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呂昇達 Unknown Date (has links)
非營利組織具有輔助政府支出的功能,可代替政府部分職能,減少政府的財政支出,而其從事目的事業活動時亦能產生外部利益,故各國政府多訂有獎勵或補助措施,並以租稅優惠鼓勵公益團體之設立,然在我國租稅優惠制度與監督執行未趨完善之下,衍生出許多租稅規避和逃漏稅之問題。 本研究以文獻探討與問卷調查法,提出下列結論與建議: 1. 多數受訪者一致認為非營利組織有關所得稅優惠,易產生租稅漏洞而成為有心人士作為租稅規避或逃漏之工具,其中「虛開捐贈收據,幫助捐贈者逃漏稅」、「變相經營與創設目的無關之營利活動」、「透過非常規交易安排以輸送利益給關係人或捐贈者」被認為是最可能發生之避稅及逃稅手法,建議主管機關應加強對非營利組織之監督以及與稽徵機關之聯繫,並且應統一捐贈收據格式,並且取消部分非營利組織免辦理結算申報之規定,如此才可以建立完整的勾稽作業,以達到防弊之效果。 2. 多數人認為興利重於防弊,因此不贊成取消此租稅優惠,此外,建議成立一個非營利組織之公證機構,以提昇非營利組織的財務透明度,此公正機構也可為一非營利組織,以保持該獨立的立場,增加非營利組織之財務透明度,將有助於抑制租稅規避之風蔚為盛行。


魏心悦, Wei, Shin-Ye Unknown Date (has links)
近年來發現,關係企業界不合營業常規之安排,進行利益輸送,使企業不能反映真實經營狀況與納稅能力,影響所及不但有損從數公司少數股權股東及債權人之權益,更造成政府稅收損失及違反租稅公平之精神。故本文就關係企業之定義、形成原因、發展現況、現行法令及目前關係企業規避稅賦之實例,來探討關係企業課稅問題。 茲將本文主要研究心得分述如下: 一、關係企業之定義: (一)外國法例上對關係企業之定義:目前世界各隊關係企業之定義上難期一致,而其中規定較完備者,以美國內地稅法第四八二條及其施行細則,以及西德股份法之規定最為詳盡。其對關係企業之定義,注重於企業間具有實質控制力及統一管理之關係。 (二)我國對關係企業之定義:現行稅法暨相關規定對關係企業尚乏明確及一致性定義,其有關規定散見於: 1.所得稅法第四十三條之一。 2.關稅法第十二條之一第二項。 3.財務會計準則公扱第六號。 4.公平交易法第六條。 5.證券交易法第一百五十七條之一第一項。 6.銀行法第三十三條之一。 7.公司法關係企業專章草案。 二、關係企業形成原因: 關係企業的經營型態,能成為企業經營型態之主流,其主要原因,可概分為租稅面、財務面、生產面、行銷面、人事面及其他方面原因。而非租稅面原因之影響,可能甚於租稅面原因之影響。 三、台灣關係企業發展現況: 據中華徵信所民國八十三年/八十四年版的「台灣地區集團企業研究」一書所作之調查,台灣一百零一個最大關係企業,包括分子公司九百一十八家,約戰全國公司總家數千分之二;僱用員工總數約占台灣就業人孔的百分之五˙○五。 關係企業在我國經濟發展上,已佔有舉足輕之地位。 四、現行法令及稅務行政之改進措施: (一)修訂所得稅法第四十三條之一,並增訂施行細則。 1.明定關係人定義,擴大適用範圍。 2.界定常規價格,明定其調整方法。 3.取消事先向財政部報備核准之規定。 (二)於稅捐稽徵法中增訂實質課稅原則。其可參酌: 1.德國租稅通則第三十九條至第四十二條之規定。 2.日本所得稅法第十二條之規定。 3.美國實質勝於形式原則之判例。 (三)租稅減免優惠措施之重新考量。 (四)提高稅務行政效率,其中包括: 1.對逃稅者即幫助逃稅者,依有關稅法送罰。 2.建立關係企業課稅資料檔案。 3.加強查核技術之訓練。 五、關係企業規避稅負之案例分析: (一)案例一:關係企業利用營利事業所得稅擴大書面審核制度,分散營業額,降低有效稅率,逃避查緝。 (二)案例二:關係企業於七十七年度,利用非以買賣有價證券為專業之公司,買賣即將上試未上司公司股票,藉以規避證券交易所得稅。 (三)案例三:建設公司於七十七年,向關係人高價購地,抬高土地成本,藉以降低為分配盈餘,規避股東盈餘分配。另若土地交易所得稅恢復課徵,則此電膏土地成本,將可降低出售土地交易所得額,規避土地交易所得稅。

