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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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探討口碑參與之意圖與行為 / Investigating the Intention and the Behavior of WOM Engagement

王翊家 Unknown Date (has links)
口碑參與的行為隨著資訊科技的進步日益流通快速,尤其是網路的普及與社群媒體的使用,讓消費者的體驗與意見能廣泛且快速地傳遞,然而目前仍然沒有一個明確的架構可以將口碑參與的動機做一個完整的敘述,同時也因為網路的普及使用,線上內容易於轉發,口碑傳遞的效果開始受到大家的關注,所以本研究以三種口碑參與行為,分別為意見給予 (Opinion Giving)、意見搜尋 (Opinion Seeking)與意見傳遞 (Opinion Passing),作為研究口碑參與的主軸,以享樂、功利與社交,這樣一個涵蓋性較廣的架構來探討口碑參與的前因,並在了解消費者的動機後,繼續深究消費者傾向於線上或線下的環境,進行口碑參與的行為,從中推敲意圖與行為間可能存在的干擾變數。 根據641份網路問卷,我們藉由因素分析得到六大動機因素,並從結構模式驗證中得知,三種口碑參與行為有不同的驅動因素,在意見給予模型中,社交性因素為首。在意見尋找模型中,產品資訊為首,最後在意見傳遞模型中,六個因素有四個因素證實有顯著影響,社交性因素為首。除此之外,三種口碑參與意圖對線上下行為都具有正向影響,雖然干擾變數皆沒有證實干擾效果,但是對於線上下行為也都具有正向影響。


官星辰 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究之目的是受龍吟華人市場研發論壇中心(以下簡稱龍吟研論)之委託,針對該機構2013到2015年的14個主題,運用統計上「資料映射」(mapping)的概念,推估其各組受訪者在全台灣的一般成年民眾中,是否確實屬於「先驅消費者」的族群。 龍吟研論隸屬於智榮基金會,係由宏碁創辦人施振榮先生號召國內企業及法人單位所創立。其主要工作目標之一,係希望找到各領域的先驅消費者,藉由與他們進行深度訪談的方式,進而剖析消費者的需求特性與生活趨勢。 本研究運用東方消費者行銷資料庫(以下簡稱E-ICP)的樣本反映台灣社會母體的特性,並利用此資料庫對大眾的分群,將龍吟研論的受訪者歸入此資料庫的既有分群中,以檢驗各受訪者是否確屬先驅消費者的族群。執行步驟係先經過兩階段的挑選以設計問卷,並利用現場或網路發放的方式讓龍吟研論的受訪者填答。同時也利用龍吟研論挑選受訪者的前測問卷,挑選和E-ICP題庫中相近的題目以增加可比對的題目數量。透過上述步驟所回收之樣本,則利用最小平方法的計算方式,將各受訪者依據其填答選項歸類進既有的E-ICP分群之中。 研究結果顯示,在龍吟研論的樣本中,除健康類相關受訪者並非屬於先驅消費者外,其餘主題的受訪者均可視為先驅消費者的族群,此結果將有助於後續趨勢研究之進行。另外,本研究在其他三個方面亦有所斬獲:其一,本研究針對兩個不同資料庫的比對方式提供後續研究者一個路徑,以作為日後發展資料融合的基礎。其二,本研究的問卷設計係從既有題庫刪減而來,此步驟的挑選與驗證提供了較具經濟效率的調查方式。其三,本研究所進行的樣本分群,提供新加入之樣本歸類至既有分群的不同方式,進而能延伸推論新加入樣本的相關消費特性。 / Chinese Consumer Center (CCC) belongs to Stans Foundation, which was established by Stan Shih, the founder of Acer Group. As its main objectives, CCC wants to defind leading consumers in various fields, and analyzes their characteristics and lifestyle by using in-depth interviews. The purpose of this research is to confirm whether the respondents recruited by CCC are leading consumer or not. CCC’s respondents covered 14 topics from 2013-2015. This research used the mapping concept in statistics with E-ICP database to identify the leading degree of respondents. The E-ICP database had samples which were the representatives of Taiwanese consumers. This study selected 60 lifestyle questions from E-ICP to survey CCC’s respondents, and further used the CCC screening questions which were comparable to some E-ICP questions to form the data for the mapping process. Each CCC respondent was mapped and categorized into E-ICP’s lifestyle group to illustrate the leading degree. This research shows that except for the respondents of the health related topics, the rest of the respondents are all belong to the group of leading consumers. The major contributions of this research showed in three aspects. First of all, it demonstrated a method to compare two different databases; second, it provided an efficient way to size down a long questionnaire; third, it suggested a relatively simple method to classify the new respondents into the existing groups.


