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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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部落客傳遞價值對社群意識與品牌購買意願之影響 / The influence of blogger value on sense of community and brand purchase intention

劉乃嘉, Liu, Nai Chia Unknown Date (has links)
Web 2.0的興起,使得過去由網站產生、發送內容給使用者的單向模式,轉變成為雙向互動的方式,並帶動許多內容網站的生成,其中一項便是部落格。部落格興起於1990年代,而台灣最具代表性的部落格服務提供商為2003年成立的無名小站,其部落格、相簿等功能捧紅不少素人、造就許多意見領袖,也帶動了商機。除了企業與廠商找部落客撰寫試用文,使部落客成為新興的口碑行銷媒介外,近年來也有些許部落客開創自有品牌,販售自己設計或與國內外廠商合作的服飾、鞋子、飾品等,吸引大批粉絲朝聖,也創造了不少話題。 本研究以深度訪談加上問卷調查的形式,針對定期瀏覽部落格的讀者進行一對一深度訪談,初步了解其對部落客自創品牌之看法,及影響其購買部落客品牌之產品的主要因素。彙整關鍵因素並參考相關文獻擬定問卷架構,透過量化數據分析,了解部落格讀者對部落客品牌之購買傾向,並就相關議題進行延伸、探討。研究結果顯示:(1) 部落客傳遞之價值對部落格讀者之部落客品牌購買意願有顯著的影響,(2) 社群意識對部落客傳遞之價值與部落客品牌購買意願並不具中介效果。

探討女性部落客讀者對美妝部落格中電子口碑及口碑行銷的態度 / A study on female blog readers’ attitudes toward ewom and buzz marketing in beauty blogs

賈德欣, Chia, De Hsin Unknown Date (has links)
自從「部落格」被韋氏辭典選為2004最具代表性的字,部落格便不斷蓬勃發展,越來越多的部落客,由於在訊息分享及消費者購買決策有強大影響力,被讀者視為意見領袖。本研究特別著眼於美妝部落格讀者,探討其對於時下崛起部落客口碑行銷現象之態度,從部落客單純的分享,到散播電子口碑(線上口碑) ,最後演變成獎勵或有酬的部落格文章。而近年來,這樣的部落格口碑行銷手法,已引起不少關於部落客誠信及可信度的討論。 本研究採取質化及量化研究方法,第一階段與知名美妝部落客的深度訪談,提供了現今部落格口碑運作及口碑行銷的初步了解。第二階段的量化問卷調查,綜合文獻及深訪結果,探討美妝部落格讀者對於部落客可信度及購買行為的態度。本研究同時發現,讀者對於美妝部落格內容的滿意程度,也會影響其對於產品的口碑注意度、後續口碑散播意願、以及實際購買行為。 / Ever since “blog” was selected by Merriam-Webster's dictionary as the word of year 2004, the development of blogs has been prospering. More and more bloggers are viewed by blog readers as new opinion leaders on their impact of information-sharing and purchasing decision-making. This study will pay closer attention to one certain category of blog readers—the beauty blog readers and their attitudes toward the emerging phenomenon among bloggers— from simply sharing information to spreading the buzz (online word-of-mouth, or eWOM), and eventually leading to rewarded blog post with incentives. Such business behavior is conceptualized as buzz marketing, which has been arousing dilemma about blogger honesty and credibility. Both qualitative and quantitative methods will be applied in this study. In first stage, in-depth interviews with well-known beauty bloggers were conducted to first provide with preliminary yet detailed understanding of how word of mouth operates and the existing buzz marketing among beauty blogs. Quantitative surveys will be designed based on the findings from first stage, and then be distributed among beauty blog readers to further examine that consumers’ attitudes toward bloggers’ credibility associate with their purchasing behavior. Likewise, consumers’ satisfaction toward blog content may influence their attention paid to WOM in blogs, willingness to conduct Word-of-mouth referrals, and actual purchasing behavior.

網路口碑行銷如何影響消費者行為-以旅遊/美食部落格作為行銷工具 / How online word-of-mouth influences consumer's decision? A study on travel/gourmet blogs as a marketing tool

施舜馨 Unknown Date (has links)
Online reviews provided from consumers who had previous experiences have become major information resource for consumers and marketers. The blogs then becomes the Web-based consumer opinion platform; the Internet enables consumers to share their experience with other consumers as the online word-of-mouth (WOM) communication. Online reviews on traveling and food tasting and by consumers who previously experienced have become a major information source for consumers and marketers regarding to the tourist spots and restaurants. The study extends previous existing research on the effects of WOM and consumer decision making by conducting the in-depth interview with bloggers and an online survey on blog viewing and information searching behaviors. With the development of Web 2.0, word-of-mouth marketing is able to influence the consumers interactively. The user-generated contents created spread among the consumers soon and marketers become able to access millions of potential consumers over the world by understanding the new ways of communication. Word-of-mouth (WOM) marketing is the most honest form of marketing because consumers are sharing their own opinions, independent of messaging and manipulation (Throne, 2008). In the study, the researcher will discuss how the blog readers rely on the source of word-of-mouth conversations and the further suggestions on consumer behaviors and marketing insights, analyzed from the perspectives of user satisfaction, information credibility and consumer loyalty. Keywords: blog marketing, consumer decision making, online word-of-mouth (WOM).


