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運用遊戲機品牌通路評價探討售後服務之研究—以M遊戲機品牌為例 / The Study on After-Sales Service Using the Evaluation of Channels Distribution of Video Games - A Case of M Video Game鄭敬修 Unknown Date (has links)
隨著資訊技術與科技的進步,3C產品已普及到成為現代人的生活用品,可能是家庭必備生活產品或是個人隨身必備產品,其中3C產品包含電腦(Computer)及其週邊、通訊(Communication,多半是手機)和消費電子(Consumer Electronics)產品等三種產品的代稱,而且3C產品亦可帶動相關產業的相互鏈結,或者是可以帶動社會整體的產業發展,其中遊戲機產業便是所被帶動的產業之一。根據資策會在2012年的報告指出,遊戲機市場受到智慧型手機與平板電腦的問市之後,自2011年起已開始出現萎縮的現象,而且遊戲機的品牌更是琳瑯滿目,如此的競爭市場造就了遊戲機市場的百家爭鳴的現象。此外,網路資訊在時代環境的變遷下,也逐漸開啟民眾對於網路使用的行為及頻率,包含食、衣、住、行、娛樂等行為,而該行為也促使網路融入於民眾的日常生活之中,當然也因為行為的普遍化產生了許多商機,這樣的網路商機已成為國內各大企業所關注的焦點。
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網路口碑與產品銷售之關係探討:以Amazon.com為例林哲煒 Unknown Date (has links)
一、 產品的口碑數量對於產品銷售有正面的影響。
二、 產品的口碑分數高低對於非主觀判斷型的產品銷售有正面的影響。
三、 當口碑分數有高有低時,口碑分數越高對口碑數量與產品銷售之間的關係有正面的影響。
四、 在知覺風險高的產品類別中,對於正負口碑有無幫助的共識差異越大,越能幫助口碑分數對於產品銷售的影響。
五、 在口碑分數接近中立的情形下,正面口碑提供者的真實姓名揭露比負面口碑提供者的真實姓名揭露更能幫助口碑分數對於產品銷售的影響
六、 台灣品牌在國外消費者心中尚未能建立正面且顯著的影響力,但已漸漸朝此方向前進。 / The business model of original equipment manufacturing/original design manufacturing (OEM/ODM) has long prevailed in the history of Taiwan Industry. This has resulted in the inability to match up with most of the developed countries in terms of brand development. In a world with more emphasis upon online word-of-mouth effect, managing online word-of-mouth wisely may light a new path for Taiwan companies to stay competitive in the globe arena. This study studied the top 10 Taiwan brands who also distribute their products on Amazon.com. The word-of-mouth performances of these products, along with their competing counterparts, were analyzed. In addition, the effects of the attributes of the products and the fundamental elements of their corresponding word-of-mouths on the sales ranking were tested. The study ended up with six conclusions:
1. The online review volume of a product has a positive effect on sale.
2. The online review valance of a product has a positive effect on sale for products that are not depended heavily personal preference.
3. When the online review valance of a product fluctuates, the effect of the valance on the relationship between the review volume and sale is stronger.
4. In the product category with higher perceived risk, the bigger the difference in the consensus of whether the positive reviews or the negative reviews are more helpful, the stronger the effect is on the relationship between review volume and sale.
5. When the review valance is close to neutral, the disclosure of the author’s name of the positive reviews has more positive effect on the relationship between the review valance and sale than the disclosure of the author’s name of the negative reviews
6. Although products from Taiwan still cannot establish a strong brand perception in the mind of foreign customers, but it has been changed slowly in a positive direction.
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網路正負評與消費者產品知識對網路口碑可信度之影響-以開箱文為例 / The effects of positive and negative e-WOM and product knowledge on e-WOM credibility邱恬憶 Unknown Date (has links)
網路興起使得口碑傳播效果更快更遠,消費者也習慣在購物之前先在網路上找尋相關產品評價後再決定購買,尤其「開箱文」的發展讓消費者能對產品有更清楚的體驗,讓網路口碑更具說服力。本研究旨在了解消費者產品知識是否會干擾網路口碑可信度,負面效果(negative effect)對所有消費者而言是否均存在。當消費者接收到網路評價時,會否因為自身產品知識不同,在接收到網路正負評價時會產生不同的可信度,並進一步了解造成其差異的原因為何。本研究針對單眼相機為研究的產品,以線上問卷調查方式收集364份有效問卷,以統計方法分析後得到以下發現:
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網路評價搜尋結果的正負意見分類系統 / A sentiment classification system on search results of web opinions黃泓彰, Huang, Hung Chang Unknown Date (has links)
本研究嘗試建置一個包含兩個主要功能的系統,分別是網路評價搜尋以及情感分類。在網路評價搜尋的部份,我們使用Google搜尋並蒐集一攜帶型智慧裝置(智慧型手機、平板電腦與筆記型電腦)的網路評價搜尋結果;情感分類的部分則是將搜尋結果依照對該產品的意見分類為,共有正面/負面/中立、正面/負面、正面/非正面,以及負面/非負面等四種分類方式。為了建置此系統,我們首先從知名的網路論壇Mobile01和批踢踢蒐集和攜帶型智慧裝置有關的網路文章以及產品名稱,接著以人工的方式標記每篇文章,以及部分文章中的句子的情感。本研究設計了兩個層次的情感分類實驗,我們首先從語句層次出發,以監督式機器學習法訓練將句子分為正面/負面/中立等三個類別的分類模型後,再進入文章層次,將句子的意見彙整,並同樣以監督式機器學習法訓練四種不同文章層次的分類模型:正面/負面/中立、正面/負面、正面/非正面,以及負面/非負面。我們分別選出四種分類實驗中表現最佳的模型,並用於系統建置,其中表現最佳的是分類為正面/負面的分類模型,平均的F-measure為0.87;其次是分類為負面/非負面的模型,對負面類別的F-measure為0.83;接著是分類為正面/非正面的模型,對正面類別的F-measure為0.81;表現最差的是正面/負面/中立的分類,平均的F-measure為0.77。在正面/負面分類的準確率上,本研究的表現並不壞於過去以英文為主要語言的相關研究。最後,我們也以過去不經過語句層次的分類方法進行實驗並比較,其結果發現經過語句層次的情感分類比不經過語句層次的情感分類較佳。 / In this research, we implemented a system that retrieves the search results of mobile phones, tablets, and notebooks from Google, and then classifies them as: (1) positive, negative, or neutral, (2) positive or negative, (3) positive or non-positive, (4) negative or non-negative. To build this system, first we collected some documents about mobile phones, tablets, and notebooks on two popular web forums: mobile01.com and ptt.cc. Next, a sentiment label (positive, negative, or neutral) is attached to each document and each sentence of these documents. We designed a two-level supervised sentiment classification experiment. At sentence level, we trained classifiers that classify sentences as positive, negative, or neutral. The best sentence classifier was then used at document level. At document level, the sentiment labels of the sentences in documents are used. We trained classifiers in four different classification problems: (1) positive, negative, or neutral, (2) positive vs. negative, (3) positive vs. non-positive, (4) negative vs. non-negative. The best is the second classifier with an average F-measure of 0.87. The next is the fourth classifier with an F-measure of 0.83 on negative class, and then comes with the third classifier with an F-measure of 0.81 on positive class. The last is the first classifier with an average F-measure of 0.77. Our accuracy is not worse than the past English study on the classification of positive vs. negative. Finally, we conducted another classification experiment using document-level-only classification method, and the results showed that our two-level sentiment classification (first sentence level, then document level) outperforms document-level-only sentiment classification.
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