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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Recherche de déformation dans des noyaux riches en neutrons / Search for deformation in neutron rich nuclei

Mancuso, Clément 04 July 2016 (has links)
Actuellement, le noyau de l'atome sert dans diverses utilisations courantes. Pourtant, notre compréhension que de cet objet n'est pas complète. C'est pourquoi la recherche nucléaire est nécessaire. Parmi cet ensemble vaste, ce manuscrit s'intéresse à l'étude des changements de forme dans les isotopes riches en neutrons des séries Ru et Sr. Le sujet est d'abord cerné dans un chapitre de concepts théoriques de la physique nucléaire. Un second chapitre décrit l'expérience permettant de produire les isotopes d'intérêt. Cette expérience de spectroscopie gamma est réalisée avec un multidétecteur HPGe composé à partir d'EXOGAM et complété de cristaux GASP et LOHENGRIN. Cette expérience consiste en la fission du 241Pu induite par neutrons froids fournis par le réacteur de l'Institut Laue Langevin. Elle fait partie de la campagne EXILL. Le deuxième chapitre traite également de la pré-analyse des données. Après avoir montré les effets d'une pré-sélection des événements en multiplicité, les résultats obtenus concernant les isotopes 108Ru à 115Ru, et 92Sr à 96Sr sont abordés dans le troisième chapitre. Enfin, le quatrième chapitre replace ces résultats dans des ensembles plus larges des parties riches en neutrons des deux séries. Ces séries sont également replacées dans le contexte de leur région de masse.La région d'intérêt est riche en changement de forme, avec l'enrichissement neutronique ou avec l'excitation des noyaux. Ces changements sont plutôt bien décrits par certains modèles, mais ces derniers peinent encore à en décrire les limites. Leurs déterminations précises est essentielle pour contraindre les modèles / Nowadays, the atomic nucleus is used in a variety of common way. Nevertheless, this object is not fully understood yet. This is why nuclear physics research is still needed. Among the large number of nuclear physics topics, this work is interested in the study of shape changes in neutron rich Ru and Sr isotopes. The subject is figured out in the first chapter, dealing with theoretical concepts about nuclear physics. A second chapter describes the experiment permitting to produce the isotopes of interest. This gamma-ray spectroscopy experiment has been realized with a HPGe multidetector made from EXOGAM and completed by GASP and LOHENGRIN detectors. This experiment consists of the cold neutron, supplied by the reactor of the Institute Laue Langevin, induced fission of 241Pu. This experiment is a part of the EXILL measurement campaign. The second chapter also deals with the data pre-analysis of this experiment. After showing the effects of a multiplicity cut on event preselection, the obtained results concerning 108Ru to 115Ru and 92Sr to 96Sr isotopes are presented on the third chapter. Finally, the fourth chapter puts these results in a wider part of the neutron rich side of both series. These last ones are also placed in their mass region context.The region of interest is rich in shape change, whether with neutronic enrichment or with excitation energy. These changes are rather well described by certain models, but the latter still have difficulty to describe the limits. Their precise determinations by experiment is essential to constrain models

Characterization of high-purity, multi-segmented germanium detectors / Charactérisation de détecteurs multi-segmentés au germanium hyper pur

Ginsz, Michaël 30 September 2015 (has links)
L’apparition de la segmentation électrique des détecteurs au GeHP et de l’électronique numérique a ouvert la voie à des applications prometteuses, telles que le tracking γ, l’imagerie γ ou la mesure bas bruit de fond, pour lesquelles une connaissance fine de la réponse du détecteur est un atout. L’IPHC a développé une table de scan utilisant un faisceau collimaté, qui sonde la réponse d’un détecteur dans tout son volume en fonction de la localisation de l’interaction. Elle est conçue pour utiliser une technique innovante de scan 3D, le Pulse Shape Comparison Scan, qui a été d’abord simulée afin de démontrer son efficacité. Un détecteur AGATA a été scanné de manière approfondie. Des scan 2D classiques ont permis, entre autres, de mettre en évidence des effets locaux de modification de la collection des charges, liés à la segmentation. Pour la première fois, une base de données 3D, complète, de formes d’impulsions fonction de la position d’interaction a été établie. Elle permettra notamment d’améliorer les performances du spectromètre AGATA. / Recent developments of electrical segmentation of HPGe detectors, coupled with digital electronics have led to promising applications such as γ-ray tracking, γ-ray imaging or low-background measurements which will benefit from a fine knowledge of the detector response. The IPHC has developed a new scanning table which uses a collimated γ-ray beam to investigate the detector response as a function of the location of the γ-ray interaction. It is designed to use the Pulse Shape Comparison Scan technique, which has been simulated in order to prove its efficiency. An AGATA detector has been thoroughly scanned. 2D classical scans brought out, for example, local charge collection modification effects such as charge sharing, due to the segmentation. For the first time, a 3D, complete pulse-shape database has been established. It will especially allow to improve the overall AGATA array performances.

