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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Compulsory Psychiatric Care: Perspectives from the Swedish Coercion Study : Patient Experiences, Documented Measures, Next of Kins’ Attitudes and Outcome

Wallsten, Tuula January 2008 (has links)
<p>The use of coercion in psychiatry involves clinical, legal, scientific, ethical and emotional considerations. This thesis represents an attempt to further increase our understanding of some empirical aspects of this phenomenon. </p><p>Interviews with 202 involuntarily admitted psychiatric patients and 201 voluntarily admitted patients and 295 of their next of kins were performed and analysed together with data from records and assessments made by professionals. Data was collected during two different periods of time with a compulsory psychiatric care law reform in between.</p><p>Experience of at least one coercive measure was more common amongst patients who had been committed during the most recent legislation. Otherwise there were no differences in patient experiences during the different laws.</p><p>Subjective short-term outcome was associated with having a contact person at the ward and being subjectively treated well. There were no relationships between subjective and assessed outcome or between legal status, perceived coercion at admission and subjective or assessed improvement.</p><p>The changed legislation had no clear effect on the attitudes of patients and next of kins towards coercion.</p><p>A majority of patients were able to accurately answer the question whether they had been restrained by belt or not during a specific treatment episode. Nineteen of 115 patients reported they had been restrained by belt. Eleven of these cases were true positive and 8 cases were false positive. </p><p>In conclusion, the main results were first that when it comes to issues related to psychiatric coercion there are typically considerable differences between how these are perceived and interpreted by the professional and by the patient, and second that efforts made to change the face of psychiatric coercion in the minds of patients as well as the public on part of public policymakers have had limited effects.</p>

Langfristige Therapieverläufe bei psychosomatischen Patienten nach stationärer psychosomatischer Behandlung - eine Katamnesestudie am Beispiel der Station 2024 der Universitätsmedizin Göttingen / Long-term therapy effects in psychosomatic patients after inpatient psychosomatic treatment - a catamnesis study using the example of ward 2024 of the Universitätsmedizin Göttingen

Löser, Julia Katharina 04 May 2017 (has links)
No description available.

Společná ústavní léčba patologického hráčství a syndromu závislosti: potřeby, zkušenosti a postoje pacientů / Conjoint inpatient treatment of pathological gambling and addiction syndrome: needs, experiences and attitudes of patients

Solfronková, Radka January 2014 (has links)
Pathological gambling brings serious impacts on an individual, his or her surroundings and the society in the areas of economics, intellectual, physical and social health. In the Czech Republic about 40,000 - 80,000 adults are threatened by pathological gambling, however the actual amount of treated adults is only about 2.5 - 5% of the total year estimate. The reason behind this number can be the fact that in the Czech Repulic pathological gambling is treated together with substance addiction in most of the therapy centers. In the beginning of the theoretical part the concept of 'pathological gambling' is defined and the prevalence and the number of treated patients with the diagnosis of pathological gambling is shown along with the availability of electronic gaming devices in the Czech Republic and abroad. Furthermore, etiological context, pathogenesis, and some diagnostic aspects of pathological gambling are described. The theoretical part further compares pathological gambling with substance addiction and the treatments of pathological gambling and introduces the treatments of other addictions in the healthcare system in the Czech Republic. The goal of the empirical part of the thesis is to find out and describe different and similar features of patients with the diagnosis of pathological...

Hur patienter med psykossjukdomar upplever vården inom psykiatrisk slutenvård : en litteraturstudie / How patients with psychoses experience the care in psychiatric inpatient care : : a literature study

