Spelling suggestions: "subject:".lamp""
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Functionalization of Silica Surface Using Chan-Lam CouplingAppiah Kubi, George 01 May 2014 (has links)
The reaction of base-free Chan-Lam coupling was successfully used for functionalization of surface of mesoporous silica gel. Various aromatic, aliphatic, and heterocyclic compounds were immobilized by a copper-catalyzed reaction of corresponding boronic acids with surface amino groups at mild conditions. Obtained functionalized materials were mesoporous although their surface area decreased after immobilization. The reactivity of some surface functional groups was tested in their characteristic reactions.
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Implication de la glutamine dans l'activation de mTORC1 dans les leucémies aiguës myéloïdes et inhibition cibléeWillems, Lise 25 October 2012 (has links) (PDF)
Dans les leucémies aiguës myéloïdes (LAM), l'activation anormale de nombreuses voies de signalisation intracellulaires favorise la croissance et la survie des cellules tumorales. L'amélioration des connaissances biologiques de ces pathologies hétérogènes, dont le pronostic est réservé, devrait permettre le développement de thérapies ciblées. La kinase oncogénique mTOR est présente au sein de deux complexes, parmi lesquels mTORC1, activé constitutivement dans la majorité des blastes primaires de patients porteurs de LAM, qui contrôle la synthèse protéique, et mTORC2 activé constitutivement dans 50% des LAM. Les inhibiteurs allostériques de mTORC1 (la rapamycine et ses dérivés) n'inhibent pas la phosphorylation du répresseur traductionnel 4E-BP1, ne diminuent pas la traduction et induisent peu d'apoptose in vitro dans les LAM. Utilisés en monothérapie, leur effet est décevant. De plus ces inhibiteurs n'agissent pas sur le complexe mTORC2. J'ai étudié l'effet d'un inhibiteur catalytique de mTOR, l'AZD8055, actif sur les deux complexes. In vitro, l'AZD8055 inhibe efficacement la signalisation en aval de mTORC1 et de mTORC2, dont les sites de phosphorylation de 4E-BP1 résistants à la rapamycine, ainsi que la synthèse protéique. Il diminue la prolifération, bloque le cycle cellulaire en phase G0G1 et induit une apoptose caspase-dépendante dans les blastes primaires de LAM. Il diminue également la clonogénicité des progéniteurs leucémiques, sans affecter celle des cellules CD34+ normales. Dans un modèle murin de xéno-transplantation, l'AZD8055 inhibe la croissance tumorale et améliore la survie des souris traitées. Je me suis également intéressée à la régulation de l'activité de mTORC1 par les acides aminés. Dans les cellules de mammifères, l'activation de mTORC1 nécessite la présence de glutamine et de leucine qui agissent en coopération via deux transporteurs membranaires, SLC1A5 et SLC7A5/SLC3A2. J'ai montré que la privation en glutamine, obtenue par l'activité glutaminase de la drogue L-asparaginase ou par l'utilisation de milieux de culture spécifiques dépourvus sélectivement en acides aminés, inhibe l'activation de mTORC1 et induit de l'apoptose dans diverses lignées leucémiques et dans les blastes primaires de LAM. La L-asparaginase inhibe la synthèse protéique et ses effets fonctionnels sont liés à son activité glutaminase. J'ai pu également constater une augmentation de l'expression protéique de la glutamine synthase induite par la Lasparaginase, dont l'inhibition majore l'apoptose induite par la L-asparaginase dans certaines lignées leucémiques. J'ai également étudié l'effet de l'inhibition spécifique par un shARN inductible du transporteur SLC1A5, qui permet l'import de glutamine. L'inhibition de SLC1A5 bloque la réactivation de mTORC1 par l'association leucine/glutamine après privation et induit de l'apoptose dans la lignée leucémique MOLM14. Cette inhibition diminue la croissance tumorale dans un modèle de xénogreffe
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Integrated water management concept for craft villages - example from the food processing craft village Dai Lam / Đề án quản lý nước tích hợp cho làng nghề - Thí dụ từ làng nghề chế biến thực phẩm Đại LâmHahn, Celia, Meier, Sebastian, Weichgrebe, Dirk, Tran, Thi Nguyet, Appel, Holger, Fechter, Leonhard, Werner, Peter 09 November 2012 (has links) (PDF)
