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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Les décisions individuelles d'adaptation aux inondations : le cas de résidents en zones inondables dans le Sud de la France / Individual adaptation decisions to floods : the case of residents of flood-prone areas in the South of France

Richert, Claire 02 May 2017 (has links)
En France, un habitant sur quatre est exposé aux inondations. Dans cette thèse, nous nous sommes donc intéressés aux mécanismes de l'adaptation individuelle à ces risques naturels. Plus précisément, nous avons examiné l'influence des caractéristiques des individus et de leurs situations par rapport aux risques sur leurs décisions d'adaptation. Pour ce faire, nous avons mené une enquête quantitative auprès de 331 personnes résidant en zone inondable dans les départements de l'Aude et du Var. Le questionnaire utilisé lors de cette enquête a été développé à partir de la littérature et de l'analyse d'une enquête exploratoire par entretiens semi-directifs. D'après nos résultats, la perception de la menace liée aux inondations et la perception de la gravité de l'inondation vécue ont un effet positif sur les intentions d'adaptation, comme décrit dans la Protection Motivation Theory adaptée au domaine des inondations (Grothmann et Reusswig, 2006). Nos résultats suggèrent également l'existence d'une rétroaction négative de la mise en place d'une mesure de prévention sur la perception de la menace liée aux inondations. Cela invite à considérer avec prudence les relations observées empiriquement entre les perceptions et les décisions d'adaptation passées. De plus, nos résultats montrent une relation positive entre des indicateurs de la fréquence et de la sévérité des inondations et les perceptions de ces caractéristiques par les répondants. Comme ces perceptions ont un effet positif sur l'intention de s'adapter, cela signifie que les personnes les plus susceptibles de s'adapter sont celles qui sont exposées aux inondations les plus sévères et fréquentes dans l'échantillon étudié. Nous avons aussi examiné les relations entre les perceptions et les attitudes dans les domaines des risques financiers et d'inondation et étudié l'influence de ces variables sur l'adaptation individuelle. Pour ce faire, nous avons utilisé la sous-échelle psychométrique concernant les risques financiers de l'échelle DOSPERT (Weber et al., 2002; Blais et Weber, 2006) et développé une sous-échelle psychométrique sur le même modèle, mais qui concerne les risques d'inondation. Cette dernière présente des cohérences interne et externe satisfaisantes. L'analyse des données récoltées en utilisant les sous-échelles des domaines des risques financiers et d'inondation suggère que ces deux types de risques ont tendance à entrer en compétition. Ainsi, l'importance accordée par les individus aux risques financiers par rapport aux risques d'inondation semble avoir un effet négatif sur les intentions d'adaptation. En conséquence, les mesures de prévention ne peuvent pas être considérées comme des formes d'auto-assurance, qui permettent de réduire uniquement les risques de pertes financières. Ainsi, nos résultats suggèrent que l'adaptation individuelle dépend notamment des perceptions et attitudes des individus en ce qui concerne les risques financiers, les risques d'inondation, mais aussi de leurs perceptions concernant les moyens d'adaptation aux inondations. Or, d'après la théorie de l'amplification sociale du risque (Kasperson et al., 1988), les perceptions et attitudes peuvent être modifiées par l'expérience directe ou indirecte d'un risque. Nos résultats corroborent l'hypothèse selon laquelle le fait d'avoir vécu une inondation modifie les perceptions et attitudes non seulement dans le domaine des risques d'inondation, mais aussi dans celui des risques financiers. Pour examiner l'influence de l'expérience indirecte des inondations sur l'adaptation individuelle, nous avons développé un modèle théorique qui décrit les relations entre les composantes à considérer pour étudier la diffusion d'un moyen d'adaptation au sein d'un réseau social. Ce modèle prend notamment en compte les interactions sociales. / In France, one in four inhabitants is exposed to floods. In this thesis, we studied the mechanisms that lead individuals to adapt to these natural risks. More specifically, we examined the influence of the characteristics of individuals and their situations relating to risks on their adaptation decisions. To do so, we conducted a quantitative survey of 331 inhabitants of flood-prone areas in the South of France. To design the questionnaire used in the quantitative survey, we relied on the literature and on the analysis of an exploratory qualitative survey. According to our results, the appraisal of the threat posed by floods and the perception of the severity of past experiences of such disasters have a positive effect on adaptation intentions, as described in the Protection Motivation Theory (Grothmann and Reusswig, 2006). Our results also suggest the existence of a negative feedback effect of past adaptation decisions on the appraisal of the threat posed by floods. Consequently, caution should be taken when interpreting the observed relations between perceptions and past adaptation decisions. Moreover, our results show a positive relation between indicators of the frequency and severity of floods and the respondents' perceptions of these features. Since these perceptions have a positive effect on the intention to adapt, it implies that the individuals who face the most frequent and severe floods are the most likely to adapt to these risks in our sample. We also examined the relations between perceptions and attitudes in the domains of financial and flood risks and studied the influence of these variables on individual adaptation to floods. To do so, we used the financial subscale of the DOSPERT psychometric scale (Weber et al., 2002; Blais and Weber, 2006) and developed a new subscale following this model, but relating to flood risks. The new subscale has acceptable internal and external consistencies. The analysis of the data collected using the flood and financial risks subscales suggests that these two types of risks tend to compete with each other. Hence, the importance granted by the respondents to financial risks compared to flood risks seems to have a negative effect on their adaptation intentions. Consequently, precautionary measures cannot be treated as types of self-insurance, which reduce only the risk of financial loss. Thus, our results suggest that individual adaptation to floods depends in particular on people's perceptions and attitudes regarding financial and flood risks, but also on their perceptions regarding the measures that can be taken to adapt to floods. According to the social amplification of risk framework (Kasperson et al., 1988), perceptions and attitudes can be modified by the first-hand or indirect experience of a risk. Our results support the hypothesis that first-hand flood experience changes attitudes and perceptions, not only in the flood domain, but also in the financial domain. To examine the role of indirect experience of floods on individual adaptation, we designed a theoretical model. It describes the relations between the components which can be taken into account to study the diffusion of an adaptation measure within a social network. In particular, social interactions are represented in this model.

