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Vygotsky Circle during the Decade of 1931-1941: Toward an Integrative Science of Mind, Brain, and EducationYasnitsky, Anton 25 February 2010 (has links)
This dissertation presents a study of the scientific practices of the circle of
Vygotsky’s closest collaborators and students during the decade of the 1930s-and
including the early 1940s (until Germany’s invasion of the Soviet Union and the
beginning of the Great Patriotic War in 1941). The notion of Vygotsky Circle is
introduced in this work and is explicitly distinguished from a traditional—yet
frequently criticised—notion of “the school of Vygotsky-Leontiev-Luria”. The
scientific practices of the Vygotsky Circle are discussed here as the unity of a) social
and interpersonal relations, b) the practices of empirical scientific research, and c)
discursive practices of the Soviet science—more specifically, the “Stalinist Science”
of the 1930s. Thus, this study analyzes the social and interpersonal relations between
the members of the Vygotsky Circle and the evolution of this circle in the social
context of Soviet science during the decade of 1930s; various practices of empirical
scientific research conducted by the members of the Vygotsky Circle were also
overviewed. Finally, discursive practices of the Soviet scientific “doublespeak” were
discussed and illustrated with several examples borrowed from publications of the
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Age-related Changes to Attention and Working Memory: An Electrophysiological StudyWilson, Kristin 30 December 2010 (has links)
The aim of this thesis was to help elucidate the mechanisms that underlie age-related decline in visual selective attention and working memory (WM). Older and younger adults completed a behavioural WM task, after which electroencephalogram (EEG) was recorded as participants perform a localized attentional interference (LAI) task – competition/attentional interference was manipulated by systematically altering the distance between targets and distractors. Older adults showed impaired accuracy and reaction time on the WM and LAI tasks. Two event-related-potentials, indexing spatial attention (N2pc) and target processing (Ptc), displayed attenuated amplitude and increased latency in older adults. Thus, spatial selection, target enhancement and processing speed deficits may contribute to age-related attentional impairments. Furthermore, an unexpected component was found between the N2pc and Ptc in the older adult waveforms. Preliminary analyses suggest this may be the PD, implicated in distractor suppression, which may be differentially contributing to older and younger adults’ electrophysiology and attentional processing.
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Facteurs associés à la résilience des aidantes familiales d’un parent âgé en perte d’autonomie à domicile au LibanNarchi Séoud, Joelle 09 1900 (has links)
Avec l’avancement en âge, les personnes âgées qui vivent à domicile ont besoin du soutien des membres de leur entourage, notamment d’un aidant familial dont le rôle n’est toutefois pas sans conséquence sur sa santé. Les écrits empiriques ont montré que certains aidants sont résilients, c’est-à-dire qu’ils s’adaptent à leur situation et continuent leur développement. Toutefois, aucune étude n’a été effectuée au Liban auprès des aidantes familiales pour expliquer la résilience dans ce contexte et, plus spécifiquement, pour déterminer les facteurs qui pourraient l’influencer.
Cette étude à devis corrélationnel de prédiction avait pour but de vérifier certaines des relations postulées par un modèle empirique découlant des écrits, soit la contribution de facteurs personnels (stratégies de coping et auto-efficacité) et de facteurs contextuels (relations familiales, perception du soutien de l’entourage, et sens accordé au « prendre soin »),à la résilience des aidantes familiales libanaises qui prennent soin d’un proche âgé à domicile.
L’étude a été effectuée au Liban auprès d’un échantillon de convenance composé de 140 aidantes familiales principales cohabitant à domicile avec un parent âgé de 65 ans et plus ayant une perte d’autonomie fonctionnelle ou cognitive. La collecte des données a été réalisée en arabe en utilisant un guide d’entrevue standardisé regroupant des instruments nord-américains traduits selon la méthode de traduction inversée parallèle, de même qu’une question ouverte portant sur la perception des aidantes de la résilience, soit des facteurs qui les aident à continuer à prendre soin de leur proche âgé tout en continuant à se développer. Une analyse de régression hiérarchique a permis de vérifier la contribution unique des facteurs personnels et contextuels à expliquer la résilience des aidantes familiales, en contrôlant pour l’âge et le niveau de scolarité des aidantes et pour le niveau de perte d’autonomie et la fréquence des comportements dysfonctionnels de leurs parents âgés. Une analyse de contenu a permis de décrire la perception des aidantes eu égard à la résilience.
