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湖北黃岡 (黃州)方言連讀變調及詞庫構成=Lexical tone Sandhi and the lexical organization of Huanggang dialect / Lexical tone Sandhi and the lexical organization of Huanggang dialect鍾思琪 January 2018 (has links)
University of Macau / Faculty of Arts and Humanities. / Department of Chinese
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清末湖北地方自治研究:從鐵路運動到諮議局主張之發展 / 無陳貞陵 Unknown Date (has links)
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電腦下鄉: 湖北家庭電腦用戶的民族志研究 = Computers to the countryside : an ethnographic study of household computer users in Hubei. / 湖北家庭電腦用戶的民族志研究 / Computers to the countryside: an ethnographic study of household computer users in Hubei / Ethnographic study of household computer users in Hubei / Dian nao xia xiang: Hubei jia ting dian nao yong hu de min zu zhi yan jiu = Computers to the countryside : an ethnographic study of household computer users in Hubei. / Hubei jia ting dian nao yong hu de min zu zhi yan jiuJanuary 2014 (has links)
本論文通過十二個月的田野研究,探討城市化進程中,鄉鎮、城鎮與城市等三個處於不同城市發展階段的地方,信息化進程中的性別政治有何異同。本研究的核心問題是:城鎮化與信息化的交互作用如何進行?在城鎮化與信息化同時推進的當下中國,個體,尤其是個體的性別化身體,如何與以電腦、互聯網爲代表的數字科技之間産生脫嵌與再嵌入的"雙向形塑關係? / 本研究運用科技馴養、個體化和性別-科技共創理論,分析城鎮家庭中電腦和互聯網的社會化生活。本研究發現中國社會現代性建構中,城鎮用戶通過在家庭內部採用電腦和互聯網,逐步形成一種數字化家庭關係,其中互聯網本地化特徵明顯。此外,本研究還發現,性別化的網絡互連的個體化是當下中國社會中的城鎮化、信息化發展過程中的主要特徵。本研究採用綫上與綫下相結合的多點民族誌的混合方法,探討在中國城鎮化過程中研究性別與互聯網的共創關係。 / Based on ethnographic data collected in 12 months of field work, this thesis studies the gender politics in the process of digitization and urbanization by comparing the phenomenon in a village, a town, and a city. The three main research questions of this study are: How are the interactions between urbanization and digitalization? How do digitization and gender relations mutually construct each other in the process of urbanization? / Using theories of technology domestication, individualization theory and the mutual construction of gender and technology, I analyze the use of computers and internet in the social life of rural and town families. This research found out that in the process of modernization, as rural and town families adopted the use of computers and internet; they gradually transformed themselves into, digitalized families. Furthermore, the individualization of gendered networks stood out as the key characteristic of urbanization and digitalization of post socialist China. This research pioneered the combination of multi-sited ethnography and virtual ethnography in exploring the interplay between gender and the internet in Chinese urbanization. / Detailed summary in vernacular field only. / Detailed summary in vernacular field only. / 任珏. / Thesis (Ph.D.) Chinese University of Hong Kong, 2014. / Includes bibliographical references (leaves 201-228). / Abstracts also in Chinese. / Ren Jue.
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包山楚簡硏究. / Baoshan Chu jian yan jiu.January 1995 (has links)
袁國華. / 論文(博士) -- 香港中文大學硏究院中國語言及文學學部, 1995. / 參考文献 : leaves 536-569. / Yuan Guohua. / 序 / Chapter 第一章 --- 緒論 --- p.1 / Chapter 第一節 --- 包山楚簡的發現 --- p.1 / Chapter 第二節 --- 包山楚簡的內容 --- p.4 / Chapter 一 --- 「文書」的內容 --- p.4 / Chapter (一) --- 「集箸」「集箸言」簡的內容 --- p.4 / Chapter (二) --- 「受□」簡的內容 --- p.6 / Chapter (三) --- 「疋獄」簡的內容 --- p.7 / Chapter (四) --- 欠標題簡的內容 --- p.9 / Chapter 二 --- 「卜筮祭禱紀錄」的內容 --- p.12 / Chapter 三 --- 「遣策」的內容 --- p.15 / Chapter 第三節 --- 包山楚簡的價值 --- p.19 / Chapter 一 --- 補充文獻的不足 --- p.19 / Chapter 二 --- 証明史書的可信 --- p.21 / Chapter 三 --- 印證其他楚簡的內容 --- p.22 / Chapter 四 --- 保存器物的名實 --- p.23 / Chapter 五 --- 有助古文字的考釋 --- p.25 / Chapter 第四節 --- 本文的研究範疇與目的 --- p.27 / Chapter 第二章 --- 包山楚簡所見名籍編制考 --- p.37 / Chapter 