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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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蔡馨惠 Unknown Date (has links)
數位網路環境創造了流通發達的數位傳輸,促進公眾使用資訊的便利,但相反的也大開不法侵害著作權的途徑,直接或間接影響著作人權益甚為鉅大。 近年來,著作權人為求自救,在著作權法還不及全面性修正前,只能嘗試利用科技的方式設置科技保護措施,防止其著作於數位網路環境下被不法接觸、重製與散布。然而科技中立性,各類型之科技保護措施卻因科技的進步,產生惡性之科技競賽,紛紛遭受破解與規避,根本無法達到著作權人實質保護著作之目的。著作權人所面臨之困境最終引起國際間的重視,各國紛紛在爭議中修法將科技保護措施納入著作權法的保護範圍。 然而從立法中可知,迫於著作輸出大國等壓力,各國之反規避條款似有越發過度保障著作權人利益之趨勢,繼而使憲法、著作權法所要保障公眾、使用人之權益萎縮至零,嚴重破壞著作權法之基本原則—利益平衡,不但對使用人之合理使用範圍產生影響,亦可能被利用作為限制競爭之工具,對自由競爭甚至產業創新產生影響,反而有害於文化、科技之傳延與發展。 本文針對科技保護措施之相關立法議題上著重在以利益平衡的焦點出發,站在法律經濟學之角度,以成本與效益分析方法論述應如何進行公益與私益間之平衡,並且探討影響數位科技時代著作權法演變及科技保護措施納入著作權法保護之成本與效益因素。並參酌諸多爭議,提出些許修改方向之建議,以期能平衡著作權人權益與促進文化科技發展,達到均贏局面。


蘇意軒 Unknown Date (has links)
股利政策之選擇攸關公司資金成本效益與投資者權益,投資者依據公司未來股利發生時點、金額與不確定性等因素來判斷公司的內涵價值(intrinsic value),亦即股利的配發是公司管理當局與股東利益間的抵換。本論文將考量我國企業實務上股利支付內容,將股利形式細分為無股利分配及有股利配發,包含單一股利政策-現金股利、盈餘配股、公積配股,複合股利政策-現金股利搭配盈餘配股、現金股利搭配公積配股、盈餘配股搭配公積配股及綜合股利政策(現金股利、盈餘配股、公積配股三者兼發)之發放模式,共計有八種股利支付類型。   共同基金乃證券市場中連接有價證券與投資者間之專業投資管道,由於基金收益直接進行再投資產生之租稅規避濾網(tax-free filter)效果,藉以探討公司選擇股利政策時之顧客效應。同時將影響股利政策制定之構面因素-公司的股利配發來源、獲利性狀況、資金融通與債務償還能力、企業未來投資成長機會、產業類別與租稅改革制度等一併納入分析檢證。   本論文採用實證模型分析為主,文獻檢閱分析為輔,以1995- 2000年我國上市公司曾被國內股票型投信基金選為投資標的者,運用Mutinomial logit model及股利政策相關文獻,建構本研究實證模型;在政策意涵上,股利稅制的規劃與共同基金租稅課徵問題亦一併討論,以檢討我國現行稅制環境是否健全。   本研究所獲結論歸納如下:   (1) 共同基金持股比重變動對股利政策影響存在明顯差異     股票型基金持股比重大小對現金股利搭配盈餘配股與盈餘配股搭配公積配股選擇皆有顯著正效果,但是否基於股東特性而論則難以斷定。現行我國共同基金持股率占公司股權結構比重不大、透過除權日規避股利發放及大股東利用共同基金進行投信交叉持股等問題,皆是造成實證結果與預期相左之可能原因。   (2) 租稅制度改革對股利配發內容的選擇扮演要角     兩稅合一制度實施後,總股利支付率較實施前為高,主要在於規避保留盈餘加徵10﹪的稅負及股利的發放具有抵稅權,使公司不再傾向保留盈餘而提高發放股利之意願。   (3) 股利配發形式選擇     ◎支持股利配發來源與股利政策的關係     ◎公司舉債程度高低與現金股利配發機率呈負相關     ◎公司獲利性狀況攸關股利發放與否     ◎未來成長機會與現金股利配發呈反向關係     ◎股利政策具有產業差異性,高科技產業傾向選擇股票股利偏 高之股利組合政策   以公司立場而言,宜需定期評估經營利基與股利政策選擇因素,建立一套合理之股利預測分析模式,並考量平衡股利政策(現金股利與股票股利搭配)模式,以減緩我國企業普遍採股票股利配發造成股權過度膨脹及盈餘稀釋之弊。從投資者角度來看,共同基金係專業化投資管道,藉由大眾資金匯集之規模效益,能使資金有效配置(或風險分散)並提升國內專業法人比重,減緩市場投機風氣。然共同基金投資相關法令之設立仍需更臻完備,稅制環境對公司股利決策具重要影響性,對追求租稅中立目標而言,證券交易所得是否復徵所得稅,亦是政府單位需審慎考量的議題。

