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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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臺北市城市形象與行銷之研究-策略分析觀點 / The study of city marketing and city image in Taipei:the view of SWOT

孟憲均 Unknown Date (has links)
當代科技的快速演進與發展,使「全球化」的概念遂而產生。全球化使得城市彼此之間的資源競爭不再侷限於國家內部,而必須與國際間的城市互為比較。各國城市開始逐步建立各項策略性行銷計畫,以振興經濟榮景或促進城市再發展,藉由城市的特色與資源,定位出該地區的意象與特質,以此吸引國際市場的目光,近年來「城市行銷」變成世界各地政府積極經營的課題之一。我國臺北市蘊藏了豐富的歷史、古蹟文化,並發展了多項科技、人文建設計畫,逐步賦予臺北市多樣化的面貌與生命力。而全球化下的都市競爭日漸發酵,若希望從數以萬計的城市當中脫穎而出,則需要建構出符合城市特色與形象的行銷發展策略。 本研究主要係以策略分析的方式了解臺北市在城市行銷分面的SWOT及其城市形象,透過文獻、次級資料檢索國內外地方行銷、城市行銷與城市形象等相關專書著作、研究報告與論文等資料,針對研究主題予以歸納整理,再以立意抽樣的方式取得訪談樣本,以便訪談能夠針對本研究提供特定訊息的對象。結合兩種研究方法所得的論述結果予以歸結出SWOT以及因應方針,釐清臺北市從事城市行銷過程中可供作為突圍的對應策略,也透過資料整理出臺北市物質與思想兩層面的城市形象要素:現代與再生、多元與精緻。 研究結果發現臺北市近年來亟欲爭取多項國際型活動的舉辦,如:2009臺北聽障奧林匹克運動會、2010臺北國際花卉博覽會以及未來即將登場的2011世界設計大會,以及其他林林總總推行、舉辦各項行銷臺北市的行銷計畫與活動,然而卻仍缺乏一致的行銷主軸與核心,未能妥善結合甚為可惜。臺北市政府有關單位可以審慎思考臺北市所具有的優勢與長處,配合臺北市所呈現的城市形象將行銷臺北市的相關活動聚焦於此,方能建構出獨樹一格的定位,提升臺北市於國際上的競爭力與能見度。

地方政府市政刊物風格與城市形象的呈現:臺北、臺中、臺南、高雄之比較 / The appearance of city magazines and city image, by comparing Taipei, Taichung, Tainan, and Kaohsiung.

朱瑞鈴, Chu, Jui-Ling Unknown Date (has links)
本研究使用內容分析法,針對2011年至2015年四大直轄市—臺北市、臺中市、臺南市、高雄市所發行的市政刊物的雜誌風格包含封面標題、圖片及色彩,以及封面故事的系列文章進行分析後,研究結論發現如下: 一、不同城市在雜誌風格的呈現上具有高度的相似性,僅在標題訴求及封面整體明度表現有明顯差異。 二、不同年代所呈現的雜誌風格具有統一性,僅封面整體色彩溫度隨著時間不同而略有變化。 三、改版對於雜誌風格影響不大,僅封面整體彩度及封面整體色彩溫度有大幅度的改變。 四、不同城市所呈現出的城市形象相近。 / In this study, by analyzing the content of city magazines: “Taipei Pictorial”, “Good Living @Taichung”, ”Live Leisurely in Tainan” and “KH Style” published by Taipei City, Taichung City, Tainan City and Kaohsiung City during 2011 to 2015. Studying this case by analysis their cover stories, headline, photo and color express, and the cover story. The results of the study concluded as follows: 1. High similarities showed on the style of magazines in different cities, the differences showed on the headline approach and cover appearance. 2. The style of magazines is in a similar way, only the cover appearance differs by years. 3. Some magazine had new edition during this study period; however, there is no influence showed on the style of the magazine, only on the appearance of cover photo. 4. Many similarities are found in individual magazines of cities.

