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網路商店進行網路口碑管理之研究:以網路化妝品商店為例 / A Study on Electronic Word-of-Mouth Management of Online Stores: Online Cosmetic Stores謝松齡, Hsieh, Sung Ling Unknown Date (has links)
對於網路化妝品商店來說,其所販售的產品屬於經驗性商品,消費者在無法透過實體商店進行試用的情況下,相當依賴網路口碑了解產品資訊與效果;此點從國內最大的口碑社群網站 「FashionGuide」與「UrCosme」皆以化妝品使用心得為討論主題即可窺知。並且,觀察到國內網路化妝品網站多半設計有「使用心得分享」的機制,顯示大部分的業者都認為在網路上放上使用者的心得,將對於產品銷售有所助益。
本研究的研究問題有四:1.網路化妝品商店進行網路口碑管理的動機為何?2.網路化妝品商店如何監視網路口碑? 3.網路化妝品商店如何回應網路口碑?4.網路化妝品商店如何促進網路口碑傳播?
在網路口碑管理理論方面,本研究的主要貢獻有三:1.彌補網路口碑回應與傳播促進的研究缺口。2.提供網路口碑管理研究者模型修定之考量。3.發現網路口碑與傳統行銷廣告的新關聯性。 / Entering Web 2.0, online shoppers are more used to search product information before purchasing and share their comments after shopping. The MIC survey indicates that over 70% of online shoppers will explore the comments of others before purchasing and be affected. This shows that electronic Word-of-Mouth (eWOM) has a great influence on customers’ purchasing decision and worthy watching.
Cosmetic in online stores could not be trail before purchasing, which is contrary to its experice quality product characters and lead to the booming of cosmetic community sites. In addition, many of the online cosmetic websites include the function called “True Story” to encourage customers share their experiences after using products, which means online cosmetic stores already know the power of eWOM and start to apply it in business operation.
Even the influence and application of eWOM are already been proven, there are only still little researches relate to eWOM management. This study built a systematic structure to find the motivation and process for eWOM management of online cosmetic stores, tried to identify the context of this vague but important issue.
The study aims to investigate the following questions: 1. What are the motivations for online cosmetics stores to manage eWOM? 2. How do they monitor eWOM? 3. How do they respond to eWOM? 4. How do they disseminate eWOM?
Through interviewed three online cosmetic stores in Taiwan and applied secondary data analysis, the preliminary research findings include: 1. The motivations to manage eWOM for online cosmetic stores are collecting market information and building brand trust. 2. Online cosmetic stores take advantage of cosmetic community sites and official websites to monitor eWOM, identify the importance of eWOM by the detail descriptions. 3. Online cosmetic stores will optionally respond to negative eWOM to pacify and show the sense of responsibility. 4. Online cosmetic stores apply customer referral program, beauty knowledge conveying and promotion activities to increase the positive eWOM. 5. The respond mechanisms in online cosmetic websites also contribute to monitor and dissemination of eWOM.
The study also contributed to the eWOM management theory by: 1. Supplement to the lack of eWOM respond and dissemination mechanisms. 2. Provide new references for eWOM management model revising. 3. Found the new relationship between eWOM and traditional marketing communication tools.
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虛擬社群與網路口碑訊息之研究—以香水社群為例 / A study of online Word-of-Mouth in the perfume virtual community朱映燕, Chu, Ying Yen Unknown Date (has links)
本研究以虛擬社群台大PTT Perfume 板的成員為調查對象,以社會資本理論歸結出的成員特性: 相似性、認同感及信任感三構念,來探討影響社群使用者知識分享交流的動機與其對網路口碑訊息傳遞的影響;另以訊息訴求與訊息框架二構念來研究其對社群使用者溝通效果及後續口碑傳播意願的關聯。本研究以「問卷調查法」進行資料的蒐集,共蒐集有效樣本問卷227 份,使用SPSS 18.0 來進行資料分析,以檢驗本研究模型和相關假說。
研究結果發現: (一)、社群成員的「相似性」不論對成員間的「知識貢獻」、「知識欲求」與「口碑傳播意願」,均有顯著正向的影響。社群成員的「認同感」對成員間的「知識貢獻」與「口碑傳播意願」,有顯著正向的影響;但對成員的「知識欲求」則無顯著影響。社群成員的「信任感」對成員間的「知識欲求」有顯著正向的影響;但對成員的「知識貢獻」與「口碑傳播意願」則無顯著影響。(二)、「正面框架」的訊息表達方式,以及不論「理性」、「感性」、或「自我象徵」的訊息訴求,對於社群使用者均能帶來正向顯著的「溝通效果」;另外,訊息的「溝通效果」,會對社群成員網路口碑傳播的意願帶來顯著正向的影響。(三)、最後,Perfume 板虛擬社群成員間的「知識交流」程度,亦會對社群內的「口碑傳播意願」帶來顯著正向的影響。 / The development and progress of Internet technology has changed human communication, especially interpersonal communication and information searching. Moreover, the Internet has become a convenient communication channel in our daily life for gathering product-related information. Product users can share their purchase and usage experience with one another over the virtual network and the impact of online word-of-mouth is escalating. Accordingly, this study is to discuss the sharing and transmission of the online word-of-mouth about perfume among the virtual community members.
