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矢志不渝或隨波逐流?大陸台人的身分認同及其社會融入 / The identity and social integration of Taiwanese immigrants in China郭姿秀 Unknown Date (has links)
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陳丹燕上海書寫之研究呂依嬙 Unknown Date (has links)
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獨在異鄉為異客:中國大陸台、港商身份認同的比較研究梁廣榮 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究在2008年針對東莞地區的台、港商進行田野調查的結果,發現「投資地的社會文化」對台港商造成不同的影響。若投資者與投資地擁有相同的語言和文化,會使得「交截分類狀態」產生作用,進而產生「歸屬感」,導致投資者逐漸認同當地的現象。因此,由於港商與廣東東莞地區的語言文化相近,使得港商對大陸的偏見逐漸降低,身分認同也開始轉變;而台商則與大陸人之間存在明顯隔閡,致使台商無法融入當地人的社交網絡,仍舊維持著「台灣人」的身分認同。 / Taiwan and Hong Kong have close kinship with China. After Chinese reform and opening in 1978, Taiwanese and Hongkongese investors have invested in China and their numbers increased due to the globalization.
The main concerns of this dissertation are as following: Would it be possible for Taiwanese and Hongkongese investors in China to reduce their prejudice toward Chinese and to change their identities because of their interaction with society in China?
Through the field study in Dongguan in 2008. After interviewing Taiwanese investors and Hongkongese investors in Dongguan. This thesis indicates that “the culture of invested place” would cause different effects to Taiwanese and Hongkongese investors. The same language and culture create the “cross-categorization” and the sense of belongingness toward local community. Therefore, due to the close language and culture with Hong Kong and Dongguan, the Hongkongese investors reduce their prejudice to China. The phenomenon causes the identities of Hongkongese investors begin to change. Thus, it is difficult for them to integrate into local community. For that reason, they maintain their “Taiwanese identity” still. Read more
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身分認同、觀感和社會融合: 以西班牙穆斯林移民為例 / Identity, Perception and Integration: A Case Of Muslim Immigrants in Spain馬馨怡, Ma, Shing Yi Unknown Date (has links)
關鍵字: 身分認同、社會融合、建構主義、穆斯林移民、社會觀感。 / It is easier and faster for people to move to different places nowadays with the advanced development of technology and globalization. Although it is easy to move to foreign countries, it is difficult for immigrants to adapt and integrate into a society with distinct cultures, ethnicities, religious and historical background. Identity can be seen as an important factor during the process of integration. From the attitudes of European citizens, self-identification of Muslim immigrants, perceptions and stereotypes imposed toward the immigrants, the difficulties and challenges of integration into the society can easily be observed.
The researcher propose to conduct interviews with Muslim immigrants living in Spain to see their perspectives of the process of integration and the challenges they faced. Many scholars believed that the Muslim immigrants were not represented in the society and often face many discriminations and misunderstandings due to their identity. For other scholars, immigration in Spain is not perceived to be a threat to national identity because of the lack of visibility of immigrants.
However, with recent event of terrorist attacks and the economic crisis, the attitudes of local citizens are becoming less tolerant toward Muslim immigrants. When Muslim immigrants face difficulties of adaptation and integration into the foreign society, they would become segregated and form their own social group; or they would assimilate into the foreign country and lose their identity. If Muslim immigrants are accepted and welcomed by local communities and the government, they would be able to create a new identity and integrate into the society better.
Key words: Identity, integration, constructivism, Muslim immigrants, perception Read more
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馬來西亞留台僑生之教育歷程與「僑生」身分對其在台生命經驗之影響 / The education processes of ethnic chinese students from Malaysia and the impact of the “Overseas Chinese Student” Identity on Their Life Experiences in Taiwan洪淑倫, Hung, Shu Lun Unknown Date (has links)
三、依據自身與情境的特質,馬籍與台籍僑生發展相關策略以避免因「僑生」身份而被污名化,包括諸多規避(passing)行為(如口音轉換、呈現在地之身分認同、避免參與僑生團體)以避免身分暴露、構成強凝聚力之僑生團體以獲取社會支持及建構群體認同等策略。另外,台籍僑生一方面由於不符合社會對「僑生」的刻版印象,另一方面也為避免承受「僑生」身份的污名,往往接受「假僑生」的稱謂,並視其為一「戲謔性」但不具污名的稱呼。 / This study alalyzes the the education processes of Malaysian overseas Chinese students and their reasonings for studying in Taiwan on the one hand, and explores how the difference in nationality (Malaysia vs. Taiwan) affect their life experiences in Taiwan and their attitudes toward the “overseas Chinese student” identity given by the Taiwanese society on the other. The study utilizes qualitative research methods and collects field data (mainly through participant observation and in-depth interviewing techniques) from Taiwan and Malaysia. The major findings are stated as follows:
1. Difference in nationality between Malaysian and Taiwanese Chinese students constructs the divergence in their relations with respective states (Taiwan and Malaysia) and eductation tracking processes prior to their study in Taiwan. Among ethnic Chinese students from Malaysia studying in Taiwan, Malaysian Chinese students mostly graduated from independent high schools while Taiwanese Chinese came from overseas Taiwanese schools. The distinctions in these two schooling systems in the academic melius, teaching materials, hidden curriculums, and reference groups shape the different reasonings to study in Taiwan. For various reasons, these students accept but not necessarily agree on the “overseas Chinese student” identity given by Taiwanese soceity upon their arrival in Taiwan.
