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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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臺灣大學生透過電腦輔助軟體學習英語發音的研究 / A Passage to being understood and understanding others:

蔡碧華, Tsai, Pi Hua Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在調查電腦輔助英語發音學習軟體 「MyET」,對學習者在學習英語發音方面的影響。 利用電腦輔助英語發音學習軟體(CAPT),練習英語的類化效果,也列為調查重點之一。 此外,學生使用CAPT過程中遭遇的困難和挑戰,以及互動過程中發展出來的對策也一一加以探討。 本研究的目的是要把CAPT在英語聲韻教學的領域中做正確的定位,並且探討如何使用其他的中介工具(例如人類)來強化此類軟體的輔助學習效果。 參與本次研究的大學生一共有九十名,分為三組:兩組CAPT組(亦即實驗組,使用CAPT獨自或與同儕一起使用CAPT學習英語發音)、非CAPT組(控制組)一 組。每組三十名。實驗開始,所有學生以十週的時間練習朗讀 從「灰姑娘」(Cinderella) 摘錄的文字,此段文字由發行 MyET 的公司線上免費提供。 實驗前與實驗後,兩組的學生各接受一次測驗。 每週練習結束後,學生必須將學習心得記載於學習日誌上;教師也針對每個學生的學習心得給予指導回饋。 研究結果顯示,兩個CAPT組別(亦即使用CAPT發音學習軟體的組別)的學生在學習英語聲韻的過程中,都有明顯及正面的進步與改變。尤其是語調與速度快慢方面的進步遠勝於發音的進步。再者,實驗組學生以十週的時間利用CAPT學習英語後,在朗讀新的文字時,無論是發音或語調都有類化的效應,但是在速度快慢方面則無顯著進步。然而,實驗結果三組的發音表現,在量化統計上並未達到明顯的差異。 雖然如此,在質化的探究上,經過分析學生的學習心得後得知:所有組別當中,獨自使用CAPT學習英語發音的組別,最能夠自我審視語言學習歷程 (包括模仿和學習樂趣)。至於共同使用CAPT學習的學生自述在英語流暢度、語調及發音方面獲致最大的改善。控制組的學生因為沒有同儕的鷹架教學及回饋,也沒有 MyET提供的練習回饋,練習過程中,學生自述學習困難的頻率最高,學生也認為學習收穫很少。 參與本次研究實驗組的學生認為, CAPT提供練習回饋的機制設計有改進的空間。 有關本研究結果在理論及英語教學上的意涵以及研究限制,於結論當中一一提出加以討論。 關鍵字:電腦輔助語言教學,語音辨識軟體,超音段,語調,時長,學習策略, 中介 / This present study investigated the impact of computer-assisted pronunciation training (CAPT) software, i.e., MyET, on students’ learning of English pronunciation. The investigation foci included the generalization of the effect of practice with the CAPT system. Also examined are the difficulties and challenges reported by the students who employed the CAPT system and the strategy scheme they developed from their interaction with the system. This study aimed to position the role of the CAPT system in the arena of instruction on English pronunciation and to investigate how other kinds of mediation, such as that of peer support, could reinforce its efficacy. This study involved 90 Taiwanese college students, divided into two experimental groups and one control group. The two experimental groups practiced English pronunciation by using a computer-assisted pronunciation training (CAPT) program either independently or with peers while the control group only had access to MP3 files in their practice. All the groups practiced for ten weeks texts adopted from a play, Cinderella, provided by MyET free of charge on line. They all received a pretest and a posttest on the texts they had practiced and a novel text. Each week after their practice with the texts, the participants were asked to write down in their learning logs their reflections on the learning process in Chinese. In the same way, the instructor would provide her feedback on the students’ reflections in the logs every week. The results showed that the ten-week practice with the CAPT system resulted in significant and positive changes in the learning of English pronunciation of CAPT groups (i.e., the Self-Access CAPT Group and the Collaborative CAPT Group). The progress of the participants in intonation and timing was always higher than in segmental pronunciation. Moreover, the ten-week practice with the CAPT system was found to be generalized (though the generalization is less than mediocre) to the participants’ performance in the production of segmental pronunciation and intonation but not in the timing component in reading the novel text. However, the improvement of the CAPT groups was not great enough to differentiate themselves from the MP3 Group. Though the quantitative investigation did not reveal significant group differences, the qualitative analysis of the students’ reflections showed that the learning processes all the three groups went through differed. The Self-Access CAPT Group outperformed the other two groups in developing self-monitoring of language learning and production, and in enjoying working with the CAPT system/texts. Among the three groups, the Collaborative CAPT Group outscored the other two groups in reporting their gains and improvement in fluency, intonation and segmental pronunciation, as well as developing strategies to deal with their learning difficulty. Though the students in the MP3 group also made significant progress after the practice, without peers’ scaffolding and the feedback provided by MyET, they reported the highest frequency of difficulties and the least frequency of gains and strategies during the practice. The participants of this study also considered necessary the improvement of the CAPT system’s feedback design. At the end of the study theoretical and pedagogical implications as well as research limitations are presented. Key words: Computer-Assisted Language Learning (CALL), Automatic Speech Recognition System (ASRS), segmental pronunciation, prosody, intonation, timing, learning strategies, mediation

