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警訊自白證據之評價 / The Evaluation of Confession to Police in Evidence Rule

潘信吉, HSIN-CHI PAN Unknown Date (has links)
本文分為六章,第一章就本研究題目的動機與方法等作一簡單之介紹,第二章就台灣警察制度之發展及警訊自白成因作一闡述,第三章就自白之證據能力與價值而為分析,第四章就最高法院之法律見解與實務偵查人員之實務應對問題做一探討,第五章針對陷入僵局之警詢自白尋求合法、可行之操作方式,第六章總結全文而為結論。 在自白理論之研究上,首先針對台灣警察制度之發展及被告自白之成因作一基礎之探討,以探究被告何以會違反人性自利之天性下而為自白,次就自白證據能力之問題,以我國刑事訴訟法第一百五十六條之不正訊問方法為中心而深究,至於如何確保被告自白之任意性方面,則分別由被告緘默權、律師權及全程錄影、錄音之保障做探討以為確保自白之可用性,最後再分析補強法則之沿革及理論基礎以補強自白證據價值。 在自白之實證分析上,經本文就最高法院有關警訊自白的證據爭議做統計,判決資料中高達76%的警訊自白遭質疑,其數字略與違反錄影、錄音之規定相當,突顯合法自白需錄影錄音以為擔保之強烈關聯性,且從實務偵查人員之問卷調查中得知,雖然多數人員都知道合法自白之程序規定,但仍強烈需要適度偵辦之空間,且已能認知不得強迫取供。 結論在強調白白雖具不可替代性,但在現今社會下,自白之取得更需遵循程序正義原則及維護被告人權,所以提出建議幾種自律方式以合法取得自白。 / This study consists of six chapters, the first of which introduces the research’s history, motivations and methods ; the second chapter explains the development of the Police System in Taiwan and the key factors of defendants’ confession to police; the third chapter analyzes the qualification and value of the evidence in confessions, the fourth chapter discusses the Supreme Court’s interpretation of confession law on the relative problems about the investigators’ response, the fifth chapter explores legal means and possible ways to the stalemate of confession; and the final chapter is a conclusion of the articles. The study, In the research of the theories of confession , first approaches the reasons of defendants’ acting contrary to humanity during police questioning as to confess from the basic research for the development of the Police System in Taiwan and the key factors of defendants’ confessions to police. Based on the National Criminal Law Proceedings §156, relative problems of the evidence qualification are discussed. As regards how to ensure the defendant’s voluntary confession, a study is made on the protection of defendant’s right to silence, right to counsel and to the picture or sound recording for offering testimony. Lastly, the supplemental rule theory is analyzed to reinforce the value of the evidence in confessions. In the statistical sampling of confessions in the Supreme Court’s judgments, more then 76% have been queried, which is approximately the same as the number of illegal picture or sound recording exhibiting the significant relation between recording and legal confessions for offering confession’s testimony although most investigators realize the legal process in criminal lawsuits and the illegality of extorting confessions, they, as the survey in this study shows, still require a certain extent of freedom in investigation. The conclusion of this article emphasizes on the must of confessions, however, in the current legal environment, obeying due process of law and maintaining human rights should be further considered in the process of obtaining confessions, therefore a proposal for calling the legal confessions is put forward.

