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When on High Yahweh Reigned: Translating Yahweh's Kingship in Ancient IsraelFlynn, Shawn W. 21 August 2012 (has links)
This dissertation identifies two distinct stages of YHWH’s kingship in ancient Israel: an earlier warrior king with a limited sphere of geographic influence, and a later, Judahite creator king with universal power and absolute rule. After identifying these stages, this dissertation proposes the historical context in which the change to YHWH’s kingship occurred. Articulating this change is informed by the anthropological method of cultural translation and studied via a suitable historical analogue: the change in Marduk’s kingship and the external pressures that lead to the expression of his universal kingship in the Enuma Elish. The Babylonian changes to Marduk’s kingship form a suitable analogy to articulate the changes to YHWH’s kingship in the Levant. Therefore Judahite scribes suppressed the early warrior vision of YHWH’s kingship and promoted a more sustainable vision of a creator and universal king in order to combat the increasing threat of Neo-Assyrian imperialism begun under the reign of Tiglath-pileser III.
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When on High Yahweh Reigned: Translating Yahweh's Kingship in Ancient IsraelFlynn, Shawn W. 21 August 2012 (has links)
This dissertation identifies two distinct stages of YHWH’s kingship in ancient Israel: an earlier warrior king with a limited sphere of geographic influence, and a later, Judahite creator king with universal power and absolute rule. After identifying these stages, this dissertation proposes the historical context in which the change to YHWH’s kingship occurred. Articulating this change is informed by the anthropological method of cultural translation and studied via a suitable historical analogue: the change in Marduk’s kingship and the external pressures that lead to the expression of his universal kingship in the Enuma Elish. The Babylonian changes to Marduk’s kingship form a suitable analogy to articulate the changes to YHWH’s kingship in the Levant. Therefore Judahite scribes suppressed the early warrior vision of YHWH’s kingship and promoted a more sustainable vision of a creator and universal king in order to combat the increasing threat of Neo-Assyrian imperialism begun under the reign of Tiglath-pileser III.
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Ancient Egyptian Cubits – Origin and EvolutionHirsch, Antoine 08 August 2013 (has links)
This thesis suggests that prior to Ptolemaic and Roman times, ancient Egypt had two distinct and parallel linear systems: the royal system limited to official architectural projects and land measurements, and a great (aA) system used for everyday measurements. A key 1/3 ratio explains ancient Egyptian linear measurements and their agricultural origin. Emmer is 1/3 lighter than barley, consequently, for an equal weight, a container filled with emmer will be 1/3 greater than a container filled with barley. The lengths derived from both containers share the same 1/3 ratio. The second chapter, Previous Studies, lists the work of scholars involved directly or indirectly with ancient Egyptian metrology. The third chapter, The Royal Cubit as a Converter and the Scribe’s Palette as a Measuring Device, capitalizes on the colour scheme (black and white on the reproduction of Appendix A) appearing on the Amenemope cubit artifact to show the presence of two cubits and two systems: the black (royal system) and the white (great [aA] system) materialized by the scribe's palette of 30, 40, and 50 cm. The royal cubit artifacts provide a conversion bridge between the royal and the great systems. The information derived from the visual clues on the Amememope cubit artifact are tested against a database of artifacts scattered in museums around the world. The fourth chapter, The Origin and Evolution of Ancient Egyptian Cubits, historically relates the ancient Egyptian linear systems to the closed metrological systems they belong to. A closed metrological system is a system in which units of length, volume, and weight are related to each other. The conclusion is that the ancient Egyptian metrological system is backward compatible as it is possible - using a hin as a closing volumetric unit and emmer, barley, wheat (triticum durum) and water as commodities - to re-construct the linear metrological systems of all ancient Egyptian periods.
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Ancient Egyptian Cubits – Origin and EvolutionHirsch, Antoine 08 August 2013 (has links)
This thesis suggests that prior to Ptolemaic and Roman times, ancient Egypt had two distinct and parallel linear systems: the royal system limited to official architectural projects and land measurements, and a great (aA) system used for everyday measurements. A key 1/3 ratio explains ancient Egyptian linear measurements and their agricultural origin. Emmer is 1/3 lighter than barley, consequently, for an equal weight, a container filled with emmer will be 1/3 greater than a container filled with barley. The lengths derived from both containers share the same 1/3 ratio. The second chapter, Previous Studies, lists the work of scholars involved directly or indirectly with ancient Egyptian metrology. The third chapter, The Royal Cubit as a Converter and the Scribe’s Palette as a Measuring Device, capitalizes on the colour scheme (black and white on the reproduction of Appendix A) appearing on the Amenemope cubit artifact to show the presence of two cubits and two systems: the black (royal system) and the white (great [aA] system) materialized by the scribe's palette of 30, 40, and 50 cm. The royal cubit artifacts provide a conversion bridge between the royal and the great systems. The information derived from the visual clues on the Amememope cubit artifact are tested against a database of artifacts scattered in museums around the world. The fourth chapter, The Origin and Evolution of Ancient Egyptian Cubits, historically relates the ancient Egyptian linear systems to the closed metrological systems they belong to. A closed metrological system is a system in which units of length, volume, and weight are related to each other. The conclusion is that the ancient Egyptian metrological system is backward compatible as it is possible - using a hin as a closing volumetric unit and emmer, barley, wheat (triticum durum) and water as commodities - to re-construct the linear metrological systems of all ancient Egyptian periods.