Exploring perceptions of disaster risk and earthquake hazard on southern Vancouver Island, British Columbia, Canada

Schina, Brittany Jennifer 14 September 2017 (has links)
Southern Vancouver Island, situated on Canada’s West Coast, is exposed to many natural and human-made threats due to its physical geography and demography. Perceptions of these disaster risks and of seismic hazard, in particular, were surveyed through locally-administered questionnaires conducted with 105 members of the general public and 13 emergency managers living and working on southern Vancouver Island, specifically in the Cowichan Valley Regional District (CVRD) and the Capital Regional District (CRD). Perhaps the greatest risk to the region, and that, which is perceived by both the general public and practitioners as the greatest risk, is low frequency, high consequence earthquake events. The region is exposed to earthquakes from many sources, but has not experienced a damaging quake in several decades, begging questions as to whether residents consider earthquake a prominent threat and whether they have an accurate appreciation for the earthquake hazard (likelihood) in the region. While researchers have scientifically quantified the earthquake hazard in the region for over 50 years, only in the past 10 years has this hazard information been presented in a format that is comprehensible by the general public. In order for individuals and communities to make informed decisions, this information must ultimately reach the public and be interpretable and actionable. This research describes and analyzes disaster risk and seismic hazard perception on Southern Vancouver Island, and identifies whether there are gaps in communication between the scientists who create the knowledge, the emergency managers who disseminate the information, and the general public who ultimately needs to act on the information to increase their resilience. Results reveal that earthquakes are perceived as the highest disaster risk among both the general public and emergency managers on southern Vancouver Island, and that a large majority of participants know that their community is at risk from an earthquake. In addition, while emergency managers consider mostly natural threats to be significant risks, the general public more commonly identify human-made intentional threats as significant risks. The study also found that gender and location influence how individuals prefer to receive hazard information. In addition, household income and time spent living on Vancouver Island are key variables for how likely members of the general public are to be prepared. Findings suggest that while both emergency managers and the general public overestimate the earthquake hazard on southern Vancouver Island, on average emergency managers perceive the earthquake hazard to be greater than the general public does. Interestingly, general public respondents in the CVRD perceive seismic hazard to be higher than respondents in the CRD, while the calculated hazard is actually higher in the CRD. In addition, emergency managers underestimate residents’ perceptions of earthquake hazard. In other words, they feel that the public underestimates the hazard when actually both emergency managers and the general public overestimate it. These misperceptions have implications for future seismic hazard and disaster risk communication. Prior to this study, disaster risk perception has not been explored in detail in this region, and while limitations to this research are outlined, the study provides a useful descriptive analysis and baseline information for emergency managers and academic researchers to build upon. The findings of this research have specific relevance for emergency managers to inform their public education and outreach efforts around preparation, response and resilience to disasters on southern Vancouver Island. / Graduate / 2018-09-08

