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臺指選擇權之SABR模型應用與中 國結構型商品評價與分析-以股權連結商品為例 / Analysis of The SABR Model and China Structured Notes康皓翔, Kang, Hao Hsiang Unknown Date (has links)
本篇論文分為兩個部份。第一部份驗證隨機波動度SABR 模型以臺灣證券交易所發行量加權股價指數選擇權為驗證產品所描繪出來的波動度微笑曲線,分析其特色與值得關注的地方。由於長期以來研究者所使用的Black模型評價選擇權公式無法衡量波動度風險;雖然局部波動度模型(Local Volatility Models)能描繪出波動度所形成的波動度微笑曲線(Volatility Smile),其動態走勢卻與標的資產價格相反,兩模型皆與真實情形不符,唯以SABR模型能順利的解決以上問題。
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選擇權造市者制度暨造市風險之研究-以台股指數選擇權為例 / Discussion of the Option Market Maker System and the Risks of Market Making吳建華, Aleck Wu, C. H. Unknown Date (has links)
本研究亦提出對於我國選擇權市場未來發展方向的關切,以及建議重視造市者利基與市場運作之關係,並提出未來與造市者相關之研究建議。 / Taiwan's financial market has been developing constructively into a globalization and multiplicity market within these years. To create a more completed financial market, Taiwan Futures Exchange (TAIFEX) will issue "the Taiwan stock index option" recently. As the complex and various features of the options trading, the option market will be successful and efficient through the market maker's economic functions, which are adding liquidity, increasing price efficiency, transferring risk and proving price information. This survey tried to compare the different functions of market maker system with TAIFEX, EUREX, SEHK and LEFFE, and to disclose the influence of the new market maker system on Taiwan's option market.
This exposure takes great interest in market maker's knowledge and technology. By summarizing and classifying the operation process cycle flow of market maker, this research further organizes an analytic structure in market maker's risks. Including the market making risks and the positions management risks, the discussion demonstrates the market change risk, pricing strategy risk, limitary quoting risk, market volatility risk, hedging risk, mechanism risk, and finance and operation risk.
The consequent also furnishes the concerns about the future development of Taiwan option market, emphasizing the importance of the relationship between market makers and market' benefit, and the suggestions to the further research. Read more
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資訊與金融市場論文兩篇 / Two essays on information and financial markets劉文謙, Liu, Wen Chien Unknown Date (has links)
本文使用臺指選擇權的日內資料來探討選擇權提前交易期間是否具有資訊內涵與價格發現的功能。就作者所知,我們是第一篇透過選擇權資料探討提前交易期間資訊內涵的研究。首先,我們分別透過價、量、與高階動差三類資訊變數指標來衡量提前交易期間的資訊內涵。實證結果顯示:選擇權提前交易期間不只能有效反映隔夜資訊 (公開資訊),且具有預測當日現貨指數開盤後5分鐘內股價指數移動的能力 (反應私有資訊),說明提前交易期間的確具有資訊內涵與價格發現的功能。此外,我們進一步發現價平選擇權包含最強的資訊內涵,此應與投資人尋求交易流動性最高的價平選擇權來迅速實現其利潤以反映其資訊有關。最後,本研究亦發現前一日海外市場 (美國) 投資人情緒傳染效果的強度會影響提前交易期間選擇權的資訊內涵,而前一日是否交易 (週末效果與假日效果)則不會影響此資訊內涵。 / 【第一篇論文英文摘要】
We investigate whether the spread of corporate debt contacts can be explained by their ultimate recovery rates. Using the actual realized recovery rates of defaulted debt instruments issued in the U.S. from 1962 to 2007, we find that recovery rate is reflected in the spread at issuance, and that this relationship has become more significant since commercial banks were allowed to underwrite corporate securities. Our further investigation indicates that the enhanced informativeness of recovery rate can be attributed to the lowering of information asymmetry of individual firms. Besides, the relation between the spread at issuance and the recovery rate is stronger for weak corporate governance and non-investment grade issuers. Our conclusions are found to be robust to endogeneity issues, potentially omitted variables and alternative model specifications.
This study uses tick-by-tick data to examine the information content and price discovery of TAIEX option trading during the pre-opening period. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first study that focuses on the options market. We construct three groups of information variables to measure the information content of the pre-opening period, including the price, volume, and high moment information variables. We find that option trading during the pre-opening period not only can reflect the overnight information (public information) but also predict the 5-minute intraday returns after the opening of spot market (private information), showing the information content and price discovery of option trading during the pre-opening period. We also find that at-the-money options contain the strongest richness of information content, which may result from its highest liquidity. Finally, we also find that the empirical results would be stronger depending on the intensity of investor sentiment from overseas (U.S. market) of last day but not the length of hours without trading (weekend and holiday effect). Read more
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