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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

流行表演藝術活動行銷之研究-以張惠妹AMeiZING演唱會為例 / A Study on Marketing Strategies of Popular Performing Arts - An Example of "AMeiZING Concert Tour"

鄭雅文, Jen, Ya Wen Unknown Date (has links)
在近代產業與消費習慣的變遷中,感官經驗成為了商品創造價值的來源,此類型取向的產品又以文化創意產業為代表。隨著音樂市場變革、科技技術更迭,消費者偏好轉變,流行音樂產品逐漸從唱片主流轉向為展演主流。無論在全球音樂市場或華人音樂市場,現場表演都成為音樂活動的發展重心與主要收益來源。歌手之大型演唱會更以表演藝術現場展演的活動型式,舉辦盛大演出活動,發揮體驗經濟的內涵;並與媒體效益結合,創造更多的話題與聲勢。進一步創造更多的效益,逐漸成為目前「娛樂經濟」的主要範疇。 本研究聚焦於高產值之大型演唱會。為探討活動行銷的關鍵要素,選定張惠妹出道十五周年之AMeiZING巡迴演唱會為個案。從觀眾的生活型態、對演唱會的知覺價值、品牌印象、以及顧客滿意度、顧客忠誠度等構面之關聯性。運用調查法,透過量化問卷輔以質化焦點團體訪談的研究方法。以期提供具體的行銷策略建議,予未來流行音樂及表演藝術營運及演唱會籌備團隊做為參考。 研究結果有以下發現。第一,演唱會消費者之生活型態輪廓有:流行娛樂、自我、謹慎消費、表演內涵四種導向。其二,品牌形象、知覺價值對滿意度及忠誠度皆有正向顯著的影響。然藝人品牌形象仍為影響再購意願最主要的決定性因素,品質與情感價值次之,滿意度再次之。其三、人口統計變項中唯年齡、職業、教育程度對知覺價值、品牌形象、滿意度及忠誠度達部分顯著影響。其四、AMeiZING演唱會前曾看過張惠妹演唱會的觀眾,在品牌形象與忠誠度的評價上,均較無經驗者來得高,顯示演唱會經驗與品牌印象有相互正回饋的關係存在。

非營利組織活動行銷之研究- 以警廣活動為例 / A Study on the Event Marketing of Non - profit Organizations:A Case Study on PRS Activities

洪宗適 Unknown Date (has links)
在國內,非營利公營電台成立之初,多因特殊任務需求及對象而創設,再加上兼具公營與廣播媒體雙重特性,因此在經營與管理各方面,都與一般商業廣播電台及非營利組織有所不同。然而,對於目前國內的非營利公營電台而言,如何善用非營利組織有使命有理想的正面形象,以及廣播媒體的傳播優勢,使聽眾能認同非營利公營電台的走向,這必須藉著有效的行銷策略才能達成,而經由活動行銷的模式,也是一個比較能立即檢視成效的作法。 但公營電台也有其限制,例如沒有廣告收益只能靠政府預算、礙於相關規定無法接受企業贊助等…。因此,一個以政府提供預算為主的非營利公營電台,其行銷策略該如何擬定,才能發揮最大效益,不致浪費納稅人的付出與國家資源,實在值得我們進一步的討論與驗證。 而警廣(Police Radio Station簡稱PRS)在目前公營電台中,不論其頻道數、收聽範圍與收聽率各方面,都有較積極的表現與作為。因此本研究即藉由警廣的「關懷交通系列活動」,來檢測其行銷成效,以作為其它非營利公營電台的參考。 本研究透過問卷調查與深度訪談發現,對聽眾來說警廣是一個報導路況的「交通專業電台」這個概念一直維持得蠻正面;但在具體方面,警廣缺乏一個更容易辨識且印象深刻鮮明的logo,他可以是一個圖騰或是一個吉祥物的具體形象,代表警廣的過去、現在、未來,也可為警廣打造更深入人心的印象。 / In Taiwan, non-profit, government-owned radio stations are created for special purposes and with a specific target audience. Due to a dual-property nature of this establishment, government-owned and broadcast media, the operation and management of these stations are different from commercial ones or other non-profit organizations. But how do these government-owned stations combine the advantages of broadcasting and non-profit characteristics with its mission and ideals to create a more positive feedback from its listeners? This must be reached by marketing strategies, and the model of event marketing in a more effective approach to reach the results more immediately. However, government-owned radio stations have limitations as well. No advertising revenue can be gained, nor any type of sponsorship can be accepted. It is worthy to further discuss and determine how marketing strategies can be created for non-profit government-owned radio stations that rely on government funding in order to help them gain maximum benefits without wasting taxpayer contributions or government resources. Among all the government-owned radio stations in Taiwan, the Police Radio Station (PRS) has the largest numbers of channels, the widest listening range, and a good listener rating. So this is a case study on PRS - Caring Traffic Safety Series of Activities, to find out the marketing effectiveness of its broadcast. The results may then be used as a reference for other non-profit government-owned radio stations. Through questionnaire survey and in-depth interview, this study has reached the following findings: the PRS has maintained a positive image among the audience as a “professional traffic radio” that provides traffic reports. However, in a more specific context, the PRS lacks a readily identifiable and impressive logo. Such logo could be a symbol or image of a mascot that would represent the past, present and future of the PRS and further promote its image.