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Thucydides on the Outbreak of WarJaffe, Seth Nathan 12 December 2013 (has links)
This project illuminates Thucydides’ political thought through a novel interpretation of the first book of the History of the Peloponnesian War. It explores how Thucydides reveals the human causes of war through the outbreak of a particular war, the Peloponnesian war.
The primary claim is that Thucydides intends the breakdown of the Thirty Years’ Peace between Athens and the Peloponnesians, which inaugurates the great Peloponnesian war, to be understood by grasping how the characters of the Athenian and Spartan regimes contribute to the outbreak of the war and, crucially, how Athens and Sparta differently express human nature.
In broad outline, the History’s first book reveals how the regime characters of Athens and Sparta inform their respective foreign policies, but also how the interaction between the two cities—informed by the distinctive necessities pressing upon them—causes the Hellenic status quo to tremble and fall. Throughout the first book, while never obscuring the specific events triggering war, Thucydides progressively develops and expands his original statement that it was Spartan fear of Athenian power that compelled the fighting. The study argues that necessity (or compulsion) is the bright thread that Thucydides uses to guide his reader through the episodes of the first book, from the immediate causes of the Peloponnesian war to the human causes of war, from the particular events to the History’s universal themes.
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Thucydides on the Outbreak of WarJaffe, Seth Nathan 12 December 2013 (has links)
This project illuminates Thucydides’ political thought through a novel interpretation of the first book of the History of the Peloponnesian War. It explores how Thucydides reveals the human causes of war through the outbreak of a particular war, the Peloponnesian war.
The primary claim is that Thucydides intends the breakdown of the Thirty Years’ Peace between Athens and the Peloponnesians, which inaugurates the great Peloponnesian war, to be understood by grasping how the characters of the Athenian and Spartan regimes contribute to the outbreak of the war and, crucially, how Athens and Sparta differently express human nature.
In broad outline, the History’s first book reveals how the regime characters of Athens and Sparta inform their respective foreign policies, but also how the interaction between the two cities—informed by the distinctive necessities pressing upon them—causes the Hellenic status quo to tremble and fall. Throughout the first book, while never obscuring the specific events triggering war, Thucydides progressively develops and expands his original statement that it was Spartan fear of Athenian power that compelled the fighting. The study argues that necessity (or compulsion) is the bright thread that Thucydides uses to guide his reader through the episodes of the first book, from the immediate causes of the Peloponnesian war to the human causes of war, from the particular events to the History’s universal themes.
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The influence of Hannibal of Carthage on the art of war and how his legacy has been interpretedMesser, Rick Jay January 1900 (has links)
Master of Arts / Department of History / David R. Stone / This paper examines the influence of Hannibal of Carthage on the art of war over time. Hannibal’s war with Rome provides a complex example of strategic and tactical successes and failures that have been modeled and studied throughout military history in one fashion or another. The method of research was a literature review organized into chapters with relevant examples from ancient through modern history. The primary finding was that Hannibal’s examples have been interpreted according to the needs of each observer. There was no uniform conclusion of lessons drawn from Hannibal’s campaigns. Perceptions were drawn by each author based on time and particular circumstances. For instance, Machiavelli pillories Hannibal’s use of mercenaries as the antithesis of a virtuous society. Alfred von Schlieffen studied the tactical battle of Cannae and attempted to construct a strategic level plan for war in Europe based on lessons drawn from his study. Victor Hanson cites Hannibal’s war with Rome as a metaphor for the West’s current conflict with Islam, implying that the West will be ultimately victorious in this latest confrontation owing to the superiority of its institutions. The main conclusion that can be drawn is that Hannibal’s successes and failures are still relevant for study by historians and practitioners of the military arts even though there is no one set of definitive lessons learned.
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Late Assyrian Arms and Armour: Art versus ArtifactBarron, Amy E. 04 August 2010 (has links)
The present study was intended as a new approach to the study of the military equipment of the Late Assyrian period which has traditionally relied upon the pictorial representations of the palace reliefs. By examining extant artifacts from the first millennium in their own right, with the reliefs merely serving to contextualize them, a truer understanding of Assyrian arms and armour can be gathered. This is necessary because the artwork only provides us with a filtered view of the real world, the reliefs are as much works of propaganda as of history. The approach taken here is to first examine the existing weapons typologically, and then to evaluate whether such weapon types appear to be accurately represented in contemporary artwork. Textual sources are also used where they can aid in the discussion.