Les résultats ont montré que le modèle empirique, incluant les variables de contrôle explique 54% de la variance de la résilience et que quatre des facteurs considérés, soit les stratégies de coping centrées sur le problème, les stratégies de coping centrées sur les émotions, le sentiment d’auto-efficacité et le sens du « prendre soin » ont une contribution statistiquement significative à la résilience des aidantes. Parmi ces quatre facteurs, le sens du « prendre soin » et le sentiment d’auto-efficacité expliquent davantage de variance, soit 11% et 5% respectivement. L’analyse qualitative du discours des aidantes a montré qu’elles prennent soin de leur proche âgé surtout par souci de réciprocité, mais également parce qu’il s’agit d’un membre de la famille et par respect pour Dieu. Ce sont par ailleurs leurs croyances et la satisfaction liée au prendre soin qui les aident à continuer et à se développer.
Cette étude offre une meilleure compréhension du concept de la résilience des aidantes familiales au Liban et de certains facteurs qui en sont des prédicteurs significatifs. Elle offre des pistes pour l’intervention infirmière dans le but de promouvoir la santé de la personne/famille en tant que partenaire de soins. Des recommandations pour la pratique, la formation et la recherche sont proposées. / With the aging process, elderly living at home need the support of their entourage and specifically a family caregiver whose role is not without consequences on his own health. Empirical studies have shown that some caregivers are resilient; they adapt to this situation and pursue their development. However, no study has ever been conducted in Lebanon on family caregivers to explain the resilience in this particular context, and more specifically, to determine the factors that could explain it.
The objective of this correlational predictive study was to examine some of the relationships postulated in an empirical model derived from the literature, i.e. the contribution of personal factors (coping strategies and self-efficacy) and contextual factors (family relationships, perceived social support and the meaning in caregiving), to the resilience of Lebanese woman family caregivers who take care of their elderly at home.
The study has been conducted in Lebanon with a cohort of 140 female family caregivers living with physically or cognitively impaired relative aged 65 years old or above. The data has been collected in Arabic using a standardized interview guide combining north American instruments translated using the inversed parallel translation method and an open question regarding the caregivers perception of resilience and of the factors that help them pursue their role of caregivers as well as their own development. A hierarchical regression analysis was performed to verify the unique contribution of personal and contextual factors in explaining the caregivers resilience while controlling their age and academic level as well as the level of dependency and frequency of dysfunctional behaviors of their relative. A content analysis was used to describe the caregiver’s perception of resilience.
The results have shown that the empirical model, including control variables, explains 54% of the variance and that four of the considered factors: the coping strategies centered on the problem, the coping strategies centered on the emotions, the feeling of self-efficacy and the meaning of caregiving are significant predictors of the caregivers’ resilience. Among these four factors, the meaning in caregiving and the feeling of self-efficacy explain respectively 11% and 5% of the variance. The qualitative analysis of the caregivers’ discourse have revealed that they take care of their elder relative mainly for the sake of reciprocity, but also because it is a family member and as respect for God. Their beliefs and satisfaction toward the caring allow them to continue caring and to pursue their own development.
This study provides a better understanding of the Lebanese woman family caregivers resilience concept and of the factors that are significant predictors of it. It offers guidelines to a nursing intervention aimed at promoting the health of the person/family caregivers as care partners. Recommendations for practice, training and research are proposed.
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Age-related Changes to Attention and Working Memory: An Electrophysiological StudyWilson, Kristin 30 December 2010 (has links)
The aim of this thesis was to help elucidate the mechanisms that underlie age-related decline in visual selective attention and working memory (WM). Older and younger adults completed a behavioural WM task, after which electroencephalogram (EEG) was recorded as participants perform a localized attentional interference (LAI) task – competition/attentional interference was manipulated by systematically altering the distance between targets and distractors. Older adults showed impaired accuracy and reaction time on the WM and LAI tasks. Two event-related-potentials, indexing spatial attention (N2pc) and target processing (Ptc), displayed attenuated amplitude and increased latency in older adults. Thus, spatial selection, target enhancement and processing speed deficits may contribute to age-related attentional impairments. Furthermore, an unexpected component was found between the N2pc and Ptc in the older adult waveforms. Preliminary analyses suggest this may be the PD, implicated in distractor suppression, which may be differentially contributing to older and younger adults’ electrophysiology and attentional processing.
