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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.


盧玄旻 Unknown Date (has links)
本論文在固定利率的情況下,推導了超越界限數據選擇權(Crossing Barrier Digital Options)的評價模型及其避險比率,選擇權的條件可以是買權或賣權,上限或下限,甚至是雙重界限,以及出局或入局等,經組合變化後可以產生許多不同的種類,因此我們依序介紹了六種單一界限型態的選擇權及兩種雙重界限型態的選擇權,以供讀者參考比較。


徐君楓 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究主要目的為探討大學生知覺之家庭界限與其自我分化之關係。 研究結果如下: 1.不同性別之大學生在家庭界限知覺上有差異 2.不同性別之大學生在自我分化程度上無差異 3.大學生與各雙親次系統間不同程度之親密、侵犯、相安對其自我分化的 影響有差異,且男生對於親子關係的「耐受度」較女生為高 4.家庭親子界限可有效預測大學生的自我分化程度,且異性親子次系統關 係界限對子女自我分化有影響。 5.家庭界限可有效預測大學生的分化行為 6.家庭界限中親子次系統關係的「親密」對於子女自我分化的影響力較不 明顯 7.親子關係類型中的相安與侵犯對大學生的自我分化程度是一重要指標

逃漏稅捐罪與脫法避稅行為界限之研究 / A Study on the Boundary between the Crime of Tax Evasion and the Behavior of Tax Avoidance

王瑀璇, Wang, Yu Hsuan Unknown Date (has links)
我國逃漏稅捐罪規定於稅捐稽徵法第41條,其構成要件行為「詐術或其他不正當方法」內含不確定法律概念,需倚賴學說及實務經驗之累積以助界定其範圍。脫法避稅行為則係指納稅義務人意圖規避稅捐,濫用法律形成自由之手段,藉由複雜、迂迴、稅法文義無法涵蓋之法律形式,企圖規避稅捐構成要件規定,稅捐稽徵機關得依稅捐稽徵法第12條之1「實質課稅原則」為租稅調整。逃漏稅捐罪與脫法避稅行為兩者行為目的相同,均係為達成減輕稅負,甚或免除納稅義務之效果,亦同樣造成侵害國家租稅債權結果,學說與實務就兩者界限尚無一致性意見,致相同案情可能產生不同裁罰結果,不符合平等原則,且影響法律安定性。 本文首先透過案情相似之兩則判決,指出逃漏稅捐罪與脫法避稅行為界限不清問題。嗣分別解析我國逃漏稅捐罪保護法益與構成要件,及脫法避稅行為要件與法律效果,並提出外國立法例或立法趨勢作為比較或參考。最後透過學說與實務見解之分析,試界定逃漏稅捐罪與脫法避稅行為之界限,盼能減少法律適用之模糊地帶,同步維護租稅公平正義及法律明確性,以助減少法院、稅捐稽徵機關、納稅義務人及稅務代理人對稅法解釋之歧見,避免人民誤觸刑罰規範。

保本型指數連動商品創新設計與實務---應用Esscher transforms

黃昶華 Unknown Date (has links)
本論文的研究目的,主要是希望利用新奇選擇權(exotic option)來降低保本型基金的高風險投資部分的權利金,提升參與率,藉此吸引投資人。因為近年來保本型基金面臨最大的問題就是『市場波動度變大,造成衍生性商品的價格上升,侵蝕了保本率。』(Lee,2001),因為波動度和商品價格具有正比的關係。再加入浮動利率之考量之後,求出更精確的封閉解,以及本文所提『雙邊連動』,提升商品吸引力。 在精算科學界,Esscher transform是一種沿用已久的工具。Gerber and Shiu (1994)闡述在某些假設下評價衍生性證券時,Esscher transform是一種有效率的方法。本論文延伸『Esscher transform』方法來求出商品評價的公式解。 本論文的主要貢獻就是引用Esscher transform(Gerber and Shiu,1994架構傳統機率測度轉換並且求出上(下)出局、上(下)生效等保本型指數連動商品的封閉解,並且加入一個新的概念,『雙邊連動』,作為整篇論文的主要貢獻。基於上述原因,本論文研究成果可以分為下面幾項: 1.以『Esscher transform』為本論文的評價模型,加以說明驗證。 2.設計出雙邊保本的保本型指數連動商品,並且找出封閉解以及探討此種商品的可行性及市場性。 3.利用電腦模擬求算評價公式的避險參數。求出多元常態累積機率分配函數,以期能夠解出多資產連動商品的理論價格。並且整理出上下限型的機率密度整理表。 在程式應用的方面,本論文利用了『Mathematica』求取避險參數,因而不必再費時的計算就可以求出正確的避險參數,及利用計量軟體『R』來求算多元常態累積機率分配函數,使本論文的多因子分析不在只是理論。


謝嫚綺, Hsieh, Man-Chi Unknown Date (has links)

大學生知覺之家庭親子界限與其生涯自我效能的關係 / The Relationships between The Career Self-efficacy and Family Parental Boundaries Perceived by College Students

