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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

L'égalité entre les créanciers dans le cadre de la saisie attribution / The equality enters the creditors within the context of the seizure allocation (attribution)

Kahil, Omran 11 January 2011 (has links)
Premier arrivé, premier servi. Que cela s’appelle un privilège ou un droit de préférence particulier, il reste inacceptable au regard des règles substantielles du droit positif français.Cette répartition des sommes saisies sacrifie, pour des raisons procédurales, une règle importante à savoir l’égalité entre les créanciers.Cette étude propose une solution intermédiaire entre le droit civil et le droit des voies d’exécution. La proposition consiste à donner à tous les créanciers, qui ont obtenu par leur vigilance des titres exécutoires avant le premier acte de saisie, la possibilité d’associer le premier saisissant dans la répartition des sommes saisies dans le cadre d’une saisie attribution.La combinaison de l’effet attributif immédiat de la saisie avec une durée de quinze jours,pendant laquelle les créanciers titulaires des titres exécutoires viennent en concours sous réserve des causes légitimes de préférences et des privilèges, aboutit à un double résultat. Le recouvrement des créances reste rapide et simple et l’égalité entre les créanciers sera respectée / Whether it is called a privilege or a private preference right, the ‘first come first served rule’remains debatable given the substantive rules of the French positive law. Primarily for procedural reasons, the norm of seizures distribution undermines a crucial principle, namely equality among creditors.This study proposes an intermediary solution between civil law and law of enforcement procedures. It advocates granting all creditors, who have obtained their enforcement orders before the first act of seizure, the possibility of associating with the first executioner the distribution of the seized money.The combined effect of immediate attribution of the seizure with duration of fifteen days,during which all creditors holding enforceable securities are subject to competition, and taking into account other legitimate preferences and privileges, leads to a double result: a simple and fast method of debt recovery without undermining the principle of equality between creditors.

Le mythe des conventions constitutives et translatives de droits réels / The myth of the agreements establishing and transfering real rights

Goût, Edouard Umberto 06 March 2015 (has links)
Dans les Droits antérieurs à la codification de 1804, les conventions ne suffisaient pas, en principe, à constituer et à transférer les droits réels : pour atteindre ce résultat, un mode acquisitif, comme la tradition de la chose, était nécessaire. Quand ce n’était exceptionnellement pas le cas, le droit réel, qui était constitué ou transféré par la seule convention, était néanmoins constitué et transféré erga omnes. Or, à partir du code civil et des réformes législatives postérieures, il n’en va plus ainsi : le principe adopté est celui de la constitution et de la translation des droits réels sola conventione.Mais l’étude des textes législatifs et réglementaires ainsi que des opinions doctrinales du XIXe siècle révèle que le changement initié en 1804 est bien plus profond : si la convention suffit à constituer et à transférer les droits réels, ces droits ne sont constitués et transférés qu’à l’égard des parties.Ainsi, en Droit français actuel, la vente d’un bateau en transfère la propriété à l’égard du vendeur, mais non à l’égard des tiers et, en particulier, des créanciers chirographaires du vendeur ou de l’État. Tant que l’inscription de l’acte de vente n’est pas accomplie, ces tiers peuvent ignorer le transfert de la propriété causé par la vente. Dès lors, certaines questions se posent inévitablement : la vente a-t-elle réellement transféré la propriété ? Une propriété à l’égard du seul vendeur est-elle encore réellement une propriété ? De même, en Droit français actuel, une convention peut constituer une hypothèque, mais ce droit n’est pas opposable aux tiers tant que cet acte n’a pas été inscrit. Ainsi, les créanciers chirographaires du constituant peuvent ignorer le droit du créancier hypothécaire. Mais une hypothèque qui n’est pas un droit de préférence n’est-elle pas un concept absurde ? Cette thèse explique comment le législateur et la doctrine du XIXe siècle, en réduisant le mode acquisitif au titre acquisitif et en distinguant entre effet inter partes et effet extra partes, ont construit un mythe : celui des conventions constitutives et translatives de droits réels. Contrairement aux formules généralement retenues par la loi et les manuels, en Droit français actuel, les droits réels sont constitués et transférés par la convention et la tradition ou l’inscription. / The Law prior to the 1804 codification is ruled by the principle that agreements are not sufficient to establish and transfer real rights: in order to reach this result, an additional modus of acquisition, like the delivery of the thing, is required. When it is not the case, the real right, established or transferred by mere agreement, is nevertheless established and transferred erga omnes. However, since the civil code and the successive legislative reforms, the situation is no longer the same: the principle adopted is the establishment and the transference of real rights sola conventione. Nonetheless, the study of laws and regulations as well as the nineteenth century scholars’ opinions reveals that the change initiated in 1804 is much deeper: if the agreement is sufficient to establish and transfer real rights, these rights are established and transferred to the parties only. For example, in current French Law, the sale of a boat transfers its property regarding to the seller, but not towards to third parties and, in particular, not regarding to the seller’s unsecured creditors or to the State. As long as the registration of the deed of sale is not completed, these third parties may ignore the transfer of property resulting from the sale. A lot of questions can be raised: has the sale really settled a transfer of property? Is a property regarding only to the seller still really a property? Similarly, in current French Law, an agreement may establish a mortgage, but this right is not enforceable against third parties as long as this act has not been registered. Thus, the unsecured creditors of the settlor may ignore the right of the mortgagee. But does it make sense to consider a mortgage without a preference right?This thesis describes how the legislator and nineteenth century scholars, in reducing the acquisitive modus into the acquisitive titulus and in distinguishing between inter partes effect and extra partes effect, have built a myth : the one of the agreements establishing and transferring real rights. Unlike formulas generally used by law and textbooks, in current French Law, real rights are established and transferred by agreement and delivery or registration.