陳思吟 Unknown Date (has links)
在網際網路發展快速的今天,網路上許多討論區、電子佈告欄及留言板已經成為消費者資訊搜尋主要來源之一,網路口碑的影響力已不容忽視。本研究主要探討負面口碑效果在網際網路上之應用及對公司的影響。 在本研究中,採用實驗方法,實驗設計分為9個實驗組:2(經驗品/相信品)×2(負面留言數量多/負面留言數量少)×2(負面留言說服度高/負面留言說服度低),藉以探討訊息接收者對負面留言所產生不同程度的感受與影響。 研究結果發現:(1)網路上負面口碑對於不同產品種類有不同影響,相信品所造成的消費者負面總體評價大於經驗品;(2)說服度高的負面留言,對於消費者總體評價的負面影響均大於說服度低的留言;(3)具有較多負面留言則數之留言版,其消費者總體評價低於負面留言則數少者。 因此,由以上的研究結果,可以發展出以下之結論: 1. 在其他條件不變之下,網路負面留言會造成消費者整體評價下降。 2. 由於相信品購買風險相較於經驗品來的大,因此網路留言版之負面敘述對於消費者將產生較大的負面評價效果。 3. 負面留言數量及說服度高低對消費者整體評價皆會產生顯著影響,但在不同的產品種類之下影響則不全然顯著,表示產品種類不同之下負面留言對消費者態度也會有些微改變。

政治態度對電子口碑擴散影響之研究 / Study of the Influence of Political Attitudes upon the Spreading of Electronic Word-of-mouth

羅彥鐘 Unknown Date (has links)
口碑傳播向來扮演資訊傳遞與擴散等重要的角色,隨著網路使用的普及,電子口碑成為新形態的口碑傳播方式。本研究以政治議題作為主題,探討電子口碑的前因與後果。電子口碑由兩個構面組成,會受到個體本身具有的政治態度所影響;此外,電子口碑行為是電子口碑的實際體現,不同的電子口碑構面是否會採用不同的方式進行電子口碑的擴散行為?本研究欲探討電子口碑所包含的構面,接著欲證實政治態度、電子口碑與電子口碑行為三構念之間的影響關係。研究對象為關心時事與政治的網路族群,採用網路問卷,共計獲得181份有效問卷,以迴歸分析討論三構念之間的關係。 研究結果顯示,電子口碑的構面可分為線上意見領袖與線上意見尋求;政治態度的構面則包含了外部政治效能感、內部政治效能感與政治信任。兩構念之間具有如下關係: 1.外部政治效能感能正向影響線上意見領袖 2.內部政治效能感能正向影響線上意見領袖 3.政治信任能正向影響線上意見尋求 此外,電子口碑也經證實能夠影響電子口碑行為: 1.線上意見領袖能正向影響線上轉寄與線上交談 2.線上意見尋求能正向影響線上轉寄與線上交談 藉由電子口碑模式的確立,能瞭解政治議題的網路擴散效應,並提供另一個資訊傳遞與交流的新型態管道。

新創事業的口碑管理-以木酢家為例 / Word of Mouth Management of Startup Business - A Case Study of Mujohome Pet Supplies

