Spelling suggestions: "subject:" dialogical""
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Vocabulary outcomes among low income preschoolers for dialogic reading interventionsFergus, Alyson Marie 07 August 2012 (has links)
Receptive and expressive vocabulary skills in preschoolers are predictors of later literacy skills. Research shows that children from low socioeconomic status (SES) backgrounds are generally behind their peers in the area of vocabulary skills when they enter school. Many preschool programs now focus on increasing these skills through shared book reading interventions. The purpose of the current research is to study the efficacy of a specific shared book reading intervention, dialogic reading, with low-income preschoolers in the area of vocabulary development. The search yielded 10 intervention studies that utilized dialogic reading strategies in interventions with the target population. Studies yielded mixed results but generally found that dialogic reading intervention does have significant positive effects on receptive and expressive vocabulary. Limitations and implications for practice are discussed. / text
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Strategizing Relationships 2.0: An Analysis of International Companies' Use of Social MediaBrightman, Jessica Marie 01 January 2012 (has links)
Because of technological advances and the blurring of boundaries, the world is becoming a global community. Global communications have made it essential for multinational corporations to develop and maintain a consistent worldwide identity and brand image. It is no longer possible to classify people into simple and stable segments of customers; the world is evolving and so is the population. The purpose of this research is to bridge the gap between the academic and professional world of international public relations by expanding the stream of literature and incorporating a global aspect. Within the last few years, social media has seen a dramatic increase of users around the world. Companies realize the importance of becoming a part of this generational trend, yet they do not understand the reasoning behind it, and, thus, do not develop a strategy for using social media to build relationships. Using content analysis, this study expanded on the stream of relationship management theory and social media literature by adding a global element. Results suggest that global companies are beginning to utilize the dialogic principles of information dissemination, disclosure, and interactivity/involvement. Additionally, strategizing Facebook post messages to have a customer focus (i.e., asking questions, posting multimedia, providing company information) will yield greater feedback and interaction.
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Writing conferences and relationships : talking, teaching, and learning in high school English classroomsConsalvo, Annamary L. 23 September 2011 (has links)
This qualitative classroom study follows two high school English teachers, in one class apiece, and their students across a school year in a diversely populated urban high school in the south central United States. Using case study, ethnographic, and microanalytic methods, the research focuses on writing instruction and ways in which talk and relational dimensions inside one-to-one, teacher-student writing conferences interact and influence subsequent student writing and reflect larger classroom patterns established by the teacher. Data sources include fieldnotes; video recordings of writing conferences; audio recordings of student and teacher interviews across the year; transcriptions; student writing, and other documents. The approaches to analysis include constant comparison, discourse analysis, and microanalysis (Bogdan & Bicklen, 1992; Erickson, 1992; Bloome et al., 2005; Charmaz, 2006). Informing the analytic process are sociocultural theories of learning, language, literacy, and relationships (Gee, 1996; Wertsch, 1991; Tharp & Gallimore, 1988, 1991; Lave and Wenger, 1991; Bahktin, 1981, 1986, 1994; Wells, 2007; Noddings, 1988, 2005). Central to the theoretical foundation for examining evidence of teaching and learning in this study are Erickson’s (2006) sedimentation, Burbules and Rice’s (1991) communicative virtues, and van Manen’s (1991, 1995) pedagogical tact.