在影像中遊走:城市行銷觀點下的台北城市空間及其影像再現 / Roaming in images: Taipei city space and its cinematic representation from the perspective of city marketing

羅立芸, Lo, Lih Yun Unknown Date (has links)
2008年台北市電影委員會的成立,及台北市文化局補助電影製作案的推行,象徵著台北市政府對於電影作為城市行銷方式採取的積極作為。本研究試圖探究此一因應全球化所引發的城市行銷風潮,在政府正視與政策鼓勵的大環境影響之下,電影中的台北城市空間呈現之樣貌。透過回顧文獻與資料蒐集、分析主要文本,及相關之深度訪談等方式,以台北市文化局補助電影製作案之影片為研究對象,進行分析探討。   研究顯示,台北市政府文化局行銷台北意象之補助政策,與台北市電影委員會之協拍服務,皆對於電影中的台北城市空間呈現造成影響,並形成一種台北城市空間的新興體驗方式。由於行銷台北意象之政策訴求,使得電影中的台北城市空間產生了觀光化的趨勢;對於具有獨特性的台北意象之鼓勵,使得台北城市空間在影片呈現上更趨多元。而台北城市空間與其影像呈現,便在互動的過程中,交織成一個不斷變化的動態結構。台北市電影委員會的協拍機制,使得電影中的台北城市空間,能有不同以往的呈現角度與宣傳可能。台北市文化局對於國際合製的政策鼓勵,亦使得電影中的台北城市空間得以納入多樣的思考觀點,並在海外電影城市行銷上取得先機。行銷台北意象之政策與宣傳方式,則促成了台北城市空間之新體驗。電影作為城市行銷工具,不僅帶動觀光效益,亦使得同時體驗真實與電影城市空間成為可能。而透過網路聯結的電影場景與台北城市空間,則能藉由影像賦予城市的不同氛圍,體驗電影為台北城市空間帶來的多樣感受。 / In 2008, Taipei City Government showed a positive attitude towards film as a city marketing strategy by offering film subsidies and establishing the Taipei Film Commission. This research attempts to explore the cinematic city space under incentive policies to the wave of city marketing in accordance with globalization. The subsidized films would be subjects of study, analyzed by using literature review, textual analysis and semi-structural interviews as research methods.   The result of the research shows that incentives made a great impact on the cinematic city space of Taipei and formed a new way of experiences. As a result of the policies of marketing Taipei, the cinematic city space of Taipei becomes Tourist-oriented as well as promotes unique images of Taipei. The interaction of city development and cinematic city space of Taipei interlace a changeable dynamic structure. The active support of Taipei Film Commission helps to make the cinematic city space of Taipei differently in shooting and publicity. Transnational co-production of film policies subsumes various points of view and heads start in city marketing overseas. Film as a tool of city marketing not only drives tourism benefits, but also realizes in experiencing real and cinematic city space at the same time.

臺北市政府舉辦聽障奧運之研究:政策行銷的觀點 / A study on the 21st summer deaflympics Taipei 2009: Perspective on policy marketing

陳靜誼 Unknown Date (has links)
全球化潮流的趨勢下,國際體育交流日漸頻繁,臺北市以城市之名突破國家外交困境,於2003年2月順利取得2009年聽障奧林匹克運動會,期能藉由賽會的舉辦以展現城市特色,進而提高國家在國際上的能見度。   本研究企圖從「行銷」觀點探討「2009臺北聽障奧運」,以期從行銷理論與概念建構政策行銷的基本架構、從政策行銷架構分析2009臺北聽障奧運之特色,以及從政策行銷架構檢視其限制,並據以提供相關建議。該個案的分析從文獻中研擬「政策行銷」、「策略行銷」、「行銷策略」、「城市行銷」等為基本架構加以研究,透過質性研究途徑的深度訪談法與個案研究法,進行資料蒐集、分析與詮釋。   經由本次的研究,本論文提出研究發現如下: 一、解讀政策行銷模式中的意涵,在政策行銷的基本立場上,公共政策執行,即便同樣是政策的利害關係人,往往立場也會不盡相同。政策行銷的目的無非在歧異點上求取一平衡與共識,因此,政策的願景成為共識的基礎。而對應策略行銷的觀點而言,策略行銷乃是轉化政策願景成為規劃行銷策略的橋樑。至於行銷策略則必須時時能反映策略行銷與政策願景,並盡量將其具體化、可操作化。最後,個案中城市行銷觀點,基於國際社會中的知名度,奧運的城市光環遠大於臺北市,因此城市行銷的意義方得以彰顯,也就是臺北市因舉辦聽障奧運而提昇國際能見度。 二、在個案分析中,從政策行銷觀點而言,有待更進一步將目標市場擴大,亦即可將政策願景的訴求提高;從策略行銷觀點論之,在市場區隔上,不應只侷限於聽障者,而是應該擴及到社會上的其他族群;從行銷策略觀點而言,由於賽事屬於非實體性產品,運動賽會要能引起消費市場的興趣,應首重產品品質,也就是比賽本身的精彩度。就城市行銷觀點而言,則因聽障奧運的知名度目前遠勝於臺北市,因而臺北市政府藉由舉辦聽障奧運的機會,來進行城市行銷,使得臺北市的城市意象能為世界各國所知。 三、臺北聽奧政策行銷之特色,「聽障友善之都」是一種宣言、一種意象,陳述著對聽障人士的友善政策規劃,進而凸顯臺北市的國際形象、市民認同。但行銷對象絕非僅止於聽障人士,畢竟從本研究中政策行銷的觀點而言,利害關係人的涉及的不同價值相當廣泛,市民、國際人士、聽障人士等,均應納入政策規劃與執行的考量。整體而言,策略行銷與城市行銷層面能掌握聾人特性、運用事件行銷均是本活動成功的因素之一。 四、臺北聽奧策略行銷之限制,則有未突顯正確的目標市場;聾人文化推廣不足,肇因於利害關係人界定模糊;欠缺量化行銷目標等因素。   基於以上發現,本論文從學理與實務提出建議如下:   一、理論上:政策行銷的具體化思維在於如何與城市行銷相得益彰。 二、實務上:臺北聽奧策略行銷相關建議則為:目標市場可加入學生,過程應有聾人的參與;加入量化行銷目標以具體化成效;資源應盡早整合,以及運動賽會遺產的運用。