Sjöberg, Katarina January 2017 (has links)
En psykossjukdom medför att perceptionen av världen och andra människor förändras. Patienter med en psykossjukdom upplever sig ha sämre livskvalitet och hälsa än andra individer i samhället och de upplever ofta lidande på grund av sin sjukdom. Sjuksköterskor upplever blandade känslor i samband med vård av patienter med en psykossjukdom, men deras grundläggande uppgift är trots detta att främja hälsa, förebygga sjukdom, återställa hälsa och att lindra lidande. Syftet med denna studie är att belysa hur patienter med en psykossjukdom upplever vården på en psykiatrisk slutenvårdsavdelning, ur ett patientperspektiv. Studien är en systematisk litteraturstudie och data analyserades med en induktiv latent innehållsanalys. Resultatet visade att patienternas upplevelser kan beskrivas i fyra områden: rädsla och osäkerhet påverkar interaktionen med andra; tvångsåtgärder: skrämmande men nödvändiga; självbestämmande, delaktighet och välbefinnande; samt vårdpersonalen är avgörande för patienternas upplevelser. I studien diskuteras rädsla och osäkerhet; att vårdpersonalen och upplevelserna påverkar attityden till behandlingen; vårdpersonalens betydelsefulla roll när patienten har svåra symtom; individualiserad vård och god kommunikation bidrar till ökat välbefinnande samt att mer kompetens hos vårdpersonal kan minska bruket av tvångsåtgärder. Studiens slutsats är att sjuksköterskor har en central roll i patienternas upplevelse av vården. De har ansvar för att interaktionen med patienten och relationsbyggande fortlöper samt att användandet av tvångsinsatser motiveras och enbart sker när det är absolut nödvändigt, annars finns risk att behandlingsresultat och följsamhet av behandling efter utskrivning påverkas negativt. / A psychosis means that the perception of the world and other people change. Patients with a psychotic disorder perceive themselves as having poorer quality of life and health than other individuals in the community and they often experience suffering because of their illness. Nurses experience mixed feelings while caring for patients with a psychotic disorder, but in spite of this a nurse’s fundamental duty is to promote health, prevent disease, restore health and to alleviate suffering. The purpose of this study is to highlight how patients with a psychotic disorder experience health care in a psychiatric inpatient ward, from a patient perspective. The study is a systematic literature review and data were analyzed using an inductive latent content analysis. The results showed that patients 'experiences involved four areas: fear and insecurity affects the interaction with others; coercive measures: scary but necessary; autonomy, participation and welfare, and nursing staff is crucial for patients' experiences. In the study, several areas were discussed about the patient's experiences: fear and insecurity; that care staff and experiences affect the attitude to treatment; healthcare personnel's important role when the patient experience severe symptoms; individualized care and good communication contribute to increased well-being, and that more skills in healthcare professionals can reduce the use of coercive measures. The study's conclusion is that nurses have a central role in the patients' experience of the health care. They are responsible for the interaction with the patient and for keeping the building of the nurse-patient relationship in progress. They are also responsible so that the use of coercive action is justified and only occurs when it is absolutely necessary, otherwise there is a risk that the treatment results and adherence to treatment after discharge are adversely affected.

A moral endeavour in a demoralizing context: Psychiatric inpatient care from the perspective of professional caregivers

Gabrielsson, Sebastian January 2015 (has links)
Patients in psychiatric care experience a need for and expect to develop interpersonal relationships with professional caregivers and to be respected and listened to. Despite demands for care to be person-centred and recovery-oriented, patients experience that psychiatric inpatient care fails to meet their expectations. Nursing research suggest that nurses aspire to engage with and meet the needs of patients, but that the strenuous reality of inpatient care prevents them from doing so. Exploring the content and context of psychiatric inpatient care from the perspective of professional caregivers might provide valuable insights regarding what caregivers do, and more importantly it can aid in understanding why they do what they do.This thesis aimed to explore the content and context of adult psychiatric inpatient care from the perspective of professional caregivers. This was achieved by clarifying the concept of person-centred care in the context of inpatient psychiatry, describing staff members’ reasoning on their choice of action and perceptions of interprofessional collaboration in challenging situations in inpatient psychiatric care settings, and exploring nurses’ experiences of good nursing practice in the specific context of inpatient psychiatry. A systematic review of the literature identified 34 scholarly papers that were analysed using evolutionary concept analysis. Focus group interviews were conducted with 26 professional caregivers and analysed using qualitative content analysis. Individual qualitative interviews were conducted with 12 skilled, relationship-oriented nurses and analysed using an interpretive descriptive approach to qualitative analysis.Reviewing the literature on person-centred care in inpatient psychiatry clarified how person-centred care is expected to result in quality care when interpersonal relationships are used to promote recovery. Professional caregivers’ reasoning on choice of action described different concerns in caregiver-patient interaction resulting in a focus on either meeting patients’ individual needs or solving staff members’ own problems. Describing professional caregivers’ perceptions of interprofessional collaboration suggested that they are being constrained by difficulties in collaborating with each other and a lack of interaction with patients. Exploring nurses’ experiences of good nursing practice revealed how circumstances in the clinical setting affect nurses’ ability to work through relationships. It is argued that these findings describe the workings of two opposing forces in psychiatric inpatient care. The concept of caring as a process forms the basis for discussing the content of care as a moral endeavour in which nurses strive to do good. The concept of demoralizing organizational processes is used to discuss the context of care as demoralizing and allowing for immoral actions.The main conclusions to be drawn are that, from a nursing perspective, nurses in psychiatric inpatient care need to focus on patients’ experiences and needs. For this they need sufficient resources and time to be present and develop relationships with patients.Nurses in psychiatric inpatient care also need to take personal responsibility for their professional practice. Attempts to transform psychiatric care in a person-centred direction must consider all of these aspects and their interrelatedness. Further research on psychiatric inpatient care is needed to understand more about how the content of care relates to the context of care. / <p>Godkänd; 2015; 20150526 (sebgab); Akademisk avhandling som med vederbörligt tillstånd av Filosofiska fakulteten vid Luleå tekniska universitet för avläggande av Filosofie doktorsexamen kommer att offentligen försvaras i Deltasalen, D 770, Luleå tekniska universitet fredagen den 25 september 2015, kl. 10.00. Fakultetsopponent: Docent Ulla Hällgren Graneheim, Institutionen för omvårdnad, Umeå universitet Betygsnämnd: Professor Margareta Lilja, Institutionen för hälsovetenskap, Luleå tekniska universitet Professor Johan Sandström, Institutionen för ekonomi, teknik och samhälle, Luleå tekniska universitet Docent Lauri Kuosmanen, Institutionen för omvårdnad, Åbo universitet Huvudhandledare: Professor Stefan Sävenstedt, Institutionen för hälsovetenskap, Luleå tekniska universitet Biträdande handledare: Universitetslektor Malin Olsson, Institutionen för hälsovetenskap, Luleå tekniska universitet Professor Rolf Adolfsson, Institutionen för klinisk vetenskap, Umeå universitet</p>

