Spelling suggestions: "subject:".lamp""
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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / The experiment was carried out to evaluate the time pattern is used by heifers, at two phenological stages of ryegrass (Lolium multiflorum Lam.), in four daily shifts. Heifers remained exclusively on pasture or grazing and receiving a supplement (oats or corn grain), in the proportion of 0.93% of body weight. Supplements were fed at 14 o'clock, Monday to Saturday. The grazing was continuous with a variable number of animals. The experimental design was completely randomized in a sub-subdivided plots arrangement. Ingestive behavior was assessed by 24 hours of visual observation, in four evaluation dates: two in the vegetative stage and two in the reproductive stage. Grazing time, ruminating and other activities, the number, duration and interval between meals were studied. Heifers receiving supplement remain less time at feeding station and perform fewer bites daily. In the reproductive stage of the ryegrass supplemented heifers stay longer in other activities. The grazing time of heifers receiving supplement is lower in the morning shift and in the night shift. The duration of the meals is lower at night, when the heifers receive supplement. The pattern of time use of the heifers is altered by receiving supplement and the change of the structural and qualitative characteristics of ryegrass during the phenological growth stages. / O experimento foi desenvolvido com o objetivo de avaliar o padrão do uso do tempo por bezerras, durante dois estádios fenológicos do azevém (Lolium multiflorum Lam.), em quatro turnos diários. As bezerras permaneceram exclusivamente em pastejo ou em pastejo e recebendo suplemento (grão de aveia ou grão de milho), na proporção de 0,93% do peso corporal. Os suplementos foram fornecidos às 14hs, de segunda-feira a sábado. O método de pastejo foi contínuo com número variável de animais. O delineamento experimental foi inteiramente casualizado, seguindo a estrutura de parcelas sub-subdivididas. O registro dos dados de comportamento ingestivo foi realizado durante 24 horas, por observação visual, em quatro datas de avaliação: duas no estádio vegetativo e duas no estádio reprodutivo. Avaliaram-se os tempos de pastejo, de ruminação e de outras atividades, além do número, tempo de duração e o intervalo entre refeições. Bezerras que recebem suplemento permanecem menos tempo na estação alimentar e realizam menor número de bocados diários. No estádio reprodutivo do azevém, as bezerras suplementadas permanecem por mais tempo em outras atividades. O tempo de pastejo das bezerras que recebem suplemento é menor no turno da manhã e no turno da noite. A duração das refeições é menor no período noturno quando as bezerras recebem suplemento. O padrão do uso do tempo das bezerras é alterado pelo recebimento de suplemento e pela mudança das características estruturais e qualitativas do azevém durante os estádios.
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Construction time and cost of multi-storey post-tensioned timber structuresWong, Ricky Chin Wey January 2010 (has links)
The environmentally friendly and high performance multi-storey LVL timber system developed at the University of Canterbury (UC) consisting of post-tensioned frames and shear walls is referred to as the Pres-Lam system. It is possible that this structural system has the ability to increase productivity and reduce construction costs when compared with concrete and steel construction materials. As the Pres-Lam system is a new technology, the actual construction time and cost are still unknown. The outcome of this research will add value to the construction industry and encourage the industry to consider the Pres-Lam system for future projects. Previous research has shown that construction using this type of structural system is feasible for multi-storey buildings. In case study (1), this research revisited the research done for the actual Biological Sciences building under construction at the University of Canterbury based on the latest information available from the UC timber research team. This research compared the construction time and cost of three virtual buildings (Pres-Lam, Concrete and Steel) for Case Study (1).
The research has been able to optimise the performance of the Pres-Lam system having increased open spaces with large column spacing. The proposed fully prefabricated double “T” timber concrete composite (TCC) floor system was used and found to reduce construction time. This has also shown that the LVL components in the Pres-lam system can be fully prefabricated at a factory.
In case study (1), the predicted estimated construction time for the structural system was 60 working days (12 weeks) as compared to the concrete structure which required 83 working days. In the construction time analysis only the construction time of the structural building portion was compared instead of the overall construction time of the building project. The construction cost estimation for the concrete, steel and optimised Pres-Lam overall buildings including claddings and architectural fittings were produced and compared. The construction cost analysis concluded that the construction cost of the Pres-Lam building has been estimated to be only 3.3% more than the steel building and 4.6 % more than the concrete building.
In case study (2), this research evaluated the deconstructability of the Pres-Lam system and found that the Pres-Lam system was potentially a very sustainable building material where 90% of the deconstructed materials can be recycled and reused to construct a new office building at the University of Canterbury. The reconstruction time of the STIC office building has been predicted to be 15 weeks and the estimated cost for the reconstruction to be $260,118. This will be used for future construction planning, monitoring and control.