大型活動建立城市形象之行銷探討-以高雄世運會為例 / Reshape Metropolitan Image through Mega Events Marketing – Case Study of The World Games 2009 in Kaohsiung

張恩慧 Unknown Date (has links)
全球化下的城市競爭越趨激烈,舉辦大型活動(mega event)行銷城市的策略常是區域經濟發展的政策之一,一般認為大型活動能為城市在經濟發展、環境改善、公共建設、觀光旅遊等方面帶來實質的經濟效益。過去;城市舉辦大型活動原為國與國或地區之間的商貿交流為主,爾後演變為因應城市發展特色的大型活動產生,1960年代前;運動賽事的舉辦是為了展示國力,直到1984年洛杉磯奧運會透過完善的體育活動結合商業模式下,帶動經濟繁榮提升城市競爭力,遂成為許多國家爭辦大型運動賽事的原因之一。 國內外相關大型活動的研究多偏於經濟與產業之分析,本研究以行銷角度切入,運用Kotler學者所提出城市行銷的四大構面分別為;基礎建設行銷、形象行銷、吸引力行銷、民眾行銷,來發掘城市行銷元素的組合,進而透過行銷工具的使用來拓展城市的能見度與形象的呈現,有效的吸引外來的觀光遊客與投資等,並提供本地居民良好的生活(含居住、教育與娛樂等)與就業(工作)環境,啟發居民對本區的榮譽心與凝聚力。 城市行銷的目的在於改變一個城市給予人的形象,因此一個城市可以透過硬體建設、文化塑造、利用既有自然資源等方式去改變形象,重新建立一種可以為城市帶來進步的新形象,其過程也並非短時間可完成。城市行銷的目標在於人,在於改變人對於一個城市的定位與形象,因此城市行銷策略必須以人為中心出發,同時結合城市空間及建設的載體去傳遞城市的形象;當城市在舉辦大型活動時,回歸到城市資源能力的整合與核心價值來檢驗其行銷要素的焦點,從中發掘城市行銷的定位,進而有助於規劃城市品牌的長期經營策略。 本篇論文以2009高雄世運的舉辦來建立高雄城市形象為例,並運用「大型活動的策略架構」結合Kotler「城市行銷」理論,評析以大型活動作為行銷城市最有利的事件方案,以短期具有時效性的活動來行銷高雄的城市特色。

探討城市行銷與鼓勵影視產業之關聯:「少年PI的奇幻漂流」之個案分析 / Strategies of Feature Filmmaking in City Marketing: A Case Study of "Life of PI"

