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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

資料採礦於食品進口商經營績效之研究 / Appling data mining to food importers and trading performance

陳上甫 Unknown Date (has links)
由於台灣特殊的地理環境因素,大眾化的消費性農產品進口已成為一種規模經濟市場,在隨著台灣加入世界貿易組織(WTO),且各國政府在競相努力下,台灣農產品的進口限制逐漸放寬,使得越來越多業者積極投入競爭的行列,在這樣的競爭市場環境下,產品於地域上的銷售與品牌行銷的市佔率及通路的分佈滲透,將成為公司經營績效的表現,也是公司於市場長期競爭優勢的重要關鍵。 本研究透過個案公司五年期間的銷售資料,主要目的在於分析個案公司於五年中的經營績效,將於第四章實證分析中利用趨勢圖找到北、中、南經營績效的變化、品牌間經營績效的變化、通路間經營績效的變化,並利用交叉表的分析來討論變項間銷售金額、產品銷售獲利及毛利率是否有差異,並藉由三因子變異數分析,來檢定變項對於銷售金額、產品銷售獲利及毛利率是否有顯著差異,並檢測變項間的交互作用是否對於銷售金額、產品銷售獲利及毛利率是否有顯著差異,最後利用RFM分析找出五年來對於個案公司貢獻度最高以及可以長期培養之顧客,及改善維持客戶之關係。


王建裕 Unknown Date (has links)
在現今非常兢爭的資訊產業中 , 由於產品不斷的推陳出新 , 縮短了新產品的生命週期 , 除了提高產品品質及降低生產成本外 , 如何將產品透過有效的銷售管道 , 迅速的佔有市場 , 成為各個資訊產品供應商在有限的成長市場環境中 , 極為重要的一環 。敝人任職於資訊產品供應商多年 , 深深感受到銷售管道對於供應商之重要性 , 因此在本研究中 , 針對供應商和配銷商間的資訊管理機制 , 做一深入的探討 , 期望藉由研究結果 , 規劃及改善出一套有效及迅速的配銷商管理資訊系統 , 以促使在如此微利時代的資訊產業中突破逆境持續成長。 / On the competition edge of IT industry, innovation and emerging technologies lead to an increasingly shorter product life cycle. Besides product quality improvement and cost rationalization, effective management on market channels to increase market-shares becomes significantly crucial for IT-product suppliers to survive in such a rapid-changing, low profit-margin business environment. This research thus aims at finding the way for effective handling on the IT-product market-channels. This paper describes at first the market situation regarding IT products. Thereafter, we than elaborate the importance of the sales-channel, in particular of wholesales, to the suppliers. An analysis on the case of a large-scale international corporation is then presented, where by we study the behavior and information management among wholesalers and the firms. Last but not least, the study results in improving information management for more efficient and effective distribution and sales of IT-Products.


于正平, YU, ZHENG-PING Unknown Date (has links)
本論文共一冊,約五萬字,分為四章十四節。第一章為緒論,第二章為文獻探討,第 三章為模式的建立與分析,第四章為結論與建議。 本模式考慮一個風險中立且追求最大利益的證券發行公司,在資訊不對稱的情況下( 即投資銀行擁有較發行公司為多的市場資訊),是否應授權給投資銀行進行訂價與配 銷的工作。由於投資銀行擁有較佳的市場資訊,因此本模式假設由投資銀行訂價,但 後續的配銷工作應由發行公司或投資銀行進行,則視訂價與配銷二階段間的關係而定 。若二者為零相關,則無論由誰配銷,發行公司的利益皆不受影響;若為正相關,則 由發行公司配銷較有利;若為負相關且相關係數很小,則由投資銀行配銷較有利。

現金增資不同承銷配售方式之股價反應差異 / Stock price response to seasoned equity offerings - the difference of two firm-commitment underwriting procedures in Taiwan

張素綾, Chang, Su-Lin Unknown Date (has links)
本研究的主旨在探討台灣證卷交易市場之上市公司辦理現金增資時採用不同承銷配售方式下各種資訊內涵差異,研究樣本包括民國八十四年至民國八十六年間,曾在台灣證卷交易市場宣告辦理現金增資之 278 家公司,其中又區分為 201 家採公開申購配售方式及 77 家採詢價圈購配售方式之現金增資公司樣本。本研究鑑於民國 84 年新版承銷配售制度施行以來,現金增資採行詢價圈購配售方式之公司股價出現特定人套利現象,甚至引發立法院於民國 86 年底,提出修正法案欲將詢價圈購提撥比率之但書規定廢除事件,故本研究目標將著重於探討公開申購配售與詢價圈購兩種不同承銷配售方式來現金增資之公司間其財務屬性及其對股價之影響是否有差異,以檢驗現行的詢價圈購制度是否有缺失。 實證結果顯示:採兩種不同承銷配售方式現金增資之公司,其財務變數並無顯著差異,顯示公司的財務特質並不影響其承銷配售方式的選擇。經由股價反應的驗證則發現採公開申購配售及詢價圈購承銷配售方式之現金增資之公司,其發行宣告首次見報時對股價異常報酬均有顯著正面的影響。但兩者對股價異常報酬之影響於統計上卻發現有顯著差異。至於在首日申購(圈購)日時之股價異常報酬反應,採公開申購配售者為顯著正股價異常報酬反應,採詢價圈購者股價異常報酬則為顯著負反應,因此兩者在首日申購日時對股價之反應有顯著差異,採公開申購配售公司之股價異常報酬反應明顯優於採詢價圈購配售公司。而於發行日時之價格異常報酬反應,採公開申購配售公司並不顯著,採詢價圈購配售方式公司卻有正向股價異常報酬反應,兩種承銷配售方式於發行日時顯示顯著的股價異常報酬反應差異。 兩種承銷配售方式為公司以現金增資向股東或投資大眾取得資金的途徑,其最終目的均相同,因此不同配售方式對股價異常報酬之影響應不會有太大差異,但本研究卻發現在首次宣告日、首日申購日及發行日時三種不同事件日下,兩種配售方式之股價異常報酬反應卻出現顯著差異的情形。由於此一差異與公司的財務特質無關,所以顯示詢價圈購配售方式可能存有缺失,造成特定人可藉由現行制度的漏洞來進行套利或取得比以往更多的新股,因此對於無法進行套利或取得新股的股東而言,現行的詢價圈購制度並不公平,確實有改善之必要。 / The study is based on a sample, consisting of 278firms, of the announcements of SEO(seasoned equity offerings) in Taiwan stock market during the period from Jan. 1996 to Dec. 1997, to detect whether the current circling system in TW is not proper. There are two major SEO underwriting procedures in TW: by offer=for-sales and by circling. The paper focuses on two types of firms which adapt different SEO underwriting. By comparing the both firms' financial characteristics and stock price responses, we know if the existing system is fair. The evidence shows that 89% financial ratios (in the research) of firms, adapting different underwriting procedures, don't have statistically significant positive abcdrmal returns for both underwriting procedures and the reaction levels for both are different. During the circling procedure, circling firms' stock price response is significantly negative but is significantly positive for offer-for- sales firms'. It's very clear that the latter firms have the better stock price performance than the former. During the days of offerings, circling firms' stock price response is significant positive but is not significant negative for offer-for sales firms'. In the research, we can be sure that these two SEO underwriting procedures are significantly different in all of three event days. Since the different market responses are not associated with firms' financial characteristics, we now can be sure that current circling system exist some problems. The system may provide some big stockholders having chances to arbitrage and to get more newissuing shares then they should have. To the other stockholders who can't engage in arbitraging and get new issuing shares, the existing circling system is unfair.

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