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Post-tensioned Timber Frames with Supplemental Damping DevicesSmith, Tobias January 2014 (has links)
In recent years the public expectation of what is acceptable in seismic resisting construction has changed significantly. Engineers today live under demands which are far more intensive than their historical counterparts and recent seismic events have shown that preserving life is no longer sufficient, and a preservation of livelihood is now the minimum. This means that after a major seismic event a building should not only be intact but be usable with no or minimal post-quake intervention. In addition to this already high expectation these demands must be met in a green and sustainable fashion with minimal (or even negative) environmental impact. This doctoral project looks to further advance the research into a new and innovative method of timber construction which satisfies (and exceeds) these demands.
In response to these higher expectations recent developments in the field of seismic design have led to the development of damage control design philosophies and innovative seismic resistant systems. Jointed ductile connections for precast concrete structures have been implemented and successfully validated. One of these systems, referred to as the hybrid system, combines the use of unbonded post-tensioned tendons with grouted longitudinal mild steel bars or any other form of dissipation reinforcing device. During the controlled rocking of the system under seismic loading the post-tensioning provides desirable recentering properties, while the devices allow adequate energy dissipation from the system as well as increased moment resistance at column bases and beam-column connections.
The hybrid concept is material independent and in 2004 an extensive campaign was begun to investigate the performance of the hybrid system when applied to large engineered timber members. Numerous small and large scale tests on both subassemblies and full buildings were performed showing that post-tensioned timber meets the seismic resilience demands now imposed by society. Recently this technology has also been applied in practice with over ten structures now using post-tensioned timber walls or frames, or a combination of the two, in New Zealand.
In-spite of the extensive research effort and the acceptance and adoption in practice of post-tensioned timber as a structural system, significant work was still required in the review and refinement of both the system itself and the analytical and numerical methods used to predict and analyse structural performance. The objectives of this research were to review and refine comprehension of the static and dynamic response, analytical and numerical modelling, and design of post-tensioned timber frames under lateral loading. In order to do this a three phase experimental testing campaign was devised and performed including quasi-static testing of an angle dissipative reinforcing device, quasi-static testing of a full-scale beam-column joint and the mono-directional dynamic testing of a 2/3rd scale three storey frame. All testing used glue laminated timber, which had not been previously used in post-tensioned timber structures.
Insight gained from the experimental testing was used to analyse and refine existing analytical modelling techniques. These techniques were split into two categories: 1) modelling of the local behaviour of a post-tensioned timber beam-column joint, with particular focus on stiffness and energy dissipation capacity, and 2) evaluation of the seismic demand (in the form of design base shear) on post-tensioned timber frames looking at current Force Based (FBD) and Displacement Based (DBD) design methods.
This analysis led to the development of recommended alterations in the existing beam-column joint analytical procedure enabling the procedure to provide better prediction of initial and post-yield stiffness. Analysis of the FBD and DBD procedures showed that both methods are capable of providing accurate prediction of seismic demand provided correct assumptions are made regarding system ductility and damping characteristics. Recommendations have been made on how designers can ensure that assumptions are either sufficiently accurate in the beginning of a design or require minimal iteration to be performed. Current numerical modelling techniques have also been compared against the quasi-static and dynamic testing results providing confidence in their accuracy when applied to post-tensioned timber frames. Modelling techniques were also extended to the widely used SAP2000 modelling programme which had not been previously used in post-tensioned timber research.
Although many observations and conclusions were made, a common theme continued throughout this research. This was the importance of the deep understanding of displacements within a post-tensioned timber frame and the impact of these displacements on frame performance. Displacements occur throughout a frame in dissipative reinforcing devices, in the connection of these devices, in beams, columns and joint panels as well as at the interfaces between members. When these displacements are allowed for through proper design excellent seismic performance, possible using this innovative system, is obtained.
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Estudio de la capacidad antimutagénica del extracto acuoso de Baccharis articulata (Lam.) PersoonRodríguez, María de las Nieves Generosa 14 April 2014 (has links)
El objetivo de esta Tesis Doctoral fue realizar la caracterización química y tóxica así como analizar la mutagenicidad y antimutagenicidad del extracto acuoso de Baccharis articulata (Lam.) Persoon (EAB). B. articulata, conocida como “Carqueja”, es una hierba silvestre utilizada muy frecuentemente en la medicina folclórica popular en Argentina y Sudamérica. La infusión de carqueja es ampliamente consumida para el tratamiento de afecciones gastrointestinales por su capacidad antiespasmódica y colagoga, entre otras.