閩南語神經性構音障礙病患子音時長之聲學研究 / Consonant Duration in the Speech of Taiwanese Neurogenic Dysarthrics: An Acoustic Study

郭令育, Guo, Ling-Yu Hugo Unknown Date (has links)
本文旨在比較台灣閩南語常人、弛緩型(flaccid dysarthrics)、與痙攣型(spastic dysarthrics)神經性構音障礙病患子音絕對及相對音長之差異,並探討此病態語音在了解說話運動系統之特徵以及了解語言產製過程上可能的暗示。 結果顯示神經性構音障礙病患的子音絕對音長顯著長於常人受試者,但兩組病患延長的型態並不相同。首先,弛緩型病患子音音長顯著長於痙攣型病患;再者,以子音的帶音與否、發音位置、發音方法這三個向度來看,弛緩型病患之子音音長展現了全面性的延長,而痙攣型病患則產生了選擇性的延長,其子音之延長,大多集中在有聲子音上,這些差異乃因兩組病人病理狀況不同所致。 另一個結果則顯示,雖然神經性構音障礙病患,在子音音長呈現了延長的狀況,但在子音間相對音長次序上,仍保持到某種程度的完好,可是,子音雖保持一定的次序,但彼此間音長的差值及比值卻也發生了改變。而子音在音節中的所佔比例卻又和正常人無異。 因此,本文推斷,在常人子音的產製上,是要求精確的絕對音長,而且子音間音長亦要保持一定的相對關係;但若因病變致使說話者無法同時兼顧二者時,說話者會選擇犧牲絕對音長,而仍保持子音音長間的相互關係。這可能是語言產製與感知的一些經濟原則(principles of economy)互動所導致的結果。此外,構音障礙病患表就子音在音節中的相對時長這個向度上,和常人無異,這可能是語言文法與生理限制二項因素互動所致。 / This study aims (1) to investigate the absolute and relative timing of consonant duration in Taiwanese neurogenic dysarthric speech by means of acoustic measurements, (2) and to explore their implication on the characteristics of motor system and on the status of timing control in speech production. The results show that absolute consonant duration in flaccid and spastic dysarthric speech are significantly longer than that in normal controls. However, the "lengthening" phenomena display different patterns in flaccid and spastic groups. First, for the patients with the same degree of muscular dysfunction, the flaccid dysarthrics lengthen the consonant duration significantly greater than the spastic ones do. Second, whereas absolute consonant duration in flaccid group shows overall lengthening regardless of voicing state, stricture type, and place of articulation, that in spastic group displays selective lengthening. Besides, though the absolute consonant duration is lengthened in dysarthric speech, the durational opposition between consonants is more or less distinct. However, only the durational ranking between consonants (external timing relation) is maintained in dysarthric, but the durational distance or ratio between consonants (internal timing relation) is modified. Relative timing of consonant duration, that is, the consonant-to-syllable ratio (cs-ratio) within a syllable remains intact in dysarthric speech even though the segmental duration is lengthened. Lengthened absolute consonant duration in dysarthric speech is accounted for by the neurological deficits and compensatory effects. Longer absolute consonant duration in flaccid than in spastic speech is attributed to slowness and weakness without spasticity of speech musculature in flaccid dysarthria. Overall lengthening of consonant duration in flaccid group results from the entirely-impaired cranial nerves innervating speech musculature, whereas selective lengthening of consonant in spastic group is ascribed to spasticity and the selective pattern as well as directionality of neuromuscular impairments in spastic dysarthria. The reserved durational ranking between consonants in dysarthric speech may result from the compromise of principles of economy in speech production and perception. The normal-like CS-ratios in dysarthric speech stem from the interaction between biological constraints and the grammar of a language. Based on the data collected from dysarthric speech, this study discusses the temporal variance as well as invariance in speech motor system and the status of timing in the grammar of a language. The importance of principles of economy in speech production and perception is also indicated.