Data were collected by an online questionnaire survey from 227 members of PTT_Perfume, which is one of the most famous virtual communities in the area of BBS. The study incorporates similarity, identification, and trust from the perspective of the social capital theory to discuss the knowledge sharing intention and their influences on the word-of-mouth transmission;Besides, it investigates how the message appeals and message framing affect the communication effect and how online word-of-mouth spreads among the virtual community. The data analysis was conducted using SPSS 18.0.
The findings of this research reveals that community similarity is positively associated with the knowledge sharing and the intention of online word-of-mouth transmitting;Identification is positively associated with the knowledge contribution and the intention of online word-of-mouth transmitting;Trust is only positively associated with the knowledge acquisition. Second, positive framing, rational, emotional and self-expressive appeals all have positive influences on communication effect. Finally, the communication effect of messages and the degree of knowledge sharing both have positive impacts on the intention of online word-of-mouth transmission.
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網路口碑與產品銷售之關係探討:以Amazon.com為例林哲煒 Unknown Date (has links)
一、 產品的口碑數量對於產品銷售有正面的影響。
二、 產品的口碑分數高低對於非主觀判斷型的產品銷售有正面的影響。
三、 當口碑分數有高有低時,口碑分數越高對口碑數量與產品銷售之間的關係有正面的影響。
四、 在知覺風險高的產品類別中,對於正負口碑有無幫助的共識差異越大,越能幫助口碑分數對於產品銷售的影響。
五、 在口碑分數接近中立的情形下,正面口碑提供者的真實姓名揭露比負面口碑提供者的真實姓名揭露更能幫助口碑分數對於產品銷售的影響
六、 台灣品牌在國外消費者心中尚未能建立正面且顯著的影響力,但已漸漸朝此方向前進。 / The business model of original equipment manufacturing/original design manufacturing (OEM/ODM) has long prevailed in the history of Taiwan Industry. This has resulted in the inability to match up with most of the developed countries in terms of brand development. In a world with more emphasis upon online word-of-mouth effect, managing online word-of-mouth wisely may light a new path for Taiwan companies to stay competitive in the globe arena. This study studied the top 10 Taiwan brands who also distribute their products on Amazon.com. The word-of-mouth performances of these products, along with their competing counterparts, were analyzed. In addition, the effects of the attributes of the products and the fundamental elements of their corresponding word-of-mouths on the sales ranking were tested. The study ended up with six conclusions:
1. The online review volume of a product has a positive effect on sale.
2. The online review valance of a product has a positive effect on sale for products that are not depended heavily personal preference.
3. When the online review valance of a product fluctuates, the effect of the valance on the relationship between the review volume and sale is stronger.
4. In the product category with higher perceived risk, the bigger the difference in the consensus of whether the positive reviews or the negative reviews are more helpful, the stronger the effect is on the relationship between review volume and sale.
5. When the review valance is close to neutral, the disclosure of the author’s name of the positive reviews has more positive effect on the relationship between the review valance and sale than the disclosure of the author’s name of the negative reviews
6. Although products from Taiwan still cannot establish a strong brand perception in the mind of foreign customers, but it has been changed slowly in a positive direction.