Craft villages played a significant role in the development of Vietnam’s rural economy for a long time. The range of products and production methods, including the processing of materials and chemicals, are now adapted to modern market requirements but environmental and labour protection issues are not adequately considered in the management of the craft villages. The reasons are various: poor education of responsible operators, deficient technical equipment or missing regulatory framework and implementation of existing regulations. The INHAND project (Integrated Water Management Concept for Craft Villages) started in 2011 and is studying the food processing village of Dai Lam located on the banks of the Cau River in the Bac Ninh province (about 40 km NE of the capital Hanoi). The household-scale business focus mainly on rice and cassava processing with 200 out of 1000 households producing alcohol from cassava and rice, 10 households producing tofu, and 30 households recycling aluminium. In addition, most households also raise pigs. The wastewater is released mostly untreated into the receiving stream. Within the framework of the INHAND project, four German und two Vietnamese partners will conduct a basic analysis inventory in the village with identification of suitable measure for an integrated, environmentally sound concept for the removal and reuse of all output streams. The second major task of the 3.5 years research project is the conceptualisation, development and implementation of pilot-scale treatment facilities in the village and the scientific monitoring of their planning and operation. / Đã từ lâu, làng nghề đóng vai trò quan trọng trong quá trình phát triển kinh tế nông nghiệp tại Việt Nam. Các sản phẩm và phương thức sản xuất, bao gồm cả giai đoạn xử lý vật liệu và hóa chất, đã từng bước được cải tiến cho phù hợp với yêu cầu của thị trường hiện đại. Tuy nhiên,
những yếu tố về môi trường và an toàn lao động vẫn chưa được quan tâm đúng mức tại các làng nghề do nhiều nguyên nhân như: trình độ của nhà sản xuất, vận hành còn hạn hẹp, thiếu trang thiết bị kỹ thuật, các quy chuẩn còn thiếu hoặc chưa được thi hành triệt để. Dự án INHAND (đề án xử lý nước tổng thể cho làng nghề) được khởi động từ năm 2011 và hiện đang tiến hành nghiên cứu làng nghề chế biến thực phẩm Đại Lâm ,nằm bên bờ song Cầu, thuộc tỉnh Bắc Ninh, cách Hà
Nội 40 km. Mô hình kinh tế hộ gia đình tại làng chủ yếu tập trung vào chế biến gạo và sắn: 200 trong số 1000 hộ gia đình nấu rượu gạo và sắn, 10 hộ sản xuất đậu phụ, 30 hộ tái chế nhôm. Ngoài ra, gần như tất cả các hộ đều có nuôi lợn. Nước thải của làng được dẫn trực tiếp ra các khối nước mở, gần như không qua xử lý. Trong khuôn khổ dự án INHAND, bốn đối tác Đức và hai đối tác Việt Nam sẽ tiến hành phân tích hiện trạng môi trường của làng để tìm ra những biện pháp thích hợp nhằm xử lý và tái sử dụng các dòng thải. Nhiệm vụ thứ hai trong thời gian 3,5 năm của dự án là lập ra đề án, phát triển và triển khai các trạm xử lý ở quy mô thử nghiệm, đồng thời quan trắc khoa học các quá trình thiết kế và vận hành.
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An ecological study of two streams in the New Territories, Hong Kong with special reference to water pollution.Kan, Wai-ping, Helen, January 1974 (has links)
Thesis (M. Phil.)--University of Hong Kong, 1974. / Typewritten.
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A study of the household cooking oil market in Hong Kong /Ho, Sai-pak, Alfred. January 1982 (has links)
Thesis (M.B.A.)--University of Hong Kong, 1982.
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Aspects of the ecology of the macrobenthos of three freshwater habitats in Hong Kong /Dudgeon, David. January 1981 (has links)
Thesis (Ph. D.)--University of Hong Kong, 1981.
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Rural upgrading in Hong Kong : a case study of rural Tai Po /Wong, Siu-mee. January 1995 (has links)
Thesis (M. Sc.(Urb. Plan.))--University of Hong Kong, 1995. / Includes bibliographical references (leaf 125-130).
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Aspects of the ecology of the macrobenthos of three freshwater habitats in Hong KongDudgeon, David. January 1981 (has links)
Thesis (Ph.D.)--University of Hong Kong, 1981. / Also available in print.