第一節 --- 「□典」意義的商榷 --- p.40 / Chapter 一 --- 「□」字的字形、讀音及意義 --- p.40 / Chapter 二 --- 「典」字的意義及其相關問題 --- p.55 / Chapter 三 --- 與「□典」有關簡文的釋讀 --- p.64 / Chapter 四 --- 釋「□典」 --- p.80 / Chapter 第二節 --- 名籍的種類 --- p.95 / Chapter 一 --- 玉□之典 --- p.99 / Chapter 二 --- □典 --- p.103 / Chapter 三 --- 陳豫之典 --- p.106 / Chapter 四 --- 某瘽之典 --- p.109 / Chapter 第三節 --- 名籍的編造與保管 --- p.112 / Chapter 一 --- 《周禮》所載名籍的編造與保管 --- p.112 / Chapter 二 --- 春秋戰國所載名籍的編造與保管 --- p.116 / Chapter 三 --- 包山楚簡所載名籍的編造與保管 --- p.120 / Chapter 第四節 --- 名籍的用途 --- p.123 / Chapter 一 --- 登除生死 --- p.123 / Chapter 二 --- 查證身分 --- p.127 / Chapter 三 --- 明別歸屬 --- p.130 / Chapter 第三章 --- 包山楚簡「受□」意義考 --- p.143 / Chapter 第一節 --- 「受□」意義的商榷 --- p.144 / Chapter 一 --- 「受□」即「受賄」說的商榷 --- p.144 / Chapter 二 --- 「受□」即「受稽」說的商榷 --- p.159 / Chapter 三 --- 「受□」即「接受年度考核」說的商榷 --- p.168 / Chapter 第二節 --- 釋「受□」 --- p.186 / Chapter 第三節 --- 「受□」簡的釋讀 --- p.191 / Chapter 第四節 --- 海外「受□」遺簡述要 --- p.202 / Chapter 一 --- 有一簡記二事者 --- p.202 / Chapter 二 --- 簡文內容有重覆出現者 --- p.206 / Chapter 三 --- 大事紀年所記地名有別者 --- p.208 / Chapter 第四章 --- 包山楚簡遣策所見「□」、「房□」、「鑐」等器物形制考 --- p.220 / Chapter 第一節 --- 「□」器形制考 --- p.220 / Chapter 一 --- 釋「□」 --- p.220 / Chapter 二 --- 釋「□」 --- p.232 / Chapter 三 --- 論「□」器的形制 --- p.248 / Chapter 第二節 --- 「房□」形制考 --- p.264 / Chapter 一 --- 釋「一房□」 --- p.264 / Chapter 二 --- 釋「房□」形制 --- p.274 / Chapter 第三節 --- 「鑐」鼎形制考 --- p.285 / Chapter 一 --- 釋「亥」 --- p.285 / Chapter 二 --- 釋「鑐」鼎的形制 --- p.293 / Chapter 第五章 --- 包山楚簡文字考釋 --- p.322 / Chapter 1 --- □ --- p.324 / Chapter 2 --- 頸 --- p.325 / Chapter 3 --- 戌 --- p.327 / Chapter 4 --- □ --- p.328 / Chapter 5 --- □、□、□ --- p.332 / Chapter 6 --- 主 --- p.336 / Chapter 7 --- □ --- p.340 / Chapter 8 --- 天 --- p.342 / Chapter 9 --- □ --- p.344 / Chapter 10 --- □ --- p.345 / Chapter 11 --- □ --- p.346 / Chapter 12 --- □ --- p.348 / Chapter 13 --- □ --- p.352 / Chapter 14 --- □ --- p.354 / Chapter 15 --- 受 --- p.355 / Chapter 16 --- □ --- p.359 / Chapter 17 --- □ --- p.360 / Chapter 18 --- □、□ --- p.361 / Chapter 19 --- □ --- p.362 / Chapter 20 --- 齊 --- p.362 / Chapter 21 --- 已 --- p.364 / Chapter 22 --- □ --- p.366 / Chapter 23 --- □ --- p.367 / Chapter 24 --- 常 --- p.367 / Chapter 25 --- 衣 --- p.371 / Chapter 26 --- □ --- p.372 / Chapter 27 --- □ --- p.373 / Chapter 28 --- □ --- p.375 / Chapter 29 --- 伬 --- p.376 / Chapter 30 --- □ --- p.379 / Chapter 附錄一: --- 重訂「包山楚簡」釋文 --- p.389 / Chapter 附錄二: --- 包山楚簡文字諸家考釋一覽表(一)(二) --- p.485 / 主要參考書目及其簡稱 --- p.536
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擴展道教醮儀的概念:以晚帝國湖北與江西的靈官醮科為例 / Broadening Notions of Daoist Offering Rituals: A Case Study of Late Imperial Numinous Officer Liturgies (Lingguan jiaoke 靈官醮科) of Hubei and Jiangxi費昭, Tyler Feezell Unknown Date (has links)
關鍵字: 道教醮儀,靈官醮科,王靈官,江西,湖北,道法海涵 / This thesis explores two Daoist jiao ritual 道教醮儀 manuscripts from the Daofa haihan devoted to Numinous Officer Wang (Wang lingguan 王靈官). Both texts are titled “Jiao Liturgy for the Numinous Officer” (Lingguan jiaoke 靈官醮科), one originating in Jiangxi 江西 in 1861 or 1921 and the other from Mulan, Hubei 木蘭湖北 in 1855 or 1915. Chapter one focuses on the Jiangxi text and traces possible source material, including Daoist canonical selections, referenced to compose the ritual. Chapter two compares the ritual content and structure of the two ritual texts. The purpose of this thesis is to explore local jiao rituals in a setting previously unstudied, thus augmenting scholarly notions of this pivotal communal ritual
Keywords: Daoist jiao rituals, “Jiao Liturgy for the Numinous Officer”, Numinous Officer Wang, Jiangxi, Hubei, Daofa haihan
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