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少年攻擊評估量表之信、效度研究 / The Reliability and validity of the aggressive scale in adolescents陳盈旬, Chen, Ying Xun Unknown Date (has links)
近年來校園暴力日趨嚴重,許多研究者對此問題欲深入探討及分析。學者Dodge & Coie(1987)提出自發式攻擊及反應式攻擊作為瞭解攻擊行為的向度,且理論成因跟社會適應的表現有所不同,然而國內缺乏針對攻擊類型的研究與中文攻擊行為評估量表。因此本研究試圖透過翻譯及驗證Little & Jones等人(2003)所發展之模型與攻擊行為評估量表,以期使國內引入攻擊類型分類的模型,並使評估少年攻擊行為時能夠更精準。 / 翻譯的攻擊行為評估量表,將攻擊行為依照攻擊形式與攻擊功能分成六個分量表,分別是:純粹的外顯攻擊、反應式外顯攻擊、工具式外顯攻擊、純粹的關係攻擊、反應式關係攻擊、工具式關係攻擊;因此本量表既能夠評估外顯與關係攻擊,亦能夠評估工具式與反應式攻擊。 / 研究者以361名國中學生作為受試者,以自陳問卷蒐集所需資訊,效度驗證除了以SEM進行模型適配度分析之外,另以人際互動、負向情緒、敵意歸因與結果預期作為效標變項,進行效標關連效度之考驗。研究結果顯示此中文攻擊行為評估量表具有良好的效度。 / 在效度驗證之外,本研究尚進一步討論攻擊形式與功能對於上述四個效標變項的解釋力,結果發現在工具性挑釁情境中,只有攻擊功能對效標具有顯著的解釋力;而在關係挑釁情境中,攻擊形式與功能均對效標有顯著解釋力。 / Because violence in the campus becomes more and more serious in recent years, many reserachers want to study and analyse this probem. Dodge & Coie(1987) found theoretical and social adaptive distinction by dividing aggression into proactive aggression and reactive aggression. However, there are few studies in Taiwan and there is no the Chinese aggressive scale which is divided aggression into proactive(instrumental) aggression and reactive aggression. This research attempts to use Little et al.’s (2003) Model and to translate their aggressive scale into Chinese. With Little et al.’s Model and Chinese aggressive scale , it will be more accurate in assessing adolescent aggressive behavior. / According to form and function, the translated aggressive scale divides aggression into six subscales, which including: pure overt aggression, instrumental overt aggression, reactive overt aggression, pure relational aggression, instrumental relational aggression, reactive relational aggression. The aggressive scale not only can assess overt and relational aggression, but also can assess instrumental and reactive aggression. / The 361 research subjects were junior high school students. Necessary information was collected by using self- rated questionnaire. In order to examine the validity of the aggressive scale, this research not only evaluated model fit with SEM but also examined criterion-related validity of aggressive scale and the criterion are interpersonal index, negative emotion, hostility, and outcome expectance. The results showed the aggressive scale have appropriate validity. / Besides testing validity, this research further discussed if the four criterion could be explained by the form and function of aggression .The results showed the criterions in the instrumental provocative situation can be explained only by the function of aggression. However, the criterions in the relational provocative situation can be explanted by both the form and function of aggression.
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Kauno miesto paauglių agresijos ir vidinės darnos tyrimas / Kaunas city adolescent aggression and internal consistency studyBuragaitė, Erika 20 June 2014 (has links)
Tyrimo objektas – moksleivių agresyvumas ir vidinė darna.
Tyrimo tikslas – nustatyti Kauno miesto 12-13 ir 15-16 metų paauglių agresyvumo raišką ir vidinę darną.
1. Nustatyti paauglių agresyvumą ir vidinę darną, jų ryšį.
2. Išanalizuoti paauglių agresyvumą ir vidinę darną pagal lytį.
Hipotezė: agresyvių paauglių vidinė darna yra mažesnė.