從新公共服務觀點探討我國電信普及服務制度之研究 / A Study on Universal Telecommunications Service in The View of The New Public Service

蔡炳煌 Unknown Date (has links)
隨著電信自由化發展,我國電信市場已由公營獨佔變為競爭的局面,但高山、離島或偏遠地區,由於營收偏低或建設費用較高,電信業者在一般商業條件下,較無經營意願,極易造成偏遠地區通信建設落後及數位落差;即使業者正常經營,勢必大幅提高電信服務費用。如此,必然影響該偏遠地區之國民基本通信權益,故須輔以「電信普及服務制度」的政策,以照顧偏遠地區的弱勢族群。 我國電信普及服務制度自2001年6月實施迄今已屆5 年,本研究將從電信普及服務制度之理論基礎研析開始,以新公共服務之觀點針對我國電信普及服務制度提出探討研析,並經由文獻分析、參與觀察及深度訪談等研究方法,評估近年來我國電信普及服務之實施成效及衍生之相關問題,而進行理論及實務的分析和探討。 最後,針對我國電信普及服務制度之綜合研析,以作者的認知,試圖拋磚引玉,提出以下政策建議,以期使我國電信普及服務制度更趨完善周延,並作為我國電信普及服務制度未來規劃方向之參考: 一、 電信普及服務制度 應為我國電信自由化過程中,追求「效率與公平」的配套機制。 二、 以新公共服務觀點,電信普及服務應是政府及業者共同應該分攤的責任。 三、 電信普及服務之合理分攤原則,應以提供「電信服務」所創造的「公共利益」為共享主體,不宜將早期屬國營公司之海岸電台通信、教育推廣數據及社會福利補助等業務納入。 四、 歷年電信普及服務的實施成果及實施計畫之查核機制,僅有例行性的服務品質查核與成本稽核機制,未來應有更積極周延的獎勵誘因及激勵措施。 五、 檢討電信普及服務的實施範圍,應避免衝擊過大,宜採漸進方式調整為宜。 (一)不經濟公用電話宜採限縮於偏遠地區。 (二)應排除海岸電臺船舶遇險及安全通信服務為普及服務提供範圍,而改由政府部門編列預算負責推動。 (三)全國中小學校、公立圖書館之數據通信普及服務,宜採漸進方式限縮於偏遠地區。 (四)提高偏遠地區電信數據普及服務補助金額比例,初期可以寬頻未達之偏遠地區村里作為建設試辦點。 六、 應整合政府各單位有效資源,以建立更公平周延的電信普及服務制度。

母語音韻覺識在英文拼字與讀字上所扮演的角色 / The Role of L1 Phonological Awareness in English Word Spelling and Reading