Findings include, 1) structures that make writing conferences dialogic encounters including openings and closings, internal structures, and duration; 2) relational moves, or interpersonal efforts by teachers inside writing conferences, that serve to bring the curriculum and the student closer include particular kinds of verbal and non verbal communications; and, 3) instructional moves, or how the teachers used talk for specific instructional purposes, including teaching of writing rules, drafting, and modeling the role of the reader. Findings suggest that teaching and learning occur in the context of relationships, and in recursive and non-linear patterns; moreover, brief encounters between teacher and student that are both instructional and relational may build over the arc of the life of the classroom. This investigation may contribute to the limited literature on high school writing conferences and help educators consider their potential as particular kinds of instructional conversations and relational platforms to encourage dialogic classroom environments hospitable to students from diverse backgrounds. / text
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Vad är meningen med värdegrunden? : Om svårigheten i att förena teori med praktik i värdegrundsarbetet i skolan / What is the meaning of the core values? : About the difficulty in reconciling theory with practice when incorporating core values in schoolEdin, Sarah January 2013 (has links)
The topic of this essay is core value issues, how they are mediated in school and how they are practiced. I am investigating a problem concerning the existential worth of the core values-content for children, or in other words, the difficulty of reconciling the theory of the core values and their practice. This problem is portrayed by two stories. The aim of this work is to investigate how to combine the core values theory with its practice, in other words, make it meaningful. In my essay, I turn to recent research in the field to provide a background to my issue, and hereby further point to my problem. To further deepen the understanding of the problem, I use the professor and educator Eugene Matusov´s theory of dialogic pedagogy. Matusov, much inspired by Bahktin, asserts that all human communication is inherently dialogic. Based on this thesis I have tried to understand my problem and examine what possible solutions Matusov can contribute with. What I have found is that core values practice, here illustrated by my stories and current research, is problematic because it very much is program-based. This tends to lead to correcting children's behavior through actions and prevention against bullying and abusive actions. This becomes the core values practice. Instead I argue based Matusov´s theory, that the core values practice should rather have a broad democracy and community focus where norms, societal discourses and structures are examined in a joint effort. I also argue that meaning making and learning can, and aught to, be promoted through dialogic pedagogy.
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Inquiry-based professional learning of English-literature teachers: negotiating dialogic potentialParr, Graham Bruce Unknown Date (has links) (PDF)
This research has taken place at a time when governments in Australia, like governments throughout the Western world, have given higher priority to funding teachers’ professional learning. This support for teachers’ learning tends to be informed by standards-based ‘reforms’ of schooling, underpinned by narrowly individualistic paradigms of teacher knowledge and enacted in managerial models of professional development. The effectiveness of this ‘PD’ for individual teachers tends to be measured in rigid accountability regimes. My study is a conceptual, grounded and reflexive inquiry into teachers’ professional learning in Victoria, Australia. Central to the study is a multi-levelled account of a small group of English-literature teachers at Eastern Girls’ College, in Melbourne, Australia, learning about literary theory over a period of fourteen months. These teachers operate within an institutional setting in which they are certainly expected to be accountable in managerial terms, and yet they can be seen negotiating a very different paradigm of professional learning. In my account of their learning in this study, I develop a model of inquiry-based professional learning that offers a richly dialogic alternative to narrowly individualistic paradigms of professional knowledge and professional development.