L’utilisation de la traduction automatique en contexte professionnel : étude de cas concernant les perceptions de la traduction automatique ainsi que son utilisation en contexte professionnel

Lavigne, Pierre-Étienne January 2017 (has links)
Résumé : La demande croissante du marché de la traduction n'est pas aisée à combler, ce qui pousse un certain nombre de traducteurs et de fournisseurs de services de traduction à chercher des outils d'aide à la traduction pouvant complémenter ou remplacer ceux liés aux mémoires de traduction (MT) (Lewis 1997 : 256; O'Brien 2002 : 99, 105-106; Saint-André 2015 : 1-8). Certains se sont tournés vers la traduction automatique (TA), qui paraît permettre certains gains de productivité lorsqu'elle est utilisée en combinaison avec un outil de MT (Guerberof 2009; Lewis 1997 : 256; O'Brien 2002 : 99, 105-106). Toutefois, la question de l’utilisation de la TA par des traducteurs en contexte organisationnel réel semble avoir été peu étudiée. La présente étude, menée en collaboration avec l’équipe de traduction des Instituts de recherche en santé du Canada (IRSC), a visé à évaluer si la combinaison d’outils de MT avec des outils de TA peut véritablement rehausser la productivité des traducteurs dans ce type de contexte. Pour ce faire, une analyse des perceptions des traducteurs en rapport aux outils de MT et de TA et une expérience dans le cadre de laquelle des textes ont été traduits à l’aide d’une MT seule ou à l’aide d’une MT et d’un système de TA ont été effectuées. Les données des deux volets de la recherche ont ensuite été analysées pour évaluer les perceptions des participants en rapport aux outils de MT et de TA, déterminer si l’utilisation d’outils de MT et de TA permettait d’atteindre des seuils de productivité plus élevés que l’utilisation d’outils de MT seuls, et vérifier si les perceptions des participants en rapport aux outils utilisés avaient influencé les seuils de productivité atteints. L’étude contribue ainsi à approfondir les connaissances en rapport à l’utilité de la TA en contexte organisationnel réel et en rapport aux perceptions des traducteurs quant aux outils d’aide à la traduction que constituent les MT et la TA.

Analyse empirique des attitudes des consommateurs chinois et perceptions de valeur sur les marques de luxe / Empirical Analysis of Chinese consumers’ attitudes and Value Perceptions on luxury brands