薪酬委員會品質是否會抑制公司進行租稅規避行為? / Whether compensation committee quality will reduce tax avoidance in Taiwan?

呂瑋釬, Lyu, Wei Han Unknown Date (has links)
本文主要目的為探討經理人現金薪酬受到薪酬委員會品質影響時,是否會影響公司進行租稅規避行為。本文以當期有效稅率、現金有效稅率、總財稅差異以及永久性財稅差異衡量公司之租稅規避,而薪酬委員會品質衡量則依據Sun and Cahan (2009)所提出之方式衡量,並計算出各公司的薪酬委員會品質分數。研究期間為2012年至2014年之上市櫃公司,但不含產業性質特殊之金融業公司。其實證結果發現經理人現金薪酬與公司進行租稅規避行為呈顯著正相關,但加入薪酬委員會品質時,發現受到薪酬委員會品質影響之經理人現金薪酬與公司租稅規避行為呈顯著負相關,其結果顯示,當薪酬委員會品質越佳時,公司越不會進行租稅規避行為。

內部人租稅規避與公司租稅規避之關聯性 / The Relationship between Personally Tax Aggressive Insiders and Corporate Tax Avoidance

蘇允中 Unknown Date (has links)
以往有許多研究從內部人學經歷、性別、平均任期等外生變數去探討內部人與公司租稅規避之關聯性,甚少去藉由內生變數的面向去探討內部人與租稅規避之關聯性。因為個人的納稅資料難以取得,本研究藉由分析財政部訴願決定書的內容去衡量內部人個人是否具備租稅規避的傾向,而其中個人是否具租稅規避傾向的判斷標準是根據所得稅法第66條之8的規定。本研究的實證結果顯示,當內部人個人具租稅規避傾向時,其管理之公司租稅規避程度較高,可以推論其在管理公司時會採行較多租稅規避的政策。 / Many prior studies uses exogenous variables such as insiders’ educational background, gender and average serving year, to discuss the relation between insiders and tax avoidance. It is difficult to attain personal tax information, so this research analyze the administrative appeal decision from Ministry of Finance to measure whether insiders have the characteristic in avoiding tax. This research assume insiders have tax avoiding characteristic if insiders violate income tax law 66-8. The empirical result of this research shows that when insiders incline to avoid personal income tax, the company insiders serve avoid more tax. This research thereby infer insiders with tax avoiding characteristic adopt more tax avoiding policy when managing company.

策略聯盟與租稅規避之關聯性 / A Study of the Association between Strategic Alliances and Tax Avoidance

林穎真, Lin,Ying Jhen Unknown Date (has links)

逃漏稅捐罪與脫法避稅行為界限之研究 / A Study on the Boundary between the Crime of Tax Evasion and the Behavior of Tax Avoidance