"Någonstans måste man samverka" : En kvalitativ studie om tvärsektionell samverkan mellan kommun och region

Källström, Madeleine, Bonnerup, Michaela January 2019 (has links)
Syftet med denna studie var att få insikt i de professionellas upplevelser av tvärsektionell samverkan mellan kommun och region. Studien ämnade bidra till ökad förståelse gällande professionellas upplevelser av vad anses fungera och brista gällande samverkan mellan kommun och region. Detta efter lagen om samverkan mellan kommun och landsting vid utskrivning från sluten hälso- och sjukvård(SFS 2017:612) trätt i kraft 1 januari 2018. Studiens empiri inhämtades genom semi-strukturerade intervjuer med tre anställda från regionen och fem anställda från socialtjänsten inom kommunen. Nationell och internationell tidigare forskning gällande tvärsektionell samverkan som varit relevant för studien har inhämtats. Tillsammans med tidigare forskning har symboliskt tolkande använts som övergripande teori samt att samverkan, handlingsutrymme och makt har använts som teoretiska begrepp. Dessa begrepp är relaterade till tvärsektionell samverkan och har använts för att genomföra en analys av det inhämtade materialet. Slutsatser i studien visar på att det finns brister och skilda åsikter som existerar i samverkan mellan kommun och region. Slutsatser visar även på otillräcklig kunskap gällande övriga yrkesprofessioners arbetsområden, resurser och kompetens är en stor kunskapslucka som samtliga intervjupersoner önskar förbättring kring för att upprätthålla och utveckla samverkan. / The aim of this study was to gain insight into the professional’s experiences of interdisciplinary collaboration between the municipality and county councils. The study was intended to contribute to an increased understanding of the professional's experiences of what is considered to work and what is considered to lack in the interdisciplinary collaboration between the municipality and county councils. This after the law on cooperation between the municipality and county councils when discharge from closed health care(SFS 2017: 612) came into force on January 1, 2018. The study's empirical data was obtained through semi-structured interviews with three employees from county councils and five employees from the social services within the municipality. National and international previous research on interdisciplinary collaboration that has been relevant to the study has been obtained. Together with previous research, an overall theory called symbolic interpretation and theoretical concepts such as collaboration, power and freedom of action, all related to interdisciplinary collaboration, have been used to analyze the material that has been obtained. Conclusions in the study show that there are shortcomings and differing opinions that exist in the interdisciplinary collaboration between the municipality and county councils. Conclusions also show that insufficient knowledge regarding the work areas, resources and competence of other professional professionals is a major gap in knowledge that all interviewees wish to improve on in order to maintain and develop collaboration.