Sécurité polynomiale en cryptographie

Fiedler, Heinz 08 1900 (has links)
Dans ce mémoire, nous proposons des protocoles cryptographiques d'échange de clef, de mise en gage, et de transfert équivoque. Un premier protocole de transfert équivoque, primitive cryptographique universelle pour le calcul multi-parties, s'inspire du protocole d'échange de clef par puzzle de Merkle, et améliore les résultats existants. Puis, nous montrons qu'il est possible de construire ces mêmes primitives cryptographiques sans l'hypothèse des fonctions à sens unique, mais avec le problème 3SUM. Ce problème simple ---dans une liste de n entiers, en trouver trois dont la somme a une certaine valeur--- a une borne inférieure conjecturée de Omega(n^2). / In this work, we propose cryptographic protocols for key exchange, bit commitment and oblivious transfer. Our oblivious transfer protocol, universal cryptographic primitive for multipartie computation, is inspired from Merkle's key exchange protocol with puzzles, and improves on existing results. Then, we show that it's possible to build those same cryptographic primitives without the hypothesis of one-way functions, but with the 3SUM problem. This simple problem ---in a list of n integers, find three that sum is a desired value--- has a conjectured lower bound of Omega(n^2).

Medição de tensões residuais em poliestireno pelo método do furo cego / Residual stress measurement in polystyrene through the hole drilling technique