公司長短期避稅行為決定因素──以台灣上市櫃公司為例 / The Determinants of Long-run and Short-run Corporate Tax Avoidance

紀琇芳 Unknown Date (has links)
為分析長期與短期公司避稅行為之決定因素以及相關產業效果,本文以實證 方法檢視租稅規避行為之決定因素,並以現金有效稅率及調整後財稅差異作避稅 指標,研究對象為 2002 年至 2012 年之台灣上市櫃公司,同時排除性質特殊之金融業以及臺灣存託憑證(TDR)。 首先,本文採固定效果模型進行短期避稅行為之分析,其實證結果顯示當企 業知名度較高、研發投資較多、負債資產比較高、投資損失較多及關係企業設立 在租稅天堂時,企業積極從事避稅行為的可能性較低。另一方面,結果顯示當企 業持有固定資產較多、投資利益較多、獲利較多及有前期淨營業損失時,企業積 極從事避稅行為的可能性較高。 其次,本文採普通最小平方法模型進行長期避稅行為之分析,其實證結果顯 示當企業長期知名度較高、負債較多、投資損失較多及獲利較多時,企業積極從 事長期避稅行為的可能性較低。另一方面,結果顯示企業長期固定資產較多、研 發投資較多及投資利益較多時,企業積極從事長期避稅行為的可能性較高。 最後,為觀察個別產業之避稅行為,本研究進行平均值差異數 T 檢定、長期 普通最小平方法回歸結果以及 F 檢定,結果顯示:半導體業、建材營造業等產業 積極從事避稅行為的可能性較高。另一方面,觀光事業、油電燃氣等產業積極從 事避稅行為的可能性較低。

銀行法上關係人授信法制問題之研究 / A Study on the Legal Issues of the Extension of Credit to Interested Parties in Banking Law

陳鐶仁 Unknown Date (has links)
根據「關係人授信」的信息觀點(the information view)及掠奪觀點(the looting view)等理論分析,銀行對關係人授信各有利弊。世界各國為合理規範關係人授信交易,已制訂各項法令予以規制,我國亦不例外而於銀行法訂有明文。 我國現行銀行關係人授信規範在法令解釋、適用及銀行實務運作方面存有些許法制問題,且於金融控股公司法、農業金融法、信用合作社法及保險法等均有準用或參照銀行法之規定,而有相似之法制問題,影響之範圍相當寬廣深遠,因而引發本文研究之動機。 本文從我國銀行法在「授信」、「關係人範圍」、「授信限制規範」及「違反限制規範責任」等方面之相關規範及其問題,並參考美國、德國等國家及中國大陸、香港等地區之相關規範,綜合加以比較研究,最後並擬訂具體建議修正條文,以供主管機關及立法機關參考。 本文深切期盼主管機關及立法機關能使用衡帄的角度思考及採用可行的方案,而儘速增修銀行對關係人授信法制,以建立更為完善的關係人授信法制,進而適當地控管銀行對關係人授信之風險,並兼顧銀行經營效率及獲利能力。

公司治理特性、經營策略對企業租稅規避程度之影響 / To what extent is a Taiwanese firm's tax avoidance affected by its corporate governance characteristics and business strategy?

