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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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冷戰後中共海權發展與美日亞太地區安全布局 / CPC sea power after the Cold War and the US-Japan Asia-Pacific Development Security layout.

王義之 Unknown Date (has links)
近年來歐美經濟衰退,亞太地區動盪不安。在冷戰後,亞太地區出現權力真空,給予中共發展空間與機會,引致美國與中共在亞太地區展開版圖大戰,從東海延伸至南海,讓鄰近諸國關係十分緊張;加上北韓核武試爆及發射長程飛彈、日韓為了獨島(竹島)、日俄的北方四島、中日的釣魚臺及東南亞國家的南沙群島主權領土爭議等,讓亞太區域更加詭譎多變。尤其,中共第一艘航空母艦「遼寧號」於2012年9月25日正式服役,顯示中共已從陸權轉向海權發展,並企圖突破第一島鏈、第二島鏈的圍堵政策,對亞太地區影響甚鉅。 冷戰後,亞太地區的權力結構已出現變化,相關問題的複雜性已非美國霸權所能獨力管理,面對中共的海權發展及海軍現化所帶來的威脅,美國該如何建立起區域內國家安全合作與戰略布局,已成為美國所要面臨的重大問題。而日本以其強大的經濟實力做後盾,企圖以東南亞為立足點,不斷增強對東協的影響力,並試圖組織以日本為核心的「東亞」經濟圈,努力謀求在亞太地區的主導地位。因此,在中共大幅的崛起後,直接影響美日兩國亞太安全布局及海洋戰略。 值得注意的事,中共海權發展及海軍現代化,雖無法立即擁有與美國海軍相當的能力,但卻使美國更加提高介入亞太安全事務,甚至提出了「亞洲再平衡」政策,促使日本及周邊國家(如印度、臺灣、澳洲、韓國等)等,更密切保持與美國關係,此種發展亦勢將成為亞太地區的和平穩定帶來相當程度的影響及昇高軍事武力衝突之危機。

我國海岸巡防機關在國家安全的角色與定位之研究 / Research on the Roles and Orientations of the ROC Coast Guard in National Security.

廖順康, Liao, Shuen Kang Unknown Date (has links)
海洋是國家發展的利基,亦是我們賴以生存最重要的憑藉,更是捍衛國家安全的第一道防線。臺灣地處西太平洋第一島鏈中央地帶,戰略地位極為重要,從臺灣的地理特性和地緣位置來看,臺灣的國家安全與海洋是密切相關的,海洋不僅是國家安全的重要緩衝空間,也是維護國家安全的屏障和門戶,控制了海洋即可加大安全縱深,遏止來自於海洋方面的威脅。 臺灣是一個海洋國家,海洋權益的確保、藍色國土的經略乃政府施政的重大目標。今日我們面對海域主權權利、海洋資源、海洋環境等各項層面的威脅及挑戰,需站在戰略及國安的高度展開多面向的海洋戰略(包括尋求國際合作、爭取國際地位等),並制定國家海洋政策,有效經營海洋資源,方能增進全方位的國家利益,以落實海洋國家發展願景。 行政院海岸巡防署為中華民國開國以來第一個依法定程序設立且律屬於行政院二級部會層級的海域執法專責機關,除海軍以外,為我國第二大擁有海上執法能量的武裝團隊,肩負起維護國家安全、海上治安及救災救難等重責大任;其擁有獨立運作且強而有力的海域司法管轄權,並代表國家執行公權力、伸張海權,以維護國家海洋權益及確保國家安全。 關鍵詞:國家安全、國安戰略、海權、海洋戰略、海洋政策、海軍戰略、地緣戰略、海巡署、海軍、海關 / The sea is the gateway for national development, the most important reliance for our survival, and the first line of defense for national security. Taiwan locates in the middle of the first island chain in the west Pacific with strategic significance. From the geographical points of view, Taiwan's national security closely relates to the sea, which not only acts as important buffer zone for national security, but also safeguards barriers and portals of national security. Controlling the sea deepens the depth of security and deterring threats from the sea. Taiwan is a maritime country. To ensure maritime rights and interests, the governance of Blue Territory is a major goal to the government. Today we are faced with issues such as the sovereign rights of the sea, marine resources, marine environment and other aspects of threats and challenges. It is necessary to take strategic vantage point of national security and expand multi-faceted maritime strategies (including international cooperation and international status, etc.). In order to effectively manage marine resources for all the spectrum of the national interests, national policies and visions of the sea should be developed and fullfilled. The Coast Guard Administration of the Executive Yuan (CGA) is the first ministerial agency of the Republic of China specifically for maritime law enforcement. In addition to the Navy, the CGA has become the country's second largest armed forces responsible for national security, maritime peace and search and rescue, etc. at sea. Representing national authority and sovereignty, it operates independently and holds strongly jurisdiction in sea territories to preserve national maritime rights and interests and to ensure national security. Keywords: national security, national security strategy, sea power, maritime strategy, sea policy, naval strategy, geostrategic, Coast Guard(CGA), Navy, Customs

兩岸海域執法制度之研究 / Maritime Law Enforcement-A Comparison of Policy in Mainland China and Taiwan

