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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

台商生活在地化之個案研究-以廣州市為例 / The Localization of Taiwanese businesspeople in China-A case study in Guangzhou city

李敏菁, Lee, Ming Ching Anita Unknown Date (has links)
The purpose of this study is to investigate the core elements of merging into local society by reducing the prejudice. The following four factors were discussed : (1) equal group status within the situation, (2) intergroup cooperation, (3) common goals, and (4) the support of authorities, law or custom. Then subjects were recruited in the in-depth interviews. They were required do a field research during which the Taiwanese businessmen settled in Guangzhou. From the data analysis, it was discovered that the more good contact experiences Taiwanese Businesspeople have, the easier for them to reduce intergroup prejudice and leads to merge into local society easier in China. The main effected factor was not related to profit – making. Based upon the result of the thesis, if Taiwanese businesspeople lack for such good contact experiences to contact the locals, they would identify themselves as Taiwanese. The main concerns of this dissertation are as following:Would it the possible for Taiwanese to reduce their prejudice toward Chinese through intergroup contacts?And, would the intergroup contacts help Taiwanese immigrants integrate into local community?These two questions are answered. / The purpose of this study is to investigate the core elements of merging into local society by reducing the prejudice. The following four factors were discussed : (1) equal group status within the situation, (2) intergroup cooperation, (3) common goals, and (4) the support of authorities, law or custom. Then subjects were recruited in the in-depth interviews. They were required do a field research during which the Taiwanese businessmen settled in Guangzhou. From the data analysis, it was discovered that the more good contact experiences Taiwanese Businesspeople have, the easier for them to reduce intergroup prejudice and leads to merge into local society easier in China. The main effected factor was not related to profit – making. Based upon the result of the thesis, if Taiwanese businesspeople lack for such good contact experiences to contact the locals, they would identify themselves as Taiwanese. The main concerns of this dissertation are as following:Would it the possible for Taiwanese to reduce their prejudice toward Chinese through intergroup contacts?And, would the intergroup contacts help Taiwanese immigrants integrate into local community?These two questions are answered.

群際接觸對登陸台灣人當地化之影響:以東莞及上海為例 / The Impacts of Intergroup Contacts on the Localization of Taiwanese Immigrants in China: The Study of Dongguan and Shanghai

蔣逸青, Chiang, Yi Ching Unknown Date (has links)
登陸台灣人在中國大陸與台灣兩地的跨界生活,形塑了兩地的生活空間及社會網絡,本研究的問題意識在於,個人層次的接觸、互動與熟識,是否有助於個人在社會互動情境中親身認識及了解他人,減少以類屬性的刻板印象去看待外團體成員,因此可以降低族群偏見、促進移民的當地化?經過2007年及2008年兩次的田野調查,在東莞及上海地區深度訪談三十位當地台灣人之後,本研究初步發現,在接觸的第一階段,當台灣人接觸愈來愈多的大陸人之後,將消除原先的偏見,形成心理「基模」,一方面,部分受訪者表示其原先持有的偏見獲得證實,亦即台灣人對大陸人的偏見消除了,但因而產生負面態度,反之,有些受訪者破除其對大陸人的偏見,進而對大陸人抱持正面態度;到了接觸的第二階段,一旦個人的心理基模形成,其乃決定繼續接觸或阻絕接觸大陸人的關鍵;最後,來到接觸的第三階段,繼續接觸大陸人的台灣人,逐漸同情理解當地文化,反之,阻絕接觸大陸人的台灣人,始終無法融入當地人的社交網絡。 / The theory of intergroup contact maintains that the key to reduce intergroup prejudice is through contacts between the groups under optimal conditions. The main concerns of this dissertation are as following: Would it be possible for Taiwanese to reduce their prejudice toward Chinese through intergroup contacts? And, would the intergroup contacts help Taiwanese immigrants integrate into local community? Grounding on these two questions, this dissertation examines the impacts of intergroup contact between Taiwanese and Chinese through field study in Dongguan and Shanghai from 2007 to 2008. After interviewing thirty Taiwanese immigrants, my empirical research suggests that the contact process can be divided into three stages. First, at the earliest stage, by contacting more and more local residents, Taiwanese immigrants would reduce their prejudice and thus cultivate a sometimes positive and sometimes negative attitude toward Chinese. At the second stage, the attitude cultivated in earlier stage turns into the schema and then plays an important role in conditioning sequent contacts: those who have a positive attitude would open up and get along with local Chinese while those who have a negative attitude would refuse to get in touch with Chinese. At the third and final stage, those who open themselves up would have sympathetic understanding of local culture and adapt to local community gradually while those who refuse to contact Chinese would have difficulties integrating into local community. Keywords: intergroup contact, localization, social identity, Taishang Study

上海移民文化下的多元認同:以台商「抱團群聚」為例 / The multi-cultural identity of immigrants in Shanghai:behavior of Taiwan businessmen's lives