Basso, João Carlos Roballo 15 December 2011 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-12-08T17:19:14Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Introducao.pdf: 448655 bytes, checksum: 598f8294a6f16ff80e9151c41d1a27f9 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2011-12-15 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / Residual stresses in polymeric parts are a great source of uncertainties for the design of industrial components. They are originated mainly during the injection molding process. Some of the problems related to this phenomenon are reduction to the mechanic strength, cracks propagation and warpage. Many efforts are employed to minimize these residual stresses and, to achieve that, an essential step is its measuring. There are methods and devices already available to measure residual stress in metallic materials, but in the field of polymeric material, many aspects remain unexplored. In the present work, a device to measure strain gage signals was built, which was employed to determine residual stresses according to the most established techniques nowadays. Injection simulation techniques were utilized to estimate the build-up of residual stresses in polymeric test specimens under different manufacturing setups. Statistical analysis was performed to select the most favorable parameters for parts tensioning. Test specimens were fabricated in the selected process conditions. Samples weight measurements confirmed statistically that the process parameters selected have significantly altered the parts final mass. Residual stress measurements were carried out by employing the hole drilling technique in the manufactured specimens, thus being determined tensile residual stresses from 2.7 MPa by 6.2 MPa, in the layers closest to the parts surface. The typical profile for residual stress distribution, as described in literature, was observed in the experiments performed. / Tensões residuais em peças poliméricas são grande fonte de incertezas para o projeto de componentes industriais. São causadas principalmente durante o processo de injeção. Alguns dos problemas relacionados a esse fenômeno são a diminuição da resistência mecânica, surgimento de trincas e empenamento das peças. Muitos esforços são empregados na minimização dessas tensões residuais e, para isso, uma etapa indispensável é a sua medição. Existem métodos e equipamentos já disponíveis para medição de tensões residuais em materiais metálicos, porém, no campo dos materiais poliméricos ainda há muitos aspectos a serem melhor explorados. Neste trabalho foi construído um dispositivo para medição de sinais de extensiometria, o qual foi utilizado para determinação de tensões residuais segundo as técnicas mais utilizadas atualmente para metais. Técnicas de simulação de injeção foram utilizadas para estimar o surgimento de tensões residuais em corpos-de-prova poliméricos sob diversas condições de fabricação. Análise estatística foi realizada para selecionar as condições de fabricação mais propícias ao tensionamento das peças. Corpos-de-prova foram fabricados nas condições de processo selecionadas. Medições de peso das amostras confirmaram estatisticamente que os parâmetros de processo utilizados alteraram significativamente a massa final das peças. Medições de tensões residuais foram realizadas aplicando-se a técnica do furo cego nas amostras fabricadas, determinando-se tensões residuais de tração entre 2,7 MPa e 6,2 MPa, nas camadas próximas às superfície das amostras. O perfil típico de tensões residuais previsto em literatura foi observado nos experimentos realizados.

Cryptography with spacetime constraints / Cryptographie avec des contraintes spatio-temporelles

Chakraborty, Kaushik 12 October 2017 (has links)
Dans cette thèse,nous étudions comment exploiter des contraintes spatio-temporelles,notamment le principe d'impossibilité de transmission supraluminique,dans le but de créer des primitives cryptographiques sûres,par exemple la vérification de position ou la "mise en gage de bit''(bit commitment). D'après le principe d'impossibilité de transmission supraluminique,aucun vecteur physique d'information ne peut voyager plus vite que la vitesse de la lumière. Ce principe entraîne une contrainte sur le temps de communication entre deux points éloignés. Ce délai dans le transfert d'information peut être utilisé comme une contrainte temporelle interdisant la communication. En cryptographie multi-agents,il est connu que l'hypothèse de non-communication entre les agents permet de réaliser de manière sécurisée de nombreuses primitives comme la "mise en gage de bit'' et l'un des buts de cette thèse est de comprendre à quel point les contraintes spatio-temporelles peuvent être exploitèes pour simuler des scénarios de non-communication. Dans la première partie de cette thèse nous étudions comment utiliser une contrainte de non-communication pour essayer de vérifier la position d'une personne.Dans la dernière partie,nous nous penchons sur deux exemples de protocoles de ``mise en gage de bit'' relativistes afin d'en étudier la sécurité contre des adversaires classiques. Pour conclure cette thèse,nous mentionnons quelques problèmes ouverts intéréssants. Ces problèmes ouverts peuvent être très utiles pour comprendre le rôle de contraintes spatio-temporelles,par exemple de l'impossibilité de transmission supraluminique,dans la conception de primitives cryptographiques parfaitement sûres. / In this thesis we have studied how to exploit relativistic constraints such as the non-superluminal signalling principle to design secure cryptographic primitives like position-verification and bit commitment. According to non-superluminal signalling principle, no physical carrier of information can travel faster than the speed of light. This put a constraint on the communication time between two distant stations. One can consider this delay in information transfer as a temporal non-communication constraint. Cryptographic primitives like bit-commitment, oblivious transfer can be implemented with perfect secrecy under such non-communication assumption between the agents. The first part of this thesis has studied how non-signalling constraints can be used for secure position verification. Here, we have discussed about a strategy which can attack any position verification scheme. In the next part of this thesis we have discussed about the nonlocal games, relevant for studying relativistic bit commitment protocols. We have established an upper bound on the classical value of such family of games. The last part of this thesis discusses about two relativistic bit commitment protocols and their security against classical adversaries. We conclude this thesis by giving a brief summary of the content of each chapter and mentioning interesting open problems. These open problems can be very useful for better understanding of the role of spacetime constraints such as non-superluminal signalling in designing perfectly secure cryptographic primitives.