Synthesis, optical and morphological characterization of pbse quantum dots for diagnostic studies: a model study

Ouma, Linda Achiengꞌ January 2013 (has links)
>Magister Scientiae - MSc / In this study PbSe quantum dots (QDs) were successfully synthesized via the organometallic and aqueous routes. Optical characterization was carried out using photoluminescence (PL) spectroscopy, structural and morphological characterization were carried out using X-ray diffraction (XRD) and transmission electron microscopy (TEM). Energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDS) was used to determine the composition of the QDs. All the synthesized QDs were found to have emissions within the near-infrared region of the spectrum (≥1000 nm) with most of them being less than 5 nm in size. The aqueous synthesized QDs had a perfect Gaussian emission spectrum with a FWHM of ~23 nm indicating pure band gap emission and narrow size distribution respectively. The QDs were determined to have a cubic rock-salt crystal structure consistent with bulk PbSe. The aqueous synthesized QDs were however not stable in solution with the QDs precipitating after approximately 48 h. The organometallic synthesized QDs were transferred into the aqueous phase by exchanging the surface oleic acid ligands with 11-mercaptoundecanoic acid ligands. The ligand exchanged QDs were however stable in solution for over two weeks. The effects of reaction parameters on the optical and structural properties of the organometallic synthesized QDs were investigated by varying the reaction time, temperature, ligand purity, lead and selenium sources. It was observed that larger QDs were formed with longer reaction times, with reactions proceeding faster at higher reaction temperatures than at lower temperatures. Varying the ligand purity was found to have minimal effects on the properties of the synthesized QDs. The lead and selenium sources contributed largely to the properties of the QDs with lead oxide producing spherical QDs which were smaller compared to the cubic QDs produced from lead acetate. TBPSe was seen to produce smaller QDs as compared to TOPSe. The cytotoxity of the synthesized QDs was determined following the WST-1 cell viability assay with the QDs being found to be non-toxic at all the tested concentrations

Experimentální studium pole neutronů v podkritickém urychlovačem řízeném jaderném reaktoru / Experimental Investigation of the Neutron Field in an Accelerator Driven Subcritical Reactor

Zeman, Miroslav January 2020 (has links)
This dissertation focuses on irradiations of a spallation set-up consisting of more than half a ton of natural uranium that were executed by a 660 MeV proton beam at the Joint Institute for Nuclear Reserch in Dubna. Two types of irradiations were arranged: with and without lead shielding. Both types were arranged with threshold activation detectors (Al-27, Mn-55, Co-59, and In-nat) located throughout the whole set-up both in horizontal and vertical positions and activated by secondary neutrons produced by spallation reaction. The threshold activation detectors were analysed by the method of gamma-ray spectroscopy. Radionuclides found in the threshold detectors were analysed and reaction rates were determined for each radionuclide. Ratios of the reaction rates were determined from irradiation of the set-up with and without lead shielding. Subsequently, the neutron spectra generated inside the spallation target at different positions were calculated using Co-59 detector. The experimental results were compared with Monte Carlo simulations performed using MCNPX 2.7.0.