林惠瑜, Lin , Hei-Yu Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在探討不同背景變項大學生之家庭親子界限與其生涯自我效能間的關係。採用問卷調查的方式,以全國十三所公、私立學校大一到大四學生為研究對象,共計625名,並以「個人基本資料調查表」、「生涯決策自我效能量表」及「家庭親子界限量表」編製成「大學生生涯決策與家庭關係問卷」為本研究工具。調查所得資料以描述性統計、變異數分析、皮爾森積差相關、多元逐步迴歸等統計方法進行處理。研究之主要發現如下: 一、不同性別、年級、生涯發展定向情形之大學生的家庭親子界限有所差異。 二、不同年級、科系、修課狀況(是否雙主修或輔系)、打工經驗、生涯發展定向情形之大學生的生涯自我效能有所差異。再者,不同科系的大學生其生涯自我效能會因為打工經驗的不同而有差異。 三、背景變項與家庭親子界限對於大學生之生涯自我效能具有預測效果 (一)就全體大學生而言,「父子(女)自我認同」是大學男生生涯自我效能最主要的預測變項;「母子(女)自我認同」是大學女生生涯自我效能最主要的預測變項。本研究發現,家庭親子界限變項中同性父母對於孩子的認同是大學生生涯自我效能最主要的預測變項;另外,背景變項中生涯發展定向情形對大學生生涯自我效能最具有預測效果。 (二)不同生涯發展定向的大學生來看,不同背景變項與不同家庭親子界限對其生涯自我效能有不同預測效果。 (三)家庭親子界限對於大學男生之生涯自我效能的預測力大於大學女生。 根據本研究的發現及討論,研究者擬對大學生、父母、學校及輔導人員等相關人員和未來研究者,提出數點建議,以供參考。 / The purpose of this study was to investigate the relationships between the career self-efficacy and family parental boundaries perceived by college students. Six hundred and twenty-five college students completed the Career Decision-making Self Efficacy Scale(CDMSE)developed by Hong-Hui Xie and Parental Relation-Self Boundary Scales. Data obtained was analyzed by deviation, percentage, ANOVA, post Scheffe’s test, Pearson product-moment correlation, and multiple regression. The major findings were summarized as follows: First, college students with different gender, grade, and career decision status or identity development made significant differences on their perceptions of family parental boundaries. Second, there were significant differences in CDMSE among different background variables, including grade, departments, dual-major or minor, part-time job experience, and career decision status or identity development. Third, the self-identity of parents is the best predictor of college students’ career self-efficacy, especially with the same gender as the parent. Fourth, because of the difference of college students’ career decision status or identity development, the prediction of family parental boundaries to the career self-efficacy would be different. Fifth, family parental boundaries had better predictive effect to male students than to female students. According to the conclusions of the main findings, several suggestions are provided for college students, parents, related educators and counselors in the Universities, and future research.


張龍福 Unknown Date (has links)
選擇權的評價方式,一般可分封閉解(Closed-Form Solution)與數值方法(Numerical Method)兩大類。封閉解如Black-Sholes公式,其計算速度快,但缺乏彈性,例如無法評價美式選擇權及大部分的新奇選擇權;相反的,數值方法則是相當具有彈性,但卻會比較耗時。本文結合數值方法中的樹網模型,再輔以封閉解維持應有的彈性,加快計算速度,吾人將此方法稱之為分解結合法。 Ritchken(1995)的三元樹模型在評價重設型選擇權時,能解決由重設界限所導致非線性誤差之問題,故本文以Ritchken的三元樹模型結合歐式或美式公式解成為分解結合法,對多種的歐式以及美式重設型選擇權進行評價。本文首先,針對單期單價式與整段期間單價式的重設型選擇權,來推導適用於分解結合法之方法。再以這兩種基本的重設型選擇權為基礎,將相同概念推廣至其他更複雜的歐式重設型選擇權以及美式的重設型選擇權,並且將分解結合法和單純Ritchken三元樹網模型在評價重設型選擇權的效率,做一詳細的比較。 本文的結果顯示,無論是評價何種歐式或是美式的重設型選擇權,利用分解結合法不但能夠提高計算的速度,同時在某些條件下的選擇權,還能增加評價的正確性。


陳紋卿 Unknown Date (has links)
本文主要評價與分析兩種結構型債券:一為目標贖回雪球型利率連動債、一為雙匯率連動債。 第一個商品利率連動債券為十年期、每季付息債券,其指標利率為三個月期LIBOR利率。本文以BGM市場模型進行評價,同時考慮40個遠期三個月期LIBOR利率的動態過程,而每個動態過程之間的相關係數為一40維度的方陣,為了加速計算速度採用Weigel(2004)運用線性代數降秩的方法,使原本相關係數矩陣由「秩40」降為「秩11」後,不僅可以加快運算速度又不會使原本相關係數矩陣失真。以蒙地卡羅模擬利率路徑評價後並進行敏感性分析。 第二個商品雙匯率連動債券連結到兩個匯率指標:歐元兌日圓及美元兌新台幣。其中連結歐元兌日圓匯率的報酬型態為雙界限出局二元選擇權,而連結美元兌新台幣匯率的報酬型態為下出界選擇權。本文利用Ritchken(1995)三元樹分別建構兩個匯率界限選擇權的評價,並發現歐元兌日圓匯率界限選擇權的價值佔債券面額的比例極小,故之後只針對美元兌新台幣匯率界限選擇權進行敏感性分析。