Analise de tensões em peneiras vibratorias atraves de modelagem numerica utilizando o metodo dos elementos finitos e experimentalmente por extensometria / Stress analysis in vibrating screens by numerical simulation through finite element method and experimentally by strain gagemeasurements

Iizuka, Eduardo Kenji 23 February 2006 (has links)
Orientador: Paulo Roberto Gardel Kurka / Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Faculdade de Engenharia Mecanica / Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-06T16:26:05Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Iizuka_EduardoKenji_M.pdf: 15704991 bytes, checksum: d25013321bbe7f7be9760b4235125e16 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2006 / Resumo: O trabalho apresenta os resultados obtidos na simulação numérica e medição extensométrica de peneiras vibratórias de alta capacidade. Para o estudo numérico utilizou-se o software MSC.FEA 2005 que é uma integração dos softwares MSC.Patran e MSC.Nastran, obtendo-se resultados de tensão de von Mises apresentados na forma de gráficos e tabelas. Nas medições experimentais foram empregados extensômetros do tipo roseta 45° que possibilitaram a determinação das tensões principais e consequentemente a tensão de von Mises dos pontos instrumentados. Os valores de tensão de von Mises numéricos e experimentais formam comparados resultando em uma diferença média satisfatória de 8,4% considerando-se a complexidade do equipamento analisado. Os resultados deste trabalho são importantes para os futuros projetos de peneiras vibratórias de alta capacidade, visando garantir a integridade física do equipamento / Abstract: The work presents the results of numerical simulation and strain gage measurements for high capacity vibrating screens. MSC.FEA 2005 software that is an integration of the MSC.Patran and MSC.Nastran softwares was used to get the numerical results of von Mises stress, which is presented in charts and tables formo Strain gages type rosette 45° were used on experimental measurements and allowed the determination of principal stress hence von Mises stress, in the analyzed points. Numerical and experimental values of stress were compared and resulted into an 8.4% mean difference, which is a satisfactory result considering the complexity of the equipment. The results presented in this work create an important base to future designs of high capacity vibrating screens, aiming at the physical integrity of the equipment / Mestrado / Mecanica dos Sólidos e Projeto Mecanico / Mestre em Engenharia Mecânica