黃楷評 Unknown Date (has links)
台灣有很多的新創公司,產業結構以中小企業為主, 2013年台灣中小企業佔全體企業的97.64%;不可否認的是中小企業是台灣經濟的中流砥柱,也是幫助就業與平均分配所得的要角。然而,有超過三成的新設企業在五年以內結束營業,而經濟部2013年所出版的全球創業觀察台灣年報中的調查表示,新設企業在資金周轉不靈或是資源缺乏的情況下,將難以持續營運企業。 當人們再購買產品或是服務之前,多半傾向會去詢問親友或是熟人的意見,有93%的消費者會上網搜尋口碑意見,且有近53%的消費者會上網評論、分享他們的經驗,而當對於商品或服務滿意時,評論的意願會增加。國內外對於口碑效應的研究不在少數,但研究本身多集中在口碑效應的行程以及消費者行為,較少從企業的觀點出發研究口碑管理,如果能夠深入研究口碑管理的操作細節並能夠為新創事業所運用的話,將能夠大大提升資源效率與公司的存活率。 本研究欲探討的問題有三,1. 新創事業在達到穩定期之前如何促進口碑傳播?再者,促進口碑傳播的行為與其成長階段的關係為何?2. 新創事業在達到穩定期之前如何監視口碑?再者,監視口碑的行為與其成長階段的關係為何?3. 新創事業在達到穩定期之前如何回應口碑?再者,回應口碑的行為與其成長階段的關係為何? 透過深入訪談新創事業-木酢家,並配合相關次級資料的蒐集與整理,本研究獲得以下結論1.新創事業會透過接觸虛擬和實體世界中不同的人際網絡促進口碑傳播。2. 新創事業口碑監視的重點在於,更詳細的了解消費者行為,以及顧客真正想要的產品。3. 口碑回應是對消費者傳達理念的途徑,新創事業再塑造形象時會納入策略的一部分。 / There are many start-up companies in Taiwan, and therefore made the industrial structure full of small- and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). In the year of 2013, SMEs account for 97.64% of all the enterprises,and are the mainstay of the employment market andthe economy system in Taiwan. However, the data shows that over 30% of SMEs end up in 5 years, the Global Entrepreneurship Monitor (GEM) from the Ministry of Economic Affairs said that the lack of money and resources are the biggest challenge of running a start-up company. When making the decision of buying products and services, people incline to ask for the opinions from friends or acquaintances. The data shows that 93% of the respondents search word-of-mouth informations on the internet, and 53% of them shared their experiences. The more satisfaction they perceived, the more likely they would share the experience. There were abundance of researches in the past studying word-of-mouth, much of them gave discussions on word-of-mouth effects and consumer behaviors, while only a few studying about word-of-mouth management from the enterprise view of point. Despite the power that word-of-mouth contains, if it can be apply by some of the SMEs, it might enhance the efficiency of utilizing resources. This thesis is going to study three questions: 1. How does a start-up company foster word-of-mouth before the company comes to a stabilizing phase? Moreover, what is the relationship between the word-of-mouth foster activity and the growing phases? 2. How does a start-up company monitor word-of-mouth before the company comes to a stabilizing phase? Moreover, what is the relationship between the word-of-mouth monitor activity and the growing phases? 3. How does a start-up company responds to word-of-mouth before the company comes to a stabilizing phase? Moreover, what is the relationship between the word-of-mouth responding activity and the growing phases? The research findings are describe as following:1. A Start-up company foster word-of-mouth by attaching different virtual and physical social networks. 2. The word-of-mouth monitor activity of a start-up company focuses on the comprehension of consumer behaviors and the consumer needs. 3. The word-of-mouth responding activity is a way to convey the belief of the company, it would be a part of the strategy when a start-up company is shaping its image.