王瑀璇, Wang, Yu Hsuan Unknown Date (has links)
我國逃漏稅捐罪規定於稅捐稽徵法第41條,其構成要件行為「詐術或其他不正當方法」內含不確定法律概念,需倚賴學說及實務經驗之累積以助界定其範圍。脫法避稅行為則係指納稅義務人意圖規避稅捐,濫用法律形成自由之手段,藉由複雜、迂迴、稅法文義無法涵蓋之法律形式,企圖規避稅捐構成要件規定,稅捐稽徵機關得依稅捐稽徵法第12條之1「實質課稅原則」為租稅調整。逃漏稅捐罪與脫法避稅行為兩者行為目的相同,均係為達成減輕稅負,甚或免除納稅義務之效果,亦同樣造成侵害國家租稅債權結果,學說與實務就兩者界限尚無一致性意見,致相同案情可能產生不同裁罰結果,不符合平等原則,且影響法律安定性。 本文首先透過案情相似之兩則判決,指出逃漏稅捐罪與脫法避稅行為界限不清問題。嗣分別解析我國逃漏稅捐罪保護法益與構成要件,及脫法避稅行為要件與法律效果,並提出外國立法例或立法趨勢作為比較或參考。最後透過學說與實務見解之分析,試界定逃漏稅捐罪與脫法避稅行為之界限,盼能減少法律適用之模糊地帶,同步維護租稅公平正義及法律明確性,以助減少法院、稅捐稽徵機關、納稅義務人及稅務代理人對稅法解釋之歧見,避免人民誤觸刑罰規範。

集團企業交易與租稅規避之關聯性研究 / Related Party Transactions and Tax Avoidance

曾柏維, Tseng, Po Wei Unknown Date (has links)
關係人交易因其特殊之交易性質,經常成為企業進行特殊交易安排之手段。隨著全球化及國際化的發展,企業的營運策略變得更加多元化,營運版圖、營業地點也擴及全球,關係企業間也可以透過關係人交易將所得移轉到低稅率地區,減少整體稅負。 本文以2002年到2013年之台灣上市公司非均衡追蹤資料 (Unbalanced panel data) 探討關係人交易或不同性質關係人交易對企業租稅規避程度的影響。實證結果指出進行較多關係人交易或較多複雜交易反而使企業租稅規避的程度降低,但進行關係人交易、(較多) 單純交易或複雜交易對企業租稅規避程度則無顯著影響。 本文也加入法人持股比率、獨立董事席次占董事會席次比率、董事長是否兼任總經理及是否委任大型會計師事務所等4種公司治理變數,檢驗公司治理結構是否會改變關係人交易及不同性質關係人交易對企業租稅規避程度的影響。實證結果顯示司治理結構並沒顯著改變進行 (較多) 關係人交易及進行 (較多) 不同性質關係人交易之企業的租稅規避程度。 / Related party transaction, with its special nature, has become a common source for firms to engage in many kinds of manipulation. With the trends of globalization and internationalization, business operating strategies have become more and more diversified, operating territory and operation location have also expanded all over the world. In order to reduce the overall tax payment, related parties can engage in income shifting from high-tax regions to low-tax regions through related party transactions. This study uses the data of the firms listed in Taiwan Stock Exchange from 2002 to 2013 to investigate whether engaging (more) in related party transaction or different kinds of related party transaction in nature influence corporation tax avoidance. The results indicate that firms engaging in more related party transactions and more complex transaction exhibit lower levels of tax avoidance, but engaging in related party transactions, simple transactions and complex transaction do not significantly influence the level of corporate tax avoidance. This study also uses four corporate governance variables- institutional ownership, the rate of independent directors in the board of directors, chairman as CEO, and big 5 accounting firms- to exams whether corporate government have impact on the relationship between related party transaction and corporate tax avoidance. The result shows that corporate governance does not significantly change the level of corporate tax avoidance of the firms engaging (more) in related party transaction or different kinds of related party transaction in nature.