La monnaie comme objet de sûretés / Money used as security

Lemaitre, Freddy 14 October 2014 (has links)
Partant du constat que l’affectation en garantie de la monnaie est aujourd’hui susceptible de revêtir de multiples qualifications et d’obéir à des régimes tout aussi divers, selon que la monnaie est analysée comme un bien corporel ou incorporel et selon que les sommes affectées en garantie sont ou non confondues dans le patrimoine du créancier, cet essai propose d’adopter une conception unifiée de la monnaie susceptible de la soumettre à un régime simplifié d’affectation en garantie qui, sans faire fi de l’irréductible dualité tenant au caractère individualisé ou non des sommes d’argent, est appelé à remplacer les actuels gage de choses fongibles, nantissement de compte, nantissement de créance ou fiducie-sûreté sur créances et sommes d’argent, par un unique nantissement de monnaie. Les modalités de constitution de ce nantissement seront propres à évincer les sempiternelles querelles sur le caractère ou non translatif de propriété du « gage-espèces » puisque la confusion des sommes nanties dans le patrimoine du créancier nanti opérera un démembrement de propriété sui generis qui, s’apparentant à un quasi-usufruit à titre de garantie, ne conférera au créancier ni un simple droit de préférence, ni un droit de propriété plein et entier, ni même un droit comparable à celui d’un fiduciaire, mais un droit de disposer à titre provisoire grevant temporairement la propriété restée entre les mains du constituant. Ses conditions de constitution ainsi clarifiées, le nantissement de monnaie pourra se réaliser plus rapidement et plus efficacement par la reconstitution de la propriété démembrée entre les mains du constituant ou du créancier nanti, selon que la dette garantie aura ou non été payée, sans même qu’il soit besoin s’interroger sur le fait de savoir s’il faut recourir à l’attribution judiciaire ou conventionnelle ou à la compensation. / As the law stands, security rights in money are likely to be subject to different legal treatment, depending on whether money is regarded as a tangible asset or as an intangible asset, and depending on whether sums of money as a guarantee are assimilated with the secured creditor’s property or not. Taking this observation as its starting point, the present essay suggests adopting a unified approach of legal nature of money, that is likely to justify that money should be subject to a simplified security regime. Without ignoring that it is bound to be dual, depending on whether sums of money as a guarantee are separated from the secured creditor’s property or not, this security regime would be called upon to replace the present fungible assets, bank account and receivables pledge agreements, and also security trust on receivables and money, with a single money pledge agreement.The rules of the lodging of this money pledge agreement will be designed to eliminate the never-ending debates as to whether the “cash collateral” vests ownership of the encumbered money in the secured creditor, or not. Indeed, the assimilation of the encumbered sums of money with the secured creditor’s property will involve a sui generis division of the ownership rights that will be like an irregular usufruct by way of collateral, and that will grant the creditor neither mere preferential rights, nor ownership rights, nor any right similar to the right of a security trustee, but the right to dispose of money provisionally. This right of disposal will encumber temporarily the ownership rights that will remain in the hands of the grantor of the security.The rules of its lodging being therefore clarified, the rights granted by the money pledge agreement will be enforced more quickly and more effectively since the divided ownership of money will be reconstructed in the hands of the grantor of the security or in the hands of the secured creditor, depending on whether the secured debt will be paid or not, and without there being a need to wonder if the rights granted by the pledge have to be enforced either through judicial or contractual award of the right of ownership, or through legal, judicial or contractual compensation.

Návrh postupu kontroly vybraných součástí revolveru / Design of inspection procedure for selected revolver components

Úlehlová, Eva January 2020 (has links)
The goal of this master’s thesis was design of the inspection procedure for hammer and trigger of the specific revolver model. Thesis was developed in cooperation with the manufacturer of the revolvers. The theoretical part deals with the MSA methodology, which is used to assess acceptability of measurement systems. The practical part describes the current measurement system and performs gage repeatability and reproducibility study. It was confirmed that the current measurement system requires improvement. Subsequently coordinate systems were designed, based on functional features of the hammer and trigger. Automated optical measurements, based on the coordinate systems, were performed. The results from these measurements were again assessed by the gage R&R study. The analysis confirmed improvement of acceptability of the designed measurement systems. Based on these results, it is recommended to apply suggested procedures in practice. Results and recommendations of this master’s thesis can contribute to develop metrology in the company and improve the existing measurement system.

Stanovení nejistoty měření optického měřicí stroje pomocí laserinterferometru / Determination of measurement uncertainty of the optical measuring machine using a laser interferometer

Fulová, Silvia January 2021 (has links)
This final thesis is dealing with stating uncertainty of optical measuring device Micro-Vu Sol 311, which is located at Faculty of mechanical engineering in Brno. Overview of coordinate measuring machines (CMM for short) and analyzed present status of optical CMM is in summation. This part also includes basic metrology concepts and methodology of determination of uncertainty of measuring instrument. Content of following parts of thesis is detailed description of Micro-Vu SOL 311 machine and etalons that were used in determination of enhanced uncertainty of measurement such as gage blocks, laser interferometer and glass scale. Last part of this thesis includes summary of achieved results and recommendations for practice.

Analýza systému měření / Measurement system analysis

Nezdařilíková, Martina January 2013 (has links)
Aim of the thesis is suggestion of Measurement system analysis for a company in the automotive industry. There were made an analysis of requirement of ČSN EN ISO 9001 and ČSN P ISO/TS 16949. Next there are procedures for various measurement system analysis. There are camparison between company and standart’s requirements. Then there are choosen suitable method for measurement system analysis.

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