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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

高級中學輔導工作評鑑指標之研究 / A study on the evaluation indicators of school guidance for senior high school

林劭仁, Lin, Shaw Ren Unknown Date (has links)
基於教育指標在評鑑工作上科學化及客觀化的特性,本研究的目的旨在透過因素分析法建立我國高級中學輔導工作評鑑指標及其權重,並以此解決語意化指標納入指標系統的困難。據此,本研究以自編之「高級中學輔導工作評鑑指標研究問卷」為工具,並以台灣省及台北市公私立高級中學之校長及輔導教師為研究對象。首先進行高級中學輔導評鑑指標之重要性及一致性分析,再以因素分析建立輔導評鑑指標及其權重,其結果如下:   (一)高級中學校長及輔導教師普遍認為「輔導教師的人格特質」是評鑑輔導工作時的最重要指標。其次為「校長對輔導工作的支持程度」、「輔導教師受專業輔導知能訓練合格程度」,可知輔導工作相關人員的素養及投入在評鑑輔導工作時所佔的重要程度。   (二)校長和輔導教師普遍認為輔導工作委員會的存在及運作不適合當作輔導評鑑的指標。顯示出現行高中輔導工作委員會的運作成效及存在受到較多的質疑和討論,面臨較多的改革呼聲。   (三)重要性較高的評鑑指標,其一致性也較高(標準差較小)。代表此些重要的評鑑指標普遍受到校長及輔導教師兩類團體的重視。而觀察較不重要的指標也發現,其不一致性,即爭議性也通常較高。   (四)在校長和輔導教師中,「輔導教師授課時數之多寡」是否適合做為輔導評鑑的指標普遍造成較大的爭議。贊成輔導教師應授課者多認為輔導教師必須多接近學生,才能瞭解學生;而反對者則認為以現有的輔導教師人力上尚嫌不足,授課會減少推行輔導工作的時間,加重輔導教師的工作壓力。   (五)經過因素分析的結果,本研究共抽取出11個輔導評鑑指標。經整理刪除貢獻量低的題項後,將11類指標評鑑指標再度進行二階因素分析,以此計算出輔導評鑑綜合指標及其權重值。   本研究即根據上述研究結果,分別對未來研究和輔導工作推展及評鑑上提出建議,以供後續研究之參考。 / The purpose of this study is to explore evaluation indicators of guidance for senior high school in Taiwan, and also to compared the principals' and the school consultants' opinions in the importance of evaluation indicators. Furthermore, the weights of evaluation indicators of guidance are computed.

國中輔導教師與專任專業輔導人員跨專業合作經驗探討-以新北市北區為例 / The experience of trans-disciplinary cooperation among the professions of guidance teachers, school counselors, and social workers in junior high school

陳思瑜, Chen, Sz Yu Unknown Date (has links)
「國民小學國民中學及直轄市縣(市)政府置專任專業輔導人員辦法」於民國100年頒布,希望透過專任專業輔導人員的進駐,提供青少年與學校輔導工作更專業的協助,期盼學校中的三級輔導能夠更加健全。本研究旨在探討國中輔導教師與專任專業輔導人員(含學校心理師及學校社工師)的跨專業合作經驗、了解專任專業輔導人員加入學校輔導工作團隊後的影響為何?輔導教師對於專任專業輔導人員的期待為何?   本研究以質性研究的方式,以目前服務於新北市北區國中之輔導教師(包含輔導室行政人員、兼任輔導教師及專任輔導教師)為研究對象,進行一對一半結構深度訪談,共訪談六位。以主題分析法進行歸納、統整所蒐集的訪談資料,將實務工作現場所呈現之資料建構出歸納式結論。   本研究結果發現如下: 一、跨專業合作現況: (一)輔導教師與專任專業輔導人員合作內容包含直接服務與間接服務。(二)輔導教師與不同專業合作有不同的合作方式。(三)各專業在合作中有不同角色。(四)輔導教師、學校心理師及學校社工師三方共同合作機會少 二、跨專業合作對學校輔導工作的幫助: (一) 與專任專業輔導人員合作帶來的幫助:(1)加快處遇、(2)與個案晤談更深入、(3)促進與家長的合作、(4)減輕輔導教師負擔、(5)提供不同觀點。(二)與學校心理師合作帶來的幫助:(1)提升專業信任、(2)跳脫學校教育的角度與個案工作。(三)與學校社工師合作帶來的幫助:(1)整合資源、(2)更清楚法規上的規定。 三、對跨專業合作的期待: (一)對專任專業輔導人員的期待:(1)專任專業輔導人員對學校需求的瞭解、(2)專任專業輔導人員提供穩定校內督導、(3)專任專業輔導人員可協助增強初級預防。(二)對制度的期待:(1)補足目前應有人力、(2)增置校內專任專業輔導人員。 / In 2011, Taiwan Government draw up the regulations for elementary school and junior high school to having the professions of school counselors and social workers. With the new regulations, the professions of school counselors and social workers are expected to improve the profession and quality of school guidance networks. The purpose of this study was to explore the experience of trans-disciplinary cooperation among the professions of guidance teachers, school counselors, and social workers in junior high school. This study also wanted to know were there any impact brought in when the professions got into school guidance teams and know the expectation of guidance teachers. This study used semi-structured interviews to collect data from 6 guidance teachers (including managers and teachers) who work in junior high school in North Dist of New Taipei City. Thematic Analysis is adopted to transcribe, analyze and code all recordings. The main findings of this study were as follows: 1. The situation of trans-disciplinary cooperation: The cooperation contents include direct service and indirect service. When working with different profession guidance teachers have different mode. In trans-disciplinary cooperation processes all of the professions have their own roles. However the chance of trans-disciplinary cooperation among the professions of guidance teachers, school counselors, and social workers is less common. 2. The assistance of trans-disciplinary cooperation: The school counselors and social workers could accelerate treatments, deeply work with clients, promote the cooperation with parents, release guidance teachers’ pressure, and provide different views. The school counselors could upgrade trust of profession and use another role working in the school. The school social workers could integrate the resources and they know more about the laws. 3. The expectation to trans-disciplinary cooperation: The guidance teachers expect that the school counselors and social workers could know more about junior high school, provide stable supervision in school, and help primary prevention. From a policy perspective, the guidance teachers expect that the government could fill the vacancy and recruit full time school counselors and social workers in junior high school.

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