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管理決策資訊與成本會計模式之研究蘇炳章, SU, BING-ZHANG Unknown Date (has links)
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財務報告溝通功能之研究林明壽, LIN, MING-SHOU Unknown Date (has links)
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多個指數母群體之分類研究朱靜眉, ZHU,JING-MEI Unknown Date (has links)
在產品研究開發階段, 決策者常面臨的分類問題是在給定一標準( 控制 )設計(Stand
-ard Design)及K 個可行設計(Competitive Designs) 下, 如何將此K 個設計分類成
三個部分, 分別為:(1)比控制母體好(better than the standard);(2)與控制母體無
差異(indifference to the standard);(3)比控制母體差(Worse than the standard
當產品分析為韋伯分配(Weibull distribution),Patel and Kingston(1982) 在型Ⅱ
截略計劃(Type Ⅱcensoring plan) 下提出一直觀的分類法則(Classification Rule
),此法則之優點是很簡捷, 但所需之樣本數及截略數需要經由模擬求得。Tseng and
Wu(1989)提出挑選較佳設計之局部最適的法則(Local Optimal Selection Rule)。本
論文擬修改此挑選法則, 來探討上述分類問題。
本文首先, 提出一演算法(Algorithm) 來計算型Ⅱ抽樣計劃所需之樣本數及截略數。
其次, 以模擬試驗來驗證此法則之穩定性。最后和Patel and Kingston方法作一比較
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雙人決策秘書問題的研究 / A Variation of Two Decision Makers in a Secretary Problem周冠群, Chou, Guan-Chun Unknown Date (has links)
Chen, Rosenberg和Shepp(1997)的“雙人決策者的秘書問題“(A Secretary Problem with Two Decision Makers),探討在完整訊息(Full Information)與選擇次序不變的情況下,具有優先選擇權的決策者佔有較大優勢。這裡所謂的優勢意指在雙方最終選擇的大小為勝負條件所產生獲勝機率的比較。而本篇文章主要是延伸此一探討,意即在若不變動兩者選擇的次序,但賦予後選擇決策者較多資訊的條件下,能否平衡雙方的優劣勢。我們首先討論後決策者擁有預知下一步(One-step look-ahead)資訊能力的條件下,雙方優勢的改變;隨之若是在後決策者能預知完全資訊的情況下,是否能平衡雙方的優劣勢。而事實上,即便在後決策者擁有所有資訊的條件,仍無法完全改變此一情況;更進一步而言,先選擇決策者甚至在不知道後決策者已掌握了所有資訊的情況下,仍可佔有獲勝機率大於後決策者的優勢。這裡我們將提供理論與理論上的數值結果。 / Chen, Rosenberg, and Shepp (1997) considered a variation of the "secretary problem" in which the salary demands of a group of applicants are from a known and continuous distribution (i.e., full information case) and these applicants are interviewed sequentially by two managers, say, I and II. For every applicant. Manager I has the right to interview and hire him/her first. If Manager I rejects the applicant, Manager II can interview him/her. No recall is allowed when the applicant is rejected by both managers, and neither manager can interview and hire another applicant once he/she has hired an applicant. The manager who chooses the applicants with the lower salary wins the game. Chen et al. shows that manager I has bigger winning chance than manager II in the full information case.
This study is to extend the paper by Chen et al., by giving extra information to manager H. In particular, suppose that manager II can look a few applicants ahead, i.e., he/she knows the salary demands of applicants before manager I interview them. However, under the full-information assumption, even if manager II is a clairvoyant, who claims to be able to see what will happen in the future, his/her winning probability is still less than that of manager I. We provide theoretical proof and simulation to confirm this result.
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李光耀時期新加坡與美國政經關係之研究(1965-1990)鄭如惠, Catherine Ruhuei Zheng Unknown Date (has links)
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政府採購政策變遷之研究– 以臺北市政府聯合採購發包中心設置為例 / A Study on the Policy Change of Government Procurement – Case Study of Contract Centers Mechanism of Taipei City Government呂蕙蕙, Lu, Hui Hui Unknown Date (has links)
有關政府採購研究,現行大部分關注在法律層面、制度層面。本研究擬從政策變遷與宏觀角度切入,就發包中心設置過程因果關係,發現決策者信念、政策中間人、聯盟運作等對政策影響。本文擬透過Sabatier & Jenkins-Smith 所建構政策倡議聯盟架構(Policy Advocacy Coalition Framework,[PACF ]),從不同面相研究觀察,以宏觀之政策面,研究分析市府發包中心重新設置之動態過程。
本研究採文獻分析法、深入訪談及焦點團體訪談法,分析探討1995至2015年臺北市政府聯合採購發包中心設置之政策變遷過程。藉由分析架構內外在系統的影響因素,探討執政輪替與決策者的信念是否為影響政策變遷主要因素。經研究發現:第一,市府倡議聯盟間(發包中心與洽辦單位、集中採購與分散採購)透過政策導向的學習,跨越聯盟達成共識。第二,避免陳水扁時代採購案件延宕,改以折衷版集中採購。第三,柯文哲市長主張集中採購,設置發包中心政策是其競選政策白皮書。第四,市府發包中心設置政策變遷主因,決策者信念與執政輪替。 / With regard to government procurement research, most of them focus on the legal and institutional aspects. This study intends to proceed from the perspective of policy changes and macroeconomics. It will investigate the cause-and-effect relationship of the setup process of the contract issuing center, and discover the impact of decision makers' beliefs, policy middlemen, and alliance operations on the policy. Using the policy advocacy coalition framework (PACF) constructed by Sabatier & Jenkins-Smith , we observe and analyze the dynamic process of the resetting of the city's outsourcing centers.
This study used document analysis, in-depth interviews, and focus group interviews to analyze and explore the process of policy changes at the Joint Purchasing and Contracting Center of the Taipei City Government from 1995 to 2015. By analyzing the influencing factors of the internal and external systems of the architecture, it is discussed whether the alternation of governance rotation and decision makers' beliefs are the main factors affecting policy changes. The study found that: First, the city’s initiative among the alliances (contracting centers and contact agencies, centralized procurement and decentralized procurement) through policy-oriented learning, reached consensus across the alliance. Second, to avoid delays in Chen Shui-bian’s era of procurement cases , it used eclectic centralized procurement. Thirdly, Mayor Ko Wen-je advocated centralized procurement and set up a contract center policy as a white paper on his election policy. Fourth, the main reasons for the policy changes in the city's outsourcing centers are decision makers' beliefs and governance rotation.
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