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解析設置變電所鄰避情結之研究 / An analysis of NIMBY on constructing electric power substation黃世昌 Unknown Date (has links)
變電所為都市計畫法第四十六條所列公共設施之一,從發電廠輸出高壓電力,經由變電所轉換逐漸降低電壓,供應工廠生產與民眾生活的電力需求,惟變電所設置區位引發鄰近民眾對其身體不適之疑慮造成心理恐懼以致產生鄰避情結。變電所對於民眾而言,係屬極力排斥之公共設施,進而反對在我家後院設置(Not In My Back Yard;簡稱NIMBY);由於變電所具有鄰避性質的公共設施,肇始民眾意識高漲並勇於爭取自身權利,認為其將使自身權益受損及影響環保顧慮,故經常成為被抗爭之對象,因此在設置過程中,面臨相當大的阻力,增加台電之外部成本。是以,本研究參酌民眾參與概念,分析民眾可接受變電所設置之態度與方式,進而研擬化解鄰避情結之措施。
本研究從民眾立場,架構變電所設置產生鄰避情結問題之改善措施,歸納如下:1.儘早執行民眾參與的過程且資訊應求公開透明。2.揭露變電所設置所有相關資料,讓民眾感受到台電面對問題、解決問題的誠意。3.建立回饋與維護設施安全等措施,避免讓被設置的社區民眾單獨面對變電所設施衍生外部性。4.適時修改阻礙民眾參與之相關法令,深知民眾參與是建設基礎並非絆腳石。本研究研擬各項改善措施與精進事項,提供台電及相關單位作為改善設置變電所造成鄰避情結問題參考,透過民眾參與理念,建構以民眾為主體的參與行動,期盼將「鄰避情結」轉化為「迎臂效應,Yes In My Back Yard」,藉以轉化台電因變電所設置造成與民眾間衝突局面之紓解。
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民眾對變電所用地多目標使用認知之研究-以大安超高壓變電所為例 / The study of residents' perception of multi-use for substation-Da'an extra high voltage substation as case study詹翔諭, Chan, Hsiang Yu Unknown Date (has links)
本研究關注於民眾面對台電公司興建多目標變電所的認知與行動,以社會資本理論及社會認知理論為立論基礎,選取台電公司興建中「大安超高壓變電所多目標使用大樓」為研究案例,擇其周遭一定鄰里範圍,透過問卷調查及因素分析,萃取出民眾對於多目標變電所開發案採取行動意願的影響因素為:社會網絡、信任關係、多目標使用社會認知及反對行動等四個潛在變數,後續再利用結構方程模式驗證潛在變數之間的影響關係模式,實證結果發現社會網絡對於信任關係有正向影響,信任關係對於多目標使用社會認知亦為正向影響,而多目標使用社會認知對於反對行動則為反向的影響關係。 / The substation is the switching station of electric power, the function of which is to reduce the voltage and distribute power. If the substation capacity is insufficient for the regional power demand, there is a risk of limitation of the power supply or even power failure. However, due to the fact that a substation affects the surrounding environmental landscape and has a negative effect on real estate value, added to the fact that the public has doubts over the use of electromagnetic fields as they are harmful to public safety and health, the public are generally unwilling to agree to a substation being built near their house or even actively protest it. While the planning of multi-use for substation land is designed to reduce the negative impact of a traditional outdoor substation, improve the stereotype of the substation as a NIMBY facility to the public, and expect to smoothly promote substation construction work, to respond to the increasing demand for electric power, the attitude and standpoint of the public to the multi-use substation construction still depends on the cognition of multi-use for substation land.
This study focuses on the cognition and action of the public facing the multi-use substation construction of Taipower, social capital theory and social cognitive theory as the theoretical foundation. It also uses “Da'an Extra High Voltage Multi-use Substation” of Taipower under construction as the study case, and through the adoption of a questionnaire survey within a certain neighborhood range and factor analysis, extracts the action-willing influence factors of the public to the multi-use substation development case. The four latent variables of the social network, trust relationship, social cognition of multi-use for substation land, and opposing action, and then uses the structural equation model to verify the influence relation mode of latent variables. The empirical result shows social networks have a positive influence on the trust relationship, and the trust relationship also has a positive influence on the social cognition of multi-use for substation land. However, social cognition of multi-use for substation land has a negative influence on opposing action.
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何處是我家?—變電所選址之研究 / The study of substation siting黃宇賢, Huang, Yu Hsien Unknown Date (has links)
規劃部門、電力公司與民眾能否「共同面對」變電所選址在規劃方式、民眾抗爭、風險分配等三方面的困境,尋求變電所土地使用管制內容再定位並融合民眾參與機制(儘管民眾參與並非萬能),使變電所選址過程掙脫規劃方式的枷鎖,將是降低變電所選址抗爭且形成風險分配共識的必要方向,也才是風險社會中變電所選址的最佳出路。 / The primary function of a substation is to expel the darkness and usher in light. However, it is usually classified as NIMBY facilities and not welcomed by public.
People are constantly worried and even feared by nearby substations, although there is neither scientific evidence to prove that substations are harmful nor directly caused any disease. Moreover, substation siting procedure is less transparent and lack of participatory mechanisms during the planning stage, resulting in protests against substation during the siting process.
Modern society is full of risks as described by German sociologist Dr. Ulrich Beck in “Risk society.” Risks are around us all the times, regardless of class or wealth. It creates silent and invisible fears. Modern high-tech life style provides convenience but technology also brings unprecedented new risks - technological risks. Since technological risk is an important issue and it can affect anyone in modern society, this article will discuss the risks involved by deconstructing the substation siting procedure.
The existing substation siting models are based on the designation of urban plan and the results of power load forecast; the land-use projects of substation are depended on the content of multi-objective land-use. The rigidity of zoning and the uncertainty of power load forecast results plight in substation siting procedure at three situations: approach to planning, public protests and risk allocation, also makes substation siting much difficult.
Although public participation is not the magic bullet, substation siting zoning restriction can be unlocked by combining public participation with land use re-position. The best approach to prevent protest against substation siting process and reach consensus in risk distribution is to have planning departments, power companies and the community seeking solution together.
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