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A aprendizagem musical compartilhada e a didática do violão: uma pesquisa-ação na licenciatura em música da UFC em Sobral (Ceará) / The shared musical learning and didactics of the guitar: an action research in the degree in music of the UFC in Sobral (Ceará)Oliveira, Marcelo Mateus de January 2017 (has links)
OLIVEIRA, Marcelo Mateus de. A aprendizagem musical compartilhada e a didática do violão: uma pesquisa-ação na licenciatura em música da UFC em Sobral (Ceará). 2017. 234f. – Tese (Doutorado) – Universidade Federal do Ceará, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Educaçao Brasileira , Fortaleza (CE), 2017. / Submitted by Gustavo Daher (gdaherufc@hotmail.com) on 2017-09-25T13:00:44Z
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Previous issue date: 2017 / This work aimed to understand the presuppositions of Shared Musical Learning and its contribution to Guitar Didactic. We construct a contextualization of the Music Education Project of the UFC, highlighting some elements that denote an overcoming of the habitus conservatorial present in Music Degrees in Brazil. We carried out a literature review on Collaborative Learning, Cooperative Learning and Shared Learning, highlighting their similarities and differences. We present the scenario of the research on Guitar Didactic in Brazil and referenced it in Paulo Freire's Pedagogical Thought to propose the Principles of Shared Learning. We conducted a research of qualitative nature, type Action-Research, using as an instruments of data collection collective interviews, questionnaires and evaluations of the discipline. The subjects that participated in the research constituted the classes of Instrumental Practice - Guitar II and IV in the semester 2016.2 in the Course of Degree in Music of the Federal University of Ceará in the Campus of Sobral. We conclude by characterizing the principles of Shared Musical Learning, namely: (1) Build together the Educational Agreement; (2) Respect the formation history of the participants; (3) Democratize the educational process; (4) To stimulate the mobilization to learn in a system of knowledge sharing; (5) Use the musical creation as a path of developing musical discourse; (6) Consider the diversity and richness of possibilities from the propositional interaction; and (7) Conceive the teacher as the student's active study guide. The implications of the Shared Musical Learning in Guitar Didactics focus, in particular, on the reduction of the predominance of the technical aspect to a valorization of the creative aspect, seeking from the activities of musical creation (in the broadest sense of the term) to establish scopes of knowledge sharing , in order to enable everyone to develop themselves artistically through collaborative work. / O presente trabalho teve como objetivo compreender os pressupostos da Aprendizagem Musical Compartilhada e sua contribuição para a Didática do Violão. Construímos uma contextualização do Projeto de Educação Musical da UFC, destacando alguns elementos que denotam uma superação do habitus conservatorial presente nas Licenciaturas em Música no Brasil. Realizamos uma revisão de literatura sobre Aprendizagem Colaborativa, Aprendizagem Cooperativa e Aprendizagem Compartilhada, destacando suas similaridades e diferenças. Apresentamos o cenário da pesquisa sobre Didática do Violão no Brasil e nos referenciamos no Pensamento Pedagógico de Paulo Freire para caracterizar os Princípios da Aprendizagem Compartilhada. Realizamos uma pesquisa de caráter qualitativo do tipo Pesquisa-ação, utilizando como instrumento de coleta de dados entrevistas coletivas, questionários e avaliações da disciplina. Os sujeitos participantes da pesquisa constituíram as turmas de Prática Instrumental - Violão II e IV no semestre 2016.2 no Curso de Licenciatura em Música da Universidade Federal no Campus de Sobral. Concluímos caracterizando os princípios da Aprendizagem Musical Compartilhada, a saber: (1) Construir conjuntamente o Acordo Educativo; (2) Respeitar a história de formação dos participantes; (3) Democratizar o processo educativo; (4) Estimular a mobilização para aprender em regime de compartilha de saberes; (5) Utilizar a criação musical como meio de desenvolvimento do discurso musical; (6) Considerar a diversidade e riqueza de possibilidades a partir da interação propositiva; e (7) Conceber o professor como orientador do estudo ativo do estudante. As implicações da Aprendizagem Musical Compartilhada na Didática do Violão incidem, especialmente, na diminuição da predominância do aspecto técnico para uma valorização do aspecto criativo, buscando a partir de atividades de criação musical (no sentido mais amplo do termo) estabelecer âmbitos de compartilha de saberes, no intuito de que todos consigam se desenvolver artisticamente a partir do trabalho colaborativo.