2. Under the changing historical context, the identity of “overseas Chinese student” has gradually lost its originally denotation and even become a stigmatized label. Malaysian Chinese students tend to be more easily identified as “overseas Chinese students” due to their more salient outer attributes (such as accent) and thus more likely to be stigmatized. Taiwanese Chinese students (from Malaysia), due to their Taiwanese nationality and Taiwanese accent, are less likely to be seen as “overseas Chinese students.”Even if this identity is disclosed, such identity is often challenged by others because of the misfit with the stereotype of “overseas Chinese student” that exists in the Taiwanese society. As a result, Taiwanes Chinese students from Malaysia are often called “psudo overseas Chinese students.”
3. Both Malaysian and Taiwanese Chinese students from Malaysia develop various strategies to aviod or overcome the possible stigmatization brought by the identity of “overseas Chinese students,” including many “passing” techniques as well as forming proactive and powerful overseas student associations. For Taiwanese Chinese students from Malaysia specifically, they often playfully accept the seemly degrading and yet un-stigmatzied title of “psudo overseas Chinese students” as a way to avoid stigmatization embedded in the identity of “overseas Chinese students.” Read more
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由社會建構論詮釋陳水扁執政時期台美關係的身分認同與戰略分歧-以兩次總統大選公民投票為例 / Identity and strategic divergence of Taiwan-U.S. relations in social constructivism perspective-the case study of twice referendum under Chen Shui Bian administration吳威麒 Unknown Date (has links)
由國際關係理論中社會建構理論的奠基者溫特的身分概念,分析台美關係,其中具有可以合作協調的部分,亦有美國因霸權角色身分所衍生的戰略利益與一中政策,是台灣在爭取美國支持我國主權國家地位時,最艱鉅的挑戰。陳水扁執政時期,台美在台灣兩次總統大選公民投票議題所形成的戰略利益分歧,即是由台美雙方參照國際政治體系的角色身分所衍生的戰略利益不協調所導致。 / Taiwan and the United States have maintained close interaction and relationship since the Cold War era. The cooperation between the U.S. and Taiwan from the mid-1950s to now, Taiwan was deeply influenced by the U.S. in many aspects, including political, social, economic, democratization and even national security. Although the diplomatic relation between the U.S. and Taiwan was terminated in 1979, but they still maintain strong bilateral ties.
The popular approaches in academic area for the analysis concerning Taiwan-U.S. bilateral relationship depend on the mainstream international relations theories, including Neo-realism and Neo-liberalism. These two theories emphasize on power structure and material interest, but ignore the causality of identity and strategic interest of states. This thesis takes the perspective of Identity in Social Constructivism as a complementary approach in order to interpret the dynamic changes and identity factors in Taiwan-U.S. relations. The research takes the twice national referendums held together with presidential election in 2004 and 2008 during the Chen Shui-bian Administration period as case studies. Chen’s referendum policies presented the effects of Taiwanese national identity and the strategy of foreign and Cross-Strait policies, those effects can help us interpret the identity and strategic interest variables in Taiwan –U.S. relationship.