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體驗行銷對網路口碑與民眾就醫行為之影響-以中時健康達人部落格為例 / The effect of experiential marketing on online word of mouth and the citizens medical care seeking behaviors:Chinatime-Health Blog卓惠姿 Unknown Date (has links)
體驗經濟時代來臨,然而千篇一律的體驗行銷手法似乎已經讓消費者麻木,該怎麼做才能真的打動民眾?本研究以部落格使用者為研究對象,並採取Schmitt (1999) 提出的策略體驗模組(感官 / 情感 / 思考 / 行動 / 關聯)為理論架構,目的在於探討部落格的體驗行銷、網路口碑與民眾的就醫行為的關係。
本研究進一步提出實務上的建議: 建議一:企業應該特別加強部落格體驗行銷之思考體驗、行動體驗及關聯體驗的層面。建議二:企業應該投入行銷資源去經營部落格,讓整合行銷更加全面。建議三:企業宜有效善用部落格的網路口碑效應來影響民眾就醫行為。建議四:企業執行部落格行銷活動時,需優先設定目標族群,此活動設計才會精確。
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部落客傳遞價值對社群意識與品牌購買意願之影響 / The influence of blogger value on sense of community and brand purchase intention劉乃嘉, Liu, Nai Chia Unknown Date (has links)
Web 2.0的興起,使得過去由網站產生、發送內容給使用者的單向模式,轉變成為雙向互動的方式,並帶動許多內容網站的生成,其中一項便是部落格。部落格興起於1990年代,而台灣最具代表性的部落格服務提供商為2003年成立的無名小站,其部落格、相簿等功能捧紅不少素人、造就許多意見領袖,也帶動了商機。除了企業與廠商找部落客撰寫試用文,使部落客成為新興的口碑行銷媒介外,近年來也有些許部落客開創自有品牌,販售自己設計或與國內外廠商合作的服飾、鞋子、飾品等,吸引大批粉絲朝聖,也創造了不少話題。
本研究以深度訪談加上問卷調查的形式,針對定期瀏覽部落格的讀者進行一對一深度訪談,初步了解其對部落客自創品牌之看法,及影響其購買部落客品牌之產品的主要因素。彙整關鍵因素並參考相關文獻擬定問卷架構,透過量化數據分析,了解部落格讀者對部落客品牌之購買傾向,並就相關議題進行延伸、探討。研究結果顯示:(1) 部落客傳遞之價值對部落格讀者之部落客品牌購買意願有顯著的影響,(2) 社群意識對部落客傳遞之價值與部落客品牌購買意願並不具中介效果。
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選舉中線上口碑風暴之研究 / An Examination Of Online Firestorm In Election陳怡臻, Chen, Yi Chen Unknown Date (has links)
在這網路發達的世界,電子口碑(electronic word of mouth)一直以來都是學術界研究的重點。電子口碑分成正面跟負面,尤其以負面電子口碑備受關注,因為這會帶給企業難以估計的傷害。而在2014年,開始有學者提出了網路風暴(online firestorm)的新名詞,描述在現代社群網路下,負面口碑在網路上突然大量流傳的現象。
關於網路風暴的文獻相當少,但在台灣2014年舉辦的九合一選舉中,可以看出網路風暴對選情的影響之大,我們觀察到某些候選人可以藉由應對來有效控制情勢,但有些回應卻會讓負面口碑風暴越趨惡化,因此我們想要探究這之間的問題所在。所以本研究首先透過文獻了解口碑風暴的定義,從而利用文獻推斷出口碑風暴形成過程。並以Google Trend設計出衡量口碑風暴的方式,以此找出選舉中符合口碑風暴標準的負面口碑案例。之後把案例分成三種情境,每種情境以兩個不同候選人的個案為例,把從Opview收集到的負面口碑資料套用在設計出的公式裡來判斷選舉人的應對有效與否。選舉人的應對則會利用Benoit印象修復理論來做進一步說明。最後,由於此篇研究是以選舉中的口碑風暴為主,因此我們會把選舉中的口碑風暴與傳統商業中的口碑風暴做比較,來看兩者間有何不同或相同之處。 / During the political election period in Taiwan in Nov. 2014, this study observed significant effects caused by online firestorms: some candidates used appropriate responses to mitigate their effects or minimize the harm, some turned negative into positive support of their brand, but some candidates were unable to manage the crisis and lost their brand value. To date, few studies have noted the importance of negative WOM (NWOM) management in political election campaigns. Nor have studies noted the effects of online firestorms on brand value. This study undertakes research to seek answers to the following research questions: What is the uniqueness of online firestorms in a political election? And, how do candidates respond the online firestorm to retain brand value?