DFT simulace interakce organických molekul s orientovanými povrchy / DFT simulations of interaction of organic molecules with oriented surfaces

Krejčí, Ondřej January 2017 (has links)
This thesis concerns my theoretical calculations and simulations in comparison with experimental measurements acquired by means of surface science techniques on bare surfaces and molecules adsorbed on surfaces. In the beginning of the thesis I briefly describe the density functional theory (DFT) method, which is used for calculations of geometric and electronic structure of surfaces and absorbed molecules. It is followed by a quick overview of the scanning probe microscopy (SPM) and X-ray spectroscopy techniques that provided experimental context for my calculations. In the later part of my thesis I introduce publications on which I participated. In these works, direct results of my DFT calculations or simulations based on DFT outputs helped to reveal geometric and electronic structure of acetophenone adsorbed on Si(111) surface, on-surface oligomerized organic molecules and boron atoms used for substitational doping of graphene. The simulations also enable us to probe a laser initiated CO hydrogenation in real time. A big part of my work was the development of some simulation methods for SPM imaging of molecules on surfaces with flexible tip apexes. These simulation methods helped to create a comprehensive overview of SPM techniques performed with flexible tip apexes. 1

Measurement of the photodissociation of the deuteron at energies relevant to Big Bang nucleosynthesis

Hannaske, Roland 28 April 2016 (has links)
Zwischen 10 und 1000 s nach dem Urknall bildeten sich während der Big Bang Nukleosynthese (BBN) die ersten leichten Elemente aus Protonen und Neutronen. Die primordialen Häufigkeiten dieser Elemente hingen von denWirkungsquerschnitten der beteiligten Kernreaktionen ab. Vergleiche zwischen den Ergebnissen nuklearer Netzwerkrechnungen mit astronomischen Beobachtungen bieten eine einzigartige Möglichkeit, etwas über das Universum zu dieser Zeit zu erfahren. Da es für die p(n,g)d-Reaktion, die eine Schlüsselreaktion der BBN ist, kaum Messungen im relevanten Energiebereich gibt, beruht deren Reaktionsrate in Netzwerkrechnungen auf theoretischen Berechnungen. Darin fließen auch experimentelle Daten der Nukleon-Nukleon-Streuung, des Einfangquerschnitts für thermische Neutronen sowie (nach Anwendung des Prinzips des detaillierten Gleichgewichts) der d(g,n)p-Reaktion mit ein. Diese Reaktion, die Photodissoziation des Deuterons, ist bei BBN-Energien (Tcm = 20–200 keV) ebenfalls kaum vermessen. Die großen experimentelle Unsicherheiten machen Vergleiche mit den präzisen theoretischen Berechnungen schwierig. In den letzten Jahren wurde die d(g,n)p-Reaktion und insbesondere der M1-Anteil des Wirkungsquerschnitts mit quasi-monoenergetischen g-Strahlen aus Laser-Compton-Streuung oder durch Elektrodesintegration untersucht. Üblicherweise verwendete man für Messungen des d(g,n)p-Wirkungsquerschnitts entweder die auf wenige diskrete Energien beschränkte Strahlung des g-Zerfalls oder Bremsstrahlung, für die aber eine genaue Photonenflussbestimmung sowie der Nachweis von einem der Reaktionsprodukte und dessen Energie nötig ist. Da diese Energie im Bereich der BBN relativ gering ist, gab es bisher noch keine absoluten Messung des d(g,n)p-Wirkungsquerschnitts bei Tcm < 5 MeV mit Bremsstrahlung. Das Ziel dieser Dissertation ist eine solche Messung mit einer Unsicherheit von 5 % im für die BBN relevanten Energiebereich und darüber hinaus bis Tcm ~ 2,5 MeV unter Verwendung gepulster Bremsstrahlung an der Strahlungsquelle ELBE. Dieser supraleitende Elektronenbeschleuniger befindet sich am Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf und stellte einen Elektronenstrahl hoher Intensität bereit. Die kinetische Elektronenenergie von 5 MeV wurde mit einem Browne-Buechner-Spektrometer präzise gemessen. Die Energieverteilung der in einer Niob-Folie erzeugten Bremsstrahlungsphotonen wurde berechnet. Die Photonenflussbestimmung nutzte die Kernresonanzstreuung an 27Al, das sich mit deuteriertem Polyethylen in einem mehrschichtigen Target befand. Die 27Al-Abregungen wurden mit abgeschirmten, hochreinen Germanium-Detektoren nachgewiesen, deren Effektivität mit GEANT4 simuliert und durch Quellmessungen normiert wurde. Die Messung der Energie der Neutronen aus der d(g,n)p-Reaktion erfolgte mittels deren Flugzeit in Plastikszintillatoren, die an zwei Seiten von Photoelektronenvervielfachern mit hoher Verstärkung ausgelesen wurden. Die Nachweiseffektivität dieser Detektoren wurde in einem eigenen Experiment in den Referenz-Neutronenfeldern der PTB Braunschweig kalibriert. Die Nachweisschwelle lag bei etwa 10 keV kinetischer Neutronenenergie.Wegen der guten Zeitauflösung der Neutronendetektoren und des ELBE-Beschleunigers genügte eine Flugstrecke von nur 1 m. Die Energieauflösung betrug im d(g,n)p-Experiment 1–2 %. Leider gingen viele Neutronen bereits durch Streuung in dem großen Target verloren oder sie wurden erst durch Teile des kompakten Experimentaufbaus in die Detektoren gestreut. Beide Effekte wurden mit Hilfe von FLUKA simuliert um einen Korrekturfaktor zu bestimmen, der aber bei niedrigen Energien relativ groß war. Der d(g,n)p-Wirkungsquerschnitts wurde daher nur im Bereich 0.7 MeV < Tcm < 2.5 MeV bestimmt. Die Ergebnisse stimmen mit anderen Messungen, Daten-Evaluierungen sowie theoretischen Rechnungen überein. Die Gesamtunsicherheit beträgt circa 6.5 % und kommt zu fast gleichen Teilen von den statistischen und systematischen Unsicherheiten. Die statistische Unsicherheit könnte durch eine längere FLUKA Simulation noch von 3–5 % auf 1 % verringert werden. Die systematische Unsicherheit von 4.5 % ist vorrangig auf die Photonenflussbestimmung, die Neutronen-Nachweiseffektivität und die Target-Zusammensetzung zurückzuführen.