1. Atlikus tyrimą nustatyta, jog Kauno miesto mokyklų paaugliai pasižymi vidutiniškai išreikšta agresija (p<0,001). Manoma, jog agresyvus elgesys yra dažnas reiškinys mokymosi įstaigoje. Kauno miesto mokymosi įstaigų paaugliams buvo nustatyta vidutinė vidinės darnos reikšmė (p<0,001). Atlikus tyrimą, pastebėta, jog tie paaugliai kurie surinko aukštus agresijos klausimyno balus, pas juos vidinė darna buvo ženkliai mažesnė, negu tų paauglių kurie buvo surinkę žemesnius balus.
2. Išanalizavus, agresyvų elgesį pagal lytį, nustatyta, jog vaikinai surinko aukštesnius balus, nei merginos (P<0,05). Analizuojant vidinę darną, skirtumas tarp lyčių buvo statistiškai nereikšmingas (p>0.05).
Rekomendacijos, pasiūlymai
1. Būtina skirti daugiau lėšų ir priežiūros, agresijos prevencinių priemonių, įgyvendinimui mokymosi įstaigose.
2. Neužtenka įrengti kameras mokymosi įstaigų kiemuose ar viduje, turi būti atsakingas už tai žmogus, ir visa tai stebėti.
3. Reikėtų skatinti mokinių bendradarbiavimą tarpusavyje pamokų metu, taip stiprinant mokinių ryšį tarpusavyje ir kartu mažinant mokinių atsiskyrimą, izoliaciją nuo klasės draugų.
4... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / The object of research - students aggressiveness and sense of coherence . The aim – to identify connection between agression and internal coherence at Kaunas city in 12-13 and 15-16 years old adolescents. Objectives: 1. To indetify adolescent aggression and internal coherence. 2. To analyze adolescent aggression and internal coherence by gender; Hypothesis: The aggressive adolescent sense of coherence is lower. Findings 1. Research showed that aggressive behavior is a common phenomenon in the school. Descending the internal consistency of increased aggression, adolescents noted a lower level of internal coherence . 2. Analyzed the aggressive behavior by gender it‘s seen that both girls and boys average aggression occurs. Sense of coherence with the boys was slightly higher. 3. The connection between aggressive behavior and internal coherence is that adolescents are often more aggressive behavior if sense of coherence is lower. Recommendations, suggestions: 1. Necessary to devote more resources and maintenance to aggression prevention in learning institutions. 2. It is not enough to install cameras at learning institutions yards or inside, responsible worker should be to watch records. 3. Cooperation among the students during the lessons should be promoted to enhance student‘s relationship with each other and to reduce separation and isolation from classmates . 4. It is recommended to perform regular aggression prevention research and to draw conclusions.
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"Crimes against peace" and international lawSellars, Kirsten January 2009 (has links)
The Nuremberg Judgment on the leaders of Nazi Germany proclaimed ‘crimes against peace’ – the planning and waging of aggressive wars – to be ‘the supreme international crime’. This charge was premised on two innovative ideas: that aggressive war was a crime, and that individuals could be held responsible for it. Although heralded as an historic milestone at the time, it turned out to be a transient legal anomaly. At the Nuremberg Tribunal, the number of acquittals, coupled with the relative leniency of the sentences, indicated the judges’ unease about convicting on the basis of ‘crimes against peace’. At the Tokyo Tribunal, some judges questioned the validity of the charge and filed dissents. Legal observers, meanwhile, were outspoken in their criticisms, and argued that it was an ex post facto enactment, selectively applied. Aside from retroactivity and selectivity, the main difficulty arose from the internal contradictions within the charge itself, which rendered it unsustainable as a component of international law. On jurisdiction, it enhanced the sovereignty of nations by protecting them against aggression, while simultaneously undermining sovereignty by subjecting leaders to international law. On enforcement, while judicialising punishment after the event, it simultaneously de-legitimised both aggression and attempts to prevent it. These weaknesses were confirmed by the failure of ‘crimes against peace’ to become part of customary international law. If the Rome Statute is amended to include ‘crime of aggression’ within the International Criminal Court’s operative remit, these latter problems are likely to occur.