網路負面口碑之研究-以公眾人物為例 / A Study of NWOM on Internet:Case Study on Public Figures

曾玉輝, Zeng, Yu Huei Unknown Date (has links)
網際網路興起與行動裝置普及後,人們越來越容易在各大社群媒體、討論區留下評論。其中,本來就影響甚大的負面口碑,結合了網路驚人的散步速率和廣大接觸群眾的特性,轉變為影響更為巨大的網路負面口碑。 過往有許多針對負面口碑的研究,這些研究大多面向一般企業,卻鮮少有研究針對公眾人物。然而,同時也有許多研究指出,許多企業會與公眾人物合作,而公眾人物自身做為容易被社會關注的目標,負面口碑有可能對其職業生涯與形象造成不良影響,故希望能針對網路負面口碑之於公眾人物的留言動機、內容以及解決方式研究。 本研究著重個案分析,我們將從PTT,全台灣知名的網路討論板,找尋針對個案中公眾人物評論,並且分析留言的措辭與內容,歸納留言者的動機、該負面留言的內容類型。並從網路上蒐集該公眾人物處理該負面網路口碑的資訊,分析其策略。 最終,本研究將歸納整理出動機、留言內容與公眾人物使用的策略,為未來在這塊學術領域有興趣繼續研究的同好們提供一個基礎,並為公眾人物以及其公關團隊避免與解決網路負面口碑提供建議與方針。 / Since the rise of social media and the spread of mobile devices, sharing comments, advice and information with people on the internet without the constraints of time and space has become part of modern life and has resulted in major changes to how people receive information. Because of these changes, one particular issue has become more important than before: the influence of electronic word of mouth (EWOM), especially the negative type. Word of mouth has long been a topic of research, and researchers have found that negative word of mouth (NWOM) can have a greater impact than positive or neutral word of mouth. Furthermore, EWOM can spread faster and wider than traditional WOM. Thus, if negative word of mouth were spread via electronic channels such as social media on internet, it can cause unimaginable damage to the target individual or organization. To date, few studies focus on public figures’ negative EWOM. However, public figures play important roles in many areas because of their high attention from society and may sometimes be the target of negative EWOM. Based on the above, this study seeks answers to the following questions: Why do people on the internet reply negatively to the target public figures (negative EWOM motivation)? What types of negative content do people on the internet generate toward the public figures? What types of strategies may be applied to deal with different types of negative EWOM and negative EWOM motivation more frequently? This study first searched and reviewed previous literature related to NWOM, EWOM and public figures and categorized a few motivation, types of negative content and strategies. We then chose twenty case studies, and collected comments about these twenty cases on PTT, the largest terminal-based bulletin board system (BBS) based in Taiwan. Based on the using words of these comments, we can find out new motivation and new types of negative content did not exist in previous literature. Furthermore, we tracked how these public figures deal with NWOM, and tried to find out new patterns of strategies. The research results can help managers and researchers prevent crises caused by negative EWOM or take appropriate approaches for these crises. Keywords: Negative Word of Mouth, Electronic Word of Mouth, Public Figures

探討女性部落客讀者對美妝部落格中電子口碑及口碑行銷的態度 / A study on female blog readers’ attitudes toward ewom and buzz marketing in beauty blogs