Bond behavior of cement-based repair materials under freeze-thaw and cyclic loading conditions

Wang, Boyu 22 April 2022 (has links)
According to the 2019 Canadian infrastructure report card, a concerning amount of municipal infrastructure is in poor or very poor condition. The infrastructure in this condition requires immediate action for rehabilitation or replacement. For concrete infrastructure, an effective repair can extend its service life and ensure that the services it provides continue to meet the community expectations. However, unfavorable environmental factors such as repeated/cyclic loads and freezing and thawing cycles adversely affect the bond between substrate concrete and repair materials, which lowers the structural capacity of repaired structures. So far, researchers have found that bond strength of repair can be affected by surface roughness, surface moisture, chemical adhesion or cohesion, curing regime, properties of substrate and repair materials, use of bond agent, and curing regimes. These findings are mostly based on the studies that focused on cold-jointed cylinders or beams, but in real-life repair situations, repairs of beams or slabs are located at either tension or compression side of the structure. Currently, there is no comprehensive study that investigates the bond of concrete repair under a combination of freezing and thawing and repeated/cyclic loading conditions. In addition, it is challenging to provide a rapid and non-destructive evaluation of the bond deterioration of repair materials. To address these issues systematically, this dissertation breaks the task into four phases. Phase (I) focuses on the development of an engineered “crack-free” repair mix that contains polypropylene (PP) fiber. A novel method is used to surface treat the PP fibers with supplementary cementitious materials. The effectiveness of surface-treating fibers for improved bond strength and reduced cracking is investigated. The compressive, tensile, and flexural strength of this engineered repair mix are determined and compared with two commercially available repair materials. The results from Phase I show that by adding 0.2% (by weight) Metakaolin-treated fibers into concrete mix, the compressive strength improves by up to 15.7% compared to mixes with untreated fibers. This study achieved a strength increase of 13.5% as compared to the reported 3.3% in other studies that use 25 times the amount of metakaolin used in this study. The experimental results confirm that at 0.2% dosage level, the use of novel surface treating technique is a cost-effective way to improve the strength of repair materials. Phase (II) focuses on characterizing the bond strength of various repair systems after freezing-thawing (FT) damage using both non-destructive and destructive methods. Two innovative sounding methods, which overcome the subjectivity of the traditional chain drag method, are used to evaluate FT damage non-destructively. In the experimental study, beams with a U-shaped cut are made to simulate conditions experienced by a concrete structure during a typical repair project. Three types of repair materials are used including cementitious repair concrete, cementitious repair mortar, and polymer-modified cementitious mortar. After up to 300 cycles of freeze-thaw exposure, resonant frequency and bond flexural strength of the prismatic specimens are determined. The empirical equations relating Non-destructive test (NDT) measurements and flexural bond strength of the repaired structures after freeze-thaw (FT) exposure are proposed. The results from Phase II show that the change in dynamic modulus of elasticity determined from NDTs agrees well with the change in other measurements including flexural bond strength, interfacial crack width, and mass loss after freeze-thaw exposure. In this study, linear relationships are established between dynamic modulus of elasticity and flexural bond strength for both cementitious and polymer-modified cementitious repair mortar with a coefficient of determination ranging between 