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韋柏的理念型:一個提示性的分析陳健嗣 Unknown Date (has links)
。再者,由於理念型這種特殊的性質,使其在科學研究中的功能與理論有所不同。它的功能是界定研究者的概念,作為研究的概念工具(Conceptual instrumcnt)。為了說明如何界定研究者的概念,作者列舉了建構假設,分類與比較,解釋與預測,系統研究來加以說明。總之,凡是社會研究都需要以理念型作為工具,因此,凡是社會科學都需要建構理念型。根據第二個分析角度,作者認為韋柏是在方法論上有系統的討論類型的第一人,而稍後柏克(Howard Becker)、派生斯(Talcott Parsons)、馬肯尼(John C.Mckinncy)都提出其修正意見。建構類型法的知識也就不斷進步。在現代的社會科學領域中,建構類型法已成為最重要的研究法之一,□類型也在社會研究中扮演重要的角色。
四、作者對本論文的內容並不滿意。一、作者不懂德文,因此無法翻閱韋柏的原著,也無法閱讀許多極為重要的參考資料。 二、我國學者討論韋柏的著作甚少,作者只得以英文著作為主要的參考資料。由於語文程序的關係,許多特殊的用語與字句,作者不太了解,也無法適當的加以翻譯。三、理念型牽涉的範圍甚廣,而作者的方法論的基礎不夠,以致無法處理許多問題。四、作者對許多社會學常見的名詞,並沒有深入的了解,以致無法充分了解許多特殊的概念。五、由於表達能力與組織能力的關係,作者無法妥善的處理題材,並明白的加以表達。由於以上幾個原因,本論文絕對不是一篇合格的著作。所幸,尚有聊可自慰者:作者以初學者的身份,戰戰兢兢,努力不懈,儘力閱讀所尋獲的資料,撰寫論文,小有心得,提供於後。尚祈諸位先進,體諒作者才疏學淺,不吝批評與指教。
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韋柏分配下規格下限與X-bar 管制圖之經濟設計 / Economic design of specification limit and X-bar control chart under Weibull distribution蔡瑋倫, Tsai, Wei Lun Unknown Date (has links)
To determine the economic design of control charts and the specification limits with minimum cost are two separate issues in previous research areas. In this study, we proposed a method to determine the optimal design parameters of X control charts and the specification limits simultaneously from an economic viewpoint. We also consider two types of X control charts: one is the economic X control chart and the other is the economic statistical X control chart. We obtain the optimal results by minimizing the expected cost per unit time for the-larger-the-better quality characteristic with a Weibull distribution. We
consider the asymmetric control limits because of the asymmetric feature of theWeibull distribution. Also, we are considering the difference between monitoring the process by
using an economic statistical X control chart and conducting a complete inspection plan.
Which way is better, process control or inspection plan?
In our data analysis of the two types of X control chart, we find that the optimal expected cost per unit time with complete inspection is lower than without complete
inspection. This is because the coefficient of Taguchi’s quadratic loss function we set is too small. And the analysis shows us the significant parameters for the optimal expected cost per unit time and design parameters.
At last, in our numerical examples for two different types of X control chart, we find that the performance of the economic X control chart is as good as the economic statistical one. However, we suggest the producer use the economic statistical X control chart with a complete inspection plan to obtain a lower expected cost per unit time and larger power of the control chart.
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中共官僚組織問題研究何茂泉, He, Mao-Quan Unknown Date (has links)
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