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俄漢語詞序對比研究:句法、語言類型與交際功能陳韻竹, Chen, Yun-Chu Unknown Date (has links)
俄漢語間的詞序差異長久以來一直是學界廣泛討論的問題之一。俄漢語分別是曲折語和孤立語的代表性語言,因此造成了兩者詞序現象的迥異。對於學習者和教學者而言,詞序亦成為一個難以跨越的語言障礙。有鑑於此,本論文選擇「詞序」作為研究的主題。另外,由於詞序是一複雜的語言現象, 往往不是一種理論能充分解釋,因此本論文中將採較宏觀的視角,分別從句法層面(Синтаксический аспект)、語言類型層面(Типологический аспект)及交際功能(Функциональный аспект)層面, 對俄漢詞序進行分析比較,其主要目的在於透過對俄漢語詞序所做的對比研究,找出兩者之間的異同,提供學界作為參考,進而增加溝通和理解上的準確性,減少因詞序而產生的語言障礙和誤解。
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荀子理想人格類型的三種境界及其意義-以士、君子、聖人為論述中心林建邦 Unknown Date (has links)
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世界語言中分類詞、性別詞與複數標記的分與合: GIS的類型學研究 / A GIS Typological Analysis of the Convergence and Divergence among Numeral Classifiers, Genders and Plural Markers in the World’s Languages唐威洋, Tang, Marc Unknown Date (has links)
本論文的主要目的在對於分類詞、性別詞以及複數標記在語言當中的地域分佈提出解釋.在前人的研究當中,這三項元素被認為是名詞句中平衡資訊的重要工具(Greenberg, 1990; Aikhenvald, 2000):分類詞語言主要位於東南亞和南美洲部分地區,而具有性別詞或複數標記的語言大多出現在歐洲、非洲和美洲部分地區.我們提出的論證如下:即便這三樣元素外表上具有歧異,它們會呈現當今所見的地域分佈原因在於它們共有的兩項標記功能:可數性質及語意分類.分類詞同時滿足兩者而性別詞及複數標記分別滿足其一;依照此邏輯,我們預測有分類詞的語言不會同時具有性別詞及複數標記而反之亦然.本文中我們透過句法形式和語意功能的比較提出論證並透過類型學、地理及歷史的角度分析來自世界上最大的二十個語系(印歐,漢藏,亞非,尼日爾-剛果,南島,達羅毗荼,阿爾泰,南亞,壯侗,尼羅-撒哈拉,烏拉,高加索,等語系)的155個語言.架構上,第一章簡單對研究題目進行介紹,第二章呈現前人研究的匯整,第三章包含我們的理論論證以及我們對於分類詞、性別詞及複數標記分與合的解釋.隨後的第四章中,我們提出類型學和地理資訊系統(GIS)的證據;最後在第五張和第六章我們分別點出本研究的限制以及結論. / This thesis aims at providing an explanation for the typological and areal distribution between numeral classifiers, genders (noun classes) and grammatical plural markers. Within previous studies, these three components are considered as different devices to balance information in noun phrases (Greenberg, 1990; Aikhenvald, 2000). Numeral classifier languages are mainly present in South-East Asia and parts of South-America, while languages with genders and grammatical plural markers are generally attested in Europe, Africa and parts of the Americas. We propose that despite their apparent divergence, the three elements display this particular geographical distribution due to their convergent features of count/mass distinction and semantic classification: Numeral classifiers carry both functions, while genders and plural markers separately fulfill one of them. Following this logic, we expect that a language with numeral classifier do not have simultaneously the systems of genders plus plural markers and vice-versa. Theoretical evidence via formal syntactic form and semantic function comparison is proposed and further supported by typological, geographical and historical analysis of 155 languages that are mainly part of the 20 biggest language groups in the world, e.g. Indo-European, Sino-Tibetan, Afro-Asiatic, Niger-Congo, Austronesian, Dravidian, Japonic, Altaic, Austro-Asiatic, Tai-Kadai, Creole, Nilo-Saharan, Uralic, Quechuan, Hmong-Mien, Mayan, North Caucasian, Language isolates among others. Chapter 1 presents a brief introduction of the subject while chapter 2 displays the literature review. Chapter 3 includes our theoretical discussion proposing explaining the convergence and divergence among numeral classifiers, genders and plural markers, followed by typological and geographical evidence via GIS (Geographic Information System) in Chapter 4. Finally Chapter 5 and 6 contain the limitations of our study and its conclusion.