論自白信用性之分析與審查標準-以江國慶案為例 / 無

陳先成 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究主要是陳述自白濫用之困境與解決途徑。過去法院在審理案件時,相當重視犯人的自白,然而過份強調自白容易違反無罪推定原則及公平法院原則,且易造成誤判。自白信用性應如何確定,一直是刑事法學及偵審實務上最具爭議且影響事實認定之重大的課題,但深入探討此議題的文獻有限。在台灣最著名的冤案之一就是江國慶案,其冤案成因,主要是法院與偵查機關過度依賴江國慶的自白,研究者為監察院調查官,於民國92年奉命調查此案,調查期間因案件需要,遂開始研究此議題。拉丁法諺明確說明「自白是證據之王」。過去常見使用非任意性自白作為裁判基礎,但對於如何獲取自白方式較不被重視,使用酷刑取得非任意性自白很常見。雖然現代社會使用拷問及酷刑方式取得非任意性自白並不多見,但法官與檢察官仍十分重視自白,因與其他證據相較,自白較容易勾畫犯罪事實之全貌,具有較優勢的地位。雖然自白之取得縱未經強暴、脅迫、利誘、詐欺或其他不正方法,然仍有許多案件顯示有虛偽自白情形。到底是何種原因產生虛偽自白,應該用何種分析方式與審查標準評價該自白,首先必須探討國家機關獲取自白之方式與過程對於犯罪嫌疑人心理影響,始能明瞭自白內容其實是偵訊者透過訊問與犯罪嫌疑人溝通互動之產物,存有偵訊者主觀的意念。因此,本研究之目的主要是藉由江國慶案件深入分析自白信用性,並訂定出審查標準。 本文引用日本有關自白信用性之學說、研究結果以及現行實務,配合我國實務現狀,再藉由江國慶案卷證,描繪自白信用性審查標準。江國慶案因受限軍事審判法規定,不得上述上訴最高法院審酌,其中有關江國慶自白部分具有相當疑義,包括自白之成立係在高壓偵訊環境中所生, 自白與證物不一致等。本案為密室偵訊之典型案例,其中雖自白任意性之爭議極大,但因任意性舉證極為困難,導致歷審軍事法院均三言兩語駁回被告有關任意性之調查證據之聲請,此即為自白任意性在實務操作最大的問題;就自白信用性部分,歷審法院認定方式較無標準,這也是我國實務上之通病。綜合文獻及實務,研究者認為在審查自白信用性的標準應包括:(1)自白成立過程 (2)自白內容變動之合理性 (3)體驗供述之陳述 (4)秘密的暴露 (5)自白與客觀證據之一致性 (6)可供證實之物證不存在與欠缺相關情況證據 (7)犯罪嫌疑人對犯行前後偵訊者以外之人言行與被告的辯解等7項標準。 希望藉由本研究所訂定之標準,提供從事司法實務者在審判審案件時有一清晰客觀的標準,以達成維護公共福祉與保障人權。 / The focus of this study was to describe the dilemma regarding the abusive use of confessions and its solution. In the past, a great emphasis has been placed in course on the confessions of the accused. However, an overemphasis on confessions may violate the principles of presumption of innocence and just court, resulting in miscarriage of justice. Determining the credibility of confessions has been one of the most controversial issues in the criminal law and in the investigation and trial practice. However, limited studies have explored on this issue. In Taiwan, one of the most well-known cases of injustice is the case of Chiang Kuo-Ching. The primary reason for the injustice was the over-reliance of the court and investigation agency on the confession of Chiang Kuo-Ching. As an inquisitor at the Control Yuan, the researcher was involved in the investigation of the case of Chiang Kuo-Ching in 2003. During the investigation, the researcher began a more in-depth study on the issue of abusive use of confessions. Latin law principles proclaim that “confession is the king of evidence”. Involuntary confessions have been commonly used in the past as a foundation for judicial judgment. However, the strategies for acquiring confessions were not stressed. Torture was used in the past for the acquisition of involuntary confessions, while it is not a current practice. Currently, judges and prosecutors greatly value confessions due to their greater capacity of providing an overall picture of the criminal facts, as compared to other strategies. In many cases, false confessions are commonly present. To understand the causes of false confessions and to develop standardized determining criteria for false confessions, it is critical to explore the psychological impacts of the processes and strategies of acquiring confessions on the criminal suspects. Such exploration will provide an understanding that a confession is the product of the interactive communications between the investigator and the suspect, involving the subjectivity of the investigator. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to analyze the credibility of confessions and to develop an evaluation criteria based on an analysis of the case of Chiang Kuo-Ching. A Japanese theory of credibility of confessions, research findings, current practice in Taiwan and the case of Chiang Kuo-Ching were used to develop credible evaluation criteria for confessions. Due to the restriction from the military trail law placed on the case of Chiang Kuo-Ching, appeal to the Supreme Court was not permitted. Several elements of the confession of Chiang Kuo-Ching were questionable, such as the highly stressful interrogation environment for the confession, and the inconsistency between the confession and evidences. The case of Chiang Kuo-Ching is a typical case of secret interrogation, which generates great controversial on the voluntary nature of confessions. Due to the difficulties in obtaining evidences for voluntary confessions, the requests to acquire evidence for voluntary confessions were denied by the military court. This is the greatest problem related to the practical operation of voluntary confessions. Currently, there are no standardized evaluation criteria to review the credibility of confessions, which has been a common issue in the practical judicial operation. Derived on the literature and practice experiences, the researcher proposed the application of seven criterions in the evaluation of the credibility of confessions: (1) process of acquiring confessions, (2) rationality of changes in the contents of confessions, (3) existence of criminal experiences, (4) exposure of secrets, (5) consistency between the confessions and objective evidences, (6) lack of evidence to proof the crime of the accused, and (7) the words and actions of the suspect toward the individuals other than the investigators before and after the crime, and the argument of the defendant. The finding of this study will provide an objective and standardized criteria for judicial practice for the purposes of protecting public welfare and human right.


陳昭龍 Unknown Date (has links)
首先說明,本文並不著重於法制史之研究。蓋刑事訴訟之動態發展,研究範圍仍應以我國現行刑事訴訟法之規定為主軸,其中我國實務呈現新舊見解交錯影響之狀況,相關的偵審歷史痕跡將於相關章節鋪述,並涉及我國歷年相關學說發展。 關於我國實務見解研究,著重於我國最高法院歷年來所做成的判例,並輔以2003年修法前後最高法院關於偵訊自白的判決、刑事庭決議,其中並納入相關的初級審、上訴審法院判決、座談會以及檢察署研究決議,比較分析我國實務界對於偵訊自白概念與判定證據能力的處理模式。之後並檢討我國實務見解產生的問題。 本文亦將分析我國學說對於偵訊自白的處理,尤其是學說判定偵訊自白證據能力的議題,嚴重受到實務見解「自白法則」之影響,導致偵訊自白的證據能力難以為有系統的說明。相較於此,本文擬從我國歷年修法之相關法制進行研究,並以德國、美國的現行法、判決實務、學說討論進行比較分析。其中在相關議題上,採擇歐陸法系典範的德國學說、實務論述、並及於近年我國刑事訴訟法修訂的法律繼受國美國及日本的學說與相關實務見解,部分並佐以筆者所知悉的歐洲人權法院判決。論述時尤著重於相關概念的說明,特別是在外國學說或實務引介時,探討其所所涵蓋之範圍,避免文義上之誤解 。


南迫, 葉月 23 March 2016 (has links)
京都大学 / 0048 / 新制・課程博士 / 博士(法学) / 甲第19454号 / 法博第188号 / 新制||法||154(附属図書館) / 32490 / 京都大学大学院法学研究科法政理論専攻 / (主査)教授 酒巻 匡, 教授 堀江 慎司, 教授 塩見 淳 / 学位規則第4条第1項該当 / Doctor of Laws / Kyoto University / DGAM

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