詹益智, Chan, I-Chih Unknown Date (has links)
傳統上認為以中文為母語的孩童並不具有「音位覺識能力」(phonemic awareness),本研究以實驗方式直接測量以中文為母語孩童的「音位覺識能力」,同時探討孩童「音位覺識能力」及「聲母—韻母覺識能力」(onset-rime awareness) 在英文拼字與讀字上所扮演的角色。在本研究中,一百九十二位國小四年級的孩童參與二項「母語音韻覺識測驗」,包括「聲母/韻母異音測驗」(onset/rime oddity test) 和「韻腹/韻尾異音測驗」(nucleus/coda oddity test)。根據上述二項測驗的成績,將孩童分為三組:第一組孩童(共29人),其「聲母—韻母覺識能力」和「音位覺識能力」皆佳;第二組孩童(共29人),其「聲母—韻母覺識能力」佳,但「音位覺識能力」差;第三組孩童(共26人),其「聲母—韻母覺識能力」和「音位覺識能力」皆差。我們接著利用「拼英文假字測驗」和「讀英文假字測驗」來測量三組孩童的英文拼字與讀字的能力,在施測之前,孩童們有八次的機會學會「拼字」與「讀字」兩項測驗所需具備的「字音對應規則」。結果顯示,雖然孩童的「音位覺識能力」在程度上有所不同,但以中文為母語的孩童已具備「音位覺識能力」。此外,在考慮了孩童們「記憶廣度」(digit span)與「英文聽話字彙」 (English receptive vocabulary)的差異後,「聲母—韻母覺識能力」和「音位覺識能力」皆佳的孩童,在拼字的表現上優於「聲母—韻母覺識能力」佳,但「音位覺識能力」差的孩童來,接著「聲母—韻母覺識能力」佳,但「音位覺識能力」差的孩童的拼字表現優於「聲母—韻母覺識能力」和「音位覺識能力」皆差的孩童。最後,「音位覺識能力」佳的的孩童,在讀字的表現上優於「音位覺識能力」差的的孩童,此外,並無證據顯示「聲母—韻母覺識能力」在孩童的讀字能力上扮演著重要的角色。整體而言,本研究的結果支持其他研究的看法,這些研究認為以中文為母語的孩童在母語習得過程中所發展出來的「音韻覺識能力」對於其英文拼字與讀字的能力上有著一定的貢獻,此外,本研究更進一步顯示,這種貢獻會隨著「音韻覺識」程度的不同而有所改變。 / It has been conventionally assumed that Chinese-speaking children do not have phonemic awareness. In this study, Chinese-speaking children’s phonemic awareness was empirically tested and its role, relative to onset-rime awareness, in the acquisition of English spelling and reading abilities was examined. Two L1 phonological awareness tests (i.e., an onset/rime oddity test and a nucleus/coda oddity test) were administered to a total of 192 Chinese-speaking fourth-graders. The children were selected and categorized based on their performances on the two L1 phonological awareness tests: 29 children with good onset-rime awareness and good phonemic awareness, 29 children with good onset-rime awareness but poor phonemic awareness, and 26 children with poor onset-rime awareness and poor phonemic awareness. The three groups of children were then tested on their abilities to spell and read English pseudowords. Before taking the English pseudoword spelling and reading tasks, the children were provided with eight opportunities to master the requisite letter-sound knowledge for the success in spelling and reading the pseudowords. The results showed that Chinese-speaking children demonstrated phonological awareness at the phonemic level, though varying in degree. Considered along with individual differences in digit span and English receptive vocabulary, children with better phonological awareness at both the onset-rime level and the phonemic level performed better in English pseudoword spelling than children with better onset-rime awareness but poorer phonemic awareness, who in turn, performed better than children with poorer phonological awareness at both levels. Finally, children with better phonemic awareness outperformed the other two groups of children with poorer phonemic awareness in pseudoword reading. Onset-rime awareness did not seem to play a significant role in pseudoword reading. These results support and extend other studies suggesting that the acquisition of English spelling and reading abilities in Chinese-speaking children benefits from the phonological awareness obtained during the course of first language acquisition and that the beneficial effect varies with the levels of phonological awareness.