林韋呈 Unknown Date (has links)
海域執法儼然已成為全球化新興環境的核心議題,在面對周邊各國積極強化 海洋經營管理策略及戰略部署的同時,我國更應該思考如何強化海洋政策作為, 藉此與世界接軌,構建與各國間的等距平衡,從中獲得外交自主性,以確保國家 最大利益。 隨著聯合國海洋法公約的出現,為世界各國在海洋權益的維護上帶來全新的 依循規範,各國為因應此一趨勢,均積極採取因應作為,以求國家利益最大化。 兩岸同屬海岸線比例長的國家,且環境相似,加以兩岸文化相近,儘管在政治制 度上有差異,但面對當今海洋趨勢卻有諸多相同點,除海域執法機關演進之制度 走向相當外,與周邊國家海域爭端情形亦多相牽連。儘管兩岸現況仍處於複雜政 治關係,但就海域執法合作部分,雙方都希望可以藉助發展經驗相互交流,並在 對彼此都有利的情形之下展開合作,維護海洋權益,提升人民福祉。 中國大陸挾著其崛起的大國氣勢,明確提出「海洋強國」的戰略目標,具體 透過整合內部海上執法機關,展現維護國家海洋權益之決心,積極鞏固和擴大其 海洋的維權作為。面對中國大陸積極拓展海域執法力量的同時,臺灣應如何突破 政治困境,在維護國家尊嚴與人民福祉的前提下,尋求兩岸海域執法合作之互利 發展,已是現實環境所必須面臨的問題。 / With international communities’ awareness of marine development,the maritime law enforcement has become one of the core issues ofglobalized emergent environment. While the neighboring states havebeen actively promoting their strategies of marine management anddeploying tactically, Taiwan should consider the ways to promote itsmarine policy and conduction, to connect with the world and keepdiplomatic balance, and to ensure the nation’s interests. The announcement of the United Nations Convention on the Law ofthe Sea (UNCLOS) has established the guidelines for states to protecttheir rights and benefits. Hence, the states all actively adjust and modifytheir policies and regulations to seek nation’s interests. Mainland China and Taiwan both are countries with long coastlines and similarenvironments and culture. Although being different in political system,two sides have many viewpoints toward the trends of marine management in common. In addition to the similar institutionalization of maritime law enforcement, agencies of both sides are closely interconnected with the disputes of overlapping waters. Both sides express to protect their marine rights and benefits and the public’s interests by reciprocal exchange and experience sharing in regard to maritime law enforcement, both sides are still in the complicated political situation though. The strategic goal of the Mainland China is to become “marinepower”. The China shows the resolution to protect its marine rights and benefits by integrating domestic maritime law enforcement agencies. While facing the China’s actively strengthening its maritime law enforcement, Taiwan inevitably has to consider the possibilities and promotion of cross-straits cooperation on maritime law enforcement without compromising Taiwan’s dignity and the public’s interests.

中共國家海洋局建制對我國釣魚臺海域政策之影響 / The Impact of Reorganization of State Oceanic Administration People's Republic of China on Taiwan's Marine Policy of Diao-Yu-Tai Islands

杜品樺 Unknown Date (has links)
釣魚臺列嶼爭端是影響東海區域和平穩定的主要因素,該海域除蘊藏豐富生物及非生物資源外,更因其具有重大的地緣戰略利益,對亞太區域安全有深遠之影響。惟歷經歷史時局的演變,主權歸屬問題涉及中共、日本與臺灣等國,基於特殊歷史背景與國際間一中政策制約,使我國僅有海洋國家之名,同時影響我對於上述島嶼之主權主張。 中共挾著新崛起的大國氣勢,明確提出「海洋強國」之戰略目標,透過整合內部海上執法機關,展現維護國家海洋權益之決心,進而鞏固和擴大海洋維權成果。然囿於其海域被島鏈封鎖,戰略迴旋空間有限,為實踐其海洋戰略利益,面對周遭潛在的軍事威脅和海洋爭端,中共目前正積極拓展海上力量。臺灣應如何突破外交困境,並於維護國家尊嚴與人民福祉之間,尋求解決釣魚臺海域爭端之最佳途徑,作為在現今國際劣勢下,發展國家海洋戰略事務之借鏡,以達知彼知己,百戰不殆之效。 海上安全儼然已成為全球化新興環境的核心議題,在面對中共積極強化東海經營管理策略及戰略部署的同時,我國更應該思考如何強化海洋政策作為,藉此與世界接軌,構建與各大國間的等距平衡交往戰略,從中獲得外交自主性,以確保國家最大利益。 / The territorial disputes of Diao-Yu-Tai Islands are the decisive factors to the stability of the East China Sea (ECS). ECS has not only rich living and non-living resources, but also profound effects on the security of Asia-Pacific area due to the significant geo-strategic interests thereof. According to the evolution of historical events, the Islands’ sovereignty disputes among the neighboring countries of China, Japan and Taiwan. Based on the special historic background and constraints of the international realism of one China policy, Taiwan is merely a marine country and has a difficulty to claim the sovereignty right of the Islands. China, the rising power, specifically set out the strategy of establishing itself as a “marine power” by integrating the internal maritime law enforcement agencies to demonstrate the determination of maintaining its maritime rights and interests so as to consolidate and expand the outcome of safeguarded rights. However, blocked by the Island chain of Asian Pacific that leads to insufficient defense and response space, China actively reinforces the maritime power to fulfill its ocean strategic interests and manage the potential military threats and maritime disputes. Taiwan shall break through the diplomatic bottleneck to seek for the best solution on the disputes of the Diao-Yu-Tai Islands to assert the national rights and people welfare under the international adverse situation. The maritime security is the core issue of the Globalization development. Facing to the strengthened stewardship strategy and military arrangement in the ECS of China, Taiwan should think over the marine policy to synchronize with the world and seek for the balance among the neighboring countries. As a result, it is beneficial for Taiwan to win the independent authority in diplomacy to ensure national best interests.

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