余安婷 Unknown Date (has links)
極端之租稅規避活動可能導致較高之受查、受罰與聲譽風險。又由一企業之經營策略,可觀察該企業決定如何於選定市場中競爭,且部分上展現了該企業承擔風險與不確定性之意願。因此企業願意承受之風險越高,可能亦較願意從事較激進之租稅規避活動。亦即研究一企業之策略決策,就某種程度而言應可反映企業之租稅規避程度。此外,企業之治理單位,例如:董事會,於企業策略選擇扮演重要角色,因此,分析組織之公司治理特性亦應有助於解釋其租稅規避程度之高低。 針對2001至2011年台灣上市櫃公司實證結果,本研究得到以下結論:(1) 相對於採攻擊者策略之企業,採防禦者策略之企業之有效稅率偏高,表示其從事較低程度之租稅規避活動。(2) 組織之帳面有效稅率顯著受到董監席次控制比例、董監持股比率及經理人持股等三項本研究所採董事會特性為主之公司治理變數所影響。 / A firm’s choice of business-level strategy are likely to determine the level of tax avoidance because the firm strategies are, in part, based on a firm’s willingness to deal with risk and uncertainty. In addition, a firm’s board of directors is influential toward a firm’s major business strategies. Since a firm’s strategies are based on its intent to deal with risks, the choice made by the firm may be able to represent its governance unit’s willingness to bear risks. Therefore, this paper examines to what extent a Taiwanese firm’s business-level strategy and corporate governance characteristics affect its level of tax avoidance. This paper finds that defender firms tend to engage in less tax avoidance than prospector firms, as demonstrated by higher book effective tax rates. This paper also finds that firms with higher voting power hold by the ultimate controlling owner within the board of directors and supervisors tend to have higher book effective tax rates, which suggests lower level of tax avoidance activities. On the contrast, those firms with directors, supervisors, and managers holding more share interests tend to have a lower book effective tax rate, which indicates the firm engages in more tax avoidance activities.

規避損失及賣方行為-以台北市住宅法拍市場之驗證 / Loss aversion and seller behavior --- Evidence from the prices of residential court auction house in Taipei city

李忠憲, Lee, David Unknown Date (has links)
國內外大部分的學者,探討法拍屋與市價的價差,存有極大的興趣,學者的文獻資料數量極為豐富。但對於從法拍市場取得後再出售的房地產價格效果,鮮少見有研究者著墨。更少的是有關存在於法拍市場與一般搜尋市場的兩次出售的價格比較研究。過去有關房地產的交易過程與成交價格關係的研究,不論是從法拍市場或一般搜尋市場取得後再出售的售價,部分的學者認為有受到定錨效應的影響有折價現象,而產生最後成交價的不同。傳統經濟學的假設,許多人以為「人是理性的」是必要的假設,其實是很大的誤解。事實上,傳統經濟學的模型在解釋經濟活動時,早已發現許多的「異常」現象。展望理論提出對傳統效率市場假說的批判,成功的將心理學導入經濟學領域,讓我們在解釋「異常」的現象時,多加上「人性」因素方面的考量,而使得解釋能力更為周延。本研究分析法拍屋拍定價格及一般搜尋市場投資者買入後再出售時價格比較。我們發現:在法拍市場與一般搜尋市場中,賣方訂定參考點存有不同的價差關係。這說明了,參考點存在於交昜過程中不同的時點,賣方依各個不同的參考點,在法拍市場與一般搜尋市場中決定最後的成交價。 / 研究結果發現,顯示在不同市場之法拍與一般搜尋市場中獲得房子,再出售之賣方訂定的各種參考點也存有顯著的差異性,在一般市場與法拍市場中均以最大可能成交價價差最為顯著。其次,研究同時發現在不同的市場景氣狀態中,賣方訂定參考點存有不同的價差關係,法拍與一般搜尋市場價格存有規避損失現象。賣方存有規避損失的訂價價格效果。深入訪談時發現,賣方出盈保虧的規避損失現象是一個十分普遍的現象。如果投資人對於已造成跌價損失的房地產不願輕易認賠脫手,表示投資人在有規避損失心態下,願意承擔風險,繼續持有該房地產。因此,在停損前,往往已下跌了相當的幅度;相反的,如果投資人對於已獲利的房地產很快的獲利了結,則表示停利前的上漲幅度有限,賣方為了得到正報酬,將依不同的參考點,調整不同的出售訂價。這個研究讓我們了解到「世事無絕對,視參考點而定」。參考點的選擇,對於我們的決策上會產生不同的結果。然而,面對參考點如此的多樣性,投資人於投資後,應避免只以購買價為決策參考點,以免造成損失。尤其在景氣低迷時期,在擬定銷售策略時,除了較難以改變區位條件外,應改變以價格為主要的行銷重點的方式,多提供買方相關外部資訊,滿足其需求,以縮短出售時的銷售期間。