Connecting with Adolescent Mothers: Perspectives of Hospital-Based Perinatal Nurses

Quosdorf, Ashley 21 February 2019 (has links)
Background: Adolescents are more likely to be dissatisfied with perinatal care than adults. Adolescents’ perspectives of their perinatal care experiences have been explored; however, there are few studies exploring adolescent-friendly inpatient care from nurses’ perspectives. Purpose: To explore adolescent-friendly care from the perspective of hospital-based adolescent-friendly perinatal nurses. Research Questions: (1) How and why do perinatal nurses in inpatient settings adapt their practice when caring for adolescents? (2) What are the individual nursing behaviours and organizational characteristics of adolescent-friendly care in inpatient perinatal settings, from the perspective of perinatal nurses? Methods: I report the qualitative component of a mixed methods study. Open-ended interviews were conducted with twenty-seven purposively-sampled expert nurses. Data were analyzed using Interpretive Description. Findings: Nurses described being mother-friendly to adolescents by being nonjudgmental, forming connections, individualizing care, and employing behavioural strategies that facilitate relationship-building. Implications: These findings will inform the development of interventions to facilitate connections between nurses and adolescent mothers.

Desfechos clínicos e BDNF em pacientes com doença mental grave durante internação psiquiátrica em hospital geral

Nuernberg, Gabriela Lotin January 2016 (has links)
A prevalência de Doença Mental Grave (do inglês Severe Mental Illness, SMI) atinge 5,4% em um ano segundo os estudos Baltimore Epidemiologic Catchment Area e National Comorbidity Survey. O conceito de SMI surgiu na década de 1970 para o planejamento dos serviços de saúde e apresentou importância crescente a partir do movimento de desinstitucionalização psiquiátrica. Uma das definições para SMI deriva do NIMH (National Institute of Mental Health) em 1987, e utiliza como critérios a presença de prejuízo funcional, decorrente de déficits em aspectos básicos do dia-a-dia, bem como a duração da doença. Casos agudos de SMI podem necessitar tratamento em Unidade de Internação Psiquiátrica em Hospital Geral (UIPHG). No entanto, há poucos estudos disponíveis no Brasil avaliando esta modalidade de tratamento e os desfechos destes pacientes. Evidências também apontam que os pacientes com transtornos psiquiátricos apresentam níveis reduzidos de Fator Neurotrófico Derivado do Cérebro (Brain-Derived Neurotrophic Factor, BDNF). O BDNF age no sistema nervoso central (SNC) promovendo crescimento e diferenciação de neurônios. Dentro deste contexto, a presente tese apresenta como objetivo principal a avaliação naturalística de desfechos clínicos e funcionais, associados à avaliação dos níveis séricos de BDNF, em pacientes com SMI. Os pacientes que foram encaminhados para tratamento na Unidade de Internação Psiquiátrica do Hospital de Clínicas de Porto Alegre foram incluídos se apresentassem os critérios de SMI: Avaliação Global de Funcionamento (Global Assessment of Functioning, GAF) menor ou igual a 50 e tempo de tratamento maior ou igual a dois anos. As avaliações ocorreram em dois momentos (admissão e alta). Compreenderam avaliação sociodemográfica, clínica e coleta de sangue (com dosagem de BDNF sérico). Foram realizadas avaliação diagnóstica pelo Mini-International Neuropsychiatric Interview (MINI) e aplicação das escalas Brief Psychiatric Rating Scale (BPRS), Clinical Global Impression scale (CGI-S), GAF e World Health Organization Quality of Life Instrument—Short Version (WHOQOL-Bref). Ainda, foram aplicadas escalas específicas nos diagnósticos principais (i.e., depressão maior, depressão bipolar, episódio maníaco, esquizofrenia): Hamilton Depression Rating Scale (HAM-D); Young Mania Rating Scale (YMRS). O primeiro artigo desta tese descreve os desfechos clínicos, funcionais e também de qualidade de vida durante a internação psiquiátrica. Observou-se melhora significativa nos parâmetros avaliados nos pacientes com SMI como um