0.87 and 0.95. The proposed empirical models can be used to predict bond flexural strength of repaired structures based on NDT measurement. Also, it was found that the samples repaired with polymer-modified cementitious mortar (Mix P) have superior FT resistance compared to other repaired samples. Phase (III) focuses on investigating the structural capacity and bond performance of repaired beams after cyclic/repeated loading. To accelerate the test process, a novel modified loading regime consisting of cycle groups of increasing cyclic/repeated stress amplitude is proposed. The models proposed by literature and current codes and standards are used to validate the results. Phase (IV) focuses on the development of the damage models for both individual and combined FT and cyclic loading exposure on repaired concrete structures. The results in phase III show the feasibility of using the Palmgren-Miner rule and Goodman linear model to estimate the fatigue life of repaired structures. This was confirmed within the context of this study. This study established the usefulness of using groups of increasing cyclic stress amplitude to accelerate the fatigue test process. The two-million cycle fatigue endurance limit estimated using cycle groups of Mix S (70.8%) was very similar to what was reported in the literature (71%) using the traditional time-consuming cyclic loading method. This study found that the formulas proposed by CSA 23.3 can effectively predict the moment resistance of both intact (control) and repaired RC beams. The ratio of experimental moment resistance values to its predictions ranges from 0.91 to 1.04. Based on the experimental results of previous three phases, an empirical model that predicted the fatigue service life of FT-damaged concrete structures is proposed. Future research requires a more comprehensive study on the FT performance of various polymer-modified cementitious mortars of different mix designs in repairing concrete structures. By increasing the number of tested specimens, a better relationship could be established between destructive and NDT methods. Future research is also required to explore the combined effect of FT and cyclic loading on repaired RC structures experimentally. / Graduate / 2023-03-22

Characterizations of Complex Molecular Systems and Nanoscale Heterostructures UsingSynchrotron X-rays at the Ultimate Atomic Scale

Ajayi, Tolulope Michael 23 May 2022 (has links)
No description available.

Electronic Structure Investigation of Novel Superconductors / Elektronische Struktur neuartiger Supraleiter

Buling, Anna 14 August 2014 (has links)
The discovery of superconductivity in iron-based pnictides in 2008 gave rise to a high advance in the research of high-temperature superconductors. But up to now there is no generally admitted theory of the non-BCS mechanism of these superconductors. The electron and hole doped Ba122 (BaFe2As2) compounds investigated in this thesis are supposed to be suitable model systems for studying the electronic behavior in order to shed light on the superconducting mechanisms. The 3d-transiton metal doped Ba122 compounds are investigated using the X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS), X-ray absorption spectroscopy (XAS), X-ray emission spectroscopy (XES) and X-ray magnetic circular dichroism (XMCD), while the completely hole doped K122 is observed using XPS. The experimental measurements are complemented by theoretical calculations. A further new class of superconductors is represented by the electride 12CaO*7Al2O3: Here superconductivity can be realized by electrons accommodated in the crystallographic sub-nanometer-sized cavities, while the mother compound is a wide band gap insulator. Electronic structure investigations, represented by XPS, XAS and resonant X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (ResPES), carried out in this work, should help to illuminate this unconventional superconductivity and resolve a debate of competing models for explaining the existence of superconductivity in this compound.