This study initially reviewed the literature on negative WOM and online firestorm, and consolidated these studies to formulate the forming process of an online firestorm. Then the study classified online political election firestorm cases into three categories including fault, defect, and counterforce slander, and analyzed the best responses in each situation. Next, the study applied Google Trend to measure the online firestorm and referred image restoration theory to form an understanding of the response of a brand manager. The study results show that for fault situation, the most useful strategies seem to be mortification, minimization the offensive feeling, and ignoring to respond to most offensive accusations. For defect situation, the most used strategies are insisting the main opinion and using attack strategy to evade the most offensive accusations. Last, for counterforce slander situation, most candidates used full denial, blame shifting and accuser attack strategies to prove their innocence.
Finally, the study further distinguished the difference between conventional business online firestorm and political elections online firestorm from several angles which include: online firestorm targets, causes, consumer reactions, initiatives, effects and dissemination.
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旅遊目的地意象、口碑與滿意度之關係研究-以宜蘭旅遊為例 / Relationship among Destination Image, Word of Mouth, and Satisfaction - A Case Study of Yilan吳凱霆, NG HOI TING Unknown Date (has links)
旅遊目的地意象量表的內容由兩大部份組成,第一部份借用Florida(2012) 所提出的創意城市4T條件,發展出創意城市量表,本研究不在討論創意城市,而是借用4T的條件來衡量旅客對目的地的意象。第二部份則根據Pine II & Gilmore(1998) 體驗經濟的4大領域,作為另一個測量旅客對旅遊目的地意象的體驗知覺量表。分別跑出創意城市意象和體驗知覺意象兩個因素,前者的Cronbach’ s α值為.658,後者的Cronbach’ s α值為.881。
旅遊滿意度量表,包括整體滿意度、重遊意願、推薦意願和移居意願的內容,共7個題目,得出一個因素,Cronbach’ s α值為.790。
所有量表評分之方式皆採用 Likert 5點量表,從「非常不同意」、「不同意」「普通」、「同意」到「非常同意」,分別給予1至5分。
旅遊資訊收集方式之採用狀況(複選題),「電子媒體傳播」(96.2%)為最多,「傳統口碑傳播」(90.4%)第2多, 「傳統媒體傳播」(88.5%)為第三, 「電子口碑傳播」(81.7%)人數最少。採用百分比均超過81.7%,表示大部份旅客會同時採用多種旅遊資訊收集方式。
旅遊資訊收集方式之可靠程度,由高至低之排序為「傳統口碑傳播」(4.02)、 「電子口碑傳播」(3.35)「電子媒體傳播」(3.41)、「傳統媒體傳播」(3.18)。
旅遊目的地意象之落差雖然很小(旅遊目的地意象之落差 = 體驗後之旅遊目的地意象-期待之旅遊目的地意象),但各項數值基本都有所提升,創意城市整體印象之落差為0.0615,旅客整體體驗之落差為0.1867,可見旅客實際體驗後之旅遊目的地意象皆比期待稍為好。
1. 旅客對各類已收集之旅遊資訊的信任度與期待之旅遊目的地意象具有顯著的正相關,大部份假設成立。
2. 旅客期待之旅遊目的地意象與實際體驗後之旅遊目的地意象具有顯著的正相關,假設皆成立。
3. 旅客實際體驗後之旅遊目的地意象與旅遊滿意度具有顯著正相關,假設皆成立。
4. 旅客期待之旅遊目的地意象與旅遊滿意度具有顯著的正相關,假設皆成立。
5. 旅客對各類已收集之旅遊資訊的信任度與目的地意象之落差具有顯著的負相關,只有旅客對以電子媒體傳播方式收集之旅遊資訊信任度與目的地意象之落差(以旅客體驗角度) 具有顯著的負相關,假設成立。
6. 目的地意象之落差與旅遊滿意度具有顯著的相關,假設皆不成立。
7. 旅客對各類已收集之旅遊資訊的信任度與旅遊滿意度具有顯著的正相關,結果大部份假設成立。 / The major purpose of this research was to explore the relationship among Destination Image, Word-of-Mouth, and Satisfaction.