Mediante caracterización química por cromatografía líquida de fase inversa (RF-HPLC) se determinaron los compuestos fenólicos presentes en el EAB. Asimismo, se analizó la actividad antioxidante del EAB, por determinación de la concentración eficiente cincuenta (CE50) mediante la técnica de DPPH* (2, 2-fenil1-picril hidracilo) y se determinaron los porcentajes de inhibición del EAB frente al radical DPPH*. El análisis químico del EAB reveló que el polifenol mayoritario fue el ácido clorogénico. El contenido de ácido clorogénico en el EAB fué 2,05±0,11 mg/ml y su actividad antioxidante presentó un valor de CE50 de 101,86 µg/ml.
Los estudios de toxicidad, mutagenicidad y capacidad antimutagénica se realizaron mediante el Ensayo de Ames empleando las cepas testigo Salmonella typhimurium TA98 (mutante de corrimiento de marco de lectura) y TA100 (mutante de sustitución de bases). Los ensayos de toxicidad se llevaron a cabo por determinación de las unidades formadoras de colonias co-incubando el EAB con las cepas testigo para evaluar concentraciones no tóxicas. Los ensayos de mutagenicidad y antimutagenicidad se realizaron con diferentes concentraciones del EAB (1,0 y 10,0 mg/placa) las cuales se incubaron con diferentes concentraciones de mutágenos diagnóstico: 2-nitrofluoreno (2-NF), azida sódica (AZS), y 2-aminofluoreno (2-AF). Se implementó el método clásico de incorporación en placa y su modificación de pre-incubación. Para la evaluación de la antimutagenicidad se tomaron como parámetros los porcentajes de inhibición (%I) ejercidos por el EAB frente a la mutagenicidad inducida por los mutágenos diagnóstico (correspondiente al 100% de mutagenicidad).
Los resultados encontrados indicaron al aplicar el Ensayo de Ames, que el EAB no resultó tóxico ni mutagénico en las concentraciones ensayadas (1,0 y 10,0 mg/placa) y en las condiciones de diseño experimental propuestos.
El EAB presentó en el Ensayo de Ames aplicado un %I de 100% frente al mutágeno 2-AF al implementar el método de pre-incubación y con la cepa TA100, independiente de las concentraciones ensayadas (1,0 y 10,0 mg/placa). Los valores máximos de inhibición del EAB ejercidos en la cepa TA98 frente al 2-NF se obtuvieron con 10,0 mg/placa de EAB y el Ensayo de Ames, con el método de pre-incubación, siendo el %I de 91,0%. Frente a la AZS, la máxima inhibición se obtuvo, en el Ensayo de Ames, con el método de pre-incubación con un rango de %I de 40,0-41,0% para 1,0 y 10,0 mg/placa, respectivamente.
Asimismo, se evaluó la capacidad antioxidante, tóxica, mutagénica y antimutagénica del ácido clorogénico utilizando la misma metodología implementada para el EAB (DPPH* y el Ensayo de Ames). Los resultados mostraron que la capacidad antioxidante del ácido clorogénico resultó ser mayor que la del EAB con una CE50= 0,269 µg/ml. El ácido clorogénico mostró ser no tóxico y no mutagénico en el Ensayo de Ames, en las concentraciones ensayadas (0,05 y 0,50 mg/placa). Los estudios de antimutagenicidad del ácido clorogénico mostraron que los %I máximos frente a 2-AF se obtuvieron con la cepa TA98 (%I de 75,5) y con la cepa TA100 (%I de 84,0), ensayando 0,50 mg/placa de ácido clorogénico mediante el método de pre-incubación.
En base a estos resultados, se concluyó que el EAB y el ácido clorogénico poseen capacidad antioxidante y antimutagénica en los sistemas y condiciones experimentales aplicadas.
La comparación de la capacidad antimutagénica entre el EAB y el ácido clorogénico indicó que fue necesaria una concentración cinco veces mayor de ácido clorogénico contenido en la muestra de EAB para alcanzar una actividad antimutagénica similar a la observada en el EAB.
Se concluyó que la capacidad antimutagénica del EAB ocurría a través de un mecanismo antioxidante, influenciado por la presencia del ácido clorogénico y otros compuestos presentes en el mismo.
En base a los datos obtenidos y la bibliografía existente se propone que los efectos antimutagénicos ejercidos por el EAB frente a los mutágenos ensayados respondería a un mecanismo llamado “desmutágeno”, donde la inhibición ejercida por el extracto posiblemente ocurra previamente a que los agentes mutagénicos produzcan un daño total o parcial sobre el ADN.