Teodoro Andreu Sentamans (1870-1935): Catalogación y estudio analítico de su producción artística

Ibáñez Bartolomé, Mónica 24 July 2023 (has links)
[ES] El propósito primordial de esta Tesis Doctoral se fundamenta en poner en valor y difundir el legado de la producción artística y la biografía del pintor alzireño, Teodoro Juan Andreu Sentamans (Alzira, 1870 - Valencia, 1935), con la finalidad de cubrir las lagunas historiográficas existentes hasta la actualidad y aportar datos documentales inéditos de su trayectoria artística. El reconocimiento del artista hasta la fecha ha estado subyugado a haber sido discípulo del gran Joaquín Sorolla y Bastida, sin que se haya contemplado y haber tenido en cuenta su importante actividad artística y docente, sus comisariados en exposiciones, particulares y de otros artistas; su participación asidua en exposiciones nacionales e internacionales, siendo galardonado en varias de ellas; ni el logro de proyectos importantes atribuidos a otras figuras, o simplemente olvidados. Dos circunstancias han confluido para propiciar la inmerecida desatención a la obra de Andreu: ser coetáneo a su maestro, Sorolla, y ser fiel a su estilo costumbrista, negándose a evolucionar hacia una pintura más avanzada. En consecuencia, y fruto del vacío historiográfico, surge la necesidad de realizar este profundo trabajo de investigación, mediante el cual se quiere reivindicar su actividad artística desarrollada entre finales del siglo XIX y principios del XX. Para ello se ha confeccionado un inventario general de gran parte de su producción artística clasificado según la etapa cronológica, y un catálogo razonado de sus obras más relevantes mediante la elaboración de unas fichas técnicas. Debido a la estrecha relación existente entre Sorolla y Andreu se ha llevado a cabo un estudio analítico de una parte representativa de su producción artística, dilucidando, mediante la obtención de resultados y comparativas con la obra seleccionada de Joaquín Sorolla, si el pintor Teodoro Andreu siguió los pasos de su maestro, o utilizó su propia metodología en el uso de la teoría del color y sus pigmentos. Por lo tanto, en este trabajo también se ha elaborado un estudio de los pigmentos utilizados por Andreu en una parte de su obra: análisis realizados por espectrometría de fluorescencia de Rayos X dispersiva en energía (EDXRF), cuyos resultados aportan datos y conclusiones inéditas y determinantes en la obra de Andreu. Uno de los resultados propiciados en esta investigación ha sido que un alto porcentaje de su obra se encuentra localizada en colecciones privadas. En base a esta realidad se ha confeccionado, mediante un programa informático, un museo virtual donde se recoge parte importante de la obra "escondida", a través de una plataforma digital exprofeso, aportando un repertorio de contenidos digitales sustentado con la documentación aportada en este trabajo de investigación, ofreciendo la posibilidad de realizar un recorrido museográfico virtual donde el visitante puede disfrutar de la obra sita en colecciones particulares / [CA] El propòsit primordial d'aquesta Tesi Doctoral es fonamenta a posar en valor i difondre el llegat de la producció artística i la biografia del pintor alzireny, Teodoro Juan Andreu Sentamans (Alzira, 1870 - València, 1935), amb la finalitat de cobrir les llacunes historiogràfiques existents fins a l'actualitat i aportar dades documentals inèdites de la seua trajectòria artística. El reconeixement de l'artista fins hui ha estat subjugat a haver sigut deixeble del gran Joaquín Sorolla i Bastida, sense que s'haja contemplat i haver tingut en compte la seua important activitat artística i docent, els seus comissariats en exposicions, particulars i d'altres artistes; la seua participació assídua en exposicions nacionals i internacionals, sent guardonat en diverses d'elles; ni l'assoliment de projectes importants atribuïts a altres figures, o simplement oblidats. Dues circumstàncies han confluït per a propiciar la immerescuda desatenció a l'obra d'Andreu: ser coetani al seu mestre, Sorolla, i ser fidel al seu estil costumista, negant-se a evolucionar cap a una pintura més avançada. En conseqüència, i fruit del buit historiogràfic, sorgeix la necessitat de realitzar aquest profund treball de recerca, mitjançant el qual es vol reivindicar la seua activitat artística desenvolupada entre finals del segle XIX i principis del XX. Per a això s'ha confeccionat un inventari general de gran part