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The Thematic Apperception Test: The relationship between scored fanasy aggression and aggressive behaviorFabrick, Joanne Madeline 12 1900 (has links)
This study attempted to determine the relationship between fantasy aggression and behavioral aggression, and whether fantasy aggression measured by the Thematic Apperception Test is related to behavioral aggression. Participant TAT protocols from psychology clinic files were scored for fantasy aggression, and these scores were correlated with self-reported presence or absence of behavioral aggression. The scoring system used was a blend of popular aggression scales used in the 1960s and newer theory. Other variables that were examined were story length and gender in relation to the measured amount of fantasy and behavioral aggression.
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Building a Bond: Longitudinal Relations between Interpersonal School Climate, Student Awareness and Reporting of Violence, and Peer Victimization and Aggression in AdolescentsBehrhorst, Kathryn 01 January 2017 (has links)
High prevalence rates and negative outcomes of peer-based aggression and victimization during early adolescence underscore the need to identify causes and consequences of these outcomes. Limited research has examined the impact of environmental and contextual factors, such as school climate, on peer aggression and victimization. Few studies have addressed relations between school climate and specific subtypes of physical and relational aggression and victimization. Although school climate has been assessed via interpersonal subsystems (i.e., student-student and student-teacher relationships), little research has incorporated the role of student awareness and reporting of violence and safety concerns. Further, studies are needed that consider the bi-directional relations between school climate and peer aggression and victimization over time. To address these limitations, the current longitudinal study examined associations between school climate (i.e., student-student and student-teacher relationships and awareness/reporting) and peer aggression and victimization over six months among a sample of 265 middle school students.
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Lack of aggression and apparent altruism towards intruders in a primitive termiteCooney, Feargus, Vitikainen, Emma I. K., Marshall, Harry H., van Rooyen, Wilmie, Smith, Robert L., Cant, Michael A., Goodey, Nicole 09 November 2016 (has links)
In eusocial insects, the ability to discriminate nest-mates from non-nest-mates is widespread and ensures that altruistic actions are directed towards kin and agonistic actions are directed towards non-relatives. Most tests of nest-mate recognition have focused on hymenopterans, and suggest that cooperation typically evolves in tandem with strong antagonism towards non-nest-mates. Here, we present evidence from a phylogenetically and behaviourally basal termite species that workers discriminate members of foreign colonies. However, contrary to our expectations, foreign intruders were the recipients of more rather than less cooperative behaviour and were not subjected to elevated aggression. We suggest that relationships between groups may be much more peaceable in basal termites compared with eusocial hymenoptera, owing to energetic and temporal constraints on colony growth, and the reduced incentive that totipotent workers (who may inherit breeding status) have to contribute to self-sacrificial intergroup conflict.
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Cyberbullying: Responses of Adolescents and Parents toward Digital AggressionWong-Lo, Mickie 12 1900 (has links)
Cyberbullying is a category of bullying that occurs in the digital realm which affects our students at astonishing rates. Unlike traditional bullying, where displays of aggression may be evident to bystanders, the ramification of cyberbullying occurs through unconventional ways (e.g., text messaging; online weblogs; video sharing), which results in many cases being camouflaged by the advancement in technology. Nonetheless, the effects of this digital form of peer aggression can be as detrimental as face-to-face bullying. The characteristics of cyberbullying and its influences on adolescents and parents of adolescents were examined. The data accrued is based on an anonymous survey through one of the following methods: (a) paper-pencil survey for adolescent group with 37-question items on the adolescent questionnaire and (b) web-based survey for the parent group with 22-question items on the parent questionnaire. Each survey was systematically coded according to the participating group and assigned code numbers (i.e., 1 represents adolescent group and 2 represents parent group) was provided to ensure confidentiality of the study. Survey examined individual variables among the two target groups: (a) adolescents between 13 and 17 years of age and (b) parents of adolescents between 13 and 17 years of age. Specifically, individual variables examined include (a) demographics, (b) personal experiences, (c) vicarious experiences, and (d) preventative resources. A total of 137 participants (62 adolescents; 75 parents) responded to the survey. Results indicated that 90% of the participants from the adolescent group have reported to experience either as victims or as bystanders of cyberbullying. In addition, 70% of the victims have been cyberbullied 1 to 2 times within a month period and 50% of the victims did not know the perpetrator. Secondly, 89% of parent participants indicated to be knowledgeable about the issues relating to cyberbullying and 89% reported to have no knowledge if their child has or has not been a victim of cyberbullying. Furthermore, qualitative findings of personal perspectives toward cyberbullying from each participating group are discussed. A review of literature is provided and results and analysis of the survey are discussed as well as recommendations for future research.