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Uso de N-alcanos para estimar o consumo e digestibilidade de azevém anual por ovinos / Use of n-alkanes to estimate the intake and digestibility of annual ryegrass by sheepReffatti, Mônica Vizzotto January 2012 (has links)
Este trabalho foi conduzido com o objetivo de avaliar a metodologia de n-alcanos na estimativa do consumo e digestibilidade da matéria seca (CMS e DMS) por ovinos consumindo azevém anual (Lolium multiflorum Lam) e verificar o efeito dos ambientes criados através do manejo da pastagem, sob essas variáveis. Os ensaios foram conduzidos nos meses de Agosto e Novembro 2008, e as avaliações feitas nos estádios de pré-florescimento (PF) e florescimento pleno (FP) da pastagem. Para as estimativas foi utilizada a metodologia dos n-alcanos e conduzidos dois experimentos paralelamente, sendo um deles constituído por um ensaio de digestibilidade in vivo e o outro, por um ensaio de pastejo. No estudo com animais confinados também foi estudado o tempo para estabilização da concentração do C32 nas fezes e o efeito do nível de consumo sob essa variável. Nesse ensaio os tratamentos foram ofertas de: 1,5; 2,0; 2,5% do peso vivo (PV) de azevém e à vontade (ad libitum). A concentração de C32 nas fezes estabilizou próximo ao 4º dia de dosagem. O nível de consumo influenciou no tempo para estabilização e na concentração do marcador nas fezes quando estabilizada. A coleta per rectum foi eficiente nas estimativas de consumo e digestibilidade, porém, houve efeito do estádio fenológico da pastagem sobre a eficácia das estimativas. No estádio de PF do azevém, o par de n-alcanos homólogos C33:C32 pode ser utilizado para estimar o consumo e, tanto o n-alcano C31 como o C33 podem ser utilizados para estimar a digestibilidade dessa forragem. Em estádio de FP, o par de n-alcanos C33:C32 fornece as melhores estimativas de consumo, enquanto as estimativas de digestibilidade são menos eficientes. No ensaio de campo, a pastagem foi manejada sob dois métodos de pastoreio (lotação contínua e intermitente) e duas intensidades de pastejo (moderada e baixa), definidas para ofertar 2,5 e 5,0 vezes o potencial de consumo de MS dos animais. Nesse ensaio, os métodos e intensidades de pastejo, e as interações entre esses fatores não afetaram o CMS e a DMS. A metodologia dos n-alcanos foi eficaz na determinação do CMS e DMS de ovinos consumindo azevém anual, porém, as estimativas de DMS sofreram efeito do estádio fenológico da pastagem. / This study was conducted to evaluate the n-alkanes methodology to estimate the dry matter intake and digestibility (DMI and DMD) by sheep consuming different levels of annual ryegrass (Lolium multiflorum Lam) and verify the effect of environments created through pasture management, under these variables. The experiments were conducted during August and November 2008, and the evaluations were performed in the pre-flowering stage (PF) and full flowering (FF) of sward. For these estimates was used the n-alkanes methodology and conducted two parallel experiments, one of which consists of an in vivo digestibility trial and the other a study of grazing animals. In confined animal test, there was also studied the time for stabilization of the concentration of C32 in the feces and the effect of intake level in this variable. In this experiment the treatments were different forage allowances, as follow: 1.5; 2.0; 2.5% of live weight of annual ryegrass and ad libitum. The concentration of C32 in feces was stabilized near the fourth day of administration. The intake level influenced the time for stabilization and the concentration of marker in feces when stabilized. The per rectum collection was efficient in the estimates of intake ande digestibility, however, was the effect of phenological stage of the pasture on the effectiveness of the estimates. In the PF stage of ryegrass, the pair of homologous n-alkanes C33:C32 can be used to estimate intake, and both the n-alkane C31 as C33 can be used to estimate digestibility of forage. In FF stage, the pair of n-alkanes C33:C32 provides the best estimates of intake, while the digestibility estimates are less efficient. In field experiment, the sward was managed under two stocking methods (continuous and rotacional stocking) and two grazing intensities (moderate and low), defined to offer 2.5 and 5.0 times the potential dry matter intake of animals, respectively. As in the digestibility trial, in this experiment there were estimate the dry matter intake and digestibility. The stocking methods and grazing intensities, and the interactions between these factors did not affect the DMI and the DMD by sheep. The n-alkanes methodology was effective in estimating DMI in sheep fed with annual ryegrass. However, estimates of DMD suffered effect of the phenological stage of the pasture.