Futuros estudios sobre los mecanismos moleculares implicados en el efecto antimutagénico ejercido por el EAB frente a diferentes mutágenos resultan necesarios y merecen ser estudiados en profundidad para dilucidar el posible mecanismo propuesto en la presente Tesis Doctoral a partir de observaciones realizadas en cepas bacterianas aplicando el Ensayo de Ames.
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“Bring security to the people and not the people to security”: security, refugee, and ethnic minority policies and implementation in Vietnam’s central highlands, 1968-1975Cohen, Matthew F. January 1900 (has links)
Master of Arts / Department of History / David A. Graff / The central highlands of Vietnam were of vital strategic importance during the Second Indochina War (1955-1975); the collapse of South Vietnamese forces in this region in March 1975 led to the fall of Saigon just one month later. Despite this area’s importance, most central highlands historiography addresses large military campaigns, such as the 1972 Nguyen Hue “Easter Offensive” and the 1975 Ho Chi Minh Offensive. Micro-histories are of great value in examining the implementation of national programs, yet all province case studies examine events in the more heavily populated and ethnically homogeneous Saigon and Mekong Delta regions of the Republic of Vietnam (RVN).
This thesis examines Lam Dong province, at the southern end of the Vietnamese central highlands. Focusing on the territorial forces initiative and RVN policy toward ethnic minority Montagnards in the highlands—two vital yet under-studied topics in Vietnam War historiography—this study demonstrates the operational success of the former and the strategic failure of the latter. The thesis is organized chronologically and concentrates on the final six years of the war, when South Vietnamese officials were increasingly promulgating and executing policy. The first part of the study details background information and outlines the war through 1967, when the National Liberation Front (NLF) held the advantage. The middle section scrutinizes the late 1960s and early 1970s and describes the factors that led to increased province security. The final section analyzes the final two years of the war following the departure of U.S. troops. In this period, South Vietnamese forces held the advantage against a weakened NLF, yet ordinary citizens’ discontent reached a climax.
In-depth study of both province- and national-level documents from this period demonstrates that local officials, both American and Vietnamese, often attempted to address challenges but were hindered by the centralized nature of the Saigon bureaucracy. The inability and unwillingness of the RVN to address adequately issues such as highlands refugee policy led to the gradual dissatisfaction of many Montagnards in the highlands. This study elucidates RVN initiatives such as the territorial force, Main Living Area, and Return to Village programs—seldom-mentioned yet key facets of the Saigon government’s attempt to mollify ethnic tensions and counter the threat posed by the NLF.
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Rôle du récepteur PTK7 dans l'hématopoièse murineLhoumeau], Anne-Catherine 11 January 2013 (has links)
La tumorigenèse est un processus complexe provoqué par l'accumulation d'altérations génétiques contribuant à la transformation progressive d'une cellule normale en une cellule cancéreuse. Les travaux menés en hématologie ont permis d'identifier de nombreux mécanismes de signalisation impliqués dans des processus cellulaires clés comme la prolifération, la différenciation et la survie cellulaire, particulièrement au niveau des cellules souches hématopoïétiques (CSH). Parmi ces mécanismes, ceux déclenchés par les récepteurs à activité tyrosine kinase comme c-KIT ou FLT-3 ont été largement décrits au cours de ces dernières années. PTK7 est un récepteur tyrosine kinase de la famille des pseudokinases impliqué dans le développement embryonnaire qui joue un rôle important dans la polarité planaire. Le gène humain initialement cloné à partir de cellules de cancer du côlon code pour une protéine surexprimée dans de nombreuses tumeurs malignes. Nous avons confirmé sa surexpression dans les leucémies aiguës myéloïdes humaines et démontré que cet évènement représente un facteur indépendant de mauvais pronostic, en modulant la réponse aux agents cytotoxiques. Afin de mieux comprendre le rôle de PTK7 dans l'hématopoïèse physiologique, mon projet a consisté à générer une souris déficiente pour cette protéine et à étudier sa fonction dans la biologie des CSH. J'ai montré que les cellules déficientes pour PTK7 présentent un défaut de domiciliation vers la moelle osseuse. Ce travail contribue à mettre en évidence le rôle des protéines de la polarité dans le système hématopoïétique et, plus particulièrement, dans la biologie des CSH. / Tumorigenesis is a multiple step process resulting from accumulation of genetic alterations leading to progressive transformation of normal cells into tumoral cells. Many signaling pathways have been described as key processes implicated in cell proliferation, cell differentiation and cell survival, in particular in mature hematotopoietic cells and hematopoietic stem cells (HSCs). Among these signaling pathways, those controlled by tyrosine kinase receptors such as c-KIT or FLT-3 have been extensively described during the last two decades.PTK7 is a pseudokinase receptor of the tyrosine kinase receptor family involved in embryonic development and described for its role in planar cell polarity. The human gene has been initially cloned from colon carcinoma cells and is frequently overexpressed in solid tumors. We described PTK7 overexpression in acute myeloid leukemia and demonstrated that it represents an independent poor prognosis factor acting as a modulator of the chemotherapeutic response.To better understand the physiological role of PTK7 in the hematopoietic system, my project consisted in the generation of a PTK7 deficient mouse model, and in the study of its function, in particular in HSC biology. My work demonstrated that PTK7 deficient HSCs have a general homing defect and poorly colonize hematopoietic organs including the bone marrow. This work contributes to a better understanding of PTK7 functions and, more generally, sheds light on the role of cell polarity proteins in the biology of HSCs.
