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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

人性裂變後的家族末路 : 論張愛玲獨特的親情書寫對家族的拆解 = Deteriorated human nature inducing to the family's terminal : Zhang Ailing's achieving of the families' disintergration by unique families' writings / Deteriorated human nature inducing to the family's terminal : Zhang Ailing's achieving of the families' disintergration by unique families' writings"

徐璐 January 2011 (has links)
University of Macau / Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities / Department of Chinese

陸機文心論 : 陸機作品的緣情解讀 / Study of Lu Chi's literary mind : interpretation of Emotion in Lu Chi's literary work

李翠蓮 January 2011 (has links)
University of Macau / Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities / Department of Chinese

"新序"文體研究 = A study of literary style of Xin Xu / Study of literary style of Xin Xu

羅璇 January 2011 (has links)
University of Macau / Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities / Department of Chinese

敦煌變文中三種句式研究 / Research on three sentence patterns in th Dunhuang Bianwen

高軍青 January 2011 (has links)
University of Macau / Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities / Department of Chinese

金庸武俠小說中《武》與《俠》的承繼與創新 = The inheritance and innovation of "wu" and "xia" in Jin Yong's novels

馮筱然, 01 January 2000 (has links)
No description available.

以推敲可能性模式探討影響評論幫助性之因素 / Factors Affecting Review Helpfulness : An Elaboration Likelihood Model Perspective

熊耿得, Hsiung, Keng-Te Unknown Date (has links)
在電子商務中,評論會影響消費者的購買決策,透過評論幫助性可以篩選出關鍵的評論,以利消費者進行決策。本研究以推敲可能性模式作為研究架構,透過文字探勘挖掘評論的文本特性來探討影響幫助性之要素,中央線索除了評論長度與可讀性外,利用LDA主題模型衡量評論主題廣度;周邊線索則是透過環狀情緒模型進行情感分析,並透過評論者排名來衡量來源可信度,利用亞馬遜商店中的資料進行驗證分析。結果發現,消費者在判斷評論幫助性時,會參考中央以及周邊線索。具備高論點品質的中央線索將有效提升評論幫助性;周邊線索整體而言,證實了社會中存在負向偏誤,具備喚起度的負向情感較容易提升評論幫助性,而評論是否被認為有幫助確實會受到評論者的排名所影響。進階分析結果顯示,周邊的情感效果會受到評論者排名高低的影響,前段評論者應保持中立避免帶有個人情緒;中段評論者的評論幫助性會隨著情緒喚起度而增加;後段評論者則需要增加自身的負向情感,才能夠對於評論幫助性有正向影響。 / Online reviews are important factors in consumers’ purchase decision. The helpfulness of reviews allows consumers to quickly identify useful reviews. The purpose of this study is to investigate the nature of online reviews that affect their helpfulness through the lens of the elaboration likelihood model. For the central cues, we adopt latent dirichlet allocation to measure review breadth in addition to review length and review readability. For the peripheral cues, we use the sentiment analysis based on the circumplex model to catch the emotion effect and use the ranking of the reviewers to measure the source credibility. We used a dataset collected from Amazon.com to evaluate our model. The result suggests that consumers focus both central and peripheral cues when they read reviews. Consumers care about the length, breadth and readability of reviews associated with the central route, and the emotional effects associated with the peripheral route. In the advanced research, we split our sample into 3 groups by their ranking of the reviewers. We found that the top reviewers should keep neutral and avoid personal feelings to make their reviews more helpful; the middle reviewers can use more arousal words to improve their review helpfulness; the bottom reviewers must increase their emotional valence strength, especially the negative emotion to higher the perceived review helpfulness.


李盈慧, Li, Ying-Hui Unknown Date (has links)
討論民國二十年九一八事變至民國二十六年七七事變期間輿論界對於中國政府處理中 日糾紛之反應,以東方雜誌、國聞週報、獨立評論三種刊物之言論來窺測一般民意之 趨向。 第一章緒論。說明撰寫本論文之動機、研究範圍與研究方法。 第二章三刊背景介紹。敘述三種刊物之創刊、主辦人及刊物之言論立場。 第三章三種刊物對九一八事變言論之分析。探討民國二十年東北九一八事變發生,至 民國廿一年國際聯盟李頓調查報告書發表後,三種刊物對於政府處理中日糾紛之意見 。 第四章三種刊物對一二八事變言論之分析。討論民國廿一年上海一二八事變發生後, 至上海停戰協定簽字期間,三種刊物對於政府對日政策之意見。 第五章三種刊物對華北危機期間言論之分析。探究民國廿二年熱河失守後,至民國廿 六年七七事變發生前,三種刊物對於政府對日政策之意見。 第六章結論。根據三、四、五章之言論分析,比較各時期不同刊物對政府對日政策之 態度,以及同一刊物在不同時期言論之轉變及其趨向,然後綜合說明輿論界之意見, 及其對政府政策之可能的影響力。

呂碧城及其 曉珠詞 研究 = A study of Lu Bicheng and Xiao Zhu Ci / Study of Lu Bicheng and Xiao Zhu Ci ;"Study of Lu Bicheng and Xiao Zhu Ci";"呂碧城及其曉珠詞研究"

陳少娟 January 2006 (has links)
University of Macau / Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities / Department of Chinese

梁披雲及其 雪廬詩稿 研究 = A study of Liang Pi-yun and his Xue Lu Shi Gao / Study of Liang Pi-yun and his Xue Lu Shi Gao ;"Study of Liang Pi-yun and his Xue Lu Shi Gao";"梁披雲及其雪廬詩稿研究"

鄭麗湘 January 2000 (has links)
University of Macau / Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities / Department of Chinese


許宗悳 January 1987 (has links)
University of Macau / Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities / Department of Chinese

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