Zeng, Mingyue 17 December 2018 (has links)
Le marché du luxe chinois se caractérise par un grand désir pour les produits de luxe mondiaux au cours des dernières années, mais les valeurs sous-jacentes à ces intentions d'achat restent inconnues. Cette étude explore la perception de la valeur des consommateurs de produits de luxe dans le contexte chinois. Sur la base des données recueillies par une enquête auprès de 6 villes représentatives de Chine (N1 = 261, N2 = 644), les résultats résument systématiquement un cadre de valeurs de luxe perçu par les consommateurs chinois. Les valeurs dérivées sont constituées par la valeur fonctionnelle, la valeur financière, la valeur individuelle et la valeur sociale. De plus, ces valeurs varient selon les facteurs démographiques tels que le sexe, l'âge, le revenu et la ville de résidence. Les résultats apportent en outre la preuve que les valeurs fonctionnelles et individuelles ainsi que celles des revenus affectent de manière significative la consommation réelle de produits de luxe. Basée sur des résultats, cette étude offre des implications théoriques et pratiques pour les marques de luxe mondiales ciblant le marché du luxe chinois pour le développement des affaires. But: le but de cette étude est de comprendre le cadre des perceptions de valeur des consommateurs chinois et de tester la validité des échelles de valeurs. En concluant un tel cadre de perception de la valeur du consommateur chinois dans le marché du luxe, la thèse vise à identifier les principales valeurs influentes qui affectent la consommation de luxe. Approche méthodologique: Sur la base de critique des documents, cette étude a d'abord recueilli des échelles de valeur de luxe. Afin de déterminer si de telles échelles de valeur conviennent au consommateur chinois, cette étude utilise une méthode qualitative en interrogeant les personnes dans le domaine pour résumer les échelles de valeur en vue d’une analyse plus approfondie. Après avoir identifié les valeurs de luxe possibles perçues par les consommateurs chinois, cette étude fait des recherches quantitatives en utilisant des données de 6 villes chinoises avec un questionnaire conçu. La méthode FCA (Factor Component Analysis), une méthode d'analyse factorielle exploratoire, est utilisée pour analyser les données, et Structural Equation Modeling (logiciel Amos) est utilisé pour identifier la puissance influente des perceptions de luxe sur la consommation de luxe réel. Résultats: En utilisant le test empirique des valeurs de luxe avec la méthode de modélisation des équations structurelles, cette étude trouve que le cadre des valeurs de luxe perçues par les consommateurs chinois inclut la valeur fonctionnelle, la valeur financière, la valeur individuelle et la valeur sociale (ostentatoire/du statut). De plus, la valeur individuelle et la valeur fonctionnelle affecteront considérablement la consommation de luxe. Alors que la valeur sociale affecte négativement les consommations de luxe. Application pratique: Cette étude analyse les valeurs de luxe et fournit les caractéristiques du comportement des consommateurs détenus par les consommateurs chinois. Les consommateurs chinois font attention particulière aux valeurs fonctionnelles et individuelles / hédoniques, en même temps ils sont très sensibles et montrent une attitude contradictoire à la valeur sociale, certains consommateurs chinois de luxe évitent même d'être délibérément associés aux produits de luxe ou aux marques, cela pousse les commerçants dans le domaine du luxe à modifier leur stratégie de marketing dans le marché du luxe chinois. Ainsi, cette étude peut également fournir un aperçu du comportement des consommateurs chinois dans le contexte culturel chinois. / The Chinese luxury market is characterized by a great desire for global luxury products in recent years, but the underlying values driving such purchasing intentions remain unknown. This study explores consumers’ value perceptions of luxury goods in the Chinese context. Based on data gathered via a survey from 6 representative cities throughout China (N1=261, N2=644), the findings systematically summarize a framework of luxury values as perceived by Chinese consumers. The values derived are constituted by functional value, financial value, individual value, and social value. Moreover, these values vary across demographic factors such as gender, age, income and city of residence. The results further provide evidence that functional and individual values together with income significantly affect real consumption of luxury goods. Based on the results, this study offers theoretical and practical implications for global luxury brands targeting the Chinese luxury market for business development. Purpose: the purpose of this study is to figure out the framework of value perceptions of Chinese consumers, and test the validity of the constructs of values. By concluding such framework of Chinese consumer value perceptions in luxury market, the paper aims at identifying major influential values that affect the luxury consumption. Methodological approach: Based on the literature review, this study collected luxury value constructs first. And in order to find out whether such value constructs fit for Chinese consumer, this study use qualitative method to summarize the value constructs for further analysis by interview field people. After identifying the possible luxury values perceived by Chinese consumer, this study does quantitative research by using data from 6 Chinese Cities with designed questionnaire. The FCA (Factor Component Analysis) method, a method of exploratory factor analysis, is used to analyze the data, and Structural Equation Modeling (software Amos) is used to identify the influential power of luxury value perceptions on real luxury consumption. Findings: By empirical test of luxury values with the structural equation modeling method, this study finds that the framework of luxury value perceived by Chinese consumers includes functional value, financial value, individual value, and social (conspicuous/status) value. And individual value and functional value will affect the luxury consumption significantly. While the social value negatively affect the luxury consumptions. Practical Application: This study analyzes the luxury values and provides the characteristics of consumer behavior held by Chinese consumers comparing with consumers elsewhere. Chinese consumers pay special emphasis on functional and individual/hedonic values, and at the same time they are very sensitive and show contradictive attitude to social value, some Chinese luxury consumers even avoid to be associated with luxury products or brands in public deliberately, which will push the marketers in luxury field to modify their marketing strategy in Chinese luxury market. So this study can also provide an insight look of Chinese consumer behavior with Chinese cultural background.