When using the conception of identity from the social constructivism to observe Taiwan-U.S. relations, we can figure that cooperation and coordination persist in some issue areas, but we also can find there are some divergences of strategic interests between U.S. and Taiwan driven by the role identity factors. The hegemonic role identity of the United States drive the insistence on the “One China policy” as her national interest, it is the most difficult part for Taiwan to seek the U.S.’s support for Taiwan’s sovereignty. The strategic divergence between the U.S. and Taiwan in Taiwan’s sovereignty and the referendum policies caused by the differences of their strategic interest come from the role identities. Read more
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2014年港台社會運動之比較研究 / Social Movements in 2014: A Comparative Study on Hong Kong and Taiwan詹亞風, Adolfo Zambrana Juarez Unknown Date (has links)
本研究論點是基於社會運動影響理論,隨機在羅伯特·普特曼雙層賽局理論中,採用了道格·麥克亞當的集體行動間動態交互模型。該理論框架指出,一個國家的社會運動(香港或台灣)可以作為另一個社會的參考,尋求由地方政府創造「國際機會」(如:反對地方政策或一個國家:中華人民共和國)。這種情況已經出現於2014年9月28日,在香港突然出現的抗議活動。而且,幾乎立刻,近4000人聚集在台北的自由廣場以表支持。這樣一大群人,他們大多數為學生,在如此短的時間內聚集,此現象提供了本論文研究基礎,探討是否此情緒也在台灣學生中蔓延。 / The present thesis argues that the resemblance found between Taiwanese students in their local claims and those of Hong Kong students, has provided an opportunity for both societies to start collaborating at a transnational level. The first formal approach between Hong Kong and Taiwan activists came in January 13, 2014. Pro-democracy groups of students and politicians from Hong Kong and Taiwan gathered in Taipei for a weekend of talks. This marked the first real approach between both democratic advocates.
Locally the struggle was directed at the governments and internationally against the PRC. The objectives of these movements favor democracy, identity and self-determination. Therefore, both social movements and societies push for similar objectives and share a common foe. After the meeting a new level of cooperation was reached between the two sides that was shown during the Sunflower movement in Taiwan and the Occupy the Central with Love and Peace OCLP in Hong Kong. The world is witnessing the dawn of a cross-national approach between social movements that seek to strengthen the force of their claims.
The argument of the present study is based on the Social Movements Impact theory, using Professor’s Doug McAdam’s dynamic interactive model of a collective action, in a Robert Putman’s "Two Level-game" case of opportunity. This theoretical framework suggests that a social movement of one country (Hong Kong or Taiwan) can be used as a reference the society of another to renew the “international opportunity” (rejection of a local policy or a country: PRC) created by the local government. This case was seen on the on September 28, 2014 when abruptly emerged the protests in Hong Kong and, almost immediately, near four thousand people gathered at Taipei’s Liberty Square to show their support. The fact that such a large group of people, most of them students, gathered in so short period of time, provides the ground for the present study to explore if the sentiment is spread in the Taiwanese student community. Read more
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重建真實後再一次心跳?: S. J. 華森《別相信任何人》中記憶與女性自我 / Rebuilding Reality to Relive and Relove?: Memory and Female Identity in S. J. Watson’s Before I Go to Sleep楊子儀, Yang, Linda Tzu-Yi Meimei Unknown Date (has links)
心理驚悚小說體現了當代犯罪文學作品的多樣性。隨著時代的變遷,最受大眾喜愛的文學體裁也備受考驗。近來有一股潮流試圖重新定位犯罪小說,而S. J. 華森的小說《別相信任何人》正是最佳典範。此書之所以引起各界的熱烈討論與受到全世界廣泛讀者的喜愛即在於它將看似毫無交集的元素完美融合─懼怕、懸疑、愛情、兩性關係、記憶與真實、女性意識、身分認同及重建。傳統犯罪文學的敍事結構中總著墨於主角對清楚絕對答案的追尋;然而,在這個帶有家庭黑色小說(domestic noir)色彩的文本中,最終的真理卻是遙不可及。
因此克莉絲汀也必須細心體會、感受並專注於眼前的生活及人事物。《別相信任何人》為犯罪文學帶來嶄新風貌,不僅成功突破以往的角色設定發展框架,劇情安排描述也導向了有關記憶真實性與身分重建的可能性探討,而對愛情的悸動、兩性婚姻關係的維繫、作為女人與母親身分的意識更是與克莉絲汀重建女性自我密切相關。 / The psychological thriller demonstrates how diversified contemporary crime writing can be like a chameleon. In the emergence of reconstituting the much-loved literary form, S. J. Watson’s Before I Go to Sleep infatuates the reader with its high concern for elements that unusually match: fear, identity, love, reality, relationship, memory, and female consciousness. The clear-cut answer featured by traditional crime fiction cannot be offered in this novel that blending literary thriller and domestic noir together when the female protagonist only possesses fragmentary memory. To regain her sense of self, Christine the main character has to recall her reminiscence, which sometimes can be imaginary. In fact, what she longs for is not simply rebuilding her identity as a normal person, but the identity that has a lot to do with female consciousness and autonomy, which requires her to live her present life as well. Rather than another psychological thriller that tells an old story depicting the quest for the truth, Before I Go to Sleep shifts the focus from the deeply-rooted tradition in crime fiction, exploring the question of (un)reliability and (un)reconstructability of memory as well as what love means in a relationship. Only when Christine can relive as a woman, a wife, and a mother to re-experience love can she reframe her female identity. Read more
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