la seua producció artística classificat segons l'etapa cronològica, i un catàleg raonat de les seues obres més rellevants mitjançant l'elaboració d'unes fitxes tècniques. A causa de l'estreta relació existent entre Sorolla i Andreu s'ha dut a terme un estudi analític d'una part representativa de la seua producció artística, dilucidant, mitjançant l'obtenció de resultats i comparatives amb l'obra seleccionada de Joaquín Sorolla, si el pintor Teodoro Andreu va seguir els passos del seu mestre, o va utilitzar la seua pròpia metodologia en l'ús de la teoria del color i els seus pigments. Per tant, en aquest treball també s'ha elaborat un estudi dels pigments utilitzats per Andreu en una part de la seua obra: anàlisis realitzades per espectrometria de fluorescència de Raigs X dispersiva en energia (EDXRF), els resultats dels quals aporten dades i conclusions inèdites i determinants en l'obra d'Andreu. Un dels resultats propiciats en aquesta investigació ha sigut que un alt percentatge de la seua obra es troba localitzada en col·leccions privades. Sobre la base d'aquesta realitat s'ha confeccionat, mitjançant un programa informàtic, un museu virtual on es recull una part important de l'obra "amagada", mitjançant una plataforma digital exprofeso, aportant un repertori de continguts digitals sustentat amb la documentació aportada en aquest treball de recerca, oferint la possibilitat de realitzar un recorregut museogràfic virtual on el visitant pot gaudir de l'obra situada en col·leccions particulars. / [EN] The main purpose of this Doctoral Thesis is based on valuing and expanding the legacy of the artistic production and the biography of the painter from Alzira, Teodoro Juan Andreu Sentamans (Alzira, 1870 - Valencia, 1935) in order to cover the existing historiographical gaps up to the present day and provide unpublished documentary data on his artistic career. Up to the present moment, the recognition of the artist has been subjugated to having been a disciple of the great Joaquín Sorolla y Bastida, without having contemplated and taken into account his important artistic and teaching activity, his curatorships in exhibitions, individuals and other artists; his regular participation in national and international exhibitions, being awarded in several of them; nor the achievement of important projects attributed to other artists, or simply forgotten. Two circumstances have come together to promote undeserved neglect of Andreu's work: being a contemporary of his teacher, Sorolla, and being faithful to his traditional style, refusing to evolve towards a more advanced painting. Consequently, as a result of the historiographical gap, the need of carrying out this deep research arises now. Through it, I want to vindicate Andreu's artistic activity developed between the end of the 19th century and the beginning of the 20th century. For this, a general inventory of all his work has been made, artistic production classified according to the chronological stage, and a reasoned catalog of his most relevant works through the preparation of technical sheets. Due to the close relationship between Sorolla and Andreu, an analytical study of a representative part of his artistic production has been carried out, elucidating, by obtaining results and comparisons with the selected work of Joaquín Sorolla, whether the painter Teodoro Andreu followed the footsteps of his teacher, or used his own methodology in the use of colour theory and its pigments. Therefore, this work has also carried out a study of the pigments used by Andreu in part of his work; analysis carried out by energy dispersive X-ray fluorescence spectometry (EDXRF), whose conclusions in Andreu's work. One of the results fostered in this investigation has been that a high percentage of his work is located in private collections, base don this reality, a virtual museum has been created through a computer programme where all the "hidden" work is collected. Through a digital platform expressly made, it provides a repertoire of digital content supported by the documentation provided in this research work, offering the possibility of taking a virtual museum tour where the visitor can enjoy the work located in private collections. / Ibáñez Bartolomé, M. (2023). Teodoro Andreu Sentamans (1870-1935): Catalogación y estudio analítico de su producción artística [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/195349

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