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Anxiety and Differences in Physiological Responding to Ambiguous Situational Vignettes in AdolescentsBanks, Donice M 16 December 2016 (has links)
Research has documented a tendency among youth to have biased interpretations of ambiguous information. For example, anxious youth are more likely to interpret ambiguous situations as negative or threatening (e.g., Cannon & Weems, 2010). Similarly, when interpreting social cues, aggressive youth exhibit hostile attribution biases more often than non-aggressive youth in response to ambiguous situations (e.g., Crick & Dodge, 1996). Research suggests that youth with anxiety and aggression exhibit differential physiological reactivity in response to threat. However, research has yet to examine the linkages amongst physiological reactivity to ambiguous situations, anxiety, and aggression in adolescents. The current study had several interrelated aims. Youths’ physiological responding (i.e., heart rate and skin conductance) to a series of animated vignettes depicting ambiguous social situations was examined. Anxiety, aggression, and hostile attributional bias (HAB) were also tested as predictors of differential physiological responding to the vignettes, as well as the interrelations between anxiety and HAB and aggression and HAB.
Eighty youth completed a physiological assessment in which they viewed a series of hypothetical situational vignettes while their heart rate and skin conductance were measured. Participants also completed questionnaires measuring symptoms of anxiety, aggression, and HAB. Results indicated that there was differential physiological responding to the vignettes such that participants’ heart rates showed a pattern of deceleration followed by acceleration across time. Physiological responses were predicted by HAB such that those with high HAB had higher heart rates and exhibited more pronounced deceleration and acceleration across time than those with low HAB. There was support for anxiety as a significant predictor of responses among those participants with higher levels of HAB such that heart rates remained elevated with very little deceleration across time, suggesting a pattern of physiological hyperarousal and blunted reactivity. However, aggression did not predict differential physiological responding to the ambiguous vignettes, nor did HAB moderate the association between aggression and physiological responding. These findings add to the literature by contributing to knowledge about physiological responding to ambiguous situations and associations between this link with anxiety, aggression, and HAB.
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Precipitating abusive supervision: target factors and supervisor blame attributionsBozeman, Jennifer 21 September 2016 (has links)
The purpose of the proposed study is to consider why and under which conditions do supervisors engage in abusive behaviours towards their subordinates. To answer my first research question, why do supervisors engage in abusive supervision, I draw on victim precipitation (e.g., Sparks, Glenn, & Dodd, 1977) and conservation of resources (COR; Hobfoll, 1989) theories to argue that certain subordinate performance-related behaviours and characteristics threaten supervisor resources leading to abuse as a stress reaction. To answer my second research question, under which conditions do supervisors engage in abusive supervision, I draw on attribution theory (Heider, 1958; Weiner, 1986). I argue that supervisors abuse subordinates when they attribute responsibility, or blame subordinates for negative performance-related behaviours and characteristics, as a means of protecting or guarding against future resource loss. To answer my research questions, I developed measures for self- and other-perceived general mental ability (GMA) and blame attributions. I obtained data from 211 supervisor-subordinate dyads in Canada and the United States. Respondents were surveyed for information about their work behaviours, characteristics, and relationships. Using Hayes (2013) PROCESS macros, I found partial support for the proposed model and offer refinements to COR and victim precipitation theories. I found relationships between both self- and supervisor-reported subordinate behaviours and characteristics and abusive supervision, largely in the direction hypothesized. I also found supervisor-reported subordinate performance behaviours and perceived GMA to share a stronger relationship with subordinate reports of abusive supervision than subordinate reported behaviours and characteristics in many instances. / October 2016
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Relationships between Level of Aspiration and Psychological Needs at the College LevelSkelton, Sanford Kent 01 1900 (has links)
The concept of level of aspiration bears directly on goal setting behavior; it is a convenient and important variable in understanding human motivation in a variety of situations. Thus it was the purpose of this study to investigate the relationships between levels of aspiration and the psychological needs of achievement, dominance, autonomy, change, and aggression.
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