家族企業、租稅規避與企業策略 / Family Firms, Tax Avoidance, and Business Strategy

張凱平, Chang, Kai Ping Unknown Date (has links)
本文之主要目的係探討家族企業與避稅之關聯性、企業策略是否影響家族企業之租稅規避行為及不同企業策略下家族企業與非家族企業避稅程度是否有異。本文以當期有效稅率、財稅差異以及剩餘財稅差異衡量企業之租稅規避,而企業策略係參照Miles and Snow (1978, 2003)所提出之策略類型進行分類,計算企業之策略分數並將企業分類為防禦者、分析者及前瞻者。研究對象為2002至2013之上市櫃公司,並排除產業性質特殊之金融業公司。實證結果發現家族企業之租稅規避程度高於非家族企業,前瞻者之企業策略會使家族企業之租稅規避程度上升,前瞻者中之家族企業避稅程度方高於非家族企業,防禦者之家族企業則無,顯示前瞻者擁有較多租稅規避機會及承擔風險之特性對於家族企業租稅規避行為有所影響。 / The main purpose of this study is to examine the association between family firms and tax avoidance, to investigate whether business strategies influence the tax avoidance activities of family firms, and to find out whether the level of tax avoidance is different between family firms and non-family firms in different business strategies. Current effective tax rates, book-tax differences, and residual book-tax differences are employed to capture tax avoidance activities. This study uses Miles and Snow’s 1978 and 2003 organizational strategy typology to proxy business strategies; compute strategy score; and classify firms to Defenders, Analyzers, and Prospectors. The research samples consist domestic listed firms for the period 2002 - 2013, and the firms in the financial industry are excluded due to theirs characteristics. The empirical results show that family firms avoid more taxes than their non-family counterparts, the strategic type of Prospectors rises the level of tax avoidance of family firms significantly, the family firms in Prospectors avoid more taxes than non-family firms in Prospectors and the family firms in Defenders don’t avoid more taxes than non-family firms in Defenders. The empirical results represent that the tax avoidance of family firms is influenced by Prospectors’ characteristic of having tax-planning opportunities and embracing risk.

遺產稅租稅規避與逃漏 / An Analysis of Estate Tax Avoidance and Evasion in Taiwan

高慧宇 Unknown Date (has links)
遺贈稅的課徵不論就效率或公平面都有足夠的理論基礎,但反觀過去十年的遺贈稅收佔整體賦稅的比例,遺產及贈與稅收的規模一直不高,僅有少部分的人需要繳稅。為了支應長照財源,遺產及贈與稅法於民國106年4月底三讀通過,此次修法是自民國98年修法以來另一項重大的變革。民國98年遺產及贈與稅由十級累進稅率改為單一稅率,大幅降低高財富水準者的租稅負擔,卻也產生財富集中於富有者的隱憂,影響遺產稅平均社會財富的社會意義。   在不考慮稅基狹小的問題(遺產稅的課徵係針對應稅遺產淨額達一定水準者),遺產稅收規模有限的原因可能為稅法本身的租稅減免,或人為的租稅不順從。本文從合法的租稅規避與非法的租稅逃漏的角度切入,以民國90至104年度遺產稅申報資料,分析影響遺產稅租稅規避與影響逃漏的因素。合法的節稅管道中,相較於免稅額屬於定額的減除,須自行填報的扣除額更具有操控空間,實證結果指出未償債務、農業用地與公共設施保留地等扣除額具有稅盾效果,節稅利益隨稅率增加;本文在分析非法的租稅逃漏行為時,將個人逃漏決策分為是否逃漏與逃漏多寡,實證結果指出修法調降稅率後逃漏行為明顯減少,且從持有財產種類、減免規定的適用以及生前贈與行為能夠反映逃漏的傾向。最後,考慮到逃漏與否為繼承人選擇的結果,以Heckman兩階段估計修正,結果也顯示逃漏行為的確受到無法觀察的自我選擇因素影響。 / Despite that estate and gift tax are well-grounded based on efficiency and equity justification, the tax revenue collected accounts for a small portion of overall tax revenues for most countries. As a major part of the efforts to raise revenues for long-term care services, the government passed into law the amendment to raise estate and gift tax rate in April, 2017. This amendment is another major change to the estate and gift tax in Taiwan since 2009 when the government drastically changed the tax rate structure from a ten-bracket progressive rate schedule to a flat tax rate of 10% with a smaller tax base. As expected, the reform in 2009 greatly cut down the tax burden to those having large taxable estate, causing concerns of more concentrated of wealth among the riches.   Stepping aside the problem of having a narrow tax base (the basic design of the estate tax is meant to be a class tax on "richest of the riches"), limited tax revenue of the estate tax can also be attributed to tax avoidance and tax evasion. Nevertheless, few studies provided convincing results on estate tax avoidance and evasion. Utilizing the estate tax returns data from 2001 to 2015 provided by the Ministry of Finance, this paper aims to analyzing estate tax avoidance and evasion in Taiwan. The study of tax avoidance focuses on tax deductions, and the evidence suggests the presence of strong tax saving effects. Regression analysis on tax evasion suggests that the 2009 reform reduced tax incompliance in general, and asset types, tax reliefs, and inter vivo gifts are correlated to the probability of evasion in particular. Finally, results from the Heckman’s two-stage estimation suggest the existence of unobserved missing variables related to both the decision to evade and the amount to evade.