林依融, Lin, Yi-Jung Unknown Date (has links)
自2000年「韓流」席捲整個亞洲之後,電影製作/影視製作就成為熱門的城市行銷手法,透過電影拍攝,不但可以將城市意象傳播至世界,也可以提升地方產業的發展。在這樣的潮流下,臺中市政府更邀請李安導演及國際劇組來臺拍攝「少年PI的奇幻漂流」,透過影片的拍攝及播送進一步行銷城市。然而,一般討論電影製作以及城市行銷間的關係時,多數會將焦點放在「影視觀光」以及「地方行銷」上;而「少年PI的奇幻漂流」這樣一部在臺中拍攝但完全沒有任何臺中場景的電影,卻讓臺中市與這部電影產生了緊密的聯結,也在李安導演獲獎無數後,讓臺中受到了許多國際媒體的關注。簡而言之,「少年PI的奇幻漂流」是一個不靠電影場景置入而成功達到城市行銷目標的個案,但臺中市政府如何透過鼓勵影視產業發展達成城市行銷目的?本研究即著重於探討臺中市政府在此個案上所採取的各項策略。 / Since 2000, the craze of “Korean Wave” has overwhelmingly swept across Asia, filmmaking became a popular city marketing approach to broadcast and transmit the city image to the world, also to promote the local industry development. Following this trend, Taichung City Government seized the opportunity to invite and cooperate with Ang Lee and the production group of “Life of Pi” since 2010 to 2013 to market the city. However, when discussing promoting filming activities as one of the strategies to reach the city marketing goal, most of the perspectives and literatures were focusing on film tourism or place marketing. That means, most of the city marketers focus more on whether the sceneries of the target city are broadcasting through the films or not. By contract, “Life of Pi” is the film which produced and shoot in Taichung but none of the sceneries from Taichung City were disclosed in the story. Nevertheless, the film and Ang Lee had indeed linked the international media exposure and attention to Taichung City while they won numbers of film awards included the Academy Awards. To put it more specifically, this is the case which successfully reached the city marketing goal without manipulating any “product-placement” strategy. But what did the city government do to reach the goal? This research aims at analyzing the strategies which Taichung City Government took by coordinating and supporting “Life of Pi” to reach the city marketing goal.

大型活動建構臺北市城市品牌形象研究 / The study of Mega events on the image branding of Taipei

蔡依蒨, Tsai, Yi Chien Unknown Date (has links)
全球化的競爭趨勢使得國家行銷發展跨越原有的疆界,轉而成為各國城市間的競爭,城市的經管理與行銷提升城市本身的競爭優勢,城市亦藉由積極參與國際性大型活動或展演拓展城市的知名度與形象,吸引實質的產業投資與引導消費等實質經濟利益,同時也能成為國外人士連結城市的管道。因此,整合城市的各個面向,例如城市品牌,城市形象、特色產業、基礎建設等,以策略性的包裝與行銷大幅提昇城市的競爭力。 臺北市經營城市行銷,首重市場定位與塑造品牌形象,統籌臺北市的政治、經濟、歷史、文化、環境等資源整合,成為城市品牌形象定位的基礎,因此積極透過城市行銷對外發展的臺北市而言,參與如奧林匹克運動會、世界博覽會等國際性大型活動的機會,藉由行銷策略組合建構城市品牌形象以利臺北市推展城市行銷是本研究的主要目的。 文獻回顧部分,探討包括城市行銷的定義與內涵,行銷策略擬定與建構城市品牌印象之相關理論,以及大型活動本質的探討與建構品牌形象之關聯。研究方法則而歸納文獻資料提示的建構城市品牌指標參考,整理歸納「構面組織」、「環境構面」、「目標市場構面」、「行銷構面」、以及「策略構面」等五個面向擬定59項評估指標製作修正式德菲法調查問卷,由10位公共行政、行銷、傳播及媒體領域之專業人士填寫調查問卷,由專家學者群體決策為基礎進行調查,最後經兩回合問卷調查後專家達成意見一致性共識作為本研究分析之基礎。 本研究透過修正式德菲法問卷的五個5個構面共59項以大型活動建構城市品牌形象之評估指標,專家小組認為利用參與大型活動建構城市品牌形象中,「組織構面」的領導者決策、策略規劃及策略執行能力為最主要關鍵,而包括城市的交通建設網絡以及城市風格等,都是影響形塑城市重要因素。而研究結果則建議建構城市品牌形象可採用地區性行銷策略,而在策略實際操作部分則延攬專業的行銷規劃團隊,以規劃主題式行銷活動,並透過新興媒體進行宣傳等方式為臺北市形塑優質的城市品牌形象。 / As a consequence of globalization, the marketing of region has grown in importance as countries, regions compete with one another to attract investment and visitors. To compete effectively, it is essential to identify the critical success factors of image branding and ensure those who are into the strategic planning. City's image branding is largely dependent on the construction, communication and management as well as the style of the city. A city's brand image provides, on one hand, the basis for developing city marketing to pursue economic development and, on the other hand, provides as a conduit for people outside the country. This study examines the effectiveness of the efforts on the image branding of Taipei based on an analysis of image branding strategies through the participation of mega events. The theoretical background from literary reviews of this study covering city marketing, city branding and image, mega events and event marketing topics, which are the conceptual but technical and structural viewpoints included. The primary city brand-driven mega events indicators would be developed by reorganizing these past researches and by dividing them into five aspects: organizational, environmental, target market, marketing, and strategies. All primary indicators are evaluated by 10 marketing, communication, media, and administrative experts to evaluate which have the most criteria toward the image branding of Taipei, and how these factors could be utilized to form the strategic framework. Based on the survey of the modified Delphi method, the result indicated that the most crucial success factor of the image branding of Taipei is organization leadership, which refer to the city governing philosophy of decision-making, strategic planning, and implementation represention the core building block of image branding. This survey points out that the convenient transportation network, unique city style and applied communication channel, such as social media, are also drawing a line determining the effect of the image branding of Taipei. Accordingly, some recommendations can be made for the use of the image branding of Taipei: diversified cultural driven assets can be attractive points; Fesvital and activities also can be applied; new style of promotiation channel such as social media can also be developed. Those are based on a combination and the components of the city's brand management.