todo. Os pacientes com episódio maníaco apresentaram maior chance (em relação aos com episódio depressivo) de atingir remissão pela CGI (OR: 4.03; 95% CI: 1.14-14.30; p=0.03). A duração média da hospitalização (LOS) foi 28,95 (± 19,86) dias. No segundo artigo, observou-se redução dos níveis séricos de BDNF nos pacientes com SMI em relação aos controles saudáveis, independentemente do diagnóstico. Houve aumento significativo no BDNF entre a admissão e a alta. Os resultados apresentados replicam dados previamente publicados a partir de amostra única de pacientes com SMI, sua característica diferencial. Estes resultados reforçam que a internação em UIPHG, uma intervenção relativamente breve, demonstra desfechos positivos e é alternativa bem estabelecida no tratamento da SMI. Além disso, a redução inespecífica do BDNF sérico seguida de um pequeno aumento associado ao tratamento reforçam a possibilidade do BDNF como marcador transdiagnóstico de transtorno mental. / The estimated prevalence of Severe Mental Illness (SMI) according to Baltimore Epidemiologic Catchment Area and National Comorbidity Survey studies is 5.4% in one year. One suggested definition of Severe Mental Illness (SMI) derives from the 1987 National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH) definition and is based on two criteria: 1. duration, characterized as involving “prolonged illness”, and 2. disability, which includes dangerous or disturbing social behavior, and mild impairment in achieving basic needs. These acute psychiatric conditions may require psychiatric inpatient treatment located in acute wards in General Hospitals. However, little data is currently available evaluating the characteristics and the outcomes during an acute inpatient stay in Brazil. Evidence also suggests that Brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) levels are significantly decreased in neuropsychiatric disorders. BDNF is found throughout the brain and is involved in neurogenesis and neuroplasticity. So, the main objectives of this work are to evaluate SMI patients’ outcomes during treatment in a psychiatric unit in a general hospital by symptomatology, functionality, quality of life and by the evaluation of BDNF serum levels. After the admission to a psychiatric unit in a general hospital in Brazil, patients were included and if they had two of the SMI criteria: Global Assessment of Functioning (GAF) ≤ 50 and duration of services contact ≥ 2 years. Patients were assessed in admission and upon discharge with Mini-International Neuropsychiatric Interview (MINI), Brief Psychiatric Rating Scale (BPRS), Clinical Global Impression Scale (CGI), GAF, World Health Organization’s QOL Instrument—Short Version (WHOQOL-Bref) and diagnostic specific scales (Hamilton Depression Rating Scale, HAM-D; Young Mania Rating Scale, YMRS; and Hamilton Anxiety Rating Scale, HAM-A). Blood samples were also obtained. The first manuscript showed that SMI patients had marked and significant improvements in symptomatic and functional measures during psychiatric hospitalization. Patients with manic episode had higher chance of CGI remission (OR: 4.03; 95% CI: 1.14-14.30; p=0.03) when compared with patients with depressive episode. Mean LOS was 28.95 (± 19.86) days. The second manuscript showed that BDNF serum levels were equally reduced among different SMI diagnoses. Also, the observed improvements in SMI patients were associated with a significant, but small increase in mean serum BDNF levels. Therefore, the results replicate evidence from previous findings in single samples, suggesting that SMI patients can have marked acute improvements during a a relatively short intervention (approximately 1 month) represented by the psychiatric hospitalization in a general tertiary hospital. Also, the similar reduction observed in BDNF levels among SMI patients with different diagnoses and the significant increase but non-restoration indicate that BDNF serum levels could be considered a marker for the presence of an unspecific psychiatric disorder and possibly a transdiagnostic and unspecific marker of disease activity.