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Etude du métabolisme du glucose dans les leucémies aigües myéloïdes et implication de la voie de signalisation mTORC1 / Study of glucose metabolism in acute myeloid leukemia and implication of the mTORC1 signaling pathwayPoulain, Laury 07 June 2016 (has links)
Les Leucémies Aigües Myéloïdes (LAM) sont des hémopathies malignes hétérogènes de mauvais pronostic qui se caractérisent par une expansion clonale de progéniteurs immatures. De nombreuses dérégulations de voies de signalisation sont retrouvées dans les cellules leucémiques et leur confèrent un avantage de prolifération et de survie. La voie de signalisation mTORC1, qui contrôle la traduction protéique, l’autophagie et plusieurs voies métaboliques, est ainsi constitutivement activée dans les cellules leucémiques. La reprogrammation métabolique notamment via « l’effet Warburg » est un phénomène bien décrit dans les cellules cancéreuses. L’augmentation de l’utilisation de la glycolyse, confère aux cellules tumorales un avantage de survie en favorisant une production rapide d’ATP et d’intermédiaires métaboliques nécessaires pour les biosynthèses de nucléotides, d’acides-aminés et de lipides. C’est donc dans ce contexte que j’ai étudié le métabolisme du glucose dans les cellules de LAM et l’implication de la voie de signalisation mTORC1 dans la dérégulation de ce métabolisme. J’ai tout d’abord identifié par une étude transcriptomique dans la lignée leucémique MOLM-14 que la signalisation mTORC1 contrôle plusieurs voies métaboliques notamment celles permettant l’utilisation du glucose. Ceci a été vérifié dans plusieurs lignées de LAM puisque l’inhibition ou la sur-activation de mTORC1 entrainent respectivement une diminution ou une augmentation de la consommation de glucose et de la production de lactate. De façon intéressante, le niveau d’activation de la voie mTORC1 détermine la sensibilité des cellules leucémiques à l’inhibition de la glycolyse. En effet, lorsque mTORC1 est activé, le blocage de la glycolyse induit de l’autophagie et l’apoptose des cellules leucémiques. A l’inverse, le blocage de mTORC1 induit une reprogrammation métabolique des cellules leucémiques qui utilisent alors principalement la phosphorylation oxydative pour produire l’ATP dont elles ont besoin. Leur survie devient alors indépendante du glucose. A l’inverse des cellules primaires de LAM, les cellules hématopoïétiques immatures normales CD34+ sont moins sensibles au blocage de la glycolyse. Le ciblage du métabolisme du glucose pourrait donc constituer une stratégie thérapeutique intéressante dans les LAM. Je me suis ensuite intéressée aux effets anti-leucémiques induits par l’inhibition de la voie des pentoses phosphates (PP) et plus particulièrement au ciblage de la G6PD (glucose-6-phosphate déshydrogénase) par le composé le 6-aminonicotinamide (6-AN). En effet, une étude de flux métabolique a permis de mettre en évidence qu’une proportion importante de glucose est dirigé vers la voie des PP, laissant suggérer que l’addiction des cellules leucémiques au glucose pourrait être liée à une utilisation augmentée de cette voie annexe. J’ai alors observé que le 6-AN induit une cytotoxicité in-vitro y compris dans les cellules primaires de patients, sans avoir d’effets sur les cellules hématopoïétiques normales et in-vivo dans un modèle de xénogreffe de la lignée MOLM-14 chez la souris NUDE. Cette étude a donc permis de montrer que l’activation constitutive de mTORC1 rend la survie des cellules de LAM dépendante de la glycolyse et crée une sensibilité spécifique à l’inhibition de la G6PD. La dérégulation de la signalisation mTORC1 étant quasi-constante dans les LAM, cibler la G6PD pourrait donc représenter une stratégie thérapeutique intéressante. / Acute Myeloid Leukemia (AML) are heterogeneous hematological diseases with poor prognosis characterized by a clonal expansion of immature progenitors. Many deregulation of signaling pathways are found in leukemic cells and give them an advantage of proliferation and survival. The MTORC1 signaling pathway, which controls protein translation, autophagy and several metabolic pathways, is constitutively activated in leukemic cells. Metabolic reprogramming in particular the "Warburg effect" is a phenomenon well described in cancer cells. High rate of glycolysis has been considered to give tumour cells advantages through rapid production of ATP and intermediates for the synthesis of nucleotides, amino acids, and lipids. In this context, I studied glucose metabolism in AML cells and the involvement of the mTORC1 signaling pathway in the deregulation of this metabolism. First, I identified by a transcriptomic analysis in the MOLM-14 cell line that mTORC1 signaling controls several metabolic pathways including those for glucose utilization. This has been verified in several AML cell lines, since inhibition or over-activation of mTORC1 respectively induces a decrease or an increase in glucose consumption and lactate production. Interestingly, the level of activation of the mTORC1 signaling pathway determines the sensitivity of AML cells to the inhibition of glycolysis. Indeed, when mTORC1 is activated, the blockade of glycolysis induces autophagy and apoptosis of leukemic cells. Conversely, blocking mTORC1 induces metabolic reprogramming of leukemic