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Discurso empresarial: o house-organ como instrumento ideológico nas organizaçõesGatarossa, Angela Antonia Lopes Biudes [UNESP] 06 May 2009 (has links) (PDF)
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gatarossa_aalb_dr_arafcl.pdf: 6611930 bytes, checksum: 574e8e68591a4f3fd816943bc2ed29f0 (MD5) / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES) / O objetivo principal desta tese é o de mostrar como o discurso utilizado nos house-organs das empresas brasileiras é permeado por diversas estratégias discursivas que, promovidas pelo enunciador na direção de seus empregados, buscam atingir objetivos organizacionais. A base teórica utilizada ancora-se nas reflexões do Círculo de Bakhtin sobre signo, relações dialógicas, polifonia, gênero e cronótopo, além de considerar a contribuição de autores das áreas de administração, marketing e comunicação social. O corpus desta pesquisa constitui-se das 104 edições do house-organ “Garrafinha”, de uma franquia da Coca-Cola, no período de 1996 a 2005. O primeiro capítulo apresenta o gênero house-organ como uma ferramenta capaz de proporcionar a proximidade da empresa com os seus empregados, na tentativa de torná-los aliados na busca pelos seus interesses. Mostra, também, o vínculo do house-organ com o marketing por ser uma ferramenta de relações públicas direcionada ao público interno da empresa. Aborda, ainda, a sua importância estratégica, suas características, seu conteúdo e sua linguagem. Com base nas reflexões apresentadas, o segundo capítulo identifica e analisa as características do gênero house-organ, tal como são exploradas no Garrafinha. O terceiro capítulo analisa os discursos presentes no corpus à luz dos conceitos do Círculo de Bakhtin, enfocando os signos, as relações dialógicas e a polifonia. As análises destacam o uso discursivo que a empresa faz, principalmente, dos signos garrafinha, craque, jogo, time, casa, família e guerra, bem como das vozes da mídia, de especialistas, do mercado, entre outras, para a persuasão dos empregados. Com o conceito de exotopia são mostradas as estratégias discursivas por meio das quais a empresa se expõe e também revela seus empregados. A análise também identifica, nos discursos, seus valores... / The main aim with this doctor degree paper is to show how the discourse employed in ‘house organs’ of Brazilian companies is interposed by different discursive strategies which are generated by the employer to the employees, looking for reaching organizational targets. The theoretical basis is founded in the Bakhtin Circle on sign, dialogic relations, polyphony, gender and chronotopos, besides other authors in Administration, Marketing and Social Communication. The corpus of this research is based on 104 house-organ editions of ‘Garrafinha’, produced by a franchised Coca-Cola branch between 1996 and 2005. The first chapter introduces the house-organ as a tool capable of get employers and employees closer to each other searching for alliances between them. It also deals with the bonds between Marketing and the house-organ because it is a tool for the public relations directed to the company’s internal group. It touches the strategic importance, its characteristics, content and language. Based on the presented reflections, the second chapter identifies and analyses the characteristic house-organ gender, as explored in ‘Garrafinha’. The third chapter analyses the discourses present in the corpus under the concepts of Bakhtin Circle, focusing the signs, dialogic relations and polyphony. The analyses highlight the discursive use that the company employs, especially of signs like little bottle, excellent player, team, house, family and war, as well as the voices of the media, of experts, of market, among others, to persuade the employees. Using the concept of exotopia to detect the discursive strategies, by which the company gets exposed and it also reveals the employees. The analysis also identifies in discourses, the presumed values which are considered to be already known, common ones between company and employees, underlying to persuasion strategies... (Complete abstract click electronic access below)
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Creating Social Learning Opportunities for Elementary Students with Dialogic DiscussionJanuary 2018 (has links)
abstract: ABSTRACT
It is critical for students to be provided with opportunities to learn in settings that foster their academic growth. It is equally important that schools endeavor to be a place where students’ social and emotional needs are met as well. However, due to lack of funding, over-testing, inappropriate evaluation measures, and other persistent policy pressures, our public schools have often resorted to a focus on raising standardized test scores through direct instruction with an increasingly narrowed curriculum. As a result, schools have often become places in which students, rather than being seen as valued future members of a productive society, are part of the bleak statistics that shine a spotlight on how our schools have failed to motivate and connect with the students of today. Consequently, many educators have come to believe they are not influential enough to make a significant difference, and have resigned themselves to accepting their current situation. The problem with this thinking is that it minimizes the purpose of the job we promised to do – to educate.
The innovation I implemented and describe in my dissertation can be characterized with one word – dialogue. Dialogue that occurs for the purpose of understanding and learning more about that which we do not know. In this innovation, I endeavored to demonstrate how social learning by way of dialogic discussion could not only support students’ academic growth, but their social and emotional growth as well. Results from the data collected and analyzed in this study suggest social learning had a highly positive impact both on how students learned and how they viewed themselves as learners.