Gonçalves, Luciano Marcio 12 March 2018 (has links)
Submitted by admin tede (tede@pucgoias.edu.br) on 2018-04-16T14:44:26Z No. of bitstreams: 1 LUCIANO MÁRCIO GONÇALVES.pdf: 3005310 bytes, checksum: 7d1be9bcd38cb0cafb463dfeca2dc4d4 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2018-04-16T14:44:26Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 LUCIANO MÁRCIO GONÇALVES.pdf: 3005310 bytes, checksum: 7d1be9bcd38cb0cafb463dfeca2dc4d4 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2018-03-12 / Public security today has been the focus of debate in the most diverse nuclei of knowledge. The involvement of young people in crime, in the same way, becomes an increasingly recurring subject in the field of political, economic, social and legal sciences. This is a problem of social interest and requires attention of all. The units of hospitalization of juvenile offenders in Goiás are analyzed. The relationship between the geographic disposition of Cases in Goiás and the need for local demand is investigated. It is pointed out the difficulties related to the distance of the Cases in relation to the locality of the infractional practice, committing to the maintenance of the affective ties of the offender with the family. It is shown the importance of understanding the need for changes, inserting new proposals for intervention and restructuring the geographic distribution of the socio-educational system of minors in Goiás. A bibliographic research, associated with a field study, is applied. interviews directed to 4 sample subjects, it is observed that there is a disregard of the state authorities regarding the implementation of the Sinase Care Center, evidencing a dissociation between the local reality and the protective legislation. It is concluded that there is a need for the implementation of planned strategic actions, re-adjusting the geographic arrangement of the Socio-educational Assistance Centers in Goiás. / A segurança pública, atualmente, tem sido foco de debate nos mais diversos núcleos do conhecimento. O envolvimento de jovens na criminalidade, da mesma forma, tornase assunto cada vez mais recorrente no campo das ciências políticas, econômicas, sociais e jurídicas. Trata-se de uma problemática de interesse social e que requer atenção de todos. Analisa-se as unidades de internação de menores infratores em Goiás. Investiga-se a relação entre a disposição geográfica dos Cases em Goiás e a necessidade de demanda local. Aponta-se as dificuldades relacionadas à distância dos Cases em relação à localidade da prática infracional, comprometendo à manutenção dos vínculos afetivos do infrator com a família. Mostra-se a importância de se compreender a necessidade de mudanças, inserindo novas propostas de intervenção e reestruturação da distribuição geográfica do sistema de atendimento socioeducativo de menores em Goiás. Realiza-se uma pesquisa bibliográfica, associada com um estudo de campo, com aplicação de entrevistas direcionadas a 4 sujeitos de amostra, observa-se que há um descaso das autoridades estatais, quanto à implantação do Centro de Atendimento Sinase, evidenciando-se uma dissociação entre a realidade local e a legislação protetora. Conclui-se que existe a necessidade de implementação de ações estratégicas planejadas, readequando a disposição geográfica dos Centros de Atendimento Socioeducativos em Goiás.

Patient falls in acute care inpatient hospitals : a portfolio of research related to strategies in reducing falls.

Ang, Neo Kim Emily January 2008 (has links)
Despite a myriad of studies on fall prevention, patient falls continue to be a longterm problem experienced by health care organisations world-wide. Falls impose a heavy burden in terms of social, medical, and financial outcomes, and continue to pose a threat to patient safety. Because the potential for a fall is a constant clinical safety issue in every health care organisation, protecting the patient from falls and subsequent injuries, and ensuring that the patient care environment facilitates, are fundamental aspects in providing quality care. Moreover, the current international focus on creating a culture of quality care and patient safety requires the implementation of fall prevention programs that decrease the risk of falls. As with other international health care organisations, the National University Hospital (where the principal investigator is working), has been challenged with the issue of how to prioritise and implement quality initiatives across all disciplines. Faced with persistent patient falls that affect care outcomes, fall prevention has been a priority initiative at the hospital since 2003. In response, a nursing task force was established in an attempt to resolve this problem. A root cause analysis undertaken by this task force revealed that the hospital protocol on fall prevention was outdated and not evidence-based. Furthermore, many nurses did not understand the importance of fall prevention, while the administration of the fall prevention program was instituted on an ad hoc basis rather than as a standard of care for all patients. The challenge for this task force, as with other health care professionals, was not only in finding an intervention that was effective, but also identifying who would benefit from its implementation. Although the need to apply current best practices to reduce patient falls is clear from the task force results, evidence of the effectiveness of fall prevention interventions in acute care hospitals is lacking in literature. In addition, there are no published studies on fall prevention in Singapore to support changes in nursing practices. Thus, it becomes apparent that research on fall prevention is greatly needed in Singapore so that an evidence-based fall prevention program can be developed. This topic coincides with the Doctor of Nursing course, which requires the student to gain knowledge through scholarly research on contemporary issues in nursing by undertaking two separate projects related to a single area of interest. Undertaking the two research projects on fall prevention in an acute care inpatient hospital as part of the doctoral studies provided an opportunity to address this deficit in a way that could raise awareness of the importance of fall prevention in Singapore hospitals. This research also provides a platform for the first body of research into fall prevention to be conducted within the Singapore health care environment, which is essential, as international studies are not always necessarily applicable to the Singapore context due to differences in educational preparation, skills-mix, organisational culture and nursing practices. / http://proxy.library.adelaide.edu.au/login?url= http://library.adelaide.edu.au/cgi-bin/Pwebrecon.cgi?BBID=1321300 / Thesis (D.Nurs.) -- University of Adelaide, School of Population Health and Clinical Practice, 2008

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