cells, which then mainly use oxidative phosphorylation to produce ATP for their needs. AML cell survival become independent of glucose. Unlike primary AML cells, survival of normal immature hematopoietic cells CD34+ is only barely affected by the blockade of glycolysis. Thus, targeting the glucose metabolism may constitute an attractive therapeutic strategy in AML. I then investigated the anti-leukemic activity induced by the inhibition of the pentose phosphate pathway (PPP) and more particularly by the specific blockade of G6PD (glucose 6-phosphate dehydrogenase) with the 6-aminonicotinamide (6- AN) compound. Indeed, a metabolic flux analysis demonstrated that a significant proportion of glucose was directed towards the PPP. This result suggested that the addiction of leukemic cells toward glucose might be related to an increased use of PPP. I then observed that the 6-AN induced in vitro cytotoxicity including in primary AML cells from patients without effect on normal immature hematopoietic cells CD34+ and in vivo in a xenograft model of MOLM-14 cell line in the NUDE mouse. This study therefore demonstrated that the constitutive activation of mTORC1 makes AML cells survival dependent on glycolysis, and creates a specific vulnerability to the inhibition of G6PD. Given that deregulation of the mTORC1 signaling pathway is almost constant in AML, targeting G6PD may therefore represent an interesting therapeutic strategy.
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Estudo do tempo de adesão, da temperatura e da pressão de colagem na tensão limite de cisalhamento de uniões de madeira de Eucalyptus grandis coladas com adesivo sem solvente / Study of adhesion time, temperature and gluing pressure on shear strength of Eucalyptus grandis wood glued with adhesive solvent freeMarco Aurélio Melotto 18 April 2007 (has links)
A utilização da madeira laminada colada (MLC) é uma alternativa viável para o aproveitamento de todo o potencial da madeira, apresentando uma série de vantagens. A ligação entre as lâminas, no entanto, tem papel fundamental para a boa qualidade de peças de MLC. Portanto, para um bom desempenho de estruturas de MLC, é fundamental a escolha de um adesivo com boa resistência mecânica e resistência à ação do intemperismo. Os adesivos comumente utilizados, além de terem alto custo, que chega a 60% do custo total da MLC, contêm solventes que são nocivos à saúde, além de terem coloração escura, o que mancha a madeira. O custo baixo é primordial no sentido de tornar esse material mais viável e competitivo quando comparado com outros materiais. Assim, esse trabalho teve como objetivo verificar a capacidade de carga ao cisalhamento no plano de cola de corpos de prova preparados com um adesivo sem solvente e contribuir para a melhoria de eficiência de vigas laminadas coladas. Foram verificados os efeitos da pressão de colagem (1,25; 2,50 e 5,00 MPa), da temperatura (27, 60 e 90°C) e do tempo de cura do adesivo (7 e 10 dias) na tensão no limite de resistência ao cisalhamento. A dose de adesivo utilizada foi de 200 g/m2. Numa segunda etapa foram obtidas a massa específica e a umidade das amostras já ensaiadas ao cisalhamento a fim de explicar a variabilidade dos resultados encontrados. A madeira utilizada para a confecção das peças foi o Eucalyptus grandis por ser uma espécie de grande potencial para usos múltiplos e porque suas propriedades físicomecânicas o tornam adequado também para fim estrutural. Concluiu-se que a temperatura de 90°C possibilitou os melhores valores de tensão de cisalhamento. A pressão de colagem e o tempo de cura do adesivo não influenciaram nessa importante propriedade mecânica. / The use of glu-lam is a viable alternative for exploitation of all wood potential presenting a series of advantages. The linking between layers however has a basic paper in glu-lam good quality. Therefore for a good performance of glu-lam structures it is fundamental the choice of an adhesive which has a great mechanics resistance and also resistance to the weather action. The adhesives usually used having high cost, that arrives 60% of glu-lam total cost beyond contain solvent that are harmful to health, having dark coloration what changes the wood natural color. Low cost is primordial to become this material more viable and competitive if compared with another materials. Thus, this search had as objective to verify the load capacity applied in the samples in shear strength test right in the glued surface and also contributing for efficiency improvement of beam-glu-lam. The glue used to prepare the samples was free of solvent. It were verified the effect of gluing pressure (1,25; 2,50 e 5,00 MPa), temperature (27, 60 e 90°C) and the adhesive time of cure (7 and 10 days)in the shear strength. The adhesive dose applied in the layers was 200g/cm2.In a second research step it were obtained the specific gravity and moisture content from the samples which were already tested to explain the variability that was observed. It was utilized Eucalyptus grandis wood for being a specie of enormous potential for multi purpose and because its physical and mechanical properties make it. Highest values of shear strength were obtained at the temperature of 90°C. The glue pressure and the adhesive curing time have no relevant influence on this important mechanical properties.