蔡欣惠, Tsai, Hsin-huei Unknown Date (has links)
當您看到此份研究計畫書時,五分鐘內可能您的e-mail郵箱已湧進二十封垃圾郵件(通稱SPAM)。據Ferris Research指出,社會花費在圍堵垃圾郵件的成本開銷上一年高達一百億美元。而根據聯合國國際電信聯盟(International Telecommunication Union,ITU)統計, Spam每年更浪費全球各國250億美元。這個驚人的數據傳達出一個訊息:對多數人而言-聽到「You've Got Mail!」,已經不再是令人愉悅的聲音了。Spamhaus的調查報告顯示 ,台灣及HINET一直是垃圾郵件主要輸出來源,過去AOL曾封鎖由HINET 寄送的郵件,一度造成台灣HINET使用者相當大的困擾。隨著數位匯流(Digital Convergence)時代的來臨,除了Email Spam外,電話行銷、Mobile Spam、SMS簡訊SPAM及VoIP都是數位匯流時代下垃圾郵件客攻掠的戰場,而我國行政院所草擬之「濫發商業電子郵件管理條例」草案明文只規範垃圾「郵件」問題,而未及其它垃圾訊息,法律若未對此議題及早規範,可能草案還沒出立法院大門就已經被時代淘汰。 因此,本文欲針對數位時代下可能興起之垃圾訊息型態作全面性的檢討,以建構一更為完善的垃圾訊息法制已未雨綢繆。本文之研究方法如下: 第一,針對美國之垃圾訊息法制的內容與立法背景,進行比較法研究。台灣的濫發商業電子郵件管制條例草案,內容主要係參考美國法,但在若干立法例仍有所不同,例如於是否需要標示主旨欄(Subject Line Labeling)則有不同選擇。對此,筆者曾於在律師雜誌發表對美國聯邦貿易委員會(FTC)研究報告反對強制行銷業者寄送廣告信必需標示主旨欄的不同意見,且建議台灣的「濫發商業電子郵件管制條例」草案做相反規定 。此外,在處罰對象及門檻之設計亦大相逕庭,例如沒有刑罰規定。而在於規制主體上,我國草案的內容明文只限於垃圾『郵件』之規範,對於日益惡化的的新型態未經邀約的商業訊息,像是透過無線傳輸設備或是行動設備所接收的未經邀約之商業訊息等,草案並無法可管。因此,本文並將針對垃圾電子郵件以外的其它新興垃圾訊息法制進行說明與分析,以供未來立法及執法的參考。 再者,本文將藉由國內外的實務案例研究了解法律實際操作情況。因為台灣法律目尚前無法處理垃圾郵件這個新興法律問題,導致檢察官無法可用,之後通過草案亦可能會面臨到法律不足的問題,因此實有必要針對實際案例操作深入了解。 第三,本文擬就我國之「濫發商業電子郵件管理條例草案」內容進行通盤檢討,提出更符合數位匯流時代之法制架構,以更有效防堵垃圾訊息。美國史丹佛教授Dr. Dan Boneh在「the Difficulties of Tracing Spam Email」 一文中提及垃圾郵件客技術日新月異,防不勝防。可預見SPAM這個議題將隨著科技演進而日益嚴重。隨著數位匯流(Digital Convergence)時代的來臨,除了垃圾郵件外,電話行銷、行動簡訊(Mobile Spam)、簡短訊息服務SMS 及網路語音(Voice over Internet Protocal)、多媒體圖片訊息(MMS)都是數位匯流時代下垃圾郵件客攻掠的戰場,實有必要針對此些新興類型之Spam進行防範。 / Within the five minutes it takes for you to read this essay, your e-mail box may have already received 20 spam mails. Ferris Research has pointed out that the costs incurred to society in blocking spam has reached US$10 billion per year. And according to International Telecommunication Union (ITU), the annual global cost of spam is US$2.5 billion. These startling figures convey a bit of information: for most people, the message “You’ve got mail!” is no longer welcome.. Based on a survey conducted by Spamhaus, Taiwan is a leading source of spam messages. AOL once blocked all e-mail messages coming from Hinet, which at one blow caused huge difficulties for Taiwanese Internet users. With the coming of the Digital Convergence era, besides e-mail spam, new forms are emerging such as mobile spam, telemarketing calls, SMS messaging spam, and VoIP spam. The Digital Convergence era will provide all kinds of opportunities for spammers to attack. However, Taiwan’s draft Anti-UCE Act addresses only e-mail spam. If the law does not address the broader issue early on, it may be outmoded even before it is passed. The US remains the main source of reference for Taiwan in the area of technology law. Long ago, before the US enacted the “Can-Spam Act,” there was “Shiksaa.” I would like to do in-depth research on American cyber and technology law so I can develop a suitable legal solution to Taiwan’s very serious UCE problem, to reduce the losses to society and to business productivity that are caused by spam, to eliminate Taiwan’s bad reputation for being a main spam exporter, and to spur e-commerce development. My research project would be as follows. 1. To examine the inner traits of various SPAM regulation and do interdisciplinary research 2. Deploy case-based and comparative law study to gather practical material 3. Combine the research results from technology and law to contribute to the ultimate resolution of SPAM.

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