Destination Image includes 3 situations: Expected Destination Image (期待之旅遊目的地意象), Destination Image After Visiting (實際之旅遊目的地意象), and Gap between Expected and Actual Destination Image (旅遊目的地意象之落差).
This research also explored how travelers collect tourist information, including: (1) traditional word-of-mouth dissemination (傳統口碑傳播), (2) traditional advertising dissemination (傳統媒體傳播), (3) electronic word-of-mouth dissemination (電子口碑傳播), and (4) electronic advertising dissemination (電子媒體傳播).
The Destination Image Scale is composed of two parts, which include the Traveler Experience Scale from Pine II & Gilmore (1998), and the concepts of Creative City Scale from Florida (2012). The reliability of the scales are .658 and .881.
The Satisfaction Scale includes three parts: Total Satisfaction (including willingness to revisit) (整體滿意度和重遊意願), Willingness to Recommend (推薦意願) and Willingness to Migrate (移居意願). The reliability of the scales is .790.
All measurement used a 5-point Likert-scale, from 5 (strongly agree) to 1 (strongly disagree).
The subjects of this research were travelers to Yilan on June 2 and June 9, 2013, from 5pm to 11pm. 208 questionnaires were collected at bus stations and the train station in Luodong Township of Yilan County. 74% of respondents were under 25 years old; 73.6% were students; 55% were from Taipei, 11% from Yilan, and 34% from other cities.
The current traveler information gathering situation:
Regarding travelers collecting tourist information, most travelers use electronic advertising dissemination (96.2%), followed by traditional word-of-mouth dissemination (90.4%), traditional advertising dissemination, and finally electronic word-of-mouth dissemination (81.7%). With all four information collection rates above 80%, it is clear that travelers use more than one way to the gather tourist information.
The degree of dependence for the methods of collecting information (旅遊資訊收集方式之可靠程度) from high to low is traditional word-of-mouth dissemination, (4.02), electronic word-of-mouth dissemination (3.35), electronic advertising dissemination (3.41), and finally traditional advertising dissemination (3.18).
Before visiting the destination (Expected Destination Image) the overall image of a creative city (創意城市整體印象) was 3.426, and overall traveler experience (旅客整體體驗) was 3.7139.
Regarding Destination Image After Visiting, the overall creative city image was 3.4875, and overall traveler experience was 3.90064. The Gap between Expected and Actual Destination Image (旅遊目的地意象之落差) was very low, but all evaluations showed an increase from pre- to post-visit. The same method of comparison showed that the gap between the overall image of creative city was 0.0615, and the gap between overall traveler experience is 0.1867. From this, we can see that for the se travelers, the reality was better than the expectation.
The Satisfaction Scale included 3 items, from high to low, and Total Satisfaction included willingness to revisit (4.1995), willingness to recommend (3.881), and willingness to migrate (3.0144).
Hypothesis testing:
1. Most correlations between the trustworthiness of collected information (旅客對各類已收集之旅遊資訊的信任度) and Expected Destination Image (期待之旅遊目的地意象) were significant and positive.
2. All correlations between Expected Destination Image (期待之旅遊目的地意象) and Destination Image After Visiting (實際之旅遊目的地意象) were significant and positive.
3. All correlations between Destination Image After Visiting (實際之旅遊目的地意象) and Satisfaction (旅遊滿意度) were significant and positive.
4. All correlations between Expected Destination Image (期待之旅遊目的地意象) and Satisfaction (旅遊滿意度) were significant and positive.
5. Only one hypothesis had a significant negative correlation between the trustworthiness of collected information (旅客對各類已收集之旅遊資訊的信任度) and Gap between Expected and Actual Destination Image (旅遊目的地意象之落差).
6. There was no significant correlation between Gap between Expected and Actual Destination Image (旅遊目的地意象之落差) and Satisfaction (旅遊滿意度).