馬來西亞留台僑生之教育歷程與「僑生」身分對其在台生命經驗之影響 / The education processes of ethnic chinese students from Malaysia and the impact of the “Overseas Chinese Student” Identity on Their Life Experiences in Taiwan

洪淑倫, Hung, Shu Lun Unknown Date (has links)
本研究一方面剖析馬來西亞僑生來台前的教育歷程以及他們選擇來台的原因,另一方面亦深入探討馬來西亞僑生群體內部之國籍異質性對其在台生活經驗及「僑生」身分認同上的影響。本研究採用質性研究方法進行研究,主要透過訪談法與參與觀察法,分別於台灣與馬來西亞地區蒐集田野資料。主要研究發現為: 一、國籍的差異建構了馬來西亞馬籍與台籍僑生個人與國家(馬來西亞、台灣)關係上的差異,以及來台前教育歷程上的歧異性。來台之馬來西亞僑生中,馬籍僑生多畢業於著重華文教學之獨立中學中體系,而台籍僑生主要來自海外台灣學校。在馬來西亞獨立中學與海外台灣學校就讀的學生面對的是迥異的學習環境與教材、隱藏性課程與參考團體,但在不同因素的考量及作用下,他們不約而同地選擇來台就讀大學,並成為「僑生」。不論是馬籍或台籍僑生,他們對於其所具有之「僑生」身份多是採接受但不認同的態度,不過原因不盡相同。 二、「僑生」身份在台灣社會特殊的歷史脈絡中已逐漸與原始意涵脫鉤,並累積了如學業程度不好、說中文有口音及升學制度中之既得利益者等負面標籤,讓「僑生」成為一個被污名之群體。馬來西亞籍僑生由於其成長及受教背景之故,較易具備外顯的僑生符號(如說中文有口音),容易被辨識為「僑生」,因而常需背負「僑生」所具有的污名。台灣籍僑生因為具有台灣國籍以及講中文沒有口音等,迥異於台灣民眾對於一般僑生之想像,而難以被辨識其「僑生」身分,或其僑生身分較難獲得他人認同而另給予「假僑生」的稱謂。 三、依據自身與情境的特質,馬籍與台籍僑生發展相關策略以避免因「僑生」身份而被污名化,包括諸多規避(passing)行為(如口音轉換、呈現在地之身分認同、避免參與僑生團體)以避免身分暴露、構成強凝聚力之僑生團體以獲取社會支持及建構群體認同等策略。另外,台籍僑生一方面由於不符合社會對「僑生」的刻版印象,另一方面也為避免承受「僑生」身份的污名,往往接受「假僑生」的稱謂,並視其為一「戲謔性」但不具污名的稱呼。 / This study alalyzes the the education processes of Malaysian overseas Chinese students and their reasonings for studying in Taiwan on the one hand, and explores how the difference in nationality (Malaysia vs. Taiwan) affect their life experiences in Taiwan and their attitudes toward the “overseas Chinese student” identity given by the Taiwanese society on the other. The study utilizes qualitative research methods and collects field data (mainly through participant observation and in-depth interviewing techniques) from Taiwan and Malaysia. The major findings are stated as follows: 1. Difference in nationality between Malaysian and Taiwanese Chinese students constructs the divergence in their relations with respective states (Taiwan and Malaysia) and eductation tracking processes prior to their study in Taiwan. Among ethnic Chinese students from Malaysia studying in Taiwan, Malaysian Chinese students mostly graduated from independent high schools while Taiwanese Chinese came from overseas Taiwanese schools. The distinctions in these two schooling systems in the academic melius, teaching materials, hidden curriculums, and reference groups shape the different reasonings to study in Taiwan. For various reasons, these students accept but not necessarily agree on the “overseas Chinese student” identity given by Taiwanese soceity upon their arrival in Taiwan. 2. Under the changing historical context, the identity of “overseas Chinese student” has gradually lost its originally denotation and even become a stigmatized label. Malaysian Chinese students tend to be more easily identified as “overseas Chinese students” due to their more salient outer attributes (such as accent) and thus more likely to be stigmatized. Taiwanese Chinese students (from Malaysia), due to their Taiwanese nationality and Taiwanese accent, are less likely to be seen as “overseas Chinese students.”Even if this identity is disclosed, such identity is often challenged by others because of the misfit with the stereotype of “overseas Chinese student” that exists in the Taiwanese society. As a result, Taiwanes Chinese students from Malaysia are often called “psudo overseas Chinese students.” 3. Both Malaysian and Taiwanese Chinese students from Malaysia develop various strategies to aviod or overcome the possible stigmatization brought by the identity of “overseas Chinese students,” including many “passing” techniques as well as forming proactive and powerful overseas student associations. For Taiwanese Chinese students from Malaysia specifically, they often playfully accept the seemly degrading and yet un-stigmatzied title of “psudo overseas Chinese students” as a way to avoid stigmatization embedded in the identity of “overseas Chinese students.”