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Estudo de longa duração em sistema integrado de produção agropecuária : explorando relações planta-animal na fase pastagem / A long-term study in anintegrated crop-livestock system : exploring plant-animal relations in the pasture phaseMoojen, Fernanda Gomes January 2017 (has links)
Diversificação e rotação de culturas aliado ao cultivo sem revolvimento do solo com inserção de produção animal é uma alternativa desejável aos sistemas de produção em monocultivos intensivos. Neste sentido, o Sistema Integrado de Produção Agropecuária representa uma forma particular de produção de alimentos de forma sustentável. No entanto, a produção animal na fase pastagem adiciona mais complexidade ao sistema e requer um adequado manejo. Nesse contexto, o presente estudo buscou explorar as relações planta-animal da fase pastagem de um Sistema Integrado de Produção Agropecuária no Sul do Brasil. O protocolo experimental foi estabelecido no ano de 2003 e é caracterizado por uma integração entre a fase lavoura, com soja (Glycine max. (L.) Merr.) e milho (Zea mays L.) em rotação, com a fase pastagem, onde são manejados cordeiros em azevém anual (Lolium multiflorum Lam.). Na fase pastagem são testadas combinações de métodos de pastoreio (contínuo e rotativo) e intensidades de pastejo (2,5 e 5 vezes o potencial de consumo de matéria seca). Os maiores ganhos médios diários foram encontrados no método de pastoreio contínuo (MP-C) e intensidade de pastejo 5 (IP-5) (0,135 kg versus 0,120 comparando IP-5 X IP-2,5 no MP-C e 0,115 versus 0,105 no método de pastoreio rotativo (MP-R) nas mesmas intensidades respectivamente). No entanto, o método de pastoreio não teve efeito no ganho de peso vivo por hectare e a intensidade de pastoreio 5 resultou em menor desempenho por área (307 kg versus 387comparando IP-5 versus IP-2,5). A base de dados também foi analisada pela construção de árvores da decisão para relacionar as variáveis do pasto com os desempenhos. Foram construídas árvores da decisão para: i) ganho de peso vivo por hectare: com coeficiente de determinação (R2) = 0,738 sendo a oferta de forragem e produção total de forragem as principais variáveis para os maiores desempenhos; ii) ganho médio diário: com R² = 0,547 foi observado altura do pasto como o fator de maior influência. Assim, dependendo dos objetivos, se é aumentar o desempenho individual ou por área, isto implica em diferentes estratégias de combinações de manejo do dossel. Os resultados deste estudo demonstram a oportunidade potencial oferecida pela produção animal em sistemas integrados para diversificar o uso da terra e ainda promover maior eficiência de produção. / Crop diversification integrated with no till and with livestock production can be a desirable alternative to intensive monoculture production systems. In this way, Integrated Crop-Livestock System plays and unique form of food production sustainable. However, livestock in a pasture phase add more complexity to the system that requires proper pasture management. In this context, the present study aimed to explore plant-animal relationships of the pasture phase in an Integrated Crop-Livestock System in southern Brazil. The experimental protocol was established in the year of 2003 and is composed by the integration of a crop phase, with soybean (Glycine max. (L.) Merr.) and maize (Zea mays L.) in rotation with a pasture phase, when lambs were managed in Italian ryegrass (Lolium multiflorum Lam.). In the pasture phase was tested combinations of stocking methods (continuous and rotational) and grazing intensities (2.5 and 5 times the potential daily dry matter intake). The results showed that higher average daily gain is found in stocking method continuous (SM-C) and in grazing intensity 5 (GI 5) (0.135 g versus 0.120 comparing GI-5 X GI-2.5 in SM-C and 0.115 versus 0.105 in stocking method rotational (SM-R)). However, stocking method had no effect on live weight gain per hectare and grazing intensity 5.0 resulted lower performance by area (307 kg versus 387 comparing GI-5 versus GI-2,5). The data was also analyzed by the decision trees built in order to relate the variables of sward with animal performance. Decision tree were built for: i) live weight gain per hectare: had a Coefficient of Determination (R2) of 0.738, where herbage allowance and total herbage production were found as the main variables influencing the higher animal performance; ii) average daily gain: with R2 = 0.547 was observed that sward height was the most significant factor influencing. Thereby, depending of the goals, if it´s improve individual response or production per area, it implies in different combinations of sward management strategies. The results of this study support the potential opportunity offered by animal production in Integrated Crop-Livestock System to diversify land use while promoting greater production efficiency.
