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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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我國自營作業者社會保險制度之研究 / The research of social insurance system of self-employment in Taiwan

陳靖玟, Chen, Ching Wen Unknown Date (has links)
根據行政院主計處2009年人力資源調查統計顯示,當年度自營作業人口約為一百三十三萬餘人,約占我國就業人口百分之十三的比例,高出歐美國家許多,由於國人普遍存在「寧為雞首不為牛後」的文化心態,故自營作業者為我國勞工就業時重要的選項之一。過去,自營作業者一直被當作衡量國家經濟發展落後的指標,這類人口不論是在勞動條件或社會保障方面,向來較不受重視,然而隨著貿易自由化與產業結構轉變的衝擊,農林漁牧業能吸納的就業人口逐漸減少,勞動市場所提供的正職工作也持續減少,在失業率攀升的壓力下,先進國家開始重視自營作業者吸納失業人口、調節勞動市場供需的功能,為了鼓勵失業或一般受僱勞工開創自己的就業機會,近年來歐洲國家已經逐步改善自營作業者的社會安全保障,以降低勞工投入自營作業的風險。 有鑑於自營作業者對我國就業市場之重要性,以及國際間積極改善自營作業者社會保險條件的趨勢,本研究遂以建構我國完善的自營作業者社會保障制度為目的,分別從勞工保險、職災保險與就業保險三方面,分析我國現行社會保險制度所存在之問題與缺失,再針對相關問題提出解決建議。本研究採取深度訪談的方式,瞭解自營作業者參加勞工保險的經驗與實務上所面臨的問題,更進一步透過訪談瞭解自營作業者對於本身失業風險的認知以及參加就業保險的意願。此外,本研究也透過比較研究的方式,進而瞭解其他國家對於自營作業者社會保障所採取的作法,以作為我國自營作業者社會保險政策調整方向之參考。 研究發現,我國自營作業者在勞工保險方面存在以下問題:一、勞工保險所主張的「申報主義」制度,並未一體適用於自營作業者;二、自營作業者投保資格審查責任未作明確劃分;三、自營作業者投保薪資調整的作法可能產生公平性的疑慮;在職災保險方面,目前自營作業者參加職災保險存在著職災保險給付與第三人不法行為損害賠償兼得之問題;在就業保險方面,研究發現自營作業者同樣存在著失業的風險,風險可能來自於景氣影響、同業之間的競爭或是從業地點變動等因素,加上自營作業者普遍具有教育程度偏低和中高齡的特徵,在學歷與年齡的雙重限制下,自營作業者一旦退出自營作業部門,就可能因為轉業困難而導致長期失業,甚至被迫退出勞動市場。 最後,本研究針對目前自營作業者社會保險制度相關問題,分別提出以下建議,包括勞工保險的投保資格審查作業應明確授權由職業工會行使;輔導自營作業者辦理營業登記,以實際所得作為投保薪資調整依據;勞工保險條例應增列保險人代位權之規定;將自營作業者納入就業保險之保障對象;以營業登記之註銷或繳回相關執業證照,作為自營作業者失業之認定標準。

論氣候變遷之災害調適-以建立公私協力天然災害保險法制為中心 / Study on disaster adaptation of climate change- To establish the legal system of public-private partnership natural disaster insurance

吳玉鳳, Wu, Yu Feng Unknown Date (has links)
氣候變遷加劇全球各地天然災害。基於保障人民基本生活,政府主動積極管理災害風險已不可避免,而國際上亦普遍以保險機制調適氣候變遷風險,且建立公私合作關係共同承擔巨災損失。本文整理分析文獻資料作為論述基礎,並比較研究國內外天然災害保險制度,歸納整理共同特性與功能,以及建立制度之基本原則與經營基礎,以演繹我國天然災害保險制度法制化重點包括:1.立法形式:單獨特別立法建立制度;2.政府角色:兼具保險人及再保險人角色,提供天災保險保障並具風險承擔功能;3.制度模式:在公私合作關係下,由民營保險人負責銷售管理、理賠且承擔中間規模損失,而政府提供財務支持或擔保;4.制度定位及性質:屬於非社會保險之公共計畫(政策保險),人民無投保之法律上義務;5.保障範圍:規範最低承保範圍,提供人民一致且可負擔之保險;6.減災責任及誘因:保險制度應整合減災,納入個人減災誘因且於利害關係人間(政府、被保險人、保險人)適當分攤減災責任;7.主管機關與專職管理組織:減災為天然災害保險不可分割之一部分,宜跨越行政組織分工,從功能性意義上互動共同治理;並將住宅地震保險基金轉型為天然災害保險基金作為專職管理組織;8.風險分散機制:立法設置多層次風險承擔機制,由被保險人自負低層小額損失,保險人、天災基金、再保險人、資本市場承擔中間層級責任,政府則承受極端重大損失。 / Climate change has intensified natural disasters worldwide. To protect people’s basic livelihoods, it is necessary that the government actively and aggressively manages the risks of disasters. Meanwhile, insurance system is an adaptation measure generally adopted to pool the risks of climate change, and public and private cooperation is established to share the losses of huge disasters. This study compared domestic and foreign insurance systems aiming at natural disasters based on the summary and analysis of literature to develop the keys legislation regarding a natural disaster insurance system: 1. Type of legislation: individually established legislative system; 2. Government role: both the insurer and re-insurer providing protection and risk assumption for natural disasters; 3. System model: with public and private cooperation, private insurers are responsible for the sales, management, claims and assumed losses on a moderate scale, while the government provides financial support or guarantees; 4. System positioning and nature: the public plan other than social insurance, people is no generalized duty to buy cover in the system; 5. Coverage: minimum protection, providing consistent and affordable insurance to all people; 6. Mitigation and incentives: the insurance system should integrate mitigation with personal incentives for disaster reduction and share mitigation responsibilities among stakeholders (government, insured, insurer) as appropriate; 7. Competent authority and dedicated management organization: mitigation is an inseparable part of natural disaster insurance, which is appropriate for the work divisions of cross-administrative organizations and interactive governance in functions; turn the Taiwan Residential Earthquake Insurance Fund into a natural disaster insurance fund for dedicated management; 8. Risk diversification mechanism: set a multi-level risk sharing mechanism through legislation, in which the insured shall be responsible for low-level losses in small amounts; the insurer, natural disaster insurance fund, re-insurer, and capital market share the middle-level liabilities; and the government shall bear the extremely large losses.

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