賈德欣, Chia, De Hsin Unknown Date (has links)
自從「部落格」被韋氏辭典選為2004最具代表性的字,部落格便不斷蓬勃發展,越來越多的部落客,由於在訊息分享及消費者購買決策有強大影響力,被讀者視為意見領袖。本研究特別著眼於美妝部落格讀者,探討其對於時下崛起部落客口碑行銷現象之態度,從部落客單純的分享,到散播電子口碑(線上口碑) ,最後演變成獎勵或有酬的部落格文章。而近年來,這樣的部落格口碑行銷手法,已引起不少關於部落客誠信及可信度的討論。 本研究採取質化及量化研究方法,第一階段與知名美妝部落客的深度訪談,提供了現今部落格口碑運作及口碑行銷的初步了解。第二階段的量化問卷調查,綜合文獻及深訪結果,探討美妝部落格讀者對於部落客可信度及購買行為的態度。本研究同時發現,讀者對於美妝部落格內容的滿意程度,也會影響其對於產品的口碑注意度、後續口碑散播意願、以及實際購買行為。 / Ever since “blog” was selected by Merriam-Webster's dictionary as the word of year 2004, the development of blogs has been prospering. More and more bloggers are viewed by blog readers as new opinion leaders on their impact of information-sharing and purchasing decision-making. This study will pay closer attention to one certain category of blog readers—the beauty blog readers and their attitudes toward the emerging phenomenon among bloggers— from simply sharing information to spreading the buzz (online word-of-mouth, or eWOM), and eventually leading to rewarded blog post with incentives. Such business behavior is conceptualized as buzz marketing, which has been arousing dilemma about blogger honesty and credibility. Both qualitative and quantitative methods will be applied in this study. In first stage, in-depth interviews with well-known beauty bloggers were conducted to first provide with preliminary yet detailed understanding of how word of mouth operates and the existing buzz marketing among beauty blogs. Quantitative surveys will be designed based on the findings from first stage, and then be distributed among beauty blog readers to further examine that consumers’ attitudes toward bloggers’ credibility associate with their purchasing behavior. Likewise, consumers’ satisfaction toward blog content may influence their attention paid to WOM in blogs, willingness to conduct Word-of-mouth referrals, and actual purchasing behavior.

網路口碑訊息面向、訊息價值與產品涉入對說服效果影響之研究-以網路論壇為例 / The persuasive effect of word-of-mouth’s message sidedness, message value, and product involvement- a case study of internet forum.

蕭珮妤 Unknown Date (has links)
口碑行銷的魅力勢不可擋,企業也開始運用創造網路口碑的方式,來提升行銷的效果。因此,如何操作網路口碑的訊息內容品質以增強可信度,更成為了企業主必須掌控的內容。然而在學術上,網路口碑於訊息因素的研究卻仍缺乏,因此本研究初探性地將兩種有關訊息研究的討論構面共同結合與探討,從訊息結構中的「訊息面向」(單面或雙面陳述)以及內容中的「訊息價值」(所呈現的產品屬性價值)共同進行研究操弄;同時,將接收者的產品涉入程度視為影響網路口碑說服效果的干擾變項,期能以網路論壇討論區來驗證口碑訊息的說服效果。   本研究設計採實驗法,實驗變數包含訊息面向、訊息價值以及干擾變數─產品涉入,共三個變數。故本研究為2(訊息面向:單面訊息/雙面訊息)*2(訊息價值:功能性/享樂性價值)*2(產品涉入:高/低)的三因子組間實驗設計,共計8組實驗組。抽樣方法採取便利抽樣的方式,有效問卷共計回收675份。   本研究結果證實,第一,網路口碑呈現不同的「訊息面向」,對於消費者的訊息可信度具有顯著影響,且呈現「雙面訊息」(正負訊息比例為6:2)的訊息可信度顯著高於「單面訊息」。第二,網路口碑呈現不同的「訊息價值」,對於消費者的訊息可信度具有顯著影響,且呈現產品「功能性價值」的文章,其訊息可信度顯著高於「享樂性價值」。第三,有關產品涉入度的干擾效果,產品涉入度與口碑訊息面向對於訊息可信度無顯著交互影響;而產品涉入度與口碑訊息價值對於訊息可信度僅部分有顯著交互影響,高涉入產品宜採用功能性價值,低涉入產品則兩者皆重要。最後,可發現訊息可信度顯著影響消費者的產品態度與購買意圖。經由本研究結果,就實務上意涵,可提供企業主於網路口碑操作時之建議方向,如何透過訊息的操作來提升可信度,進而達成口碑說服效果。