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台灣地區國中生家庭教育資源結構之探究及其與學業表現之關連蔡毓智, Tsai, Yuh Jyh Unknown Date (has links)
除了發現家庭教育資源與學業表現之間的關連性外,本研究在方法論上也突破先前研究對於資料測量層次造成的限制,嘗試經由近似性結構分析的方法,對類別性的資料進行類型學的分析,從而擴大了不同的資料分析方法及概念建構的可行性。 / This study analyzes the constitution structure of family educational resources of Taiwan arena Junior High School students and its connection with academic achievement of students. The secondary data is adapted from Taiwan Education Panel Survey (TEPS). The goal of this study is to propose an explorative conceptual framework of family educational resources, and investigate the internal constitution structure of its different constitutional dimensions. This study tries to distinguish the relative advantage and disadvantage types of family educational resources by typology method and make a comparison on academic achievement between these different types. The results show that there are significant differences between the advantage and disadvantage types on academic achievement. Accordingly, the results support our proposed model and its connection with academic achievement of students.
This study divide family educational resources into two different theoretical dimensions: economic and non-economic resources and subdivide the economic resources into two sub-dimensions of apparent and unapparent resources; subdivide the non-economic resources into four sub-dimensions of family constitution structure, family member interaction, parents involvement, and parents’ education and occupation.
The methodology of this study is to analyze the constitutional structures of these sub-dimensions by proximities structure analysis. The results show that there are similarities structure patterns within the constitutional structures of family educational resources. Meanwhile, the results show that there are connections between the different types of family educational resources and academic achievement. Author summarizes the findings as follows:
1. The different types of residential arrangements, the absence of parents is a very crucial type and is very obviously connection with academic achievement. The number of siblings is also crucial to academic achievement.
2. Family members’ interaction is crucial to academic achievement; especially the discipline styles of parents are influential to achievement of their children; meanwhile, the different conflict types of parents and children are very different resources meanings per se.
3. The different educational involvement behaviors are influential to children’s academic achievement, but it depends on the types of behaviors. Parents’ educational involvements within family are influential to children’s achievement; parents’ education expectations to their children are influential to their children; parents’ involvements with school are not found significant connections with academic achievement.
4. The education and occupation backgrounds of parents are found to be a very crucial factor to their children’s achievement, low level background is negative to achievement, and high level background is positive to achievement.
5. Family economic resources whichever apparent or unapparent are crucial to children’s achievement. Those who are richer and invest more resources on extraclass learning are found positive correlation with achievement; those who are poorer and never invest any resources on extraclass learning are found negative correlation with achievement.
To summarize, our research found that those who are parent absence, the number of siblings are more than three, parent’s discipline style is negative and ignored, extrovertive conflict between parents and children, low level of parents’ education and occupation background, the poor and the family never invest any resources on extraclass learning are the disadvantage type; in contrast, those who are parent are not absence, the number of siblings are less than two, parent’s discipline style are positive and concerned, parents concern about children’s learning, high level of parents education and occupation background, the richer and invest more on extraclass learning are advantage type. The two different types of family educational resources are different on academic achievement. The performances on academic achievement of the advantages are better than the disadvantages. For the ultimate goal of social justices, results suggest that the educational policy makers, the teachers and researchers should invest more resources on the disadvantages.
In additions, this study penetrates the limitations of data measurement level which distract earlier researchers. By proximities structures analysis method, we analyze the categorical data with typology methodology, and enlarge the landscape of secondary data analysis and possibilities of construction of conceptual frameworks.
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