Education is one of the cornerstones of our country. Educational opportunities that help meet the academic and social-emotional needs of students should not be seen as a privilege but rather as a fundamental right for all students. Equally, the right to express one’s thoughts, opinions and ideas is a foundational element in our democratic society. Failing to connect with our students and teach them how to exercise these rights in our classrooms is to fail ourselves as educators. / Dissertation/Thesis / Doctoral Dissertation Educational Leadership and Policy Studies 2018
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Perspectivas conceituais em leitura na escola: a intertextualidade e a interdisciplinaridade a favor da dialogia / Conceptual perspectives on reading in the school: the intertextuality and interdisciplinarity in favor of dialogyBarbosa, Solange Esmeralda Costa [UNESP] 25 November 2016 (has links)
Submitted by SOLANGE ESMERALDA COSTA BARBOSA null (solangesmeralda@gmail.com) on 2017-01-18T02:13:45Z
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Previous issue date: 2016-11-25 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES) / O trabalho apresenta algumas reflexões sobre os conceitos de leitura que educadores de várias áreas do conhecimento possuem e relaciona-os com o uso da leitura na escola, tanto disciplinar quanto interdisciplinarmente à luz dos estudos conceituais de leitura de Leffa (1996) ), Dehaene (2012), Koch (1993), Koch; Elias (2012), Kleiman; Moraes (1999), Charmeux (1997) e Colomer; Camps (2002); e com proposições interdisciplinares conforme Kleiman; Moraes (1999). Centrou-se nos conceitos sóciointeracionistas de Vygostsky (1994, 2001) e dialogia e polifonia de Bakhtin (1992, 2011). Tal estudo justifica-se em virtude da importância da leitura na construção das histórias e formação das identidades dos sujeitos e, devido ao papel que a formação conceitual exerce na realização de trabalhos consistentes em qualquer área do saber, acredita-se que o conhecimento por parte dos educadores do processo envolvido no ato da leitura, bem como outros elementos relacionados a essa prática, pode tornar-se um aliado das práticas leitoras nas escolas. Este estudo utilizou como modalidade de pesquisa qualitativa a pesquisa ação segundo Thiollent (1988) e o estudo de caso conforme André (2013) e propôs uma pergunta sobre o conceito de leitura para vinte e seis (26) professores de diversas áreas do conhecimento que lecionam na E.E.Dr. Luiz Zuiani, na cidade de Bauru, São Paulo. Além disso, como a leitura é um elemento fundamental para o desenvolvimento dos indivíduos, não são apenas as áreas da linguagem, mas outras áreas do conhecimento têm apresentado trabalhos sobre o assunto e por isso, este estudo também ocupou-se em observar o tratamento didático da leitura em projetos interdisciplinares aplicados no primeiro semestre de 2016, na escola supra citada e na E.E. Profa. Maria de Campos Pires Maciel, em Guaianás, distrito de Jaú, São Paulo. O objetivo deste estudo foi analisar se o conceito de leitura que os docentes revelam interfere no trabalho didático com leitura na escola. A partir da análise dos dados coletados é possível relacionar que o conceito de leitura apresentado pelos professores condiz com práticas de leitura que priorizam extração ou atribuição de sentido e não interação e que tal visão dificulta práticas dialógicas de leitura, as quais podem se revelar como estimuladoras do ato de ler. Este trabalho considera que entender a leitura como elo interdisciplinar equivale a compreender que a realidade e suas ocorrências sociais, científicas, econômicas, tecnológicas, ambientais e outras que permeiam o cotidiano não se apresentam fragmentadas, mas como “um todo” e somente podem ser entendidas ou lidas, ao tomar-se a leitura interligada efetivamente à compreensão, como proposto por Leffa (1996) e por Marcuschi (2008), que assegura que “ler e compreender são equivalentes” e “memorizar não é o mesmo que compreender”, além de acrescentar que “a compreensão é também um exercício de convivência sociocultural” (MARCUSCHI, 2008), confirmando o caráter intrinsicamente dialógico da leitura. Assim, o ensejo é que este estudo colabore para um olhar docente mais cuidadoso com a leitura e suas estratégias, tanto no trabalho em sala de aula quanto na sua utilização e valorização como ferramenta essencial para o desenvolvimento de projetos interdisciplinares. / The paper presents some reflections on the reading concepts that teachers from different fields of knowledge