企業避稅與政府持股 / Corporate tax avoidance and government shareholding

楊立晨 Unknown Date (has links)
本論文主要目的係探討政府持股與企業避稅間之關係。本文以2005年至2014年台灣公開發行以上公司為樣本,分析政府持股比例、代表政府董監事席次比例對租稅規避的影響,並檢視公股主導企業之避稅程度。 實證結果顯示,政府持股比例對企業避稅無顯著影響,然而,當代表政府的董監事席次比例愈高,企業會減少避稅行為。此外,研究結果亦指出公股主導之企業相對於家族企業,其避稅程度較低。進一步分析公股主導之企業和雙權偏離互動對企業避稅之影響。實證分析發現,當股份盈餘偏離程度愈大,公股主導之企業相對於家族企業,其避稅程度較高,隱含公股主導之企業會透過避稅行為將財富移轉至企業本身;反之,當席次盈餘偏離程度愈大,公股主導之企業相對於家族企業,其避稅程度較低,表示政府掌握董事會席次時,能有效監督企業遵循稅法規定,採用較保守的租稅政策。 / The purpose of this study is to examine the association between government shareholding and tax avoidance. This study uses the data of Taiwan public companies from 2005 to 2014 to analyze whether government shareholding percentage and the ratio of directors held by the government have impact on tax avoidance, and investigate the level of tax avoidance of government-controlled companies. The empirical results reveal that government shareholding does not significantly affect corporate tax avoidance. However, when the ratio of directors held by the government increases, companies would reduce the level of tax avoidance. In addition, the results also indicate that government-controlled companies are less tax avoidance compared with family-controlled companies. This study conducts further analysis on the influence of the interaction of government-controlled companies and the deviation between control rights and cash flow rights on tax avoidance. The results show that the higher the level of the deviation between voting rights and cash flow rights, the higher the level of tax avoidance of government-controlled companies than family-controlled companies. It implies that government-controlled companies might transfer fund to themselves through tax avoidance. On the contrary, when the deviation between the ratio of controlled board seats and cash flow rights increases, the government-controlled companies engage in less tax avoidance than family-controlled companies. It represents that when the board of directors is controlled by the government, it could effectively supervise the company to comply with tax regulations, and the company would adopt conservative tax strategies.

