, most government officials are quite accustomed to the political environment.   According to our literature review and in-depth interviews, this study makes the following suggestions before a government official makes his or her policy decision. First, fully comprehend the content and implications of a policy. Second, set an objective for the policy. Third, keep a substitute project on hand. Forth, set criteria or standards for policy implementation. Fifth, to garner for support from government and related actors. Sixth, monitor the execution of a policy.

醫療資源優先配置決策程序之評估-以全民健保醫療給付協議會議為例 / An Evaluation of Decision Procedure in Health Resource Priority Setting: The Payment Committee of NHI in Taiwan

蔡翔傑, Tsai, Hsiang-Chieh Unknown Date (has links)
全民健保醫療給付範圍的相關決策缺乏資訊公開性與參與性,引發許多醫療給付的糾紛案件,加上醫療資源有限,醫療需求隨國內人口平均餘命提升而增加,醫療資源優先配置的問題更顯其重要性。本研究建立一個合理的醫療資源優先配置決策程序評估架構,以改善目前國內資源優先配置決策程序,使用Daniels & Sabin(1997)所提出的「要求合理性的課則」(Accountability for Reasonableness)作為評估架構的主要構面,採用文獻分析法與層級分析法建構出一個完整的評估架構並且比較指標間的相互權重,接著使用深度訪談法試圖探索評估指標相對權重背後所代表的意涵。研究結果顯示醫事團體代表強調相關性與決策修正機會,政府代表則注重公開性與執行力,兩者對於醫療資源優先配置決策程序的期待有相當大的落差。基於研究發現,本研究主張應該增加協商機會以減少決策成員間的認知落差,帶動社會大眾對於資源優先配置的認識與參與,並針對目前決策程序的公開性、相關性、決策修正機會與執行力進行改善。 / The lack of information publicity and participation in the payment system of National Health Insurance (NHI) in Taiwan has been a critical issue. Besides numerous insurance payment disputations, the limited health resources and increasing health demand all call for an immediate solution to the problem of health resource priority setting in NHI.. This study aims to establish a systemic evaluative framework to improve on the health resources priority settings. In answer to the need, analytical hierarchy process and in-depth interviews have been conducted to develop a framework based on Accountability for Reasonableness. Qualitative and quantitative analysis of the surveys indicate some criteria and the meaning of the relative weight of each criterion. The results show a discrepancy between the governmental representatives and the healthcare organization ones on the expectation of health resources priority settings. The former focus on relevance, revision and appeals while the latter emphasize publicity and enforcement. According to the findings, this study suggests that an increase of negotiation is necessary to eliminate the discrepancy between the two groups. The government also need to introduce the public the idea of health resources priority settings and to modify the current procedure based on the four factors in Accountability for Reasonableness.

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