陳威伶 Unknown Date (has links)
電影屬於服務的一種,具有抽象與體驗消費的特性,因此,消費者在親自觀賞之前很難評估一部電影的品質為何。為了減少購買風險,他們會盡量尋找參考資訊或與其他消費者交流來增加了解程度,以協助其進行購買決策。其中,又因口碑為消費者之間一種非商業化、非正式的溝通,多為消費者個人的經驗分享,較一般公司網站與商業廣告更為公正客觀,也更容易獲得信任,在電影行銷的過程中扮演非常重要的角色。 不同於過去的研究,本研究依據「深思熟慮可能性模式」將口碑依其內容分為中央與周邊線索口碑資訊,再加入消費者的「涉入程度」與「口碑信任度」為調節變數,分別探討它們對於消費者態度的影響。 經兩次前測後發放正式問卷,共回收233份有效問卷,主要研究發現如下: 1.中央與周邊線索口碑資訊皆會顯著且正向影響消費者的態度。 2.消費者涉入程度的調節效果相當有限,但其本身對消費者態度即具有非常大的影響力。 3.口碑來源信任度對中央線索口碑資訊與態度之間的關係具有強化的作用,但反而會減弱周邊線索口碑資訊對態度的影響力。


張家茹, Vanisa Chang Unknown Date (has links)
摘 要 本研究旨在探討台灣網路虛擬偶像發展較為成功的案例,由“均為崛起於網路動畫的台灣本土網路虛擬偶像;均藉由網友病毒式行銷、口碑行銷迅速走紅;均有影視、唱片界等豐富背景的經營創意團隊;均有朝網路虛擬至實體發展的跨媒體行銷計畫;均有台灣寬頻影音娛樂網站之內容提供者定位”共五大因素,挑選出三個代表個案—「阿貴(A-Kuei)」、「訐譙龍(G.G.Long)」、「牛奶糖家族(Miluku)」。研究方法上採取文獻分析以及包含深度訪談、網站內容分析的個案研究法,期望能藉由本初探性研究,予國內虛擬偶像行銷與動畫網站相關業者有所借鏡和全方位行銷策略之參考。 研究目的: 一、由文獻分析及市場現象觀察了解外來與國內虛擬偶像之行銷概況; 二、了解台灣網路虛擬偶像之行銷策略及執行; 三、綜合本研究調查分析結果,提出網路虛擬偶像之全方位行銷策略建議。 研究發現: 一、網路虛擬偶像成功之內外部因素; 二、虛擬偶像動畫網站經營之轉型; 三、網路虛擬偶像角色建構的轉型; 四、以功夫武俠片結合知名巨星朝全球動畫市場發展; 五、愛情成為亙古不變最保險與暢銷的行銷主題; 六、兩大類虛擬與實體結合的虛擬偶像推廣模式。 全方位行銷策略之建議: 一、以病毒行銷結合資料庫管理與網路虛擬社群經營; 二、運用口碑行銷並找出趨勢的引爆點與網路中樞; 三、以商品的植入式行銷結合連續劇商務。

藉內省意見領袖優化社群媒體B2C2C 網路口碑行銷影響力 / Optimizing B2C2C eWOM Likelihood in Social Media through the Introvert Leaders

黃志騰, Huang, Chih Teng Unknown Date (has links)
在社群網路發展蓬勃的時代,各企業都要求行銷人員尋求在社群網路曝光最大化的方法。企業也渴望透過培養忠實顧客得到穩定的顧客關係;換句話說,企業無意識地在顧客參與度的方面進行著墨。除此之外,企業習慣於藉著整合(聯合)性行銷來增加企業曝光度以及減少行銷成本;但僅止於與利益關係夥伴的行銷而喪失了更進一步培養顧客關係的機會。在我們的研究中,我們發展了原創性的概念性架構去幫助企業完成三項目標:優化口碑行銷之可能性、發展顧客參與度、以及加強與合作夥伴整合性行銷的效益。本研究設計了顧客參與平台,提供企業以協助企業管理粉絲專頁、發展顧客參與度以及挑選適合的合作夥伴以進行整合性行銷。我們研究發現,內省意見領袖之顧客參與度與文章型態以及內容有顯著關係,他們較容易受到知識性文章內容所吸引;而一般Facebook使用者也容易因朋友分享文章而有更高度閱讀的意願。我們也藉由這些發現針對兩間企業進行聯合行銷的個案研討,成功提高其B2C2C在Facebook上的口碑行銷廣度和顧客參與深度。 / In view of the explosive growth of social network, businesses want their marketers to find ways to be more ad exposure. Furthermore, businesses desire to get loyal customer for sustainable customer relationship; in other words, businesses are interested in developing customer engagement, even if they do not realize that they are so. Besides, businesses used to increase their brand exposure and decrease marketing cost through integrated marketing, but merely cooperating with stakeholders lost opportunity to further cultivate customer relations. In this study, we develop an original conceptual framework to assist business to complete three objectives: locally optimizing eWOM likelihood, developing customer engagement, and enhancing effectiveness of integrated marketing with cooperation stakeholder. We design an engagement site to help businesses choose their cooperation stakeholders, manage their fan page and further engage their customers on their fan page through our services provided on engagement site. Our finding includes the insights of the significant engagement degree between the informative content article and introvert leaders, the introvert leader to arouse their friends’ interest by the article, the method to enhance B2C2C eWOM through the introvert leaders and the practices of cooperating campaign between two businesses on Facebook.

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