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L’impact de la prématurité sur l’oxygénation musculaire à long terme : une étude piloteAl-Simaani, Amy 04 1900 (has links)
La naissance prématurée (<37 semaines de gestation) touche près de 10% de la population canadienne chaque année et induirait des altérations permanentes dans la structure et la fonction des organes. Nous avons démontré que de jeunes adultes nés ≤29 semaines de gestation présentent une capacité aérobie à l'effort réduite, un facteur prédictif de la qualité de vie et de la mortalité. Cette capacité dépend de l'intégrité des systèmes impliqués dans le transport et la consommation de l'oxygène, comme le système musculosquelettique. Cependant, l’oxygénation musculaire a été très peu étudiée chez les individus nés prématurément. Ainsi, nous postulons que les jeunes adultes nés très prématurément (PT) démontrent une oxygénation musculaire squelettique réduite et altérée par rapport aux jeunes adultes nés à terme (T). Cette étude pilote porte sur 16 jeunes adultes PT et 35 témoins T ayant entre 18 et 29 ans. L'oxygénation musculaire a été mesurée en continu par spectroscopie proche infrarouge (Artinis, Oxymon III, Leiden, Pays- Bas) sur le vastus lateralis et le gastrocnémien lors d’un test d’épreuve à l’effort. La comparaison entre les groupes a été fait par test-U Mann-Whitney pour données non paramétriques. Au niveau des mesures d’oxygénation musculaire, nous n’avons pas détecté de différences dans la variation relative d’hémoglobine oxygénée, désoxygénée et totale dans les deux muscles. Bien que la naissance prématurée pourrait affecter l’intégrité du muscle squelettique, nous n’avons pas décelé de différence dans l’oxygénation à l’effort chez les PT comparés aux T. / Premature birth (<37 weeks of gestation) affects about 10% of the Canadian population each year and induces permanent alterations in the structure and function of organ systems. We have shown that young adults born ≤29 weeks of gestation have a reduced aerobic exercise capacity, a strong predictor of quality of life and mortality. Aerobic capacity depends on the integrity of the systems involved in the transport and consumption of oxygen, such as skeletal muscles. However, muscle oxygenation has not yet been studied in individuals born prematrurely. Thus, we postulate that young adults born very prematurely (PT) have reduced and impaired skeletal muscle oxygenation compared to young adults born at term (T). This pilot study examined 16 young adults PT and 35 controls T between 18 and 29 years of age. Muscle oxygenation was measured continuously by near-infrared spectroscopy (Artinis, Oxymon III, Leiden, Pays-Bas) on the vastus lateralis and gastrocnemius during a cardiopulmonary exercise test. Comparison between both groups was accomplished by the Mann-Whitney U-test for non-parametric data. In terms of muscle oxygenation, we did not detect any differences in the relative variation of oxygenated, deoxygenated and total hemoglobin change in both muscles. Although premature birth would appear to affect the integrity of skeletal muscle, we did not find a difference in its oxygenation during exercise in PT compared with T young adults.
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Perspectives parentales concernant la santé et le développement des enfants prématurés : contrastes entre la vision parentale et l’évaluation des professionnels de la santéJaworski, Magdalena 09 1900 (has links)
Objectif : Le suivi néonatal introduit une classification des enfants selon leur niveau de handicap : aucun, léger-modéré ou sévère. Les critères de classification, déterminés par des médecins et chercheurs, ne tiennent pas compte des opinions parentales. Lors de ce projet de maîtrise, les perspectives parentales concernant leur enfant prématuré à 18 mois d’âge corrigé ont été explorées.
Hypothèse : L’hypothèse formulée était que les perspectives parentales différeraient des normes établies par les professionnels de la santé.
Méthode : 190 enfants prématurés <29 semaines ont eu une évaluation standardisée, permettant la classification selon leur niveau de handicap. Les parents ont répondu aux questions : « Quelles sont vos inquiétudes concernant votre enfant? » et « Nommez les meilleures choses à propos de votre enfant. » Leurs réponses ont été analysées en ayant recours à une méthodologie qualitative et corrélées au niveau de handicap présenté par leur enfant.
Résultats : Dans cette cohorte, 49% des enfants n’avaient aucun problème de développement, 43% avaient une atteinte légère à modérée et 8% une atteinte sévère. Les principaux thèmes positifs invoqués par les parents incluaient la personnalité (61%), le bonheur (40%), le développement et les progrès (40%), ainsi que la santé physique (11%). Les inquiétudes parentales principales comprenaient le développement (56%) et la santé physique (24%). Il n’y avait pas d’association entre les thèmes positifs et le niveau de handicap. Les parents d’enfants ayant une atteinte légère-modérée étaient davantage inquiets du développement de leur enfant.
Conclusion : Les perspectives parentales concernant leurs enfants prématurés sont balancées, et en majorité positives. L’inclusion des perspectives parentales dans la recherche concernant le devenir des enfants prématurés est importante. Ce projet a permis la création d’un questionnaire quantitatif présenté à un plus grand groupe de parents, subventionné par les IRSC. / Objective: Measuring outcomes of premature birth is essential for quality control, research, patient care and information. At 18 months corrected age, children are classified into categories of severe, mild-moderate or no neurodevelopmental impairment (NDI). Outcomes of interest have been chosen by physicians and researchers, never including parental perspectives. The aim of this thesis was to explore parental perspectives regarding their preterm child.
Hypothesis: The hypothesis was that parents’ perspectives and concerns would differ from those assessed by professionals.
Method: This survey included 190 infants born <29 weeks of gestational age in one tertiary university health center. Infants underwent detailed developmental assessment and were classified according to NDI. Parents were asked two open-ended questions: “What concerns you most about your child?” and “Please describe the best things about your child”. Open-ended questions were analyzed using qualitative methodology, then correlated with level of NDI.