銀行住宅擔保品鑑估價格與契約價格之關係 / The relationship between the contract price and the estimated price of residential collateral by financial institutions

丁嘉言, Ting, Chia Yen Unknown Date (has links)
銀行在面對借款人以不動產申請抵押貸款時,產生對住宅擔保品估價之需求,以為債權之確保。然銀行的估價過程與一般估價最大不同,肇因於其估價前,擔保品本身已先產生一組買賣契約價格。過去研究指出,估價會嘗試以某些較易取得的價格資訊作為定錨點(anchor),藉以調整並成為最後的價格。而我國不動產交易價格資訊不透明,契約價格往往由借款人提供的情況下,銀行內部估價人員可能因資訊不易取得、定錨效果,在擔保品的鑑估結果上受到契約價格影響,倘有心人士欲藉此獲得高額貸款、牟取不法利益,將損及銀行債權,即使採用自動估價系統降低人為影響因素,因資料來源不佳,只會產生所謂「garbage in garbage out」的結果。據此,如何分辨契約價格是否具有參考力變成為關鍵,亦為本文欲補足的研究缺口。 本文採用國內某銀行臺北市不動產擔保品8,348筆估價資料為樣本,建立以挑選契約價格是否具有參考力的機率預測模型,尋求影響能判定契約價格是否具有參考力的主要因素,並研究在最適的機率界限下,篩選出具有參考力的契約價格樣本。而研究結果所建立的模型,其預測並篩選出的契約價格樣本均較未經模型篩選者,對擔保品價格之估計有顯著提升。因此本研究所建立的契約價格篩選模型確能提升銀行估價準確性,使不動產擔保品鑑估價格的形成過程中,獲得更多可靠的參考資訊,降低人為操縱的空間,並在成交價格資訊不足的情況下,提升估價人員對契約價格的辨識能力。 / In the face of the borrower to apply for a mortgage of real estate, financial institutions have estimated the price of the collateral requirements to protect the debt claim. However, the biggest difference with the general valuation and that of financial institutions, valuation of its causes before the collateral itself has produced a first sale contract price. In the past research that one attempts to estimate the price of some greater access to information act to anchor in order to adjust and become the final price. Because financial institutions are not easy to obtain price information on real estate transactions in Taiwan, price information is often provided by the borrower. A small number of loans borrower deliberate fraud to forgery or false irrigation Contract price sale and purchase agreement in order to obtain high credit. Even with the automatic valuation system to reduce the human impact factor, due to poor data sources, it will only produce so-called "garbage in garbage out" of the results. Accordingly, how to tell whether the contract price to a reference force becomes critical, and also in this article want to complement the research gap. We adopt 8,348 estate collateral valuation data in Taipei City of a domestic bank for the sample to establish a binary logistic regression model. And we try to seek the main factors that determine whether the contract price of the reference force, and find out the optimal cutoff point, filter out of a sample of the contract price of the reference force. The results confirm the model in this paper. The selected samples of the contract price is estimated that the price of collateral significantly improved compared with those without filtering. Therefore, the model established in this study can really improve the accuracy of bank valuation. Enhance the recognition ability of the bank's internal appraisers on the contract price in the lack of transaction price information.

韋柏分配下規格下限與X-bar 管制圖之經濟設計 / Economic design of specification limit and X-bar control chart under Weibull distribution

蔡瑋倫, Tsai, Wei Lun Unknown Date (has links)
To determine the economic design of control charts and the specification limits with minimum cost are two separate issues in previous research areas. In this study, we proposed a method to determine the optimal design parameters of X control charts and the specification limits simultaneously from an economic viewpoint. We also consider two types of X control charts: one is the economic X control chart and the other is the economic statistical X control chart. We obtain the optimal results by minimizing the expected cost per unit time for the-larger-the-better quality characteristic with a Weibull distribution. We consider the asymmetric control limits because of the asymmetric feature of theWeibull distribution. Also, we are considering the difference between monitoring the process by using an economic statistical X control chart and conducting a complete inspection plan. Which way is better, process control or inspection plan? In our data analysis of the two types of X control chart, we find that the optimal expected cost per unit time with complete inspection is lower than without complete inspection. This is because the coefficient of Taguchi’s quadratic loss function we set is too small. And the analysis shows us the significant parameters for the optimal expected cost per unit time and design parameters. At last, in our numerical examples for two different types of X control chart, we find that the performance of the economic X control chart is as good as the economic statistical one. However, we suggest the producer use the economic statistical X control chart with a complete inspection plan to obtain a lower expected cost per unit time and larger power of the control chart.

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