企業對線上口碑風暴回應策略之研究 / Company Strategies in Response to Online Firestorm

林冠達 Unknown Date (has links)
口碑一直以為都是企業行銷的重要利器,而同時也是要害之一,且隨著網路的發達和社群網路的發展,對企業的影響也越來越大。而近幾年在媒體中開始出現一個新名詞,用來形容負面口碑在社群媒體中傳播的現象-線上口碑風暴(Online Firestorm)。 線上口碑風暴的相關研究相當的稀少,而在許多口碑的相關研究中也未多著墨,但隨著社群媒體的發展,此現象已越來越普遍,因此有研究探討的價值,所以在本研究中將先定義出線上口碑風暴,並以Google搜尋趨勢設計出測量線上口碑風暴的方式,以利將其從負面口碑的傳播分辨出來,並利用這樣的方法找出六個線上口碑風暴的個案來進行研究,配合Coombs的印象修復理論來進一步分析。 研究結果發現,可以將線上口碑風暴依成因分成「過去不好的服務或產品體驗」、「錯誤的時機情境」和「不適當的聲明或宣傳」,而各類別的最佳回應策略在文中有詳細講述。另外,當企業使用的回應策略越多時,線上口碑風暴持續的時間就可能越久。影響線上口碑風暴的因素有很多,經本研究的討論分析後,發現「負面訊息傳播的平台」、「回應策略的運用」和「企業的規模和性質」為最會影響線上口碑風暴的因素。 / Word-of-Mouth (WOM) has been a major marketing tool to the enterprise, but could also be one of its threats. With the development of the Internet and social networks, the impact of WOM on enterprises is also growing. In recent years, the rapid propagation of negative Word-of-Mouth in social media has gained much attention in media and is named “Online Firestorm.” Academic studies about Online Firestorm are rare, and researchers of Word-of-Mouth have not investigated it. Giving the development of social media, this phenomenon has become increasingly common. Therefore it is important for companies to know and better handle it and for researchers to investigate this new issue. In this study, we will define and measure Online Firestorm though Google Trends. We will also collect data from six cases and analyze how different responding strategies may result in different outcomes. Research found that Online Firestorm can be categorized into “past bad service or prouduct experience”, “bad timing scenarios” and “inappropriate statements or propaganda” according to the causes of the storm. The best response strategies to all kinds are described in the text. In addition, when used more response strategies, Online Firestorm duration may longer. There are many factors affecting the Online Firestorm, after the discussion and analysis found that "negative information dissemination platform", "the using of response strategies" and "the scale and nature of the enterprises" and as the factors that most likely to affect the Online Firestorm.


陳佩吟 Unknown Date (has links)
近年來由於虛擬社群的出現,為網路世界帶來社會化的現象,虛擬社群將散佈在世界各地的人類聚集起來,形成他們共同的社群,這其中的變化是一種創新,本研究便是著眼於這個成長而創新的現象-虛擬社群-進行探討。 本研究欲探討影響虛擬社群意識的前置因素,即虛擬社群特性。綜合虛擬社群相關文獻,本研究將虛擬社群特性的構面分為:社會化臨場感、娛樂性與創新性;虛擬社群意識的構面為:會員身份、影響力與心流體驗。虛擬社群意識會受到意指成員對於社群以及其他成員的感覺,會受到該虛擬社群所俱有的特性所影響;此外,本研究欲探討虛擬社群意識與電子口碑傳播行為間的關係,有強烈社群意識的成員,是否較願意且主動的在線上與其他人分享資訊呢?   本研究探討虛擬社群特性所包含的構面,以及社群特性與虛擬社群意識間的關係,最後再探討虛擬社群意識與電子口碑傳播行為間的關係。研究對象為參與虛擬社群的成員,有效樣本為238份問卷,以Lisrel線性結構方程模式分析。   研究結果顯示: 1.社會化臨場感能正向影響會員身份、影響力與心流體驗 2.娛樂性能正向影響會員身份 3.創新性能正向影響心流體驗 4.影響力能正向影響電子口碑傳播行為

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