7. Most correlations between the trustworthiness of collected information (旅客對各類已收集之旅遊資訊的信任度) and Satisfaction (旅遊滿意度) were significant and positive.
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網路口碑、雙面廣告、情境涉入程度對消費者態度之影響 —論雙面廣告的效益與風險 / The effect of eWOM, two-sided advertising and situational involvement on consumer attitude --The advantage and risk of two-sided advertising李柔萱, Lee, Jou Hsuan Unknown Date (has links)
整體而言,本研究點出網路口碑對於不同涉入程度消費者的態度皆具有深度影響力,提醒廠商必須採取更積極的作為,同時也討論了雙面廣告的利益與風險,比方預防網路口碑對消費者態度造成波動的可能性等正面效益,以及使廣告及產品觀感降低等風險,給予廠商一個兼具正反面探討的參考策略。 / With the rapid development of the network platform , consumers are able to search and share a variety of consumption experiences through the Internet. Electronic word of mouth (eWOM) has become a more reliable reference information of products and services. In contrast, those traditional pompous advertising has weaker marketing effects for products and service. This study aimed to explore the influence of eWOM, one or two -sided advertisement, and situational involvement toward consumer attitudes . More importantly , this study expect to explore if two-sided ad has the ability to reduce the damage of negative eWOM.
The study used a 2 ( situational involvement : high, low ) × 2 ( ad message: one-sided, two-sided ) × 2 ( eWOM : positive tendency, negative tendency ) three-factor experimental design. The result has several findings : First , the positive-tendency eWOM has a significant positive impact on ad-trust, ad-recognition, product- recognition, product-likeness and purchase intention. Second, the trust in ad seems to be impaced by situational involvement and one or two-sided ad . Subjects with high situational involvement have no significant differences in trust of one or two sided-ad. While subjects with low situational involvement have higher degree of trust in one-sided ad , and lower degree of trust in two-sided ad. Third , ad-recognition seems to be impacted by the type of ad and the tendency of eWOM . When the subjects read a one-sided ad , their recognition of one-sided ad have been significantly impacted by positive or negative eWOM; When subjects read a two-sided ad , their recognition of one-sided ad haven’t been significantly impacted by positive or negative eWOM. Forth, eWOM-recognition seems to be impacted by the type of ad and the tendency of eWOM, too . When the subjects read a one-sided ad , their recognition of positive or negative eWOM have significant difference. When subjects read a two-sided ad , their recognition of positive or negative eWOM have no significant differences.
Overall, the study points out the deep influence of eWOM on consumer attitudes, which remind manufacturers must take a more proactive actions. The study also discusses the benefits and risks of two-sided ad, such as reducing the influence of negative eWOM but also lower the ad-recognition , giving manufacturers a reference for strategy development .
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負面口碑影響機制:自我構念之調節與歸因模式之中介效果 / The Influence Mechanism of N-WOM: The Moderating Effect of Self-Construal and Mediating Effect of Attributing Pattern陳靜, Chen, Jing Unknown Date (has links)
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以認知性與情緒性因素探討網路口碑對消費者決策之影響林原申 Unknown Date (has links)
因此,本研究以Bansal & Voyer(2000)所提出的傳統口碑程序模型為基礎,加上以Soderlund and Rosengren(2007)所提出之情緒性口碑傳遞模型為基礎的情緒性口碑傳遞模型後,經過修改提出本研究之架構。本研究設計了一個正面口碑實驗與一個負面口碑的實驗,希望能夠了解在網路環境下,認知性要素與情緒性要素是如何影響網路口碑的傳播效果,以及消費者的決策。
1. 口碑傳播者的專業會對口碑效果以及口碑接受者的主動搜尋程度有正向顯著影響。
2. 口碑接受者的專業會對其所感受到的知覺風險有負向影響。
3. 口碑接受者感受到的知覺風險和其主動搜尋程度有正向顯著相關。
4. 口碑傳播者的專業、口碑接受者的主動搜尋程度會對口碑的影響力有正向顯著相關。
5. 口碑傳遞者的情緒會影響到口碑接受者的情緒,且會讓口碑接受者的對產品的態度有顯著影響。
6. 口碑接受者的情緒也會影響到其對於產品的態度。
7. 口碑接受者對產品之態度會和其購買產品的意圖有正向顯著相關。
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