The value and perceptions of music therapy for children with Autistic Spectrum Disorders (ASDs) in a South African school

White, Jenna-Lee Kim 11 June 2012 (has links)
The aims of this study were to explore parents’ and teachers’ perceptions of what music therapy entails and what value it has for children with autism. In so doing, limitations in providing information about music therapy were identified. The context for this study involved Unica School for Autism in Menlo Park, Pretoria. Unica is a Public Benefit Organisation (PBO) that provides specialised education for learners with autism between the ages of 3 and 18 years. Music therapy has been offered at Unica by both qualified music therapists and supervised music therapy students since 1995. This study was conducted within the qualitative research paradigm and, as such, sought to understand perceptions of, rather than ‘prove’, the value music therapy has for children with autism. Data collection took the form of 6 semi-structured interviews. The interviews were transcribed and data were coded, categorised and organised into themes. These themes then formed the basis for addressing the research questions. The findings of this study show, firstly, that direct contact with the music therapist, music therapy public presentations, and witnessing musical end products such as performances are the primary influences on parents’ and teachers’ perceptions of music therapy. Parents and teachers have some understanding of the objectives of music therapy. The findings show, secondly, that the parents and teachers have limited understanding of how music therapy works. This includes a lack of knowledge about clinical musical intention, intervention and the music therapy process. Finally, the findings show that parents and teachers at Unica hold music therapy in exceptionally high esteem. They are able to identify its value for children with autism in a number of areas, particularly in terms of social development and development of self, which relate directly and peripherally to the diagnosis of autism. The participants also recognise the lack of awareness about music therapy outside of the Unica environment, and express a wish for all children with autism to receive music therapy. Copyright / Dissertation (MMus)--University of Pretoria, 2011. / Music / unrestricted

Technology in EFL teaching and learning : ICT’s effect on reading and writing skills and attitudes towards ICT - a systematic literature review

Stec, Katarzyna January 2022 (has links)
The aim of this study was to investigate the effects of ICT on EFL students’ reading and writing skills, as well as both teachers’ and students’ attitudes towards ICT. 14 articles from varying countries were systematically selected for the purpose of this literature review. The data collected was investigated through content analysis. The results showed that ICT has generally positive effects on students’ reading and writing skills and the motivation to do those tasks. The teachers perceived ICT to be mainly beneficial, but often distracting and difficult to use or control. The students were appreciative of technology and found it helpful in their learning English process. It was concluded that ICT’s positive effects outweigh the negative effects of using ICT in an EFL setting and implementing technology can improve students' reading and writing skills as well as increase their motivation.

Understanding Student Perceptions of Biosolids and Other Fertilizers in Central Ohio

Rance, Logan T. 06 October 2020 (has links)
No description available.

The Relationship of Elementary School Principals' and Teachers' Perceptions of the Elementary School Principal's Role Behavior in Ubon Province, Thailand

Warawitya, Chireg 08 1900 (has links)
The purpose of this study was to identify the existing relationships of the elementary school principals' and teachers' perceptions of the elementary school principal's role behavior in Ubon Province, Thailand. This study answers four questions: Are there significant differences in perceptions of teachers in each of the thirty-four surveyed schools of the principal's role behavior; Are there significant differences in perceptions of all teachers among the thirty-four surveyed schools of the principal's role behavior; Are there significant differences in perceptions of all principals of the principal's role behavior; Are there significant differences in perceptions of all teachers and principals of the principal's role behavior?

