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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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黃凱政 Unknown Date (has links)
本文係針對大陸台商的「當地化」現象進行探討。隨著兩岸經貿的開展,台商的當地化經營已成為一個不可避免的趨勢,而本文所欲探討之「當地化」,係從經濟的角度出發,亦即在經濟全球化之後,跨國公司(台商)的海外投資為求利益極大化,勢必將調整原本的經濟策略,以合乎當地市場的需求;而此一調整則可能包含其市場、原物料及進用人才等各個面相,筆者並運用價格要素均等及比較優勢建立本文之假說。 在此一前提下,本文利用深度訪談及半結構式問卷,針對大上海地區(上海、吳江、昆山)的台商企業之當地化經營現象進行研究,共計獲得三十份訪談紀錄及八十五份問卷,對於此一現象進行深入且廣泛的經驗分析。研究結果發現,台商企業不但認同當地化經營對於企業永續生存之重要,已在經營或用人方面進行大幅度的當地化,並強調此一趨勢將繼續進行。本文之研究結果驗證了先前之假說,但此一發現亦有例外之處,即對於攸關「信任」的職務,台商普遍不願輕言進行當地化。 / This thesis studies the progresses of localization in the Taiwanese businesses in Great Shanghai. It aims to make sense this process in a larger context of economic integration across the Strait and market competition around the world. Based on the findings, it is the economic forces, might be understood as factor price equalization or regional comparative advantages, that play the key role in bringing about the localization of these Taiwanese enterprises. Under the pressures to compete on global market and also to reap regional advantages, these Taiwanese enterprises are forces to give up their earlier import-processing-export pattern to produce from Chinese raw materials, for the Chinese market, and under the management of Chinese cadres. The empirical study of the thesis is based on two field trips in greater Shanghai, i.e., the Shanghai city, plus two other county –level cities, Wujiang and Kunshan. During the two-month field research, the author combines in-depth interviewing and semi-structured questionnaire on more than 100 Taiwanese entrepreneurs, with the result of 30 full-length transcripts and 85 questionnaires. The empirical data suggest that most Taiwanese entrepreneurs not just recognize the necessity of localization but also enjoy the profits brought by the advancements of localization. There is but one exception: localization can hardly go beyond the limit of personal trust. Thus, when deep trust is involved—say, managing financial matters—the principle of localization will be compromised.

群際接觸對登陸台灣人當地化之影響:以東莞及上海為例 / The Impacts of Intergroup Contacts on the Localization of Taiwanese Immigrants in China: The Study of Dongguan and Shanghai

蔣逸青, Chiang, Yi Ching Unknown Date (has links)
登陸台灣人在中國大陸與台灣兩地的跨界生活,形塑了兩地的生活空間及社會網絡,本研究的問題意識在於,個人層次的接觸、互動與熟識,是否有助於個人在社會互動情境中親身認識及了解他人,減少以類屬性的刻板印象去看待外團體成員,因此可以降低族群偏見、促進移民的當地化?經過2007年及2008年兩次的田野調查,在東莞及上海地區深度訪談三十位當地台灣人之後,本研究初步發現,在接觸的第一階段,當台灣人接觸愈來愈多的大陸人之後,將消除原先的偏見,形成心理「基模」,一方面,部分受訪者表示其原先持有的偏見獲得證實,亦即台灣人對大陸人的偏見消除了,但因而產生負面態度,反之,有些受訪者破除其對大陸人的偏見,進而對大陸人抱持正面態度;到了接觸的第二階段,一旦個人的心理基模形成,其乃決定繼續接觸或阻絕接觸大陸人的關鍵;最後,來到接觸的第三階段,繼續接觸大陸人的台灣人,逐漸同情理解當地文化,反之,阻絕接觸大陸人的台灣人,始終無法融入當地人的社交網絡。 / The theory of intergroup contact maintains that the key to reduce intergroup prejudice is through contacts between the groups under optimal conditions. The main concerns of this dissertation are as following: Would it be possible for Taiwanese to reduce their prejudice toward Chinese through intergroup contacts? And, would the intergroup contacts help Taiwanese immigrants integrate into local community? Grounding on these two questions, this dissertation examines the impacts of intergroup contact between Taiwanese and Chinese through field study in Dongguan and Shanghai from 2007 to 2008. After interviewing thirty Taiwanese immigrants, my empirical research suggests that the contact process can be divided into three stages. First, at the earliest stage, by contacting more and more local residents, Taiwanese immigrants would reduce their prejudice and thus cultivate a sometimes positive and sometimes negative attitude toward Chinese. At the second stage, the attitude cultivated in earlier stage turns into the schema and then plays an important role in conditioning sequent contacts: those who have a positive attitude would open up and get along with local Chinese while those who have a negative attitude would refuse to get in touch with Chinese. At the third and final stage, those who open themselves up would have sympathetic understanding of local culture and adapt to local community gradually while those who refuse to contact Chinese would have difficulties integrating into local community. Keywords: intergroup contact, localization, social identity, Taishang Study