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Estudo do tempo de adesão, da temperatura e da pressão de colagem na tensão limite de cisalhamento de uniões de madeira de Eucalyptus grandis coladas com adesivo sem solvente / Study of adhesion time, temperature and gluing pressure on shear strength of Eucalyptus grandis wood glued with adhesive solvent freeMelotto, Marco Aurélio 18 April 2007 (has links)
A utilização da madeira laminada colada (MLC) é uma alternativa viável para o aproveitamento de todo o potencial da madeira, apresentando uma série de vantagens. A ligação entre as lâminas, no entanto, tem papel fundamental para a boa qualidade de peças de MLC. Portanto, para um bom desempenho de estruturas de MLC, é fundamental a escolha de um adesivo com boa resistência mecânica e resistência à ação do intemperismo. Os adesivos comumente utilizados, além de terem alto custo, que chega a 60% do custo total da MLC, contêm solventes que são nocivos à saúde, além de terem coloração escura, o que mancha a madeira. O custo baixo é primordial no sentido de tornar esse material mais viável e competitivo quando comparado com outros materiais. Assim, esse trabalho teve como objetivo verificar a capacidade de carga ao cisalhamento no plano de cola de corpos de prova preparados com um adesivo sem solvente e contribuir para a melhoria de eficiência de vigas laminadas coladas. Foram verificados os efeitos da pressão de colagem (1,25; 2,50 e 5,00 MPa), da temperatura (27, 60 e 90°C) e do tempo de cura do adesivo (7 e 10 dias) na tensão no limite de resistência ao cisalhamento. A dose de adesivo utilizada foi de 200 g/m2. Numa segunda etapa foram obtidas a massa específica e a umidade das amostras já ensaiadas ao cisalhamento a fim de explicar a variabilidade dos resultados encontrados. A madeira utilizada para a confecção das peças foi o Eucalyptus grandis por ser uma espécie de grande potencial para usos múltiplos e porque suas propriedades físicomecânicas o tornam adequado também para fim estrutural. Concluiu-se que a temperatura de 90°C possibilitou os melhores valores de tensão de cisalhamento. A pressão de colagem e o tempo de cura do adesivo não influenciaram nessa importante propriedade mecânica. / The use of glu-lam is a viable alternative for exploitation of all wood potential presenting a series of advantages. The linking between layers however has a basic paper in glu-lam good quality. Therefore for a good performance of glu-lam structures it is fundamental the choice of an adhesive which has a great mechanics resistance and also resistance to the weather action. The adhesives usually used having high cost, that arrives 60% of glu-lam total cost beyond contain solvent that are harmful to health, having dark coloration what changes the wood natural color. Low cost is primordial to become this material more viable and competitive if compared with another materials. Thus, this search had as objective to verify the load capacity applied in the samples in shear strength test right in the glued surface and also contributing for efficiency improvement of beam-glu-lam. The glue used to prepare the samples was free of solvent. It were verified the effect of gluing pressure (1,25; 2,50 e 5,00 MPa), temperature (27, 60 e 90°C) and the adhesive time of cure (7 and 10 days)in the shear strength. The adhesive dose applied in the layers was 200g/cm2.In a second research step it were obtained the specific gravity and moisture content from the samples which were already tested to explain the variability that was observed. It was utilized Eucalyptus grandis wood for being a specie of enormous potential for multi purpose and because its physical and mechanical properties make it. Highest values of shear strength were obtained at the temperature of 90°C. The glue pressure and the adhesive curing time have no relevant influence on this important mechanical properties.
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