Parental Involvement: Parent Perceptions and Teacher Perceptions.

Herrell, Penelope Odum 07 May 2011 (has links) (PDF)
The purpose of this study was to examine the perceptions of parents and teachers regarding effective parental involvement with elementary students based on Epstein et al.'s (2009) 6 typologies of parental involvement. The population consisted of 77 teachers in a particular east Tennessee school district and the parents of 889 students enrolled in kindergarten through 6th grade. Parents and teachers were asked to indicate the effectiveness of 4 activities within each of the 6 parental involvement categories: parenting, communicating, volunteering, learning at home, decision making, and collaborating with the community. Parents and teachers were asked to rank each activity numerically with 1 indicating not effective and 5 indicating highly effective. A ranking of 2, 3, or 4 indicated an activity between not effective and highly effective. In a separate section, parents and teachers were asked to rank the 5 most important activities from a list of specific parental involvement activities. Findings indicated that parents and teachers in this study have some similar views and some differing views regarding effective parental involvement. Parents and teachers in this study shared similar perspectives by ranking the top 5 specific parental involvement activities from a list of 10 specific activities. Parents and teachers used a Likert scale to indicate the effectiveness of activities from Epstein et al.'s (2009) 6 typologies: parenting, communicating, volunteering, learning at home, decision making, and collaborating with the community. The t-test indicated significant differences in the perceptions of parents and teachers regarding effective parental involvement in 5 of the 6 typologies. ANOVA and post hoc analysis revealed significant differences among the parent population based on age, education level, gender, and race. No significant differences were identified among the teacher population based on the 4 demographic areas examined: age, education level, teaching experience, and gender. This study revealed that parents and teachers surveyed had some similar perceptions and some differing perceptions regarding effective parental involvement, but both groups identified communicating as the most important typology from Epstein et al.'s (2009) 6 major types of involvement.

Perceptions and Actions Regarding Parent Involvement in a Small Northeast Tennessee School District.

Watts, Randy Adam 07 May 2011 (has links) (PDF)
The purpose of this study was to compare the perception scores and action scores of teachers in a northeast Tennessee school system in terms of parent involvement. Also, this study examined the relationship between perception scores and action scores of administrators and teachers across the district. Lastly, this study determined if significant differences existed in the perception scores and action scores between elementary, middle, and high school teachers. Data were collected by questionnaires containing sections for demographic information, perceptions of parent involvement, and actions involving parent involvement. The population consisted of 437 certified teachers and 24 building level administrators. From that population, 298 teachers and 18 administrators responded. Independent-samples t tests were used to compare the action scores of teachers in a high perception group and a low perception group. As a whole, teachers in the low perception group tended to have lower action scores than those in the high perception group. However, when analyzed by grade level, no significant differences were noted between the high perception and low perception groups. One way analysis of variance (ANOVA) testing was used to test for differences in the perception scores and action scores of teachers by grade level. Significant differences were noted in the perception scores and action scores between the elementary, middle, and high school groups. A post hoc Tukey procedure clearly indicated that elementary school action scores were significantly different from middle action scores, and middle school action scores were significantly different from high school action scores. A post hoc LSD procedure clearly indicated that elementary school perception scores were significantly different from middle perception scores, and middle school perception scores were significantly different from high school perception scores. Single-sample t tests revealed a significant difference in the perception scores and action scores of teachers and administrators across the district. In each single-sample t test, the mean administrator score was used as the test value. Each test confirmed that the sample mean was significantly lower than the test value. This study was important in uncovering information about the perception scores and action scores of teachers and administrators in the area of parent involvement. Parent involvement has been consistently shown to have positive benefits on students but is still an underused resource. Recommendations are made with the intention of helping schools better understand how to serve their students and communities more effectively.

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