梁廣榮 Unknown Date (has links)
台灣、香港均和中國大陸有同文同種、密不可分的關係。1978年中國大陸改革開放後,台港商陸續前往投資,近年來在全球化的浪潮下,人數持續增加。 本研究的問題意識在於:中國大陸的台港商與大陸當地接觸時間長,互動頻繁,其是否有可能降低對大陸的偏見?是否可能導致台、港商身分認同的轉變? 本研究在2008年針對東莞地區的台、港商進行田野調查的結果,發現「投資地的社會文化」對台港商造成不同的影響。若投資者與投資地擁有相同的語言和文化,會使得「交截分類狀態」產生作用,進而產生「歸屬感」,導致投資者逐漸認同當地的現象。因此,由於港商與廣東東莞地區的語言文化相近,使得港商對大陸的偏見逐漸降低,身分認同也開始轉變;而台商則與大陸人之間存在明顯隔閡,致使台商無法融入當地人的社交網絡,仍舊維持著「台灣人」的身分認同。 / Taiwan and Hong Kong have close kinship with China. After Chinese reform and opening in 1978, Taiwanese and Hongkongese investors have invested in China and their numbers increased due to the globalization. The main concerns of this dissertation are as following: Would it be possible for Taiwanese and Hongkongese investors in China to reduce their prejudice toward Chinese and to change their identities because of their interaction with society in China? Through the field study in Dongguan in 2008. After interviewing Taiwanese investors and Hongkongese investors in Dongguan. This thesis indicates that “the culture of invested place” would cause different effects to Taiwanese and Hongkongese investors. The same language and culture create the “cross-categorization” and the sense of belongingness toward local community. Therefore, due to the close language and culture with Hong Kong and Dongguan, the Hongkongese investors reduce their prejudice to China. The phenomenon causes the identities of Hongkongese investors begin to change. Thus, it is difficult for them to integrate into local community. For that reason, they maintain their “Taiwanese identity” still.

大陸台商生活層面的當地化:以廣東及上海為例 / The Localization of Taiwanese Businesspeople in China: The Case Study of Guangdong and Shanghai

張詠真, Chang, Yung-Chen Unknown Date (has links)
自1980年代末期以來,政府宣佈開放大陸探親,並逐步解除外匯管制等相關限制,兩岸之「經貿互動」於焉展開。台商到中國大陸投資二十餘年,由克服地域障礙、轉移企業資源,進而遂行經營管理的當地化,其融合速度快得驚人。現今,隨著08年「520」馬政府的上任,兩會協商、包機直航、兩岸開放大三通、陸客來台觀光…,「常居對岸」或「兩岸流動」的人數,亦隨之持續攀升,兩岸之間的互動更加日益密切。大陸台商面對因文化與生活習慣的差距所產生的生活適應問題,也成為台商赴大陸投資管理或台商個人生涯規劃上的重大考驗。過往,針對此主題之經驗研究如鳳毛麟角。因此,本研究聚焦於大陸台商生活層面當地化的情形,以及生活適應之現況,務其爬梳出具學術價值之研究論述。 本研究採取深度訪談的方式,以大陸台資企業負責人或高階幹部為訪談對象,對其生活適應及當地化的情況進行研究。雖然台商當地化的進展速度很快,但在其「安居落戶」方面,未來似乎仍充滿了變化,此乃今日極敏感、極富爭議的議題,值得台灣官方與學界高度關切。冀望透過本研究,使吾人對於「大陸台商生活層面當地化」問題,得到較完整、確切的廓清。 / The economy and trade between Taiwan and China has been continuously expanding since Taiwan Government allowed people on the island to visit their family relatives in China and gradually relieved some restrictions on Foreign Exchange Control Regulations in 1980s. It has been over 20 years since the first wave of Taiwan business people overwhelmingly entered China and started their own business. Demonstrated by their way of how to overcome any geographic barriers, how to successfully transfer desired business resources and how to localize and globalize their business, the acceleration speed of emerging in China for Taiwan business people these years has been so amazing. After President Ma’s taking office on May 20, 2008, never in the past six decades have relations between Taiwan and China been as good as they are today. Furthermore, with the help from affair negotiations between Strait Exchange Foundation (SEF) and Association for Relations Across the Taiwan Straits (ARATS), cross-straits direct charter flight(s), direct transportation across the Taiwan Strait and the increasing number of China tourists in Taiwan, the population of Taiwan business people nowadays in China (either they are permanent residents in China or frequent flyers between Taiwan and China) has been growing drastically. Due to the cultural difference in business and life style between Taiwan and China, it has also become a great challenge for most Taiwan business people to figure out how to live, work or do business in China. In the past, the research or study for “The localization of Taiwan business people’s life in China” has been very rare in Taiwan. My research and study here will primarily focus on the localization and adaptation analysis for Taiwan business people’s life in China. This research analysis provides a thorough overview of in-depth interviewing of Taiwan business owners or upper management executives for their localization process in China. Also, a list of further readings that provide you with more detailed information on conducting interviews is included in this paper. Despite the fast pace of the localization process of today’s Taiwan business people in China, it is believed that the ever-changing challenges of how to live and settle in China for them are still increasing. Some sensitive and controversial issues addressed in this paper will be definitely worth the close attention of government officials and academic scholars in Taiwan. Hopefully, this research paper will also provide us a complete understanding of how to help sweep away some barriers to the localization of Taiwan business people’s life in China.

影響海外事業技術來源的決定因素 / The determinants of sources of overseas technology in Taiwan FDI manufacturing Firms

張榮政 Unknown Date (has links)

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