陳威仰 Unknown Date (has links)
民進黨的執政並未改減緩台商西進大陸的現象,如今政黨再次輪替,兩岸關係更是日益密切,但台灣與大陸畢竟因為長期的政治對立造成社會隔閡,彼此之間在許多層面都存在著差異。當越來越多台灣人前進大陸的同時,台灣人在當地社會融入不及經濟融入的現象也屢見不鮮,其中又以台商「抱團群聚」為具體行為。面對這樣一群存有差異,甚至曾經敵對的一群人,既像自己人又像是外人,在當地獲取經濟利益時,卻刻意與當地社會保持距離的情形,一般大陸人會有怎樣的感受? 「社會認同理論」主張,族群的產生,會因為自尊的需求,不斷進行族群間的比較,當低群體成員無法像高群體進行身分移動時,會轉向自身的群體尋求提高自尊,於是族群間的偏見、對立,乃至衝突是不可避免的。「群際接觸假說」認為,族群間的偏見是因為對彼此的不熟悉,或因為資訊不足、或因為負面的訊息,透過正向條件下的接觸是可以消除彼此雙方的偏見,族群間的對立和衝突是可以避免的。 認同研究認為,人的認同會因為時間和地點的不同而改變,所以「上海」反而成為此次研究的關鍵因素,在上海的外來大陸人認為台灣人就以在上海來說,相對上海人而言反而比較像是「我群」的成員,所以對台灣人在上海抱團群聚的行為並不感到反感,甚至本身也是這種行為的成員之一。對上海人而言,台灣人抱團群聚的現象根本就是見怪不怪,由於上海特殊的移民文化,使得上海人的認同反而多元共存,甚至認為台灣人在某些層面比起其他大陸人更接近上海人的「我群」成員,特殊的移民多元文化創造上海不斷的進步、繁榮,而後者又不斷吸引新的移民進入。 不同群際接觸假說,上海獨特的移民歷史,改變了前者對「接觸」的定義,在多元文化的社會中,人們對其他族群和文化的包容力會變大,不一定要經過實質的接觸,或是正面的訊息傳遞。不以「同化」為目的,而是一種包容「差異」的能力,而上海本身便是把多元文化形成可能的一個場域,這或許就是上海獨特其它中國城市的原因,也是她迷人的所在。 / Under the increasingly frequent exchanges between Taiwan and China, Taiwanese people tend to congregate and inhabit certain regions of Shanghai. In face of immigrants who look both familiar and alien, how will most Mainlanders react, especially when social inclusion lags behind economic inclusion of these people? The contact theory proposes that positive contacts or reception of positive messages between ethnic groups can help iron out mutual biases. However, this study discovers the unique history of Shanghai about immigrants in foreign concessions and thus further extends this theory. A multi-cultural environment may affect one ethnic group’s tolerance of another group even without positive contacts or reception of positive messages between them. This is not any kind of assimilation but a phenomenon of people’s tolerance of minor differences. In addition to positive contacts and reception of positive messages, mutual tolerance among different ethnic groups may also be affected by the culture of the “field” they reside in.

來台陸生「社會接觸」對「社會距離」與「政治社會化」影響之研究 / The Social and Political Contagion of Chinese Students Studying in Taiwan

沈湘湘, Shen, Hsiang Hsiang Unknown Date (has links)
兩岸關係研究在開放政策的導引下,自過去以共黨體制與理論研究,轉為更務實的經濟和文化研究,兩岸社會和人民透過頻繁交流瞭解彼此,是目前兩岸關係的重要發展,其中一項趨勢即是大陸年輕學生能在台灣停留,並在一段不算短的時間內深入一般民間生活,這些所謂的「陸生」在來台停留4個月以上的時間內,除了在學校上課,騎單車環島、搭「台灣好行」、搭台鐵、坐公車等等方式,在台灣城市和鄉野間體驗與感受,一部分人更在選舉造勢場合,和激動的選民一起喊凍蒜凍蒜。 根據Allport以來學者對於接觸相關研究文獻的瞭解,群際之間的研究必須考慮接觸的內涵、接觸的過程以及制約接觸的條件等對接觸效果的影響。傳統「接觸假說」認為類似文化背景之群體可透過深度交流接觸達到真正理解溝通,消除群際偏見與隔閡,達到族群融合。 本論文即以上述理論為基礎探討兩岸年輕學子交流的樣態及效,透過量化的問卷與深度訪談,探索這個族群接觸內涵與過程,理解到所謂的「接觸」並不能僅限於「接觸的頻率和時間長短」,也不能僅奠基在語言文化具類似性的基礎上,就達到「接觸假說」所預設的「消除類屬」(de-categorization)或進一步「融合類屬」(re-categorization)。因為族群之間各成員心中存在著「自我類屬」(self-categorization),想要消融彼此的界線,必須先探索成員對自我類屬的定義,此外還須考慮接觸環境上制度面的制約,從制度面的設計增加群際成員的接觸頻率,才能進一步減少成員的「群際偏見」(intergroup bias)及增進「群際情感」(intergroup emotion)。 / In the leading of open policy, the mainstream of cross-strait studies has shifted from Socialism and Communism to Economy and Culture. At the tide of exchange, Chinese exchange students studying in Taiwan are the most propriate targets to learn about, less sensitive and having deep contact with Taiwan society. According to the related studies like Allport’s, scholars should take the content, process, and constrait of contact into consideration while studying the relations between nation groups. Traditional “contact assumption” assumes groups sharing similar culture background will reach mutually understand through exchange in depth, deliminate bias and barriers between groups. This study has examed the impact of the frequency and time length, the language and culture similarity on contact, knowing that those conditions above are not the only factors to de-categorization or further re-categorization. The members of each group have bared self-categorization in mind. Eliminating intergroup bias and enhance intergroup emotion would play an important part of breaking down the walls between groups. Besides, the goal of institutional design is to make the contact more intensive and to avoid the false contact. The less attractions offered by media to the Chinese exchange students, the less political socialization they will have. So the policy design should be delicate enough to allow those students to take the advantages of curriculums、professors, and schools to reach the goal of social contact between the young generations of cross-strait.

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