企業租稅規避與利益輸送 / Corporate tax avoidance and tunneling

黃暐翔 Unknown Date (has links)
本文採兩階段方式探討台灣上市櫃公司租稅規避與利益輸送(企業對關係企業放款)的關係,以及企業利益輸送行為及租稅規避對企業市值的影響。首先,企業進行租稅規避與利益輸送,Desai and Dharmapala (2006) 提出互補理論,認為租稅規避創造資訊透明度低的環境,隱藏利益輸送行為,租稅規避與利益輸送為互補關係;其次,企業租稅規避對其市值的影響有兩種解釋,傳統觀點認為企業租稅規避能提升企業市值。互補理論認為企業租稅規避,在沒有良好監督的情況容易隱藏利益輸送,租稅規避提升企業市值的效果降低。本文分析給定企業有利益輸送行為,企業租稅規避對於企業市值的影響。 本文採用2005年至2015年台灣的上市櫃公司為樣本進行分析。實證結果指出,首先,企業租稅規避與利益輸送指標關係人交易呈負相關,表示企業並非採用租稅規避隱藏利益輸送行為,不支持Desai and Dharmapala (2006) 的互補理論,反之,租稅規避與利益輸送指標關係人交易為替代關係;企業租稅規避與企業市值呈正向關係,支持租稅規避將財富移轉到企業會增加企業市值的傳統觀點。企業的關係人交易係數為顯著負相關,關係人交易會造成企業市值下降。企業利益輸送指標關係人交易與租稅規避交乘項的迴歸係數為負,亦即給定企業進行租稅規避,且企業進行關係人交易,會降低企業市值。 / This paper use two-stage approach to focus on the relationship between tax avoidance and tunneling of listed corporations, and how tax avoidance and tunneling of listed corporations affect firm value. First, Desai and Dharmapala (2006) think tax avoidance can create a less transparent environment to hide the tunneling which means that tax avoidance and tunneling stay in a complementary relationship. Second, there are two explanations about how tax avoidance affects firm value. Traditionally, tax avoidance can enhance firm value. However, based on the complementary view, tax avoidance can't enhance firm value without good supervision. This paper analyzes how tax avoidance affects firm value when tunneling happen. This paper analyzes data from Taiwan-listed corporations from 2005 to 2015 and has some results. First, tax avoidance is negatively related to tunneling variables related party transactions doesn't support the complementary view of Desai and Dharmapala (2006). On the other hand, tax avoidance and tunneling variables related party transactions are in a substitutive relationship. Tax avoidance is positively related to firm value. This result supports the traditional view that tax avoidance can enhance firm value. Related party transactions are significantly negatively related to the firm value which means related party transactions decrease firm value. The interaction of related party transactions and tax avoidance is negatively related to firm value. It means that when corporations have tax avoidance and related party transactions at the same time, the firm value will decrease.

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