Results: In this cohort, 49%, 43% and 8% had no, mild to moderate, and severe NDI. The main positive themes invoked by parents included their child’s personality (61%), happiness (40%), developmental outcome/progress (40%) and physical health (11%). Main themes regarding parental concerns included: neurodevelopment (56%) and physical health (24%). There was no association between positive themes and categories of NDI, but parents of children with mild-moderate NDI reported more concerns about development.
Conclusions: Parents of preterm infants have a balanced perspective of their children, mostly positive. Neonatal outcome research would benefit from incorporating parental perspectives regarding their child, balancing prognostic information about preterm birth. This thesis project has led to the creation of a qualitative questionnaire which is now deployed through a CIHR Child-Bright initiative considering parent-important outcomes.
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Child Neurodevelopment following In Utero Exposure to Organic SolventsLaslo-Baker, Dionne 17 December 2012 (has links)
BACKGROUND: Many women of reproductive age are employed in industries involving exposure to organic solvents. Animal toxicological studies and human case reports demonstrate that exposure to organic solvents can cause neuropsychological deficits in exposed offspring; however, there is limited data from prospective controlled human studies.
OBJECTIVE: To compare neuropsychological functioning between children whose mothers were occupationally exposed to organic solvents during pregnancy with a non-exposed matched comparison group.
METHODS: Participants were 48 women who had previously contacted the Motherisk Program in Toronto, Canada during pregnancy regarding occupational exposure to organic solvents and a matched comparison group of women with no known exposure to teratogens during pregnancy. Children (18 months to 8 years 11 months at time of study) were compared in areas of cognitive, language, motor, and behavioral functioning.
RESULTS: Children whose mothers were exposed to organic solvents during pregnancy displayed a lower level of functioning when compared with their matched peers in areas of cognitive, language, motor, and behavioral domains. Although the scores on measures of behavioral functioning were not in the clinical range, the mothers of exposed children reported more challenging behavioral problems.
In order to determine whether exposure predicted neuropsychological outcomes above and beyond maternal intellectual functioning, hierarchical regressions were run with maternal IQ and maternal education at Step 1and exposure status added at Step 2. In utero exposure to organic solvents predicted lower sores on global measures of Verbal IQ, receptive and expressive language scales above and beyond maternal intellectual functioning. Factors associated with higher levels of exposure (detecting odor, longer duration and total number of toxicity symptoms) was associated with poorer outcome on behavioral and motor functioning tests.
CONCLUSION: Despite the fact that the exposed mothers experienced minimal symptoms of toxicity, detrimental effects were still evident in their offspring. Current safety standards for exposure were designed for adults and need to be reevaluated. Further studies addressing exposure to specific organic solvents, dose, and gestational timing of exposure are warranted.
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Child Neurodevelopment following In Utero Exposure to Organic SolventsLaslo-Baker, Dionne 17 December 2012 (has links)
BACKGROUND: Many women of reproductive age are employed in industries involving exposure to organic solvents. Animal toxicological studies and human case reports demonstrate that exposure to organic solvents can cause neuropsychological deficits in exposed offspring; however, there is limited data from prospective controlled human studies.
OBJECTIVE: To compare neuropsychological functioning between children whose mothers were occupationally exposed to organic solvents during pregnancy with a non-exposed matched comparison group.
METHODS: Participants were 48 women who had previously contacted the Motherisk Program in Toronto, Canada during pregnancy regarding occupational exposure to organic solvents and a matched comparison group of women with no known exposure to teratogens during pregnancy. Children (18 months to 8 years 11 months at time of study) were compared in areas of cognitive, language, motor, and behavioral functioning.
RESULTS: Children whose mothers were exposed to organic solvents during pregnancy displayed a lower level of functioning when compared with their matched peers in areas of cognitive, language, motor, and behavioral domains. Although the scores on measures of behavioral functioning were not in the clinical range, the mothers of exposed children reported more challenging behavioral problems.
In order to determine whether exposure predicted neuropsychological outcomes above and beyond maternal intellectual functioning, hierarchical regressions were run with maternal IQ and maternal education at Step 1and exposure status added at Step 2. In utero exposure to organic solvents predicted lower sores on global measures of Verbal IQ, receptive and expressive language scales above and beyond maternal intellectual functioning. Factors associated with higher levels of exposure (detecting odor, longer duration and total number of toxicity symptoms) was associated with poorer outcome on behavioral and motor functioning tests.
CONCLUSION: Despite the fact that the exposed mothers experienced minimal symptoms of toxicity, detrimental effects were still evident in their offspring. Current safety standards for exposure were designed for adults and need to be reevaluated. Further studies addressing exposure to specific organic solvents, dose, and gestational timing of exposure are warranted.
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