以大型活動建構城市品牌之評估指標研究 / A study of strategic indicators for branding cities by mega-events

林威儒 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究由「以大型活動建立城市品牌」面向切入大型活動行銷與城市行銷之主題,試圖釐清「城市」本身作為行銷主體時,相關的理論觀點,並聚焦於策略端,了解城市行銷與城市品牌發展之關鍵要素以及重要的城市品牌架構,進而建立以城市品牌長期發展為主要導向之大型活動所應具備的策略性思維,且逐步構築大型活動評估指標,作為未來城市品牌導向之大型活動策略規劃與分析之參考。 文獻回顧的部分,除了城市行銷本質的探討,理解城市行銷的功能與內涵外,亦在城市行銷的「技術」面文獻中,了解當前城市行銷策略規劃與城市品牌建立之相關理論基礎,最後在既有的研究中,連結大型活動與城市行銷之間的關聯性,著眼於如何運用城市品牌的建構面向,來評估與分析大型活動之策略。其後,歸納前述文獻所提及之諸多指標與成功要素,以四個主要面向重新抽取其內容,並發展相應於大型活動之操作性定義,以便先行建立初步評估指標。最後以專家群體決策為基礎之修正式德菲法進行最終評估指標之評選,使得指標體系的建構及後續分析,能具有較高度之代表性。 透過十多位行銷、傳播、媒體領域之學術界與實務界專業人士之專家問卷調查,本研究共建構十六項以大型活動建構城市品牌之評估指標,並進一步以大型活動籌辦單位之深度訪談補充營運面與組織面之內涵,增加指標於策略性運用時,更為全面性之思考。最後闡明研究結論,回應過往城市品牌架構文獻並建議未來相關研究方向,期望對於城市品牌思考與城市品牌導向之大型活動策略規劃與分析面向有所助益。 / The mega event held by a specific city shouldn’t only be analyzed as another single large scale event in the city but be seen as a series of city marketing practices in the long-term city branding context. The aim of the present study focuses on the strategic vision of the mega event and builds city brand-driven indicators to create the framework for mega event marketing strategy planning and evaluation. The main theoretical background from literature reviews for this study consists of several city marketing, city branding, mega event and event marketing topics, which are not only the conceptual but technical and structural viewpoints included. Then the primary city brand-driven mega event indicators would be developed by reorganizing these past researches into four main categories: strategy, symbol, relationship, benefit and sustainability. Based on Delphi method, all primary indicators are evaluated by 16 marketing, communication, media experts and finally formed the strategic framework. Also, in this study, mega event organizer and the coordinator of marketing related department in the city government are interviewed to understand issues comprehensively from the execution and organization levels for solid strategic thinking. Finally, all 16 key indicators and the managerial implications , specific city branding frameworks from the literature reviews, and also advices for future studies are outlined and discussed in the last chapter.

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