have and relate them with the use of reading in school, so discipline as interdisciplinary in light of conceptual studies of Leffa reading (1996), Dehaene ( 2012), Koch (1993), Koch; Elias (2012), Kleiman; Moraes (1999), Charmeux (1997) and Colomer; Camps (2002); and interdisciplinary propositions as Kleiman; Moraes (1999). It focused on sociointeractionists concepts of Vygotsky (1994, 2001) and dialogism and polyphony Bakhtin (1992, 2011). This study is justified because the importance of reading in the construction of stories and the subject identity formation, due to the role that conceptual training exercises in carrying out consistent work in any area of knowledge, it believes that the knowledge from educators of the process involved in the act of reading as well as other elements related to this practice can become an ally of reading practices in schools. This study used a form of qualitative research an action research as in the Thiollent (1988) and the case study as André (2013) and proposed a question about the concept of reading into twenty-six (26) teachers from different areas of knowledge who teaches in the State School Doutor Luiz Zuiani in the city of Bauru, São Paulo. Moreover, as reading is a fundamental element for the development of individuals, are not only the areas of language, but other areas of knowledge have presented papers on the subject and therefore, this study also took care to observe the didactic treatment reading in interdisciplinary projects implemented in the first half of 2016 in the above mentioned school and State School Professora Maria de Campos in Guaianás, Jau district of São Paulo. The aim of this study was to analyze if the concept of reading that teachers reveal interfere in didactic work with reading in school. From the analysis of the collected data it is possible to relate that the concept of reading presented by teachers match the reading practices that prioritize the extraction or attribution of meaning and no interaction and that this vision difficult dialogical practices of reading, which may prove to be stimulatory to the act of reading. This work considers to understand reading as an interdisciplinary link is equivalent to understand that reality and its social events, scientific, economic, technological, environmental and other permeating daily life present not fragmented, but as "a whole" and can be understood only or read, to take up the interconnected reading effectively understanding, as proposed by Leffa (1996) and Marcuschi (2008), which ensures that "read and understand are equivalent" and "store is not the same as understanding" as well adding that "understanding is also a socio-cultural coexistence exercise" (Marcuschi, 2008), confirming the intrinsically dialogic reading. So the opportunity is that this study collaborates for a more careful look at teaching reading and their strategies, both at work in the classroom and in their use and value as an essential tool for the development of interdisciplinary projects.
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Discovering fragmented speech : towards a Bakhtinian approach to the unconsciousBeale, Geoffrey Leonard January 2004 (has links)
Fragmented speech, the discovery of which forms the basis of this dissertation, provides the aim and direction of our thesis. The aim is to clarify precisely what fragmented speech is, and subsequently define its application. In this thesis, we begin by providing the historical background to the initial collision between psychoanalysis and literature. This broad base provides the impetus needed in order to formulate certain conclusions regarding the unconscious and the dialogic. Our methodology involves a combination of Freudo-Lacanian theory and Bakhtinian linguistics. As we approach an understanding of our subject, it becomes increasingly necessary to develop the issues surrounding the significance of fragmented speech. The significance of our work becomes focused when we provide an analysis of a `psychotic discourse', namely, the Memoirs of My Nervous Illness, by President Schreber – using the methodology described. In the final stages of our thesis fragmented speech becomes a symptom of psychosis. Under pressure from the unconscious, the image of speech may fragment. It is the interaction between the body image and the speech image that provides us with a speech complex. Consequently, this dissertation discovers fragmented speech at the very heart of the psychoanalytic session.
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