租稅規避之研究 / A study on tax avoidance

劉健右, Liu, Jian You Unknown Date (has links)
租稅規避是行為人採取稅法規範文義所不能涵蓋的法律形式,實現稅法所欲掌握的經濟狀態,藉以減輕或免除租稅負擔的行為,本質上屬於稅法規範目的與規範文義間的不一致,亦即法律漏洞的利用。 由於租稅規避在我國法上,欠缺類似德國租稅通則第42條的概括否認規定,有學者認為依據租稅法定原則,應禁止以類推適用或目的性限縮創設或加重人民的租稅負擔,因此除非有法律明文規定,否則不得否認規避行為的租稅效果。不過本文認為,雖然稅法條文是唯一可合理要求人民有所認識的對象,基於信賴保護原則,稅法原則上不得作不利於人民的類推適用,不過在租稅規避,由於行為人對於稅法漏洞的存在已有認識、具有主觀的規避意圖,其信賴不值得保護,應例外允許以類推適用否認規避行為的租稅效果。 多數見解認為租稅規避的構成,應以存在法律形成可能性的濫用為要件,少數見解則認為租稅規避的否認,即是稅法解釋與適用的問題,因此是否構成租稅規避,應回歸各稅法的規範目的,判斷其所欲掌握的經濟狀態是否實現,不以濫用為要件。本文認為,由於租稅規避的否認是稅法類推禁止原則的例外,為避免人民遭受不可預測的損害,租稅規避的否認,應以行為人客觀上採取不相當的法律形式,及主觀上具有規避意圖為要件。由於濫用或不相當的法律形式,屬於抽象、不明確的概念,因此在判斷是否構成租稅規避時,得以行為人是否具有值得注意的非租稅理由作為輔助。 雖然規避行為的租稅效果應予否認,不過規避行為是私法自治、契約自由原則的行使,本身不具可罰性;且稅捐稽徵法第41條的處罰,以作為犯為限,因此租稅規避僅限於行為人在稽徵機關調查事實時,有故意虛構或隱匿事實的情況,始得依稅捐稽徵法第41條的規定處罰。至於規避行為能否以各稅法有關漏稅罰的規定處罰,應視各稅法的處罰要件而定,不能一概而論。

國際貿易下之非信用狀交易實務與風險規避:從台灣出口廠商之角度探討 / International trade practice and risk aversion of Non-LC trading from the perspective of Taiwanese exporters

王威凱, Wang, Kevin Unknown Date (has links)
Taiwan, an island with outstanding economic miracle, has deeply depended on international trades to increase economic growth and national wealth. There are many successful companies, including listed enterprises and SME, manufacturing and marketing Made-in-Taiwan products all over the world through international trade and commerce. Therefore, undoubtedly the power international trade is one of our strength and plays a key role on stimulating economy as well as elevating the living standard of people. . To compete with other international exporters, Taiwanese exporters must provide not only products with good quality and reasonable price, but also offer competitive payment terms to further strive for new clients and strengthen individual competitiveness. This is a recent trend of International Trade. From the risk-free payment term, such as- T/T Advance to O/A 90 days after shipment, Taiwanese exporters suffered both political risk and credit risk. Not to mention cash flow risk and exchange rate risk that normally appears during transaction. Remembered financial crisis in 2007, market failed and malfunctioned at that time. As for corporate side, individual companies faced difficulties of continuously operation. Some even seriously went bankruptcy during that time. In this circumstance, Taiwanese exporters, even successfully won the orders, could not receive the payment on time from foreign buyers. Some of them may even suffered huge loss because of intentional disputes or buyer’s closedown. Therefore, it goes without saying that risk aversion is becoming an important issue for Taiwanese companies to survive. There would be three major financial tools being introduced for risk aversion with three case studies. Each of them has its special features and functions by different needs. How and why does Taiwanese exporter choose and leverage for risk aversion will be explained and discussed. The purpose of this paper is to find out the solutions for Taiwanese exporters to reduce risk of international trade as well as increase competitiveness in the foreign trade and grow the economy as contribution in the long run.

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