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Estudo de longa duração em sistema integrado de produção agropecuária : explorando relações planta-animal na fase pastagem / A long-term study in anintegrated crop-livestock system : exploring plant-animal relations in the pasture phaseMoojen, Fernanda Gomes January 2017 (has links)
Diversificação e rotação de culturas aliado ao cultivo sem revolvimento do solo com inserção de produção animal é uma alternativa desejável aos sistemas de produção em monocultivos intensivos. Neste sentido, o Sistema Integrado de Produção Agropecuária representa uma forma particular de produção de alimentos de forma sustentável. No entanto, a produção animal na fase pastagem adiciona mais complexidade ao sistema e requer um adequado manejo. Nesse contexto, o presente estudo buscou explorar as relações planta-animal da fase pastagem de um Sistema Integrado de Produção Agropecuária no Sul do Brasil. O protocolo experimental foi estabelecido no ano de 2003 e é caracterizado por uma integração entre a fase lavoura, com soja (Glycine max. (L.) Merr.) e milho (Zea mays L.) em rotação, com a fase pastagem, onde são manejados cordeiros em azevém anual (Lolium multiflorum Lam.). Na fase pastagem são testadas combinações de métodos de pastoreio (contínuo e rotativo) e intensidades de pastejo (2,5 e 5 vezes o potencial de consumo de matéria seca). Os maiores ganhos médios diários foram encontrados no método de pastoreio contínuo (MP-C) e intensidade de pastejo 5 (IP-5) (0,135 kg versus 0,120 comparando IP-5 X IP-2,5 no MP-C e 0,115 versus 0,105 no método de pastoreio rotativo (MP-R) nas mesmas intensidades respectivamente). No entanto, o método de pastoreio não teve efeito no ganho de peso vivo por hectare e a intensidade de pastoreio 5 resultou em menor desempenho por área (307 kg versus 387comparando IP-5 versus IP-2,5). A base de dados também foi analisada pela construção de árvores da decisão para relacionar as variáveis do pasto com os desempenhos. Foram construídas árvores da decisão para: i) ganho de peso vivo por hectare: com coeficiente de determinação (R2) = 0,738 sendo a oferta de forragem e produção total de forragem as principais variáveis para os maiores desempenhos; ii) ganho médio diário: com R² = 0,547 foi observado altura do pasto como o fator de maior influência. Assim, dependendo dos objetivos, se é aumentar o desempenho individual ou por área, isto implica em diferentes estratégias de combinações de manejo do dossel. Os resultados deste estudo demonstram a oportunidade potencial oferecida pela produção animal em sistemas integrados para diversificar o uso da terra e ainda promover maior eficiência de produção. / Crop diversification integrated with no till and with livestock production can be a desirable alternative to intensive monoculture production systems. In this way, Integrated Crop-Livestock System plays and unique form of food production sustainable. However, livestock in a pasture phase add more complexity to the system that requires proper pasture management. In this context, the present study aimed to explore plant-animal relationships of the pasture phase in an Integrated Crop-Livestock System in southern Brazil. The experimental protocol was established in the year of 2003 and is composed by the integration of a crop phase, with soybean (Glycine max. (L.) Merr.) and maize (Zea mays L.) in rotation with a pasture phase, when lambs were managed in Italian ryegrass (Lolium multiflorum Lam.). In the pasture phase was tested combinations of stocking methods (continuous and rotational) and grazing intensities (2.5 and 5 times the potential daily dry matter intake). The results showed that higher average daily gain is found in stocking method continuous (SM-C) and in grazing intensity 5 (GI 5) (0.135 g versus 0.120 comparing GI-5 X GI-2.5 in SM-C and 0.115 versus 0.105 in stocking method rotational (SM-R)). However, stocking method had no effect on live weight gain per hectare and grazing intensity 5.0 resulted lower performance by area (307 kg versus 387 comparing GI-5 versus GI-2,5). The data was also analyzed by the decision trees built in order to relate the variables of sward with animal performance. Decision tree were built for: i) live weight gain per hectare: had a Coefficient of Determination (R2) of 0.738, where herbage allowance and total herbage production were found as the main variables influencing the higher animal performance; ii) average daily gain: with R2 = 0.547 was observed that sward height was the most significant factor influencing. Thereby, depending of the goals, if it´s improve individual response or production per area, it implies in different combinations of sward management strategies. The results of this study support the potential opportunity offered by animal production in Integrated Crop-Livestock System to diversify land use while promoting greater production efficiency.
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