Five categories of arms and armour were studied: swords and daggers, spearpoints, shields, armour and helmets. The quality and quantity of the items in these categories varied significantly, providing for a much better representative sample of some items than others. Further questions concerning the possible ritual, rather than military, use of some of the existing artifacts were raised. However, the main conclusions reached were that the reliefs suffer not only from a propagandistic viewpoint which sometimes obscures the reality of Assyrian warfare, but that they also suffer from artistic license and spatial restraints, the difficulties in representing three-dimensional objects in a two-dimensional manner, the possible unfamiliarity of the artists with changing military technology and methods of construction, and finally, our inability to understand artistic short-hand for what were commonplace objects to the contemporary viewer. These have led to misunderstanding both as to the dating and chronological changes in weaponry, and also to the tactics used by the Late Assyrian military. This study of the artifacts themselves reveals a more mundane, utilitarian, and conservative military force which shows both a basic homogeneousness throughout the empire, and the myriad tiny variables of an army on the move drawing weapons and troops from many regions.
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La musique, en particulier celle de l'aulos, dans le sacrifice en Grèce antique.Fleury, Sandra 08 1900 (has links)
La musique est étroitement liée à la pratique liturgique des Grecs de l’Antiquité. Un scrupuleux examen des sources confirme l’omniprésence de l’aulos au sein du sacrifice sanglant, un fait qui semble ne pas s’accorder avec certains propos anciens dépréciateurs de l’instrument. Grâce aux sources textuelles et surtout iconographiques, on constate que l’importance attribuée au rôle de la musique, et plus spécialement de l’aulos, dans le sacrifice varie d’une étape rituelle à l’autre. Certaines actions cérémonielles, comme la procession, s’accomplissent au son de la musique, alors que d’autres, comme l’immolation, semblent en être dépourvues. Puis, en observant quelques représentations de sacrifices humains, on remarque que la musique est abordée différemment en fonction du contexte et de la nature du rituel sacrificiel dans lequel elle s’insère. Ainsi, la façon dont on traite la musique dans les sources peut fournir des indices quant aux principes idéologiques relatifs aux différents rituels. / In Ancient Greece, music was closely linked to religious practices. In fact, scrupulous examination of sources confirms the use of the aulos in bloody sacrifices, a fact that contradicts some ancient texts which belittle the instrument. Through study of textual and iconographical sources, the importance accorded to music in sacrifices, and more specifically to the aulos, varies from one ritualistic step to another. Some ceremonial actions, like the procession, were performed with music, while others, like the actual sacrifice, were not. Furthermore, observation of some sacrifices showed that music was treated differently, according to the nature of the ritual. Therefore, the way music was dealt with in sources may provide valuable information about the ideological principals linked to various rituals.
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Les frontières culturelles et politiques du monde mycénienDesjardins, Thierry 05 1900 (has links)
Le bassin oriental de la Méditerranée à l’âge du bronze égéen est un ensemble hétérogène où s’entremêlent plusieurs cultures : Égyptiens, Hittites, Minoens et Mycéniens se côtoient et interagissent à divers degrés. Un examen méticuleux des sources archéologiques et épigraphiques permet de mettre un peu d’ordre à cette mosaïque chaotique afin de mieux apprécier les interactions entre ces cultures. La culture mycénienne est celle à laquelle s’intéresse particulièrement cette présente étude. Bien que son coeur soit unanimement localisé en Grèce continentale, la culture mycénienne se répand également de l’Italie jusqu’au Levant et de la Thrace à l’Égypte. Selon l’importance et la nature des vestiges, l’archéologie ordonne en trois catégories les régions où se retrouve la culture mycénienne, alors que les sources épigraphiques hittites et égyptiennes permettent de remettre en question la société mycénienne et de localiser les frontières politiques de cette culture. / The Eastern Mediterranean region in the late Bronze Age is a heterogeneous entity composed of several interwoven cultures: Egyptians, Hittites, Minoans and Mycenaeans mingle and interact on many levels. A meticulous survey of the archaeological and epigraphic evidence can restore some order in this chaotic picture in order to clarify the various interactions between these cultures. This study focuses especially on the Mycenaean culture. Although mainland Greece is unanimously considered as the core location of this culture, Mycenaean artefacts are found from Italy to the Levant and from Thrace to Egypt. According to the importance and nature of these artefacts, archaeology organizes the regions penetrated by Mycenaean culture in three classes, while Egyptian and Hittite documents challenge our conception of the organization of Mycenaean society and the localisation of its borders.
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