在城市行銷中與各關係人之溝通策略:以企業行銷為基礎 / Stakeholder Communication Strategies in City Branding: A Development from Corporate Branding

周尹婷, Chow, Tiffany Yin-Ting Unknown Date (has links)
The concept of branding has been developed mainly in the perspectives of product and corporate. Nowadays, there is an emerging trend and attention to be made on the concept of branding cites. As thought from the perspective of product, the promotion of city has been considered mainly from tourism point of view. Nevertheless, there is increasing number of researchers have started to consider the city branding more broadly and from the perspective of corporate branding. Furthermore, since the importance of communication, especially among different stakeholders, has been emphasized in corporate branding literatures, few literatures in city branding have started to mention the linkage between corporate branding and city branding in this aspect. This paper is then focused on the stakeholder communication strategies in both corporate and city branding, with the identification of major stakeholder in city branding: the local residents/service providers. Then potential stakeholder communication strategies for city branding are developed from the corporate branding literatures and discussed with primary research results from the Design District Helsinki project. In addition, possible application to Taipei City is also discussed.

「建構一個全方位的電影基地」行動研究 / To Build An All-Purpose Movie Operational Base

石靜文, Shih, Chin Wen Unknown Date (has links)
欲建構一個全方位的電影基地,實為龐大且複雜的計劃。臺中市政府新聞局於2011年開始規劃並落實建構的「中臺灣電影推廣園區」,研究者為該計畫決策執行兼推動者,故以行動研究的親身參與及實際觀察法,透過反省與修正探索建構一個全方位電影基地過程中,其關鍵問題與因應策略的現象及影響;歸納分析因各不同環境或人為因素變動,以及所選擇因應策略對產出結果的影響。期待本研究結果能成為未來類似計畫之參考。 本案研究者依系統循環的概念,以圖示歸納關鍵事件與因應策略對應後產出的結果,比對其變革後的結果與最初規劃目標之間的連結關係,從本研究發現中得出結果如下: 1.電影政策與城市行銷,可有直接的正向聯結關係。 2.一個計劃在建構期間出現無法預設的變革為正常現象。 3.良好的溝通與協調,亦可能成為影響結果的重要因應策略。 4.選擇得當的因應策略,即使改變,也可能出現比預期還好的成效。 根據本案的研究發現,提出建議如下: 1.全方位的電影文化與相關之產業政策應持續支持及推動。 2.變革雖為正常現象,但堅守目標、宗旨與原則,持續培植人才仍為重要使命。 3.即使觀念或訴求不同,但在追求社會與文化進歩發展的觀點下,更需透過理性的溝通與協調,求取共識。 4.變革可以期許出更好的新局與未來,但過往的歷史與紀錄,仍是新時代影像工作不可棄置的重要觀點。 / The objective is to build an all-purpose movie operational base and overcome any possible complications regardless the scale of them. The Information Bureau of Taichung City Government has started implementing the construction of “ Mid-Taiwan Movie Promotion Park” since 2011. The research unit for this particular project is also the project promoter and the executor. In other words, this project researcher was able to personally participate and inspect the production process through in person observation where the researcher could reflect on the adjustment made to target key issues in the park establishing process. The project researcher categorizes and analyzes these the park establishment strategy and analyzed results may also be affected by various human and environment factors. The purpose of this research is to have the analysis brought to the public and thus makes a positive impact for similar future projects. The researcher utilizes a system circulation concept and further demonstrates and clarifies this concept via diagram and visual presentation. The system circulation concept not only compares the result after modifications and the initial goal, but also bridges the relation between the result and the initial goal. The research reveals the following listed below: 1.The relationship between movies related policies and city marketing could be direct, positive, and constructive simultaneously. 2.It is typical that unpredictable barriers appear during the construction period. 3.Friendly constructive communication and coordination could be a key factor that affects the project outcome. 4.Appropriate response could result a better-then-expected outcome. Suggested strategies according to the research listed below: 1.An all-purpose movie culture and its related industries policies should be supported and promoted in a persistent and everlasting manner. 2.Although proposed plan may not always implement accordingly, the big picture is to stay adhere to goal, purpose, and principle and continue to cultivate talents. 3.It is particularly important to reason rationally and coordinate to reach a mutual aim when parties express difference aspirations and perspectives. 4.Changes could motivate breakthrough and, at the same time, it is crucial to keep the past in the back of the mind and note from the it.

以大型活動建構城市品牌之評估指標研究 / A study of strategic indicators for branding cities by mega-events

林威儒 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究由「以大型活動建立城市品牌」面向切入大型活動行銷與城市行銷之主題,試圖釐清「城市」本身作為行銷主體時,相關的理論觀點,並聚焦於策略端,了解城市行銷與城市品牌發展之關鍵要素以及重要的城市品牌架構,進而建立以城市品牌長期發展為主要導向之大型活動所應具備的策略性思維,且逐步構築大型活動評估指標,作為未來城市品牌導向之大型活動策略規劃與分析之參考。 文獻回顧的部分,除了城市行銷本質的探討,理解城市行銷的功能與內涵外,亦在城市行銷的「技術」面文獻中,了解當前城市行銷策略規劃與城市品牌建立之相關理論基礎,最後在既有的研究中,連結大型活動與城市行銷之間的關聯性,著眼於如何運用城市品牌的建構面向,來評估與分析大型活動之策略。其後,歸納前述文獻所提及之諸多指標與成功要素,以四個主要面向重新抽取其內容,並發展相應於大型活動之操作性定義,以便先行建立初步評估指標。最後以專家群體決策為基礎之修正式德菲法進行最終評估指標之評選,使得指標體系的建構及後續分析,能具有較高度之代表性。 透過十多位行銷、傳播、媒體領域之學術界與實務界專業人士之專家問卷調查,本研究共建構十六項以大型活動建構城市品牌之評估指標,並進一步以大型活動籌辦單位之深度訪談補充營運面與組織面之內涵,增加指標於策略性運用時,更為全面性之思考。最後闡明研究結論,回應過往城市品牌架構文獻並建議未來相關研究方向,期望對於城市品牌思考與城市品牌導向之大型活動策略規劃與分析面向有所助益。 / The mega event held by a specific city shouldn’t only be analyzed as another single large scale event in the city but be seen as a series of city marketing practices in the long-term city branding context. The aim of the present study focuses on the strategic vision of the mega event and builds city brand-driven indicators to create the framework for mega event marketing strategy planning and evaluation. The main theoretical background from literature reviews for this study consists of several city marketing, city branding, mega event and event marketing topics, which are not only the conceptual but technical and structural viewpoints included. Then the primary city brand-driven mega event indicators would be developed by reorganizing these past researches into four main categories: strategy, symbol, relationship, benefit and sustainability. Based on Delphi method, all primary indicators are evaluated by 16 marketing, communication, media experts and finally formed the strategic framework. Also, in this study, mega event organizer and the coordinator of marketing related department in the city government are interviewed to understand issues comprehensively from the execution and organization levels for solid strategic thinking. Finally, all 16 key indicators and the managerial implications , specific city branding frameworks from